Why no more videos and photos uploads

It has been 4 years since I last uploaded any videos and photos. 94 videos were uploaded of which only 64 is active and 29 deleted without notification or explanation from xHamster, this has made me hesitant to upload anymore, now my photos are to be viewed by me alone which I find baffling? The object is to share what I have with all who wish to view, unfortunately xHamster does not allow this, for this reason I will not upload anymore videos/photos I cannot understand xHamsters method of madness. Its pointless trying to get an explanation from xHamster, they don't reply perhaps the fact the… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von BlackScorpio58 vor 1 Jahr 1

Lock on Photos in Gallery

Can anyone tell me why our photos have a lock saying for the owner only. I uploaded them for everyone to see. I am not responsible for this, there are some strange things going on i am at a loste to know why, perhaps someone can shed some light on this?… Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht von BlackScorpio58 vor 2 Jahren 8