NOT Now or Ever, An AI & CGI Fan !!

Just a Positional Statement/Update.... I am NOT A FAN of Adult Erotic 'Artificial IGNORANCE' Nor 'Computer Generated Images' !! Definitely A Humanist.… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von Videographer1 vor 1 Monat

XH Profile Status - Repeated Deletion NOTICE !!

This is sort of a rhetorical question, but then again it really is not. Do ANY Other People have A Problem with XH DELETING The Information that is entered into The Status Box at the top of Your XH Profile...? I think I have seen My Info entered there, be Retained from somewhere between 2-6 Months ( at the very longest period of time ). Curious to know what other peoples experience with this Issue is and IF anyone has Any Insight as to what might be a Solution, so that such Info will NOT Be DELETED. V1 - 31 Aug 2023… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von Videographer1 vor 10 Monaten 1


Thought I should Post this somewhere.... Not that My Time is so valuable, BUT when people Post Video Clips that are LESS Than 1 Minute.... why should I take ANY Time to Watch and/or Comment on it ? So, for future reference POSTERS - DO NOT expect A Viewing and/Or Favorable Comment !! From my little corner of the universe, it is A WASTE Of TIME to Post something so brief and to have it Viewed !… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von Videographer1 vor 1 Jahr 2

Notice - For Understanding

Thought I should Post this in an effort to attempt to disspell any confusion. Some people have at various times accused me of being A Mind Reader. I Am NOT ( Never have been, presently am NOT and extremely doubtful, ever will be ) ! Therefore, I have been known to have a difering approach to Discussions and make inquiries & ask questions. Not to be intrusive, nor claim that someone has been untruthful or harboured a nefarious agenda. But, I find it amazingly satisfying when I can understand another person's position or at least how they have journeyed, built and arrived at their pres… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von Videographer1 vor 4 Jahren


My Apology folks. I have a Request in for Help from XHam Support. I know that you have said that you have left Comments, Pics, etc. and I do appreciate the communication too. But, until Support can get some Bug(s) worked out; I am going to be severely limited in being able to communicate with others ( I suspect this is A System Bug ). As soon as I can I will Reply to you, but LIFE seems to be getting just a little bit more complex everyday ! Check back with you ASAP.… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von Videographer1 vor 4 Jahren


Be Kind & STAY HEALTHY !!!… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von Videographer1 vor 4 Jahren