Cassandra's Parted

My evening started with a night out with the girls. It was my sister, Sarah's, birthday and six of us had gone out as a group to get drunk and pull the fellas. Not me though, I'd never really had much luck in that department. I don't know why, I guess I've never had much confidence in myself. My sister's gorgeous and really outgoing, whereas I'm quite plain. I'd never really seen the importance of flashy clothes or expensive hairstyles before, but by the time I was 24 I'd only ever slept with two guys, neither of which I ever saw again. My sister, on the other hand, had fellas eating out of her hand all night and her friends looked like models next to me.
After several drinks, one of the girls kept interrogat-ing me as to why I couldn't get a fella. It was just drunken teasing but I got upset and decided to leave, despite my sister's objections. I wandered outside feeling pretty low and got into a cab.
I recognised the driver as someone who'd went to my school. Peter had been a couple of years above me and popular with the girls.
"Don't I know you?" he said, to which I replied that I doubted it. Peter looked in the rear view mirror and said, "It's Sarah's sister isn't it. Oh, what's your name?" then to my surprise he got it. "Cassandra" . Going home early?" he asked. I lied to him that I hadn't been feeling well but Peter didn't buy it. "You look upset. What's the
I tried to pass it off as nothing but in the end I told him. I thought he'd laugh just like all the others had but Peter told me to stop being so silly. "Getting a bloke is easy," he told me. "All you've got to do is ask them if you can suck their cock and nearly every bloke in the world would say yes."
As I heard him say these things I couldn't help but get turned on. It had been so long since I'd had a man that my desperation ended up getting the better of me, so I turned to him, heart in my throat and asked him: "Can I suck your cock then, Peter?"
Peter laughed, but I told him I was serious and reached over and gently stroked his crotch through his jeans. Peter's grin faded and he stuttered.
"That wasn't what I was getting at," he told me. "I meant... you know... your average bloke in the pub." I wasn't about to leave it there though so I told him I'd do anything he wanted - anything!
"Look," he said, "this isn't a fob off or anything, it's just I have a girlfriend," he shrugged.
"I'll even take it up the bum," I told him, my voice quaking. This was my last throw of the dice. Even though I'd never done it before, I knew some guys were really into anal and loved girls who were too, so I thought I'd blag Peter this way. I mean, how different to normal sex could it be?
We arrived back at my place and I asked him again. "Anything you want." Peter unbuckled his seat belt and followed me in.
Once we were inside I went to kiss him but Peter told me he was in a hurry and simply undid his trousers to expose a monster erection. "Suck my cock then," he ordered me and I dropped to my knees. As I took it in my hands I found that it was so big my fingers didn't even reach all the way around. I dipped my head toward his enormous pole and took his hot, pink bell-end into
my mouth.
It had been so long since I'd had a cock in my mouth that the experience was almost overwhelming. I hungrily slobbered over his cock like a woman com-pletely possessed until my pussy was dripping with lust. I stroked and kneaded Peter's balls as I milked his cock into my mouth and all too soon I felt his cock start to quiver and jerk. I readied myself to take his full load in my mouth and promised myself that I'd swallow every-thing, no matter how much he came, as that was something I'd never done before either.
Just as I started to taste his salty pre-come leaking out onto my tongue though, Peter pulled out and told me to
bend over.
"You said you'd take it up the arse and that's exactly what you're going to do," he told me. He was so author-itarian in his manner that I couldn't help but do exactly as he said. I turned around and leaned over the sofa and jumped slightly as I felt his strong hand lift my skirt and pull down my knickers. Peter rubbed his hot cock in-between my lily-white buttocks a couple of times and I suddenly realised how enormous it was.
"Slip it into my pussy," I tried to say but Peter was adamant, there was only one way he was going to fuck
I heard him spit and felt it land in my ringpiece. I wracked my brains in an effort to come up with some way out of it but I couldn't. I'd promised Peter he could fuck me up the arse, even though I was an anal virgin, and now there was no way out of it. I had to go through with it.
Peter pushed a finger deep inside my arsehole causing me to yelp with surprise. Before I had a chance to get used to the feel he'd inserted another and was working my sphincter, stretching me gradually wider and wider in preparation for his thick, meaty cock. Peter gripped my buttocks and edged his fat bell-end towards my tight bumhole. His helmet felt colossal against my tiny entrance and when he started jabbing sharply against my sphincter I couldn't see how it would ever fit inside. Peter applied a little more pressure and suddenly my anus gave way and a relentless surge of meat filled my tiny cavity.
"Ohhh! Oh! Oh!," I yelped, my knees almost buckling beneath me. "Oh Jesus." Peter continued on forward until his whole, enormous cock was somehow buried up inside my virgin-tight arse.
"Never taken it before have you?" he whispered in my ear and I shook my head. "Well you'd better ready yourself because you're taking it now."
Peter drew back, his thick, veiny shaft rasping against my taut sphincter, then he plunged back down deep, taking my breath away with the incredible sensation. Peter repeated this several times, slamming my bum again and again until my muscles were totally relaxed and I could do nothing but take it, then he started fucking me hard. Peter's rhythm quickly built up into a relentless assault. I was totally at his mercy yet, and this was the really weird thing, I was loving every disgust-ing minute of it. I'd never known a pleasure so intense. It was like pain but a totally satisfying sort of pain. I reached down to my pussy and began to frig myself off knowing that it would be only a matter of seconds before I came all over my hand.
Peter's thrusts were becoming shorter and shorter and I suddenly realised he was about to come in my arse. It was a deliciously dirty minute knowing that I had brought off this handsome young stud in my back passage and when I felt his thick, hot fat squirt deep into my colon I couldn't stop myself from mouthing "Yes! Yes! Yes!" over and over again.
Peter left pretty quickly after that but I didn't mind as I was all a tingle and spent the rest of the evening masturbating to several orgasms.
I've since pulled a fair few blokes on subsequent girlie nights out with my new found confidence. All the other girls can't see how I'm doing it but I've discovered the way to a man's heart... it's through my arse.
Veröffentlicht von cow400213
vor 7 Monaten
Zum Kommentieren bitte oder
Sounds like the right strategy altho i do enjoy cumming deep inside a firm young cunt 
great story 
Well written