My Best Work Ever

I have been a Vouyer for 45 years. There is so many gallons of my semen out there, I could have populated a small city.
Last night, I had the best peek ever.
I see so many shower peeps on this site and wonder how many are staged, are the girls acting, aware...

So here is my story from last night.
My subdivision has brought me several thrills over the years, many are in my profile.
An older couple lived in this house that always intrigued me, not the couple, the house

It sits in a wooded corner and has a huge stain glass window in the master bath ground level.
Most are 2 or 3 floors up.

A young couple moved in recently, but it has been difficult to track their schedule.
I saw the husband one evening, very fit and he spent a lot of time grooming, when I first saw his ass I thought it was her.
Then he turned around and there was his manhood...

Last night I had 2 hours from 7:30 to 9:30 with no distractions so I decided to camp out in a spot and wait undetected.
No lights so I assumed they were out...

At 8:45 I saw lights pop on and the wife about 26, athletic about 5"4, strong c pert breats and about 120
She was wearing a short skirt and spent 20 minutes in the kitchen.

No husband, I have to assume he was out of town...
I got to excited and jumped the gun, trying to take pictures through the large picture windows on the back deck.

Whoops, a neighbor looked out her kitchen window and I knew she saw me.
I simply took ownership. Acted like I was supposed to be there, walked through the backyard and back to my spot.

What happened next made me a believer and is the best action I have ever seen....

The light flipped on in the bathroom. I ran to the corner and wIted for her.
I have to assume either she needs glasses or she just can't make out imaged on the other side of this window.
She did not notice me and for the next 30 minutes I took videos and pictures and emptied 3 loads on the stucco.

She showered, scrubbed, shaved every possible place hair would grow, washed her pu..., ass she left no spot untouched

She dried off in front of me,put lotion on. And then primped leaning over for 10 more minutes.
I wish I could describe everything I saw.

I am posting pictures and trying to load the videos.

Let me say, I have enjoyed thouroughly the posts from you guys, but watching live and knowing she was unaware
Was the biggest thrill and tops my locker room peeps from high school
My dorm and apartment peeps from college,
My nieces and wives friends from the places I have lived.

I was dizzy after my third load, maybe because I'm older and can't take the excitement...
I just wish you had all been there with me, there was room for at least 10 of us through this large stained glass window.
Veröffentlicht von Peepingatyou
vor 6 Jahren
Zum Kommentieren bitte oder
Great experience..AAA+++
wow what a lucky experience. will try and find the pics now
an noto33 : damn, anytime
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an Peepingatyou : We could have...
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an noto33 : yea we could have jerked together!
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Wow...wiish I was there...
Every peeper has a favorite view or two that he will never forget.  This sounds like a good one.
Lucky timing!
Awesome story. Can't wait to see the videos
Having tough time loading. The site keeps refreshing
You will here me spill my loads,
I did not even realize my own commentary till I played them back.
From Oh my G-d to come on baby....
Great stormy glad to hear you got such a great experience. I'm way to scared to go out and window peep. Can't wait to see the videos and pics.
Your description alone is unbelievable! These vids and pics sound like they are going to be amazing. How fast was your heart racing? What a thrill for sure