Born to Suck Ch. 01

I finished eating my breakfast and as the other boys from the group home drifted outside or back up to their rooms, I went and sat on the little wooden bench on the opposite side of the hallway from Mr. Jarvis' office. His door was closed and I felt a little anxious just sitting there waiting. It felt like being called to the Principal's office at school when you'd been bad. Usually when Mr. Jarvis wanted to talk to you in his office, it was because you'd gotten into some kind of trouble. I sat there fidgeting, wondering once again if he'd forgotten about me or if I'd heard him wrong. I looked at the clock over the front entrance, 8:05. As I was thinking that maybe I'd been mistaken and that I should just go back to my room, I looked up as his office door opened.

"Joey, right on time. C'mon in," he said as he looked furtively down the hallway to see if anyone else was around. As I got up from my seat tentatively and stepped into his office, I noticed that he had a fine sheen of perspiration on his forehead and his face appeared a little flushed. He was also kind of tucking in his shirt as I went by him and then he adjusted his belt. I figured he must have just finished using the private bathroom he had in the back of his office. As I stood in front of his desk waiting for him, I watched as he closed the office door and then I was surprised to see him push the little button by the handle that locked the door. I wondered what that was all about.

"You're what, 18 now, Joey?" he asked.

"Yes sir. I had my birthday a little while ago."

"18 that's a nice age. Have a seat," he said as he motioned to the two chairs sitting in front of his big desk. As I sat perched on the front of one of the chairs, Mr. Jarvis reached into his back pocket and pulled out a hankerchief. As he moved behind his desk, he raised it to his face and wiped off his sweaty brow before sticking it back into his pocket. "Yeah, I noticed yesterday that you looked even frailer and more peaked than usual, Joey. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I....I feel fine, sir," I said.

"Well, just to be on the safe side, I think you should start taking some extra vitamins on a regular basis," he said as he leaned forward and started to slide open the top left-hand drawer of his desk.

"Uh....okay. If you think I should, Mr. Jarvis."

"I do Joey. I think that would be the best thing for you," he said with a smile as he lifted a clear plastic cup out of the drawer. As he moved around the desk and held it in front of him, I could see a milky-white liquid moving about slightly in the bottom of the cup. The medicine looked pretty thick and creamy and I could even see a couple of drops of it sticking to the inside of the clear plastic. He must have dropped those there when he poured it into the cup for me. He came right around the desk and held the cup out towards me.

"Here you go, Joey," he said as he handed me the cup and then perched himself on the front edge of the desk. "This medicine is high in vitamins and protein. It's just the thing for a boy like you."

"Thank you sir," I said as I took the cup in both hands and looked down into it. I could see close up that the liquid was not a smooth white color; it was kind of pearly with almost swirls of some clear areas and then some thicker looking whiter areas. As I held it right in front of my face, it had a very subtle fragrance. It didn't smell like anything I'd smelt before; it smelled.....I don't know....kind of warm and comforting almost. I sniffed again and tried to identify the scent. I held the cup up to my nose again and took another good long sniff. I liked the different feeling I was getting as the distinctive new scent filled my senses. I could feel my eyes close peacefully as I breathed deep one more time and let the peculiar smell settle right on my tastebuds.

"C'mon, Joey, drink it up now, son," Mr. Jarvis said as he looked at me intently. "We don't want you to get sick now, do we?"

"No sir," I said as I brought the small plastic cup up to my lips. I could feel his eyes on me as I tipped the glass up. I looked down into the cup and could see the thick creamy liquid start to slide sluggishly toward my mouth. As the leading edge started to settle on my tongue, I was surprised to find that it was slightly warm, almost at body temperature. I had expected it to be cold. As I tipped the cup up a little higher, one big gob of the gooey medicine slid forth right onto my tongue. I lowered the cup and closed my mouth. I let the warm viscous fluid slide around inside my mouth as I savored the new taste. It was just a little bit salty and tasted....I don't know....the word "musky" came to mind. It wasn't unpleasant at all and I liked the taste as well as the smooth silky texture. I savored the new sensation of the thick creamy liquid as I slid it around my mouth and let the new flavor settle on my tastebuds.

"How do you like that, Joey?" Mr. Jarvis asked as he watched me intently. I looked up at him and swallowed to let him know I was getting the medicine into me like he wanted. This brought a big smile to his face as he watched the satisfied look come over my face. The warm creamy medicine felt silky smooth as it slid down my throat. It seemed to leave a soothing coating along the inside of my throat as it made its way right down into my stomach.

"I like it Mr. Jarvis," I said as I looked up at him and smiled. I looked back down at the remainder of the liquid still in the bottom of the cup. "Can I have the rest?" I asked eagerly.

"Go ahead, Joey. Finish it, it's all for you," he said with a broad smile on his face. I slipped my lips around the edge of the plastic cup and tipped it up. There was enough medicine left for two good mouthfuls and I took one at a time and let the interesting new flavor sensation settle on my tongue for awhile before I swallowed. I savored the taste of the warm gooey fluid before I once again swallowed and let it slide smoothly down my throat. I tipped the glass up and let the final mouthful slip between my lips. I rolled the thick viscous fluid slowly all around the inside of my mouth before letting it settle right in the center of my tongue.

"Mmmmmm," I heard myself let out an u*********s little purr as the creamy medicine made its way down my throat to make a nice warm spot in the pit of my stomach.

"I guess you like that medicine," Mr. Jarvis said as he raised his big meaty hand and pointed to the cup still in my hand. "There's a little more left. See if you can get your tongue inside there and lick out those final drops."

"Yes sir," I said as I tipped the open end of the cup towards my mouth. Fortunately the plastic cup had a wide opening and was fairly shallow. It was pretty easy for me to run my tongue all around the inside edge and then even all around the bottom of the cup as I spotted a few stray silvery drops of the medicine there. With the cup now totally clean, I passed it back to Mr. Jarvis and sat there like a kitten that just finished lapping up a bowl of warm cream. He took the cup and sat there holding it as he just looked at me for a few seconds with a big smile on his face.

"So the medicine was okay, Joey?" he asked as he finally got up and walked back behind his desk and sat down. He quietly opened his desk drawer again and set the cup back inside before closing the drawer.

"I did, Mr. Jarvis. I've never tasted anything like that before. I wasn't sure at first but once I let the taste of it settle on my tongue.....well....I really liked it!" He smiled and nodded when I said this. "And it was so creamy and soothing when it went down my throat. I...I can still taste it." He looked at me with a pleased look on his face as I savored the interesting new flavor still lingering inside my mouth. "I had expected it to be cold and I was surprised to find that it was nice and warm. How did you do that?"

"Oh, that's my secret, Joey. I just want to make it as nice as I can for you to take the vitamins that you need. And besides, the medicine works best if you take it while it's warm too. If you let it get too cold, it doesn't work as well." He paused for a second as he looked at me with a more serious look on his face. "And speaking of secrets, this has to be our little secret, Joey. If the other boys found out, they'd want me to give them some vitamins too. And you especially can't say anything to the other councilors. This medicine is pretty hard to come by and if they found out I was giving it to you, well, we'd then have to start giving it to all the others equally too. If that were to happen, Joey, well, you just wouldn't be able to get it except maybe about once a week at best. And you do want more, don't you Joey?"

"Oh yes, sir!" I said with an anxious worried look on my face.

"That's good, Joey. If we keep this as our secret, I should be able to give you the amount that you need."

"How much do you think I need, Mr. Jarvis?"

"Oh, I think you need at least one good dose a day, maybe two on some days. I'll see what I can do to give you as much as you need," he said as he gave me a conspiratorial wink.

"Oh thank you, Mr. Jarvis!" I said excitedly. "I'll take as much as you think I should have."

"That's good, Joey. That's what I wanted to hear. So do you think you can keep this as our little secret?"

"Yes sir!" I said as I nodded emphatically.

"Good. Now since it's your first day with these new vitamins, I think you should probably have a second dose. Why don't you report back here after lunch at 1:00pm?"

"Yes sir. I'll be here."

"Okay good. Now you better go and do your chores. And remember, not a word to anyone," he said as he pointed his finger at me with a grave expression on his face.

"No sir, I promise," I said jubilantly as I bounded up out of my chair and reached for the door. The lock released automatically when I turned the handle from the inside. As I opened the door, I turned and saw him staring at me with a strange look and a soft smile on his face. "Thank you, Mr. Jarvis. Nobody's worried about me and been this nice to me in a long time."

"You're welcome, Joey. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," he said with a funny leer on his face. "I'll give you just what you need."

I left his office and closed the door behind me. I hadn't felt this good in a long time. Mr. Jarvis was going to take special care of me. I had always been kind of afraid of him but now I saw the gentle caring side of him that I never knew existed. As I walked into the big farmhouse kitchen, I savored the delightful taste of the warm vitamins still lingering inside my mouth. With one o'clock only a few hours away, I was already looking forward to my next dose of medicine..........


As the Greyhound bus droned on through mile after mile of dusty farmland, I gazed out the window and thought back on how I had got here and especially the flurry of activity in the last few days. Just a short time ago, I thought I was all alone in the world; now I was on my way to stay with an aunt and uncle that up until two days ago, I never knew existed.

My name's Joey, I'm 18 and I'm an only c***d. Actually, I guess I should say that I "was" an only c***d. My parents had been killed in a car accident when I just a toddler. They'd left me with a babysitter that day while they went to a friend's wedding out of town. The accident happened on the way home; a drunk driver hit them broadside and they never saw it coming. They were both pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.

From what I'd been told, the authorities hunted high and low for any relatives of my parents but couldn't find any. Eventually I was made a ward of the state and ever since then, I'd lived in a number of different institutions and foster homes. Some of the people in the foster homes were pretty nice, and I'm not sure why, but I never seemed to stick anywhere. Maybe it was because I was too shy; I don't know.

I'd always been pretty small and frail for my age. The bigger k**s always used to pick on me and so I came to just keep to myself most of the time. I read a lot and I've never been very good at sports. I was always pretty quiet, and as I quickly found out, you got into less trouble if you kept your mouth shut. I never even had a regular best friend. Being in group homes, other k**s just seemed to come and go, and in the few foster homes I was in, I was always worried about getting to know anybody when it likely wasn't going to last anyways. So I mostly just learned to rely on myself.

Being shy and keeping to myself most of the time, I guess you could say I was pretty naïve about a lot of stuff. I had never had a girlfriend, and figured I wouldn't even know what to do if a girl came right up and started talking to me. That was okay though, I never really worried about it too much; after all, that was the only life I knew.

So over the years, I'd been shuffled from one group home to another, with a few short stays in foster homes mixed in every once in awhile. Like about six months ago, I'd been sent to live with the Quigleys; a couple who already had a boy and girl of their own close to my age. When they made the decision to take me in, I think they were just trying to be good citizens or something. The k**s never liked me or even seemed to make any kind of effort. After a little over five months of me trying to fit in and their k**s complaining all the time, the Quigleys had had enough. They probably would have liked to get rid of me sooner but they probably felt guilty and kept me on until the end of the school term. They obviously didn't want me hanging around for summer vacation, and that's how I ended up back at Monroe's about two weeks ago.

"Monroe's Group Home" was a state run institution for boys. They usually housed about ten boys at a time with about four or five councilors overseeing us in various shifts. That's where I'd been living for the last while before I went to the Quigleys. It was a big old farmhouse that the government had bought a long time and set up to house boys like me. And that's where I'd first met Mr. Jarvis.

Mr. Jarvis was the senior councilor at Monroe's and had been there long before I was first sent there. He was probably in his early forties and was married. While some of the younger less experienced councilors sometimes stayed with us overnight in the group home, Mr. Jarvis always arrived early in the morning and left late in the afternoon to go home to his wife. I never saw the woman in all the time I'd been there. Apparently he kept his life away from the group home as private as possible. The only thing we knew was that he never had any k**s of his own. I never even knew his first name. While the younger councilors always had us call them by their first names, with Mr. Jarvis, it was always "Mr. Jarvis".

He was kind of a gruff man, not much on small talk and always right to the point. He was stoutly built and getting a little heavy around the midsection, like many men his age. I guess you'd say he was pretty average looking, not ugly, but Hollywood wasn't knocking on his door either. I had always tried to keep out of his way and he seemed to respect the fact that I always tried to look out for myself without asking others for help. A couple of times when bigger boys had been on the verge of picking on me, Mr. Jarvis had stepped in just in time to smooth things over. Although he never made a gesture to indicate he was looking for thanks, for some reason it made me feel a little more safe to think that Mr. Jarvis was kind of looking out for me. Like the day the Quigleys had dropped me back at Monroe's.......

I'd gotten back in the late afternoon and just had time to stow my stuff back in my old room and hurry back downstairs if I wanted to get some supper. All of the other boys had already finished but there was still a little ham and macaroni and cheese left for me. I was starving and as I sat by myself in the big dining room, I eagerly dug in. I turned as I heard the gruff voice of Mr. Jarvis behind me.

"So Joey, I heard you were coming back," he said as he walked across the room towards me.

"Hi Mr. Jarvis," I said as I washed down my mouthful of food with a drink of milk.

"They didn't treat you badly, did they?" he asked with a tone of serious intent in his voice.

"No sir. They treated me okay. Their own k**s never seemed to take to me; that's all," I said with a big sigh. I used to get real sad when these kinds of things happened, now I guess I was just a little more used to it.

"Did they ever feed you?" he asked as he looked me up and down. "I thought you were skinny before; there's almost nothing left of you, boy."

"They fed me Mr. Jarvis. I think I'm the same as when I left here."

"I don't know. You don't look so healthy. I think you need some vitamins," he said as he scrutinized me from top to bottom. "I want you to get a good night's rest, then report to my office right after breakfast at 8:00am sharp. You got that?" He pointed his big index finger at me to make sure I understood.

"Yes sir, 8:00am sharp."

"Okay, it's time for me to go home," he said as he turned and walked away. As he got to the door of the room, he turned and looked back at me, "Joey, I'm sorry about what happened with the Quigleys. I know that kind of thing is disappointing. While you're here, I'll make sure you're taken good care of." He gave me kind of a shrug and a look that for him passed for a comforting smile.

"Thank you sir," I said and then he was gone through the door. I finished my food and then spent the rest of the night in my room reading. I just didn't feel like socializing or watching TV with the other boys. It had been a pretty stressful day and I was actually glad to be sleeping back in my old room at Monroe's. I turned the light out fairly early and as I drifted off to sleep, I actually felt happy that Mr. Jarvis had seemed concerned about me and was taking an interest in my welfare.

I woke bright and early the next day and hurried down to breakfast. There were some new boys there I didn't recognize along with some familiar faces. As usual, I kept to myself. Breakfast was served at 7:30 sharp, which was the same time as Mr. Jarvis started his daily shift. Just as I sat down, I saw him come in and nod to the other councilors before he disappeared down the hall towards his office. I was a little surprised and a little bit hurt that he never once looked in my direction. I wondered if he'd forgotten about asking me to come to his office after breakfast. Obviously he hadn't forgotten, and that was how I came to have my first dose of medicine.


At Monroe, you were required to do about two hours of chores per day. Depending on the chore, it was usually one hour in the morning and then one hour in the afternoon. You usually did the same job for a week straight, and then they would get switched up. This week, my morning chore was to help out in the kitchen. Old Mrs. Nesbitt ran the kitchen with an iron fist and didn't take crap from anybody. Her food was good though, so nobody ever complained about her cranky attitude. Today, she set me about peeling potatoes for the evening meal. I sat down with a big basket of potatoes and an empty bucket for the peels and started in on my work. For the next half hour or so, I never looked up as over the last few days I had gotten used to manipulating the sharp peeler.

"Morning, Mrs. Nesbitt." I looked up excitedly when I heard Mr. Jarvis' deep voice. He came in and poured himself a cup of coffee as he chatted briefly with the old cook. I looked at him with a new level of admiration. I was already anxious to spend more time with and couldn't wait for one o'clock to come around. On his way out he stopped next to me and I looked up at him towering over me.

"So this is what they've got you doing this week?" he asked as he gestured to the half empty basket of potatoes and the growing bucket of scraps.

"Yes sir," I answered compliantly.

"Hhhhhmm," he said under his breath. Without a further word, he turned on his heel and went back to his office. I was left wondering what all that meant.

I finished up the job to Mrs. Nesbitt's satisfaction and she looked at the clock and with only a couple of minutes of my required hour left, she decided to let me go. Most of the other boys were outside playing a game of touch football but I just went back up to my room and lay on my bed reading. I actually felt safe and comfortable back in my old bed at Monroe. And with Mr. Jarvis giving me some extra attention I hadn't been expecting, I was actually looking forward to a nice relaxing summer.

I finally heard the other boys' voices as they came in and cleaned up for lunch. I made my way down to join them in the dining room and once again I chose to sit on my own away from the others as I ate. They seemed pretty happy as they chatted and laughed about their game they'd been playing. I sat quietly, looking forward to my one o'clock appointment with Mr. Jarvis. Eventually everyone finished up and left the room after taking their plates back into the kitchen. I did likewise and tentatively made my way towards Mr. Jarvis' office. Once again his door was closed and I took my spot on the bench across the hall. I checked the clock, 12:52. I was a few minutes early and waited anxiously for Mr. Jarvis to appear. I only had to wait a minute or two before he cracked open his door to see if I was there.

"Joey, you're a little early," he said as he opened the door wider and looked up and down the hallway. "That's good though. It didn't take me as long to get your medicine ready as I thought it might. You'd better come in and get it while it's still warm." He stepped sideways in the door opening for me to go past his big looming body. Once again, his face looked flushed and sweaty and he was wiping his hands with a towel as he ushered me into his office. I heard him lock the door again and as I sat down on the same chair I'd sat in this morning, I noticed his belt lying on top of his desk. Where his shirt was tucked into his pants, it looked a little disheveled again. Like I had thought earlier, he must have just finished using the washroom, especially since he was still wiping his hands off with the towel.

"So you haven't said anything to anybody about this morning, have you?" he asked as he stepped back behind his desk.

"Oh no, sir!" I said nervously, worried that he might be upset with me. "I did just as you said and didn't say a word to anyone." I paused for a second and then looked up at him shyly, "I know it's selfish of me, but....but....I don't want to share this with anybody else. Like you said, I want it to be our secret."

A big smile spread slowly across his face and he looked down at my frail little form sitting in front of him. "You're a good boy, Joey. I'm glad I can trust you to keep our secret." He dropped the towel on top of the desk and opened the same drawer that he had last time.

"Here you go," he said as he reached into the drawer and pulled out the clear plastic cup, "still nice and warm." He came around the desk quickly and passed it to me. "Drink up."

I took the cup from him and held it in my two hands in front of me. I looked down into the cloudy fluid and was pleased to see that there seemed to be even more than last time.

"So there's more here than last time?" I asked as I looked up at him questioningly.

"Yeah, I was able to work up a bigger mean, I was able to work up a bigger dose for you this time," he said. "You did like it, didn't you, Joey?"

"Oh yes sir! I'm not complaining at all. I really liked it. I think I'm already feeling better after that dose you gave me earlier. I've been looking forward to this all morning," I said eagerly as I brought the medicine up beneath my nose and inhaled deeply of the warm musky scent. "I'm really glad there's even more than last time."

"Good......good," he said as he perched on the front edge of his desk again. "Go ahead, you'd better drink it before the vitamins lose their effectiveness."

"Yes sir!" I said as I quickly brought the cup up to my lips. I tipped it up and let some of the warm creamy medicine run into my mouth. "Mmmmmm," I mewed out loud as I let the slick pearly liquid roll all over my tongue. I was already starting to love both the feel and taste of it in my mouth. I slid it from cheek to cheek and let its thick texture coat the whole of the inside of my mouth. Finally, I swallowed.

"Aaaaahh," I gave a little gasp as the silky fluid slid down my throat. Its distinctive taste and odor continued to fill my senses and made me want more of the same. I raised the cup back to my lips again and tipped the cup up gradually. I could see Mr. Jarvis watching me intently as I kept my eyes glued to the big wad of medicine sliding sluggishly towards the edge of the cup. I felt the leading edge roll onto my tongue and then I made a slurping noise as I sucked the rest of the big creamy gob into my mouth. It kind of made a sound like when you slurp up a single strand of spaghetti. I could see Mr. Jarvis smiling openly as I brought the cup down and closed my lips over my mouthful of medicine. I savored the delightful taste and warm creamy texture for a long time before I noisily swallowed.

"Did you get it all?" he asked as we both looked into the empty cup.

"Oh, there's a little bit more here," I said as I spotted a couple of milky-white drops clinging to the side. I quickly ran out my tongue and lapped up those two drops and then just to be sure, I ran the flat part of my tongue all around the inside of the glass and even over the flat bottom.

"Mmmmmm," I said as I handed the empty cup back to him. "That was so good. And I'm glad there was even more of it this time. Thanks for being so nice to me, Mr. Jarvis."

"That's okay, Joey," he said as he sat there with a big smile on his face. "I want to make sure you stay nice and healthy. Two good doses of medicine should get you started on the right track. I think you should come tomorrow morning at the same time for your next one."

"Yes sir!" I said eagerly. "I'll be here right after breakfast."

"Good, Joey. I'll have some more ready for you then. Now you better get to your afternoon chores," he said gesturing towards the door of his office.

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." I said as I got up and let myself out of his office and closed the door behind me.

I reported back to my kitchen for my afternoon chores. For the next hour I peeled some carrots and washed pots and various dishes and utensils under the watchful eye of Mrs. Nesbitt. As I worked, I rolled my tongue all around my mouth as I savored the peculiar taste of the medicine still lingering in my mouth. Compared to most medicines, I really liked it and wanted to keep the flavor of it for as long as possible so I didn't eat or drink anything for a long time.

I finally finished my shift and took my book out to the back porch to read in the shade. Just before we were called in for dinner, I heard a car start up and looked around the corner to see Mr. Jarvis leaving for the day. He looked up and spotted me at the corner of the house. His eyes met mine and he nodded in my direction as he gave me a comforting smile. I felt a warm feeling of happiness come over me and I waved tentatively as he pulled out of his parking spot and headed home. I spent the rest of the day almost overwhelmed with a feeling of safety and comfort that I'd rarely had. I went to bed that night eagerly looking forward to my next dose of medicine from Mr. Jarvis.

This went on for the next two days. I would wait outside his office right after breakfast and right after lunch for him to invite me in. He'd pass me the cup of warm medicine and sit watching me intently as I drained the cup and let the creamy liquid find its way into my bloodstream to do its work. As soon as the second day, I could swear I was feeling better already. The combination of the regular doses of medicine and knowing that Mr. Jarvis was interested in me had me feeling better than I had in a long time.

In the middle of the afternoon of the third day, as I was standing in the kitchen washing some pots at the sink, I looked up and saw Mr. Jarvis walk across the yard and start talking to Carl. Carl was one of the older councilors and one of his duties was to set up the chore schedule. He was the one who told us what jobs we had to do from one week to the next.

Mr. Jarvis started talking to him and then I saw him point towards the part of the house where I was standing. Carl's eyes automatically followed Mr. Jarvis' pointing arm to look in my direction and then he turned back as they continued their conversation. Mr. Jarvis did most of the talking and Carl nodded every now and then. Finally, Mr. Jarvis patted Carl on the arm and turned to go back to his office. Carl went back to working with some of the boys who were busy in the vegetable garden. I didn't think any more about it until later that afternoon when I was up in my room. I was lying on my bed reading when there were a couple of knocks on my door.

"Come in," I called through the door. Carl opened the door and took half a step into my room.

"There's been a change of plans, Joey. I'm gonna have to pull you off kitchen duty."

"Oh, okay Carl. What do you want me to do instead?"

"Starting tomorrow, right after breakfast, you're supposed to report to Mr. Jarvis' office. He wants someone to help re-organize some paperwork and files or something like that," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand as if he didn't know exactly what the work would entail. "Oh yeah, Mr. Jarvis said there might be some days where he'll need you a little longer than the regular hour. Okay?"

"Oh, okay," I said, barely able to keep the excitement out of my voice. "Uh....will that just be for the remaining days of this week's schedule, or what?"

"As of right now, he told me it's "until further notice". So you might be there more than that, I don't know. So just make sure you go there right after breakfast and then again right after lunch. Got it?" he pointed a finger at me to make sure I understood.

"Yes sir!" I could barely contain my excitement and as soon as Carl left the room I pulled my pillow over my face and let out a big whoop of joy. I was thrilled for the rest of the day and people seemed to look at like I was weird or something. After awhile, I figured out that it was because they weren't used to seeing me smile very often. I even had a hard time falling asleep that night thinking about getting to spend that extra time working with Mr. Jarvis.

I awoke bright and early the next morning and hurried down to breakfast after getting washed up. As I was starting to eat, Mr. Jarvis arrived and nodded to me as he made his way through the big dining room. My breakfast never tasted so good and as soon as I was finished, I went and waited anxiously on the bench outside his office. I was fidgeting about and could barely keep still. I was looking forward to my morning dose of medicine and anxious to see what kind of work Mr. Jarvis wanted me to do.

"C'mon in, Joey," he said as he finally opened the door. He looked a little cooler and calmer this morning that the previous three mornings. As I had mentioned earlier, every time he'd ushered me into his office, he'd appeared flushed as if he'd just been exerting himself. He didn't look like that today, I noticed as I watched him close and lock the door behind me. I was both excited and a little nervous about the new arrangement so I went and sat on the edge of my usual chair and waited for him to say something. He casually walked around behind his desk and sat in his big rolling chair. He leaned back and let the chair rock slowly from side to side.

"So Joey," he finally said, "Carl has informed you that I want you to come and do some work for me instead of your usual chores, right?"

"Yes sir, he did."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I....I'm really excited about it actually. I like spending time with you, Mr. Jarvis." I hung my head and felt my face turning red. I was afraid that I'd embarrassed myself by letting my true feelings out.

"That's okay, Joey. I'm happy you feel that way," I looked up at him and relaxed as he gave me a warm comforting smile. "I like spending time with you too. I think we have a certain level of understanding and trust that not many people have with each other."

"I...I feel that way too!" I blurted out.

"Good......good, I'm really glad that we can trust each other." My eyes drifted over in the direction of his desk drawer where he'd always brought forth my cup of medicine. He probably noticed the furtive look in my eyes. "So you're probably wondering about your daily dose of medicine," he said as he put his hand on the handle of the drawer.

"Y...yes sir," I said as my eyes flicked back and forth between his own eyes and his hand resting on the drawer handle.

"Well, that's one of the reasons I want you to come and work for me. Have you ever wondered where I get that medicine, Joey?"

"Ummm...well...I don't know. I figured you got it at a d**g store or something."

"Well, no. I kind of make it myself."

"You do?" I asked as my eyes opened wide in wonder. "You make it yourself?"

"Well, sort of. There're some things I have to tell you, Joey. Now we trust each other totally,right?" he pointed his big index finger at me and had a serious expression on his face now.

"Yes sir, we do." I said and nodded my head to emphasize my understanding of the seriousness of his tone.

"Good. Now I think you know that I don't have any c***dren of my own," he paused as he looked at me for a response.

"Yes sir, I'd heard that."

"Mrs. Jarvis and I tried for a long time to have c***dren but with no luck. So we decided we better see a doctor and get things checked out. They put each of us through a number of tests to see if they could find out what the problem was. In the end, they found out that my wife was the one actually unable to bear a c***d."

"Oh...I....I'm sorry to hear that, sir," I said with a slightly confused look on my face as I didn't know where he was going with this.

"Thanks for saying that, Joey. But that's okay; it was a long time ago now." He paused for a second as he looked at me waiting patiently for him to continue. "The reason I'm telling you this is that during the fertility tests, the doctors found out that my semen not only has an unusually high sperm motility rate, but it's also incredibly high in vitamins and proteins."

"Oh," I said as my mind was trying to take in what he was saying. I had heard the other boys talking about jerking off and cumming so I had an idea of what he was talking about.

"Yes, they told me that my semen would be extremely beneficial for anyone that might have a vitamin deficiency. And when I saw you the other day looking pretty pale, I thought I might be able to help you out." He paused as he leaned forwards with his elbows on the desk and looked deeply into my eyes. "You see, Joey, I care about you. I wouldn't just do this for anybody. I'm just glad I can help you in this way." I felt my heart swell with happiness as I listened to his kind words.

"I....I understand, Mr. Jarvis. I don't know what to say. I mean....I...I'm so happy that you're will to do that for me." I stopped and looked towards his desk drawer. "But this...this there something wrong?"

"No, not really, Joey. It's just that I called my doctor yesterday and let him know what I was doing for you. He was glad I was able to help a boy like you. He did point one thing out though."

"Wha.....what?" I asked curiously.

"Remember when I said that it was best if you drank the medicine when it was still warm so the vitamins would work properly?"


"Well, the doctor told me that during the tests, the nutritional value of the vitamins and proteins in my semen were highest as soon as it left my body. He recommended that for it to be most beneficial for you that we try and get you to ingest it as quickly as possible. Do you understand?"

"I....I think so. The doctor says I need to drink it as quickly as possible once it comes out of you."

"Yes," he said as he sat back in his chair, "that's it exactly. So, do you want to continue taking your medicine, Joey?"

"I do, Mr. Jarvis. Wh...what do you need me to do?"

"Well, you know about jerking off, right Joey?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," I said and could feel my face turning crimson with embarrassment again.

"You won't have to do too much right now," he said as he got up from his chair. "First off, you should probably kneel down on your knees in front of the desk there." He nodded towards the floor in front of me and I compliantly got to my knees. As I looked up at him, he reached into the other top drawer of his desk and took out a big plastic jar. I read the label: Vaseline---Baby Fresh Scent.

"That's good, Joey," he said as he came around the desk and set the jar on the front edge. "Now while you're kneeling there, I'm gonna stand in front of you and jerk off."

"Is that what you did into that plastic cup?" I asked as I nodded towards the other desk drawer.

"Yep, exactly. Only this time, instead of shooting it into the cup and having my semen lose its beneficial qualities, I'm gonna try and shoot it right into your mouth. That way it'll get into you quicker and start working more effectively."

"Okay," I said as he stood before me and started to undo his belt. I looked up at his rugged body looming over me and felt happy that this big mature man was willing to do this for me. I watched as he opened his belt and then drew down the zipper on his pants. He put his hands on either side of his waistband and pushed down both his pants and underwear to his ankles in one motion.

"Oh dear!" I said with a sharp intake of breath as his cock came into view. My eyes must have seemed like saucers as I stared openly at the sight of his partially swollen member. From my position on my knees in front of him, his cock was mere inches away from my face. My own penis was the only one I'd seen naked and mine was nothing compared to this one. It hung majestically between his legs and lay heavy and relaxed over an enormous set of balls. He was circumcised and his cock was nice and long and thick with a large mushroom head. I could see the intricate swirl of protruding veins lining the gnarled shaft of that incredible piece of flesh.

"Have you ever seen another man's cock before, Joey?" he asked as I watched him reach into the jar of Vaseline and scoop up a generous amount of greasy gel.

" sir," I said in a squeaky voice.

"Well, take a good look," he said as he wrapped his Vaseline-coated hand around his heavy cock and held it out towards me, "I think you're gonna get to know this one pretty well." It was like I was hypnotized as my eyes remained riveted to the incredible display going on before me as he started to slide his big meaty hand back and forth. His cock quickly started to thicken and extend in his pumping grasp. He was taking long slow consistent strokes from the thick base all the way to the broad engorged head. His slow firm strokes allowed me ample time to look at that huge cock up close.

It had now become fully erect and I would guess that it was probably about 9" long and so big around that his hand couldn't even close around it. The dark crimson crown looked positively menacing as he slowly rubbed his slick hand back and forth over the spongy membranes. The big mushroom head was separated from the hard gnarled shaft by a thick rope-like corona which was almost purple in color. The long slick shaft glistened invitingly as his hand methodically pumped back and forth with a smooth cork-screwing motion.

"Do you like that, Joey?" he asked as he watched me staring mesmerized at his hard throbbing erection.

"Y...yes sir," I stammered as my eyes never once left his sliding hand and throbbing virile manhood. As I watched, I could feel my own smaller cock getting rock-hard in my underwear.

"Well, it's not gonna be much longer and you'll get a nice big dose of medicine," he said as her adjusted his feet slightly as he inched closer to me. As his jacking hand kept sliding back and forth along that hard rigid monster, I could see a glistening drop of fluid gathering in the gaping red eye at the tip of the enflamed head. The drop grew in size and started to slowly distend downward as more fluid oozed forth. As his hand moved along the hard thick shaft, the drizzling web started to move back and forth tantalizingly as it dangled from the oozing tip. I knew this was some of the precious fluid he'd been talking about earlier and I boldly slid my tongue beneath it and let it settle on my tongue.

"That's it, Joey," he said as his breathing had become more ragged, "it's all for you." As I slowly let my tongue moved upwards beneath the dangling web of fluid, his hand started to move more rapidly back and forth along his throbbing cock.

"Not much longer now," he said through gritted teeth as his hand became almost a blur now as he vigorously pumped away at his long hard cock. My tongue followed the drizzling strand higher until the tip of my tongue touched the very tip of his cock as the point slid right into the gaping eye to lick up the full strand of fluid. I quickly drew the silky nectar back into my mouth and swallowed. I think having my tongue touch his cock must have sent him over the edge.

"OH FUCK......GET READY, JOEY......OPEN WIDE...." I immediately opened my mouth wide and tried to position it right in front of his jerking cock. He looked down and I could see the lustful look in his eyes as he positioned his engorged cock right in front of my face.

"OH FUCK.......HERE YOU GO!" he grunted between clenched teeth as he stopped his rapidly jacking hand in mid-stroke and held his cock totally still as he pointed the dark angry crown right at my open mouth. My eyes were locked on that gaping red eye and I saw it almost flex open as milky white fluid started to fill it. It seemed to pause with the shiny opening full of the pearly liquid for just a second and then a long white rope of semen shot forth.

"AAAAAHHH," I gasped in surprise as the long thick strand of cum shot right into my open mouth. I felt it hit way back against the roof of my mouth and then it fell into a big pool on my tongue. As soon as the first wad had shot forth, a second silvery rope jettisoned forth. His aim was perfect as it too blasted right into my mouth to plaster itself against the inside of my cheek. I watched him take two more quick strokes along the pulsing shaft of his cock and then he held it still again as a third, fourth and then a fifth long stringy gob of his precious seed shot forth right into my mouth.

"Oh yeah, that's it......I've got more for you, Joey," he said as he put the spitting head of his cock right in front of my open mouth and started furiously jacking away again. I felt two more good-sized spurts paste themselves against the back of my open mouth before falling into the growing puddle on my tongue. And then as his hand kept pumping away, I felt some stray gobs and strands landing on my face. They were hitting my cheeks, chin and all around my mouth as the spitting head of his cock was pulled every which way by his strong jacking hand. I kept my mouth as wide open as possible for him and then eventually his hand slowed until he finally came to a total stop. I looked up and saw him looking right down into my eyes as he took deep gasping breaths. There was a look of pure serene pleasure on his face as I looked up at him lovingly.

I felt so happy that this big hulk of a man had chosen me to give his affection to. No one had ever really cared about me since my parents had died so long ago. As Mr. Jarvis had been hunching over me with his big powerful cock filling my mouth, I had felt an almost overwhelming feeling of comfort and safety. It was like his whole big body and soul was wrapping itself around me with care and security. If he was willing to feed me his precious semen like this, I knew at this point that I'd do anything he'd ask of me.

"I think you've got it all, Joey," he said as her stood up straight and took a step back. I could feel the warm texture of the now familiar medicine sitting in a big pool on the back of my tongue and I closed my lips to savor the salty musky flavor. He looked down at me intently as I rolled the huge milky gob of cream all around inside the warm confines of my mouth.

"Mmmmmmm," I let out a long mew of pleasure as I let my tongue swirl all around and through the thick pearly wad of semen. It tasted wonderful and I loved having it in my mouth but I knew I would love the feeling of having it slide down my throat just as much. "Mmmmmmmmmm," I gave an even longer purr as I finally swallowed. I loved the soothing sensation of his thick cream coating my throat as it made its way to a warm spot in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed again and was rewarded with a second big throatful of silky smooth cum. I swirled my tongue all around the inside of my mouth and gathered up the final drops still clinging to my cheeks and then swallowed one more time.

"Aaaaahh," I gave a satisfied gasp as I looked up at him with a big smile on my face. "Thank you, Mr. Jarvis. There sure was a lot that time."

"And it looks like I missed with a little bit too," he said as he reached forward with his hand and I felt his big index finger slide around my chin. "Here you go." I looked down at his thick finger and saw a big gob of his precious seed clinging to it. I opened my mouth and he slid his finger slowly between my parted lips.

"Mmmmmm," it was him that gave a soft groan this time as my lips closed around his inserted finger as I sucked and licked the warm cream off of it. He withdrew his finger and slid it around my cheek where there must have been more cum. He brought it forwards and slipped it right back in between my soft lips. As I closed my lips and started to suck the silky nectar off his finger, he started to slide it back and forth between my lips. It would have been easier for me if he'd just left it in my mouth but for some reason, he seemed to want to move it and out between my sucking lips. I looked up at him and he had a broad smile on his face as he looked down at me intently. Finally, he slipped his finger out of my mouth. As he did, it made an audible "POP" as it came clear of my sucking lips.

"I think you've got all that medicine now, Joey," he said as he let out a final big sigh. I looked down and could see his majestic cock hanging heavy and about half-hard as it arced out suggestively from his body. I could see one more milky drop still filling the gaping eye of his piss-slit.

"There....there's one more drop there," I said as I nodded towards the little pearly gob that I wanted.

"Oh, you're right," he said as looked down at the oozing tip of his cock. He reached his hand back around his heavy thick cock and held it up towards me. As he did, I felt my tongue slide out instinctively and run around my lips.

"What do you think we should do with that?" he asked as he took one long firm stroke from the base of his cock to just beneath the wide flared crown. As he did, I felt a shiver of desire go through me as the milky-white drop grew in size as he forced the last of his delicious semen to the surface.

"Can I.....can I have it?" I asked eagerly as I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Sure you can, Joey," he said as he looked at me with a lecherous grin on his face. "Why don't you just put your lips right on the end there and suck out that last drop."

"Okay," I said as I sat forward and brought my mouth up as he held his dick right in front of my face. I opened my mouth slightly and with my eyes locked hypnotically on that inviting drop, I pressed my lips against the spongy membranes of his cockhead.

"Oh yeah, that's it," he said with a soft moan, "suck out that last drop, Joey." I could feel the slick coating of Vaseline on my lips but through it, I felt the delightful feeling of the sensitive surface of his spent cock against my spread lips. It felt and warm and smooth as I closed my lips just around his oozing pee-hole and started sucking. I pushed my tongue forward right into the creamy white gob and used my lips and tongue to draw it back into my mouth. I would have liked to stay there and see if I could draw another drop out of him but I didn't want to appear too forward. Once I felt the drop slide into the back of my mouth and down my throat, I sat back and as I pulled my lips off his cock, I paused for a split second and gave the very tip a little kiss. As I looked up at him, he was grinning from ear to ear. I knew that he was happy with me.

"What do you think of taking your medicine that way, Joey?" he asked as he sat down on the chair I'd just been sitting in. His pants and underwear were still bunched up around his ankles.

"I really liked it!" I said enthusiastically. "It tasted even better like that. And there seemed to be more than usual."

"Yeah, there's always gonna be more if you take it straight from the source. And like the doctor said, getting it into you quicker like this will allow the vitamins to do you the most good. So should we do it that way for your next dose after lunch too?"

"Oh please, sir! Could we?" I asked wide-eyed with excitement.

"Sure Joey. But right now, why don't you reach into that bottom drawer of my desk there and pass me the towel that's in there. I scrambled to my feet and pulled out the towel he had asked me to get. It was the one I'd seen him using before and it felt heavy in my hands. As I brought it to him, the smell of the Baby-Fresh Vaseline wafted into my nostrils from the terrycloth fabric. I handed him the towel and he started to wipe the excess lubricant off his hands.

"Joey, if you go into the bathroom back there you'll find a washcloth over the rack near the sink. Get it good and wet with some hot water, then wring it out and bring it back here."

"Yes, sir," I said obediently and went to the bathroom and did as he asked. "Here you go," I said as I held the steaming washcloth out to him when I returned.

"I'd like you to wash my hand off for me," he said as he held out his big meaty paw with the remnants of the Vaseline still adhered to it. I spread out the washcloth and kind of wrapped it around his big hand. I used both of my small hands on it as I worked the washcloth all around the surface of his thick fingers and large hand. Soon I had it cleaned of the greasy lubricant.

"That's good, Joey. Now go and rinse it out and bring it back nice and hot just like you did this time."

"Yes sir." Not wanting to disappoint Mr. Jarvis, I hurried back to the bathroom and ran the cloth under the tap. I wrung it out and then let the hot water run over it until it was steaming hot again. I quickly returned and found him still sitting peacefully in the chair.

"What now, Mr. Jarvis?" I asked questioningly.

"I want you to get down on your knees in front of me, Joey, and wash off my cock," he said firmly.

"Okay," I said as I dropped to my knees before him.

"Yeah, that'll be a nice way for you to thank me for giving you my semen," he said as he spread his knees to allow me to move in closer.

"Oh, but I do thank you, sir," I said as I looked up at him with a worried look on my face. "I....I can't thank you enough. I'm just so happy that you'd do this for me."

"I'm glad, Joey," he said as he reached out and stroked my cheek tenderly. "Washing my cock will just be a little something extra I want you to get used to doing."

"Okay," I said as I felt the momentary anxiety ease out of my body. "I...I'll do my best." I reached forward and with my delicate fingers lifted his heavy tumescent member. Jesus, even now, in it's totally flaccid state, I could feel the solid thick weight of it in my hand. It was still covered in a fine coating of the slick lubricant so I held the washcloth open in my hand and let his long thick cock settle into my palm. Oh man, did it ever feel good. I never thought that holding another person's cock would make me feel this way. I felt kind of tingly all over as I moved the washcloth back and forth on the underside.

"Yeah, that's it. Get used to that, Joey. I think you're going to be doing a lot of that from now on," he said as he looked down at me on my knees between his spread thighs. I used both my hands and moved the washcloth all around that glistening monster as I softly rubbed the gooey lubricant off. He sat back with his thighs spread wide apart and I lovingly cleaned his cock from the base to the tip. His cock felt wonderful in my little hands and I could almost feel the latent power lurking within it, just waiting to spring forth.

"Wash my balls off too, Joey, but be gentle. That's where all that nice medicine you love so much comes from." I slid the washcloth off the shaft of his dormant manhood and gently lifted his balls. Wow, were they ever big and heavy! They felt like two big eggs beneath the soft surface of his silky bag. I gingerly wrapped the washcloth all around them and softly manipulated them in my hands as I cleaned off the remainder of the Vaseline from his skin.

"Oh yeah, you certainly are good at that, Joey," he said as I withdrew the washcloth totally from his shining damp groin. "Now you better go rinse that out and then you can go for this morning."

"You don't need me to do anything else?" I asked with a disappointed look on my face.

"Not right now. Just make sure you're back here right after lunch. I'll have your next dose of medicine ready for you then."

"Yes sir! Thank you, sir!" I was just beaming with happiness now as I sprang to my feet and rushed into the bathroom to rinse off the washcloth. When I was finished and came back into the room, he had his pants back on properly and was sitting back behind his desk already absorbed in some paperwork.

"Are you sure there isn't anything else I can do for you, Mr. Jarvis?" I asked as I stood next his desk expectantly.

"Oh, I don't think so, Joey," he said as he finished up what he was reading and then looked up at me. "You can go....wait a second...." He paused and looked at the left side of my face closely. He reached forward and I felt his big thumb wipe across my cheek near my ear. "I guess we missed this." He held his thumb up with a drop of his silvery semen on the tip with his fingers curled against his palm below. As soon as I spotted the glistening drop of his precious seed, I instinctively stepped forward and took his big hand in both of mine. I leaned forward and slipped my lips over his protruding thumb.

"Oh yeah, that's a good boy," he said under his breath as I rolled my tongue all around his upright thumb as I lapped up the tasty drop of semen. He moved his thumb back and forth again a couple of time between my lips. I could tell from this and the previous time that Mr. Jarvis must like this so I held his fist firmly in my two little hands and started to bob my head up and down on his big meaty thumb. I kept my lips pressed tightly against the skin of his thumb and I softly sucked at it as I moved my head moved up and down.

"That's it, Joey. You've got such a pretty mouth." I was thrilled to hear his words of praise and enthusiastically continued to bob my head up and down on his thick digit. He let me suck away at his thumb for another minute or so and then pulled it from between my pouting lips. I felt like a k** who'd had his favorite new toy taken away.

"You'd better go, Joey. I've got work to do," he said as he appeared to be a little flustered and I could see a fine sheen of sweat on his brow. With a sad face I turned and opened the door. I looked back and he was looking right at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you sure there isn't anything more I can do for you, Mr. Jarvis," I said with a sincere pout. "I'll...I'll do whatever you want me to." He looked at me intently and I could almost see the wheels going around inside his head. He finally seemed to reach some kind of decision.

"How would you like that next dose of medicine right now, Joey?" he asked me with a lecherous smile on his face.

"Would I?" I gushed with anticipation. "Yes sir! More than anything!"

"Okay, you better lock that door and get back on your knees," he said as he started to get up out of his chair. Beaming with happiness, I turned and closed the door. As I pressed the button locking it, I felt a shiver of excitement run through my body. I wasn't going to have to wait until one o'clock! As I turned, he was already undoing his belt buckle.....

As I dropped back to my knees and looked up at Mr. Jarvis expectantly, his fingers worked rapidly to undo his belt.

"That's a good boy, Joey. I think I'm gonna be able to give you at least three doses of medicine today. Taking it straight from the source, you should be feeling better in no time." Once he had his belt undone, he stopped and came around the desk until he was standing right in front of me. "I want to get nice and comfortable this time. Undo my shoes for me." I reached forward and as I undid the laces on his shoes, I saw him pull the tails of his shirt out from the waistband of his pants and start to undo the buttons down the front. He lifted up his foot and I slipped off one shoe and set it aside, then looked up at him.

"Should I take your socks off too, sir?"

"No, they're not gonna get in the way." I slipped off his other shoe and then he peeled off his shirt and threw it over the back of his desk chair. I looked up at his thick barrel chest and could see black curly hair over a portion of the centre of it with a narrowing trail leading down his stomach towards his crotch. Like I said earlier, he was a solid husky man and he had a little bit of a spare tire around his midsection. It wasn't gross; he was just big and solid.

"Now take my pants and underwear off, Joey. I want you to get used to doing that," he said as he stepped right in front of my kneeling position. With his belt already open, I reached beneath it and opened the button at the waistband of his pants. I then slid the little metal hook out of the clasp that held it and then reached for his zipper.

"Just take that zipper down nice and slow now, son." When he called me "son", I felt my heart swell with happiness and it brought a warm smile to my face as I reached beneath the cover of his fly and grasped the metal tab at the top of his zipper. I looked up at him smiling down at me as I took my hand and drew the tab down ever so slowly. The raspy sound of the metallic zipper being dragged down seemed to fill the room as a teasing reminder of what was to come. When I reached the bottom of his fly, I stopped and looked up at him questioningly.

"That's good, Joey; now take my pants off."

"Yes sir," I said compliantly as I reached up and took hold of his pants on each side of his waist. I pulled downwards and started to shimmy them from side to side over his hips. As they cleared his hips, they slid down easily to the floor. I looked in awe at his loose fitting boxers. His big cock lying beneath was causing the front of his underwear to tent out invitingly towards me. I could see it bobbing up and down inside the confining material. I couldn't help but stare as I looked at the waking monster I knew was lurking beneath the shielding fabric. I felt him lift his foot and it snapped me out of my trance as I reached down and pulled his pants off each foot. I set them on the chair behind me and turned back to look at his imposing crotch, the tented material mere inches from my face.

"Now my underwear." I reached up again and this time hooked my hands over the elastic waistband of his boxers. I pulled them down and watched intently as the dark swirling curls of his pubic hair came into view. His underwear kind of got held up as the waistband hit the top of his projecting cock and I had to pull harder. My eyes were glued to that thick shaft as more and more of the impressive length came into view. As I eased it down the gnarled white shaft, the waistband got caught up again as I tried to slip it over the protruding rope-like corona. I slid my hands forward and eased the tight elastic over the ridge and slid it right off over the broad flared crown.

"Aaaaaah," I said with a sharp intake of breath as the big mushroom head bobbed free of the confining fabric and almost hit me in the face. I quickly drew his underwear right down and off his feet and tossed it with his pants behind me. I turned and looked at that beautiful thick cock bobbing menacingly before me. It was about half hard and projected almost straight out from his body. I looked beyond it to his big sperm-filled balls hanging between his thick tree-trunk legs. They looked heavy and swollen as they hung majestically in his smooth silky bag. I looked back up to his pulsing manhood and watched it bob teasingly up and down before me with each breath that he took. I knew that soon it would be much bigger than the already impressive size that I was looking at right now. My eyes were glued to that big piece of man-meat like it was the most beautiful thing on earth.

"Do you like that, Joey?" he asked as he reached into the drawer and pulled out his big jar of Vaseline. He popped off the top and reached into it to scoop up another generous gob of the slippery gel.

"Oh yes sir.'s beautiful!" I said and felt myself turning red in embarrassment again. I instinctively dropped my eyes to the floor in shame.

"Now now, Joey," he said to me in a comforting voice, "there's no need to be embarrassed. I'm really glad you feel that way about my cock. Lift your head up, son." Once again, as he called me "son", I felt a strange wave of comfort and security roll over me. After what he'd just said, I was more at ease as I realized Mr. Jarvis didn't think badly of me for saying what I had about his cock. I lifted my head up tentatively and looked up at him. He was looking down at me kneeling before him with a soft gentle smile on his face.

"Feel free to take a good look, Joey," he said as he reached forward with his Vaseline-covered hand and wrapped it around his heavy member. "Yeah, I think you and my cock are gonna be best friends from now on." His hand closed around his pulsing dick in a slick warm corridor as he started to slowly move his hand back and forth. I saw his cock start to fill and extend as he pumped more blood into the thickening shaft. With his swelling manhood just inches from my face, I felt hypnotized and my eyes never left his pumping hand or glistening member.

"That was a shame that we missed your mouth with a few of those shots last time." He paused for a second and I could see from the look on his face that having missed getting a few shots of his potent semen into my mouth seemed to be troubling him. "I wonder if there's anything we could do about that?" he said with a puzzled tone.

"I...I think there's something we could try," I said as I looked up at him towering over me. "While you're doing that with your hand, while don't you try putting the tip of it right in my mouth. If I can kind of seal my lips around it like I did to get that last drop, I think it might work." I knew by the slow smile spreading across his face that Mr. Jarvis was happy with my suggestion.

"Well, Joey, you just might have something there. Yeah, I think that we should give that a try." I was all aglow under his words of praise. As he kept sliding his hand back and forth along his growing cock, he stepped closer to me. Still kneeling before him in my t-shirt, jeans and running shoes, I tilted my head up slightly and opened my mouth.

"Yeah, this just might do the job," he said as he touched the head of his swelling member against my lips. As I felt the warm slick surface touch my pouting lips, I pursed my mouth and latched onto the tip. I loved the feel of the spongy membranes of his wide flared cockhead against my lips. They felt so warm and velvety soft against the entrance to my mouth, even as his whole cock continued to get harder and harder. The contrast of the silky soft texture of the surface combined with the rock-hard stiffness lying beneath sent a chill of anticipation running down my spine.

"That's good, Joey," he said as I tried to keep the moving head of his cock between my lips. In order to keep my parted lips adhered to the tip, I realized I'd better apply a little suction. I pressed my full lips firmly against the spongy surface of his cockhead and sucked in slightly to make sure there were no air gaps.

"Oh yeah, you know just what to do," he said as his big slick hand continued to slide back and forth. I was thrilled by his words of praise and as I nursed softly at the very tip, I felt a little gob of silky fluid ooze forth onto my tongue. As soon as it touched my tongue, I used the tip of my tongue to follow it back to its source at the gaping red eye of his piss-slit. I deftly feathered my tongue right into the narrow opening in search of more.

"Oh fuck, yeah," I heard him say with a low growl, "you want that medicine bad, don't you, son?" With my lips continuing to nurse softly at the oozing tip, I looked up at him with woeful eyes and nodded.

"Mmmmmhhhmmm," I hummed in agreement as I never took my mouth away from his cock. His cock was now totally hard and he was taking long firm strokes all the way from the base to the tip. When he neared the end, the circle made by his thumb and forefinger would bump softly against my lips. Soon the area all around my mouth was shining with the slippery gel of the greasy lubricant.

"Oh yeah, this is gonna be a big load of medicine this time, Joey," he said as he started to pump his hand faster back and forth along his rigid erection. As he started to jack his cock more vigorously, his jerking hand pulled his cock out of my mouth. I immediately followed the moving end with my open mouth until I had it safely between my lips. This happened a second, and then a third time and I became anxious that we might lose some of his potent seed when he was ready to shoot.

"Oooohh," I groaned almost in anguish as his pumping hand pulled the engorged tip right out of my mouth once more. Sensing my concern, Mr. Jarvis slowed his hand slightly and looked down at me.

"Hhhmmm, looks like we're having a little trouble," he said as he continued to slide his hand back and forth while he held the oozing cockhead right over my upturned face. "I wonder if there's something else that might work?"

"Maybe I could try putting my mouth a little further down?" I said as I looked up at him, nervous that he might take his beautiful cock away from me. "I think if I can get my lips down past that ridge, it would kind of be locked inside my mouth. Then I wouldn't lose any of my medicine."

"Well, that's a great idea! I'm proud of you, son," he said as he stepped closer to me once more. His kind words sent a warm feeling throughout my body. I felt so good that he was happy with me. "I'll just hold it still for you while you slide your lips over the head." He put his hand around the base of his cock to steady it and I loved to see the full length of that erect monster pointing towards me. It was so much bigger than my own little cock that I just loved to look at it. It was so long and thick and hard. His whole manly body looked so big and powerful as he loomed over with his engorged virile manhood poised menacingly right over my face. It reminded me of a stallion in heat I'd once seen at a horse farm. His gorgeous cock seemed to pulse and bob slightly with each of his heartbeats. It was a thing of beauty and I was absolutely thrilled that he was going to allow me to feed from it.

"That's the way, Joey," he said as I pursed my lips into an inviting "O" and pressed them against the tip. I leaned forward and kept my lips adhered to the hot spongy surface but let them stretch further open as they slid down over the broad flared head. My mouth opened further and further to accommodate the engorged tip and then I felt the hard round tube of the thick rope-like ridge beneath my lips. I pressed forward just a little more and them felt the wonderful sensation of my lips slipping right over the widest part and then down onto the rigid shaft just below his pronounced corona.

"Mmmmmmm," I u*********sly let out a low moan as I felt my mouth filled with the big plum-sized head of his throbbing manhood. Oh man, did it ever feel good to have that hot throbbing crown of Mr. Jarvis' cock embedded in my mouth! It just seemed to fit so perfectly inside my mouth as my lips kind of clamped down against the thick gnarled shaft. I pulled back just slightly and felt the delightful tug as my lips made contact with the bulging corona and kept the enflamed head trapped within my welcoming mouth.

"Oh, that's beautiful, Joey," he said as he looked down at me then slid his greasy hand forward in one slow consistent stroke. He stopped when his hand bumped against my stretched lips. "Hmmmmmm.....just one problem..." I looked up at him with questioning eyes as I wasn't sure what he meant.

"With your mouth this far down on my cock, I can't really stroke the head the way I like," he said with a concerned look on his face. All of a sudden, his eyes lit up. "I know! Since I can't use my hand on the end the way I want to, why don't you use your tongue and kind of swirl it all around my cockhead?" he asked eagerly. "I think if you use your tongue like that and kind of suck on the head at the same time, it should probably give me just about the same feeling as my hand." He seemed excited by this idea and I looked up at him and nodded without ever taking my mouth off his cock. To show him I understood what he wanted, I pressed the flat of my tongue right against the engorged membranes of his cockhead and rolled my tongue all around the slick surface.

"Oh Jesus....that's it!" he said as started to jack away at his rigid erection once more. He was taking long leisurely strokes all the way from the thick base of his cock and then as far up the shaft as he could until his hand bumped softly against my lips. He really seemed to be enjoying it and I could see he was in no hurry to give me this dose of medicine as quickly as he'd given me the last one. That was okay with me; I was loving the feeling of his big warm cockhead filling my mouth. And I figured Mr. Jarvis would know best anyway about how long it should between each dose he fed me.

"Joey, why don't you reach up and feel my balls with your hand," he said as he looked down at me with lust-filled eyes. "That way, you can coax out even more of the medicine inside there that you need." I could see those massive egg-sized balls of his hanging pendulously in his silky bag and reached forward with both hands. I turned my small hands palm up and let my fingers slide over the smooth skin of his sack until those two sensitive orbs filled both my hands. I knew I needed to be gentle as I hefted those two big nuts. Man...were they ever heavy! Like with his cock, I'd never felt or seen anybody else's balls other than my own. I couldn't believe how big and heavy they were! They seemed to be swollen with cum and I figured it must have been because his balls were so big that they were so rich in vitamins and nutrients. I used both hands to gently lift and roll those sensitive orbs all around in the palms of my cupping hands.

"Oh, that's good, Joey," he said softly as his breathing was starting to get a little more ragged again. "Just massage those nice and easy and pretty soon you'll get a nice creamy mouthful." His words inspired me and as I continued to let my fingers run tenderly over his silky-smooth scrotum, I let my mouth fill with saliva and then rolled my tongue all over his enflamed cockhead.

"Oh yeah, that's it, son. Now just keep sucking on the head like that.....oh've got it," he said with a low guttural growl as I kind of vacuumed in my cheeks and drew softly on the broad flared crown filling my mouth. I could feel that his cock was stiff as a bone but the velvety smooth texture of the surface felt incredible as I felt it pressing deliciously against my lips, tongue and all around the inside of my mouth.

"Just keep doing that, Joey." His slick stroking hand kept sliding back and forth noisily as it moved along the rigid shaft. He was breathing more heavily and his hand started to pump a little faster now. I flicked my eyes up momentarily and saw him looking down at me with a loving smile on his face as I sucked hungrily on the head of his throbbing cock. As I cradled his sperm-filled balls in my hands, I felt them start to draw up closer to his body within their protective sack.

"OH YEAH JOEY......GET READY....JUST SUCK A LITTLE MORE....A LITTLE MORE....OH YEAH......HERE IT COMES......" he said as a warning and then I felt a powerful shot hit the back of my mouth as he started to flood my mouth with his creamy semen. The first shot was quickly followed by two more big thick ropey wads of cum that gathered with the first one to make a big puddle on my tongue. He kept pumping away at his spitting cock and as he continued to unload in my hot oral cavity. I could feel the thick creamy liquid filling my mouth and knew it would be running out the corners of my mouth if I didn't swallow. Although I wanted to keep the luscious warm cream in my mouth, I knew he'd have more for me; I swallowed.

"Mmmmmm," I let out an instinctive purr as the delicious flavor of his strong manly cum slid down my throat. I could feel the viscous fluid leaving a soothing coating on the inside of my mouth and down my throat as it made its way into my stomach. I didn't have much time to think about that as he continued to pump his ejaculating cock off between my lips.

"YOU'RE GETTING A LOT THIS TIME, JOEY," he said aloud as his hand was jacking frantically back and forth. I rolled his balls gingerly in my fingertips as his spitting cock continued to shoot his warm thick cream into my mouth. I got two more big mouthfuls before he was finished. I had to swallow the first one before it overflowed my mouth but as his pumping hand slowed and finally came to a standstill, I let the last mouthful linger on my tastebuds.

"I think you got it all, son," he said as he released his hand from around his cock. I flicked my eyes up and saw him looking down at me with a blissful smile on his face as I continued to kneel before him, still fully clothed, my lips still wrapped tightly around his spent cock. I felt the gentle tug against my lips as he moved backward slightly. Reluctantly, I let him pull that beautiful fat cockhead from between my lips. I closed my mouth quickly to prevent any of his succulent cum from seeping out the corners of my mouth. As he took a step back, I looked up as he looked down at me intently.

"Let's see, you got any medicine left there or did you swallow it all?" I tipped my head up and showed him my mouth full of his milky white cream. " better swallow that now, Joey. Let that medicine get inside you and do its work." I closed my mouth and gulped noisily as I relished the soothing feeling of the warm viscous liquid sliding down my throat.

"Mmmmmm," I let out another soft mew and shivered with satisfaction as I savored the delicious treat he had just given me.

"What do you say, Joey?" he asked as he walked back behind his desk and slumped into his chair.

"Th....thanks, Mr. Jarvis!" I stammered as I looked up at him with a smile of satisfaction on my face.

"And how do I like you to show me that you appreciate what I do for you, Joey?"

" like me to wash your hand and cock off for you?" I asked, slightly unsure.

"For now....yes," he said as he nodded towards the bathroom. I scrambled to my feet and quickly returned with the steaming hot washcloth. He held his Vaseline-covered hand out for me and when I had that cleaned off, I rinsed out the washcloth and returned to attend to his cock. He let his legs fall open and I dropped to my knees before him and took that dormant monster into my hands and tenderly cleaned off the remaining traces of the slippery lubricant. Oh man, did I ever love the feel of that big cock of his in my hands. It was so different from my own.

"Okay, Joey, I've got some work to do now. You better go. You've been here more than an hour already anyways." We both looked at the clock and saw that I'd been there about twenty minutes extra already.

"That's okay, Mr. Jarvis. I don't mind staying. Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" I asked eagerly. I loved just being near him and was in no hurry to leave.

"No, not right now, Joey," he said as he looked at me with a warm smile on his face. "I will need you again after lunch though. I think I'll be ready with your next dose of medicine by then."

"Yes sir! I'll be here at one o'clock sharp!" I said enthusiastically. He motioned towards the door and I quietly let myself out and closed the door behind me. We two doses of his medicine warming my stomach, I breezed through the rest of the morning as if I had wings. I constantly ran my tongue all around the inside of my mouth as the musky flavor of Mr. Jarvis's manly seed still lingered there. I was so happy that he was so willing to help me.

I wolfed down my lunch and then took my place on the bench outside his office. I was so anxious, I could barely sit still. At precisely one o'clock, he ushered me into his office and closed the door behind me.

"Take your position, Joey," he said as I saw him start to undo his belt. I instantly dropped to my knees before his desk and looked up at him in anticipation. He fed me another big dose of medicine in the same fashion that we had worked out earlier, my lips clamped down just past his big protruding ridge while his Vaseline-coated hand stroked off his load of medicine right into my mouth. After I'd cleaned off his hand and cock, he gave me some simple filing to do to make up my required hour of work. I kept hoping he would choose to feed me again, but after the hour, he dismissed me.

The next day was Friday and with the weekend approaching, I wondered how I'd do. The reason was that as the senior councilor, Mr. Jarvis had weekends off. I think in the whole time I'd been at Monroe, I'd seen him come by maybe once on a Saturday to pick something up. After breakfast, I reported to his office as usual. He fed my regular dose of medicine straight away and I loved the feel and taste of that thick warm load as he filled my mouth. I did some more paperwork for him and then he told me to come back after lunch again. He gave me two doses in a row that time like he'd given me the previous morning. As I cleaned off his hand and cock after the second load, he just sat in his chair totally content and I was happy to see the soft blissful smile on his face. He eventually dismissed me and I hesitated at the door before opening it.

"I....I guess I won't see you until Monday then?" I said sadly as I looked back at him. He looked at me with a warm comforting smile on his face.

"I think you'll be fine over the weekend, son. You've had three doses of medicine both yesterday and today. All those vitamins inside you should be good for the next two days."

"Yes sir. If you say so," I said sadly and quietly left the room. I felt good with the two loads he'd just given me warming my stomach but I was also incredibly sad that I wouldn't see Mr. Jarvis until Monday. I spent the rest of the day and the evening by myself in my room wondering if he was thinking of me at all.

On Saturday morning, I quietly ate my breakfast with the other boys and then returned to my room. I'd been back about half an hour when there was a knock on my door. I called out and one of the weekend councilors poked his nose into my room.

"Joey, Mr. Jarvis is downstairs in his office. He said he's gotta do some work on a special report or something. He wants you to come and help him with something." Totally elated, I sprung out of my bed and almost flew down the stairs. As I dashed into his office, I saw him sitting behind his looking towards me.

"Close the door, Joey," he said as he motioned towards the door. I closed and locked the door and stepped over until I stood in front of his desk, a big beaming smile on my face.

"I was worried about you, son," he said as he got up and came around the desk and started undoing his belt. "I was just about to feed this load to Mrs. Jarvis and then I figured you needed it more than her."

"Oh, thank you sir!" I said excitedly. "I hope she won't be too upset with you."

"No, she'll get hers tomorrow. Now get down on your knees, son." I quickly dropped to my knees as he stripped off the rest of clothes. He kept me there for a little over two hours and in that time fed me three loads of medicine. It was close to lunch time when he finally dismissed me and then from the window of my room, I saw him leave shortly after. I guess he'd picked up the papers that he needed for that report he was working on.

Time seemed to drag forever on Sunday and I found myself looking out my window any time I heard a car. I was hoping that Mr. Jarvis would stop in and feed me some more medicine but he never did. I felt disheartened for most of the day but also excited that I would be seeing him the next morning. At night in my bed, I kept picturing that beautiful big cock of his and fell asleep with visions of that long menacing weapon poised over my face.

The next morning I awoke bright and early and hurried through my shower and then wolfed down my breakfast. I never saw Mr. Jarvis come in but I spotted his car in the parking lot. I anxiously waited outside his office for him to let me in. Just before eight, he opened the door and I hurried eagerly into the room. I watched as he looked up and down the corridor before closing the door behind me. I hadn't noticed it when I'd first come into the room, but as he walked back behind his desk, I saw that his right hand was wrapped in one of those stretchy elastic bandages. It went from his wrist all the way up his hand with most of his fingers showing.

"Wh....what happened to your hand, Mr. Jarvis?" I asked with concern.

"Yeah.....I sprained my wrist moving some boxes yesterday," he said as he sat back down in his big rolling chair and looked over at me with a serious look on his face. "So we might have a bit of a problem."

"What's that?" I asked innocently.

"Well," he said as he held up his bandaged hand, "this is the hand I use to stroke my cock off into your mouth. With my hand like this, I don't think I'll be able to do it." I couldn't hide the hurt and disappointed look that came over my face immediately. It felt like a dark cloud had just settled over the room.

"Wh....what about using your other hand?" I asked hopefully.

" never feels the same. I've never been able to do it by using my other hand," he said with a dismal shake of his head. "I guess we'll just have to wait until my hand gets better. I'm sorry about that, son." I could feel the intense disappointment and sadness washing over me like a cold blanket. I was wracking my brain to think of a solution to the problem.

"I know!" I suddenly blurted out. "How about if I do it for you?"

"What do you mean exactly, Joey?" he asked as he looked at me curiously.

"Why don't I use my hands to help you?" I said excitedly. "I know my hands are smaller than yours, but if I use both of them, it might be almost the same."

"Well, I never thought of that," he said as a soft smile played at the corners of his mouth. I could see by the look on his face that he was quickly warming up to my idea. "You know Joey, that might work. Do you think we should give it a try?"

"I do, Mr. Jarvis, I do!" My eager enthusiasm was apparent in my excited voice and it almost came out of me in a high-pitched squeal.

"Okay, son, why don't you come around here and help me off with these clothes." I went around his desk as he stood up and this time I took off everything. It felt nice to me to be able to help him with the buttons on his shirt as well as his pants and shoes. I don't know, it just made me feel so good to be wanted like that. Soon, I had all his clothes off except his socks. His beautiful cock was hanging majestically between his legs over his big dangling balls. He sat back down in his big desk chair and pulled open the top drawer at the same time as he let his legs drift to each side.

"Here you go," he said as he popped the top off the Vaseline. After watching him the last few days, I reached into the jar and scooped out a generous gob of the slippery lubricant. Still dressed in my running shoes, jeans and t-shirt, I dropped to my knees and rubbed the greasy gel between my two hands. As the cool lubricant started to warm and cover my hands, I looked up at him and just had to ask a question that I'd been thinking about.

"Sir?" I said hesitantly.

"What is it, Joey?"

"When you were here on Saturday, you said you were gonna feed some of your cum to Mrs. Jarvis yesterday...." I paused and he looked at me as he patiently waited for me to continue. "Well....I was just wondering....uh......did you?" My question brought a broad smile to his face.

"No I didn't, son. I was going to, and then I thought about how much more you needed it than she does. So I decided to save it up for you. I haven't cum since those three loads I gave you Saturday morning." I felt a tremendous warm feeling of happiness rush through me as I thought about what Mr. Jarvis had done. I was thrilled that he had decided to save his cum for me and not give it to his wife.

"I....I don't know what to say," I said as I looked at him all aglow. "Thank you, thank you so much, sir."

"You're welcome, Joey. After wrecking my hand last night, I thought in the end, I wouldn't be able to give you your medicine today like I promised. But I think your idea just might work." He paused as he looked down at me still rubbing my hands together. "That looks good now. They're both nice and warm and slippery, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, then let's get started," he said as he slumped down a little bit in his seat to present his open crotch to me even more. It looked lusciously inviting as his thick heavy cock and swollen balls hung over the front edge of his chair. I inched forward on my knees and then settled down on my haunches as I reached forward with both of my warm slick hands. I slipped one hand around the shaft just below the rope-like ridge and lifted it. Man, was it ever heavy. I slid my other hand past the first one and let my fingers wrap around it. It was so big around that I couldn't even close my hand around that warm piece of flesh, and it hadn't even started to get hard yet!

"Oh yeah, that feels good, Joey," Mr. Jarvis said softly as I wrapped both hands one above the other around his thick shaft. Doing what he had done with his one big hand, I started to slide both of my hands back and forth at the same time. Within the first few strokes, I felt it start to grow in my hands. Oh man, what a fantastic feeling that was! As the blood started to pump into it, it lengthened and filled as my warm delicate hands slid all the way from the base up to the broad flared head. Soon the entire length of his filling cock was glistening with the warm slick lubricant.

"Oh Jesus, that's perfect," he said with a low groan as his cock got harder and harder in my stroking hands. As it got longer and thicker, it caused my gripping hands to open wider as the filling shaft pulled my fingertips further and further from the base of my hands. I could feel the tremendous power in his beautiful cock with each sliding stroke. I couldn't believe how something could feel so incredibly hard and yet so velvety soft at the same time. As I continued to slowly slide my gripping hands back and forth, it soon was standing up proudly in full erection. My eyes were glued to that impressive piece of man-meat as I had about 9" of thick hard cock beneath my two warm hands. I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me through half-closed eyes, a look of sublime satisfaction on his face.

" there anything special you'd like me to do, sir?" I asked.

"Just do whatever you feel like, Joey. That cock is your new best friend. Do whatever you want to get to know it better."

"Yes sir," I said as I settled in and kept my eyes glued to his long virile manhood. As I stroked my two hands back and forth, he just sat back and let out a series of soft moans and groans as I basked in the warm feeling of providing him this little bit of pleasure. I felt it was the least I could do for him offering to feed me his potent creamy semen.

As I slid my two hands back and forth on his rock-hard cock, I was continually astounded by the incredible sense of power that I could feel beneath my hands. It was so much bigger, so much harder, just so fantastically more powerful than my own. I already loved the wonderful feel of it and knew I would stay there all day if necessary stroking that beautiful cock if Mr. Jarvis wanted me to.

"Mmmmm," he let out a little groan of satisfaction as I started to twist my slick hands in slow corkscrewing motion as I moved them back and forth simultaneously. My eyes were glued to that big glistening piece of hard muscle as I slowly twisted my gripping hands along the full length of his thick gnarled shaft. The red gaping eye of his piss-slit caught my eye as it filled with a growing drop of silky fluid. As I continued to methodically pump my hands back and forth, the oozing drop grew in size until under its own weight, it started to distend downwards. I watched totally enthralled as the growing drop distended further and further; still connected to his surging cock by a shining web of the clear fluid. Not wanting some of my treasured medicine to get away, I extended my tongue until I felt the warm touch of the heavy drop. I could see Mr. Jarvis watching intently as I held my tongue still and continued to slowly pump away at his stiff erection. As my hands slid back and forth, more of the smooth silky fluid oozed forth and I felt the warm drop growing in size as it rested on my tongue.

"You like that pre-cum, Joey? There're lots of vitamins in that too," he said as I continued to pump out more of the tasty warm fluid onto my tongue. As the drop got so big that it threatened to slide off my tongue, I brought my head up and followed the connecting strand right up to the glowing red opening and teased the tip of my tongue right into the centre of the oozing eye.

"Hhhhmmmm, I guess you do like it," he said softly as I licked right into the little opening and drew my tongue back into my mouth. As my lips closed around the prized gob of silky fluid, I swallowed.

"Mmmmmm," I let out a little purr of satisfaction as it slid down my throat. I slid my hands towards me and as my one hand slid right off the end, he let out a low growl of pleasure. Sensing that he liked it, I drew my further hand towards me and as I did so, I reached forward to grasp around the base of the thick shaft with my other hand. Soon, I had a smooth hand over hand rhythm going. It was like I was trying to pull a boat to shore by gripping a thick rope and drawing it closer and closer to me one hand at a time.

"Oh shit, that's good," Mr. Jarvis said with a groan as I continued to draw my warm slick hands one at a time all the way from the thick base and then right off the end of the large mushroom head. Oh man, it felt so big and hard in my small hands. The lubricant felt delicious beneath my fingers and palms of my hands as it greased the way to allow the perfect amount of stimulating friction.

"OH!" I gasped as I accidentally eased up my grip on his surging cock. It instantaneously snapped up out of my hands and slapped noisily against his stomach. "Are you okay?" I asked with a note of concern in my voice.

"Sure, Joey," he said as he gave a little chuckle. He paused for a second, looked down at his hard throbbing erection pointing straight up, and then looked back at me. "Why don't you put the head into your mouth like we've been doing so that doesn't happen again?"

"Yes sir, good idea," I said as I reached up and wrapped both my delicate little hands around that throbbing monster and pulled it back down towards me. I raised myself up off my haunches until I was back up on my knees. This brought my face to the perfect level just above the head of his upright cock.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered under my breath as I was mere inches away from the pulsating rock-hard piece of man-meat. I felt drawn to it like a moth to a flame and eased myself forward as I slowly opened my mouth. I could sense Mr. Jarvis watching me intently as I pursed my lips into an inviting "O" and then pressed them against the hot smooth surface of his glans. As I lowered my face downwards, I let my soft lips follow the sensual flared contours of his cockhead as my mouth was stretched open further and further as I fought to accommodate the broad crimson crown. My lips stretched and stretched and then I felt that delightful sensation as they slipped right over the thick purple ridge of his corona and locked down on the glistening shaft below.

"Mmmmmmm," I let out a little mew as I rolled my tongue all around the sensitive membranes of the engorged head trapped within my mouth. I pulled back ever so slightly and loved the pleasurable feeling as my lips fit snugly right under that thick rope-like ridge. I sucked softly on the big head trapped within my mouth and felt my cheeks pressing teasingly against those sensitive enflamed membranes.

"Oh Jesus, that's fantastic," Mr. Jarvis said in a husky voice. Knowing he was pleased with my efforts, I wrapped both of my hands back around his hard glistening member and started using that slow corkscrewing motion again. I stroked both hands in unison, all the way from the base back up until I bumped my hands softly against my own stretched lips. As I slid my hands firmly up and down, I continued to use my tongue to bathe the hot fat head captured inside my mouth at the same time as I sucked on it softly.

"Oh fuck.....this is gonna be beautiful," he said with a low groan as I felt him start to get more and more agitated as his pleasure escalated. "Oh Jesus.....your hands feel fantastic, son.....oh yeah...just a little more." I kept my hands moving in a smooth twisting motion up and down the length of that hard greasy shaft as my lips drew teasingly on the spongy membranes of the crown. I felt his cock seem to get just a little bit harder and I could hear him breathing more raggedly from above me.

"JOEY....GET READY.....OH FUCK....THAT IS SO GOOD.....OH JESUS....JUST.....JUST....OH FUCK...HERE YOU GO!" he said with a low groan and then I felt his body go rigid as he started to flood my mouth. The warm cream seemed to burst like a shot from the tip of his cock and hit forcefully against the roof of my mouth. I felt three quick hard shots and then I could feel my mouth filling with his thick manly semen. I kept my hands firmly shucking back and forth and with each stroke I was rewarded with another shot of his warm seed as he continued to unload inside me. My cheeks were filling with the smooth silky cream and I wanted to hold it as long as I could to savor the intense manly flavor I'd come to love so much already. I kept my lips locked snugly just beneath his ejaculating crown as I kept pumping as much of his delicious cum out of him as I could. His orgasm seemed to go on for a long time and then finally, I felt his body seem to collapse back into his chair. I instinctively slowed my jacking hands until they came to a complete stop. I sat still with my hands wrapped around his thick shaft and my full mouth clamped down over the broad flared head.

"Oh fuck, that was unbelievable," he said in a husky voice as he breathed in large gulps of cool fresh air. I was thrilled to hear that Mr. Jarvis was so happy with my efforts. "Let's see how much medicine you got out of me this time, son?" I cautiously slipped my lips back off his wide flared cockhead and closed my mouth to prevent any of his silvery cum from slipping out. He sat forward in his chair and I looked up at him with adoring eyes. As I sat there on my knees before him with his warm milky semen filling my mouth, I felt like I'd never been happier in my entire life. As he looked at me intently, I tipped my head up and slowly opened my mouth to show him my treasured prize.

"Oh Jesus, that's a lot of cum," he said as a broad smile came over his face. He reached out with his bandaged hand and tenderly started stroking the side of my neck with his fingertips. I loved the feel of his big manly hand touching me. "You'd better swallow it, Joey, so those vitamins can get inside you." I nodded slightly and closed my mouth. I swirled the mouthful of warm cream all around my mouth for a second and then swallowed.

"Oh yeah, that's the way," he said with a nod as his fingertips stroked my neck while I swallowed. I knew he'd be able to feel the muscles in my throat contracting as his thick silky cum slid down my throat. I swallowed three big mouthfuls before I got it all down. Man, was there ever a lot! He had never fed me this much before. I loved every mouthwatering drop. I almost smacked my lips with pleasure as I finally swallowed the last morsel and looked up at him with a look of pure satisfied bliss on my face.

"Oh Mr. Jarvis, thank you. That tasted so good." He slumped back in his chair and just looked at me with a contented look on his face as I looked back at his half-hard cock. "Should I....should I get the cloth and clean your cock off for you now, sir?" I asked as I pointed at his heavy spent member.

"Not just yet, Joey," he said as he looked down at me kneeling between his legs. As I looked up at him, I could see the lustful desire still lurking in his eyes. "You know, I haven't felt this horny in a long time. I'm ready to go again already. Just put your mouth back on my cock and let me feel those hands of yours again."

"Yes sir!" I said eagerly as I almost dove forward and slipped his cock back into my mouth. I reached up on top of the desk and scooped out a little more Vaseline which I quickly spread along the length of his cock. He sat back totally relaxed and let me take my time working on his cock with my mouth and hands. It took less than five minutes for his stallion-like cock to come back up to full hardness. Once it did, I just settled in and enjoyed the wonderful sensations that hard beautiful cock was able to provide for me. A couple of times it felt like he was close to cumming and then he would reach forward and stop my pumping hands. I loved the feeling of his big hard cock beneath my hands and in my mouth. For over an hour, he kept me working slowly on that hard powerful cock. Finally, he let himself go and flooded my mouth with his thick creamy cum. His cock kept shooting and oozing his milky semen right into my mouth until he was totally drained. This time he sent me for the washcloth and I obediently cleaned off his heavy spent member before he dismissed me, but not before making sure that I knew to report back to his office right after lunch.

I went back up to my room and lay on my bed totally elated with the way things had gone this morning. Mr. Jarvis' injured hand had allowed me to show him how much I was able to help him by using my own hands and mouth to help draw forth the potent medicine I loved so much. With his manly taste still lingering in my mouth, I was eagerly looking forward to my next dose of medicine...

As I heard the other boys coming in, I rushed down to the dining room and was one of the first ones in line for lunch. As one of the councilors filled my plate, I saw Mrs. Nesbitt take a tray of food and a drink down the hall for Mr. Jarvis. Whereas the other councilors always ate with us, Mr. Jarvis nearly always took his lunch alone in his office.

I felt like I was floating on air as I ate my lunch. For some reason, the food tasted better than I ever remembered. I wondered if it was the effects of the vitamins that Mr. Jarvis was giving me taking effect all ready. If this was the way they made you feel, I couldn't wait to get more!

I finished my lunch in record time and took my usual spot on the bench outside Mr. Jarvis' office in case he finished early too. He must have made quick work of his lunch as well because he checked to see if I was there about fifteen minutes earlier than our scheduled appointment. Not that I was complaining or anything. As I breezed past him into his office, I was only too happy that he was ready to give me my next dose of medicine already. As he locked the door behind me and walked back behind his desk, I noticed he didn't have the bandage on his hand that he'd been wearing earlier.

"Mr. Jarvis, what happened to your bandage?" I asked as I pointed towards his unbound hand.

"Oh....uh.....yeah. I...uh...I took it off to wash my hands after lunch. Thanks for reminding me. I better put it back on." He opened one of his lower desk drawers and pulled out the bandage. I watched as he wrapped it around his wrist and hand and fastened it with the clips to hold it in place. "Now, where were we? Oh yes, it's time for your afternoon dose of medicine." He rolled his chair around until he was facing sideways to his desk. "Come and get it, son," he said as he nodded to the spot on the floor in front of him. I instantly came around the desk and once again helped him out of his clothes. Once he was naked, he sat back down in his chair while I opened the top drawer and lifted out the jar of Vaseline. I had already come to love the smell of it, "Baby Fresh Scent". There was something wickedly sinful about that innocent fragrance combined with what we were about to do.

"Now do it just like you did this morning, Joey, and you'll get another big mouthful," he said as I crawled forward between his spread thighs. Once again I wrapped my hands around that thick beautiful cock and locked my lips down just past the big mushroom head. We took our time and he told me some different ways he wanted me to stroke his cock before finally giving me another succulent mouthful of warm thick cream. He got me to clean his cock again with the hot steamy washcloth and then sent me on my way. With three thick gooey loads sitting nicely in my stomach, I was happy for the rest of the day.

The next day when he let me into his office, I commented that he wasn't wearing the bandage again. He said that his wrist was feeling a little better but he felt that it was probably best if he let me jerk him off into my mouth for another day or two yet. That was fine with me as I got to feel that powerful piece of muscle in my hands again. He fed me two more loads of medicine in the morning again and then another right after lunch. I was feeling really good and was getting used to taking three doses a day. It seemed like the more he gave me, the better I felt. I guess he was right about the vitamins and nutrients that the doctors had told him about.

About an hour after he had dismissed me on that Tuesday afternoon, Carl appeared and knocked at my door. "Joey, you need to go down to Mr. Jarvis' office. There's a lady from Social Services there." I immediately became alarmed that somehow somebody had seen what Mr. Jarvis was doing for me and had alerted someone in authority. I slowly went downstairs and approached Mr. Jarvis' office cautiously. I could see the door was open and then I heard his voice speaking loudly from within.

"Are you k**ding me? Where did these people come from?"

"When the Quigleys decided to give Joey up, his case was assigned to me," I heard a woman's voice respond from inside his office. I stopped just outside the door and listened attentively. "After reading his file, it seemed to me that when his parents died, the trail to look for any living relatives of his parents ended pretty quickly. I'm not sure what happened then. Anyways, I did a little more digging and found a cousin of his mother's. They live on a ranch in the next state." I stood deathly still; I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are you sure they're really his relatives or are they just somebody looking for a payout from the government?" Mr. Jarvis asked and I could hear the apparent anger in his voice.

"Yes, they are his relatives," the woman continued in a calm voice. "I spoke with both of them myself. Let me see here....yes....Claire and Ben Alfredson. Claire is the first and apparently only cousin of Joey's mother. I don't know if they didn't find her because she'd gotten married and wasn't using her maiden name or what. Anyways, she had heard at some point that Joey's parents had died and wondered what had ever happened to him."

"But obviously she didn't care enough to try and find out what happened to him before now." You could hear the level of irritation apparent in Mr. Jarvis' voice.

"Well, I can't really comment on that. Only that they are happy to take Joey into their home now." What!?!?!? I couldn't believe my ears. I was going to have to leave Monroe! This couldn't be happening now! Not after what had been happening with Mr. Jarvis over the last week or so.

"And the monthly payment from the government has nothing to do with their decision?" Mr. Jarvis said sarcastically.

"The payments are of course ensured under the process. But I had the feeling from talking to them that it wouldn't have made a difference."

"Tell me," Mr. Jarvis said slowly, "did they ever ask how much those payments would be?"

"Well, yes, they did."

"Hhhhmmm. Well, I beg to differ on whether it made a difference or not." I could almost hear the anger as he tried to control his voice. "Do you really think this is the best thing for Joey right now?"

"If being with relatives is possible, it is required by law, Mr. Jarvis."

"So he doesn't have a say in this at all?" I could hear the exasperation in his voice. I was feeling the same way myself.

"Not until he's 21. He's only 18 right now."

"Oh Jesus," Mr. Jarvis said with tone of resignation. I poked my head around the corner and tapped softly on the door. They both looked at me and my eyes almost filled with tears as I could see by the anguished look on Mr. Jarvis' face that what I'd heard was true.

"Joey....Joey, come in," the woman said politely with a big smile on her face. I barely took my eyes off Mr. Jarvis as she led me into the room and sat me in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He stood by the window with his arms folded across his chest, looking totally miserable. After what I'd just heard, I felt the same way.

"Joey, I'm Ann McGuinn from Social Services and I've got some good news for you."

"I....I...I'm sorry...but I heard some of what you were saying from outside the door," I admitted. It was almost like I didn't want to hear it all over again.

"What.....what did you hear, Joey?" she asked.

"That you found some relatives of my mom's that you're sending me to live with."

"Yes, that's right. Aren't you excited?" she said with what I took to be a big fake smile.

"No!" I said indignantly.

"But Joey, they have a big ranch with horses. And they have two sons of their own just a couple of years older than you."

"I don't care! I don't want to go!" I blurted out.

"But...but," she seemed at a loss for words.

"It'll be alright, Ms. McGuinn," Mr. Jarvis interrupted. "I'll talk to Joey."

"Well, alright," she said, totally confused about what to do now.

"When does he have to go?"

"He's going on the bus that leaves at 9:30 on Friday morning. It's about a six hour bus ride. There'll be someone to meet him there when he gets off the bus. That'll give him a few days to get his things together here."

"Okay, Ms. McGuinn, I think you've done enough goodwill for one day," Mr. Jarvis said sarcastically. "You call me tomorrow with all the information and I'll make sure Joey's on that bus on Friday." He picked up her briefcase and handed it to her and I could tell that in his opinion, this conversation was over.

"Well, fine then," she said, somewhat irritated at being blatantly dismissed. When she got to the door, she turned and looked back at us. "Thank you, Mr. Jarvis." I could hear her trying to sound all professional again. "And good luck, Joey. I'm sure everything will work out with your new aunt and uncle." I didn't even look in her direction. She paused for a second and then I guess she thought it best not to say anything more; she simply left the room. Mr. Jarvis closed the door behind her and slowly made his way back behind his desk. I sat there stunned; barely believing what I'd just been told.

"Mr. Jarvis, what am I going to do?" I asked, trying as hard as I could to hold back the tears.

"It'll be okay, Joey," he said in a soothing voice. He paused for a few seconds before continuing. "It came as a shock to me too. Unfortunately, what she said is the law. There's nothing either you or I can do about it." We both sat there in silence for a few minutes as the gravity of the situation settled over us.

"I....I'm going to miss you, Mr. Jarvis," I said sadly. "Nobody's ever been as nice or cared about me like you have this last little while."

"I'm going to miss you too, Joey," he said with a sad note of resignation in his voice. "Maybe these people are really nice. I don't know. It might all work out for the best for you." I could tell he was trying to sound optimistic to try and lift my spirits. I had the feeling he really didn't believe what he was saying.

"I....I hope so," I said as I hung my head sadly. I tried not to put any more of this problem on Mr. Jarvis; it wasn't his fault.

"One other thing, Joey," he said as he leaned forwards on his desk. "Tomorrow, I have to leave first thing in the morning for a seminar over at the State office. I won't be back until late in the afternoon." It just felt like another nail being driven into my coffin. I knew there was nothing he could do about that either. With my head hanging low, I simply nodded that I had heard him. We both sat there in stunned silence for another minute or so before he spoke again. "Okay Joey, I guess you better go back to your room now." I slowly got up from my chair and made my way to the door. As I put my hand on the latch, I turned and looked back at him. He was looking intently at me and I could see the sadness in his eyes too.

"Sir, if you're not going to be here tomorrow, do you think you might have one more dose of medicine that you can give me today?" I asked imploringly. For the first time since I'd come down to his office, I saw a smile come over his face.

"Would that make you feel better, Joey?"

"Oh yes sir! It would make me feel a lot better."

"Okay, lock the door," he said as he stood up from his chair. I pressed the button for the lock on his door and anxiously returned to my usual spot before him. I undressed him again as he pulled open his desk drawer and withdrew the big tub of Vaseline. I lubed up my two little hands and as he sat back in his chair, I slipped my mouth over the broad mushroom head and slowly serviced him like it might be my last chance. He could tell I was in no hurry, and neither was he. I kept my hands and mouth working on that beautiful big cock for over an hour before he finally emptied his sperm-filled balls into my welcoming mouth. As I swallowed the thick load of creamy semen, I felt both incredibly happy and incredibly sad at the same time. I cleaned his cock lovingly with the washcloth and then quietly went back up to my room.

I barely picked at my dinner that night and spent the rest of the evening lying on my bed wondering about what was going to become of me; and especially how much I was going to miss my regular doses of medicine from Mr. Jarvis. The next day didn't go any better as I sadly went from one thing to another. I couldn't concentrate on my book and most of the time just sat quietly, wondering if I'd ever see Mr. Jarvis after this Friday.

Around 3:30 in the afternoon, I was lying on my bed when I heard a car come into the parking area. I looked out my window and saw Mr. Jarvis come into the house. I could barely contain my excitement and listened at the door of my room. I could only hear the low mumble of his voice and I was sure the other voice I could hear was Carl's. A minute or two later, I head footsteps coming up the stairs and stepped back into my room. Carl knocked softly at my open door and poked his head in.

"Joey, Mr. Jarvis would like to see you," he said and then retreated back downstairs. I was so excited, I had to make myself take a couple of deep breaths to calm down. Without trying to be too obvious, I hurried down the stairs and went directly to Mr. Jarvis' office.

"You're back," I said with a big smile on my face as I started to close the door behind me.

"Wait!" he said as he stuck his hand out towards the door. His sharp response stopped my hand from closing the door any further. I instantly became alarmed that we weren't going to have our usual time together and he wasn't going to give me my next dose of medicine. I had gone the whole day without one and I could feel my body craving it.

"Joey," he said as he looked at me with a soft smile on his face, "how would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?"

"Really?" I gasped wide-eyed.

"Sure. Mrs. Jarvis would like to meet the fine young man who's been helping me over the last week and a half. It was her idea."

"I....I guess." I was unsure what I thought about the idea of meeting Mrs. Jarvis but I knew I loved the chance for any opportunity I had to be with him. "Yes, that would be great! Thank you."

"Good. I've spoken with Carl and filled out the required paperwork already. I let him know that I'll be bringing you back after dinner. If you're all set, I guess we can go," he said as he grabbed his briefcase and headed towards the door. I followed like a little puppy and was excited as anything to be with him. He didn't say much as we got into his car and headed towards the outskirts of town. I sat quietly and looked over at him with a swelling of happiness inside me. We eventually turned down a bit of a country lane right on the edge of town. It was an older part where all the lots were pretty big and most of them were surrounded with big mature trees. Mr. Jarvis pulled into a driveway lined with high cedars and we came to a small but nice house nestled amongst the trees.

"Hhhmmm, I don't see Mrs. Jarvis' car," he said as we got out and made our way towards the house. "I wonder where she is?" I followed him into the house as he dropped his briefcase by the door and walked further into the house. I saw him pick up a piece of paper on the kitchen counter and start reading. He scanned it quickly and then turned to me.

"Listen to this Joey: "My sister called and her husband was rushed to the hospital with a heart attack. She was very upset and asked if I could come and stay with her. I'll be gone overnight and probably be home tomorrow afternoon. I'm very sorry that I missed having a chance to meet Joey. He sounds like a fine young man. Make him feel at home. There's some leftover tuna casserole in the fridge. See you tomorrow, Mrs. Jarvis."

I don't know if she really signed it Mrs. Jarvis or if he just said that for my benefit because I'd never heard her first name either. As soon as he finished reading, he crumpled up the piece of paper into a ball and threw it into the garbage can beneath the sink. I can honestly say that I wasn't very disappointed that she wasn't going to be there. It would give me some time alone with Mr. Jarvis. I could feel the intense happiness almost swelling in my heart as I thought about it.

"Well, that's too bad Mrs. Jarvis can't be here," he said with a funny little smile on his face. "What would you like to do, Joey?"

"Ah gee, I don't know." I didn't want to be any bother for him so I decided to kind of throw the question back at him. "What do you usually do when you get home?"

"Well, I usually grab a shower, then sit and have a beer while I watch some TV."

"That sounds okay to me. Why don't we just do that?"

"We?" he said as he looked at me questioningly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said as I turned red with embarrassment. "I mean, I'll just wait here if you want to take a shower and then I can bring you a beer and we can watch some TV after that."

"Well, that sounds like a good idea but I think I have an even better one," he said as he looked at me with big grin on his face.

"Wh...what's that?" I asked.

"Well, you know how I've kind of been doing you a favor by making sure you get that medicine you need?"

"Yes sir. And I do appreciate it. I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"That's good, Joey," he said in a soft voice. "Well then, how would you like to do me a favor for a change?"

"I....I'd love that sir!" I said excitedly. "I'll do whatever you'd like me to do."

"Good...good," he said with a nod. "This hand is still giving me a bit of trouble." He held up his hand that he had injured on the weekend although he hadn't been wearing the bandage since Monday. "How about if you join me in the shower and you can wash me?"

"Sure!" I said as I looked up at him in awe. I couldn't believe what he was asking me to do. This was the kind of thing I'd been dreaming of for the last few days. It was something I knew I could do for him that I hoped would make him happy. I so badly wanted to please him like he was doing for me by feeding me his potent semen.

"Okay, let's go," he said as he got up and walked further into the house. I followed him to the master bedroom and then into a large en-suite bathroom. There was a big shower stall surrounded by glass that ran from the floor to the ceiling. He pulled what looked like Mrs. Jarvis' pantyhose and a bra that were d****d over the top edge of one of the glass walls and tossed them onto the vanity counter. He opened one of the doors and got the shower running before turning to me. It was one of those big showers with a nozzle at each end and he turned both of them on.

"Take my clothes off for me, Joey," he instructed. As I had done for the last few days, I dutifully undid and removed all his clothing, even his socks this time. I loved the feel of stripping the clothes off this big rugged man. It made me feel needed and wanted. I knew he liked it and I was only too happy to do as he wished.

"Okay, you'd better get your own stuff off," he said as he stepped into the shower and closed the door behind him. This was the first time I was going to be naked in front of another person other than a doctor. I was nervous as anything and turned my back as I took off my clothes and lay them in a pile on top of the toilet seat. I think Mr. Jarvis must have sensed my anxiety because as I opened the door and made my way into the shower, he never once turned and looked directly at me. He was leaning forwards with his hands against the wall behind one of the showerheads, letting the pelting spray cascade down over his head. He heard the door close and looked briefly in my direction. I was afraid he would make some comment about the fact that my cock was so much smaller than his but he almost appeared not to even notice as he handed me a big bar of soap.

"Get those hands nice and lathered up, Joey," he said as he turned back and let the steaming spray rain down upon him. It would have been cold in there out of the spray if this was a regular shower and I was glad that there was a nozzle at each end. As he was busy using one, the warm soothing spray from the other one was spraying over my own small body. I took the bar of soap and worked up a frothy lather on both of my hands before setting it into a built-in shelf in the wall. I looked up at his big masculine body and wasn't sure what to do next.

"Start with my back," he said as he seemed to sense my hesitation. As I stood behind him, I took my two soap-covered hands and started to slide them up his back. His body felt so big and manly under my slippery hands. He was a big solid man and it felt so different for my hands to be on someone else's body other than my own. As I slid my small hands up towards his shoulders, I realized how much I was liking it. I didn't know if it was just because it was Mr. Jarvis I was doing it to, or if I would have felt the same if it was someone else. I figured it was because I'd come to feel so comfortable and happy in his presence that it was showing itself in my desire to do things for him, like wash his big masculine body.

"That's good, Joey," he said as my hands slid up over his shoulders and I brought them together towards his neck in a firm massaging motion. Pretty soon I had his whole back covered with a frothy lather.

"Now my legs," he instructed. I re-lathered my hands and got to my knees behind him as I let my small delicate hands run up and down his solid tree-trunk legs. They were so big and powerful compared to my spindly little ones. I covered his legs with the soapy film all the way down including the tops of his feet.

"Now stay down there on your knees and wash my ass," he said firmly. Not wanting to disappoint Mr. Jarvis, I grabbed the bar of soap and worked up a frothy lather that completely covered both of my hands. From my spot on my knees behind him, I looked up at that big round ass of his as he stepped slightly to each side with his feet. I took my hands and placed one high up on the back of each of his thighs and then slid my hands upwards. The slippery soap made his big round bum feel good and for some reason, incredibly naughty under my hands. I slid them all the way up to the small of his back and then back down in slow caressing circles.

"That's it, your hands feel good, Joey." Inspired by his words of praise, I let my fingers roam a little more boldly over those round mounds of flesh. They were totally covered with the bubbling soapy foam and I reached for the bar of soap to get more.

"That's good, son," he said as he looked back at me over his shoulder. "Get those hands good and soapy 'cause I want you to work on my crack for awhile."

"Yes sir," I said obediently as he turned his face back into the pelting spray. I got my hands totally covered with lather again just as he stepped his feet a little further to each side. Just below and beyond his ass, I could see his balls hanging heavy and full in his silky bag while the big mushroom head of his majestic manhood hung even further down beyond that. I took one hand and brought it back down onto the soft curve of one of his ass-cheeks and then let the side of my hand slide right into his warm moist crack.

"Oh yeah, that's it," he said with a soft moan as he leaned slightly forwards. As he leaned forwards, it caused his smooth warm crack to open up even more for my attention. It felt hot and nasty to being doing it but I loved the feeling as my hand slid deep into that smooth crevice. The skin inside there was tight and smooth and oh so hot. I slid the side of my soapy hand right down into the depth of it and as I touched bottom, I moved my fingertips downward. He wriggled his ass slightly as my fingers slid along the very bottom on that hot crease until I felt my fingertips encounter the puckered skin of his tight anal opening. For some reason, I wasn't sure why, I automatically paused here and let my small little fingertips run all around the pink little opening. I kept one hand exploring all around that tight little hole while I brought my other and slid it past the first one to wash the area between his bum-hole and the back of his low-hanging sack.

"Get both hands washing all along in there, Joey," he said as he wriggled his ass back towards me. I grabbed the bar of soap and quickly lathered up again before bringing both hands right into his hot steamy crevice and rubbing the slippery soap all along that delightful hidden flesh from top to bottom. For the next five minutes or so, he leaned forwards against the shower wall as my slippery fingers explored all along his steaming crack. For some reason, I loved the feel of my fingertips teasing around the sensitive opening of his pink little rosebud.

"Oh Jesus, you are good at that, son. Now wash my front," he said as he turned around with his back to one showerhead. As he turned around, I was almost hit in the face by his semi-hard cock. As I had been working on his ass, it had started to fill and extend out from his body. It was now about half-hard and projected almost straight out at a 90 degree angle from his body. I lathered up my hands and from my place on my knees, I kept my eyes glued to that beautiful cock as I washed the front of his legs from his feet up to his thick manly thighs. It was bobbing invitingly before me and I loved the look of it as it hung heavy and thick straight out before him. When I finished he legs, he looked down at me as I seemed mesmerized by the sight of his gorgeous swelling cock just inches from my face. I got more lather on my hands and started to reach for that beautiful dick.

"Unnhh-uh," he said as warning for me to stop. "You want that Joey?" he asked teasingly as he reached down and drew the big wet head of his virile manhood all around my face.

"Yes sir," I said as I looked up at him imploringly. "Please sir?"

"Not just yet. Wash the rest of me first," he said firmly. "Then I'll let you have what you want so much." I quickly rose to my feet and started to wash his stomach. It even felt good to run my soapy hands over his "spare tire" as he looked down at me with a leer on his face as I slid my soapy hands over his body. After I did his chest, he raised his arms and I instinctively slid my hands into his hairy armpits. They were hot and moist and I gently washed the ticklish skin as I felt the power of his big body beneath my fingers. I loved the feel of his shoulders and arms as I slid both hands together over his upper body and torso. When I had finished the rest of his upper body, I took half a step back and we both looked down between us. He must have liked having my hands on him because his cock was now standing totally upright and pointing straight up towards the ceiling. The engorged head had become a dark angry red and I could already see some of the warm silky medicine starting to fill the gaping red eye at the tip.

"Is that what you want to wash next, son?" he asked as he nodded down towards his upright dick. I simply nodded as if in a trance as I felt an intense feeling of desire rush through me. My hands seemed to reach out of their own accord as if drawn towards that big rigid muscle like iron to a magnet. As my soap-covered hands slipped around that thick piece of man-meat, I almost swooned as the incredible luscious feeling of having his rock-hard cock in the grasp of my little hands overwhelmed me.

"Oh God, that feels good," he said with a low groan as I let my lathered hands slide back and forth sensually all along the velvety smooth surface of his throbbing erection. Once again, I was amazed that something could feel so hard and yet so buttery soft and smooth at the same time. I took my time and washed his cock thoroughly, my hands sliding from the very tip on top all the way down to the underside of the base. I even used both hands and tenderly washed his low hanging balls in their silky protective sack from the front this time. I re-lathered my hands and moved back to engorged throbbing stalk and used both hands in a long slow cork-screwing motion that I knew he liked.

"Could I.....could I have my medicine soon, sir?" I asked as I continued to stroke his turgid member with my slick soapy hands.

"Is that what you want, Joey?" he asked teasingly.

"Oh yes sir. Please?" I asked imploringly as I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Okay, you've been a good boy. Rinse it off first." I stepped to the side and let the spray from the shower head behind me rain down upon the front of his body. I watched as the frothy lather ran off his upright member and gathered in a milky pool at the bottom of the shower before making its way in a swirling pearly stream into the drain.

"That's good, now get back down on your knees," he instructed. I dropped back down to my knees instantly and lifted my head up towards him. "Now get your hands lathered up again." I reached beside me and worked up a bubbly mess of frothy foam that covered both of my hands. When I was ready, he used his own hand to push down on the top of his stiff erection until it was pointed right at my mouth.

"Good boy, now open wide." With my eyes locked onto his engorged cock-head, I opened my mouth wide just as he slid it between my parted lips. My lips quickly pressed against the hot spongy surface of the broad flared crown and then I felt that delicious sensation as they slipped over the thick ridge and locked down onto the smooth shaft below.

"Mmmmmmm," I let out a long purr of satisfaction as I felt that now familiar cock-head filling my mouth. As soon as I had the engorged crown locked within my mouth, I knew what was expected of me. I brought my two soapy hands up and slipped them around that slick veiny shaft in a warm gripping corridor. I again started to pump my hands back and forth in unison as I used that smooth cork-screwing motion once more.

"Oh fuck," he said with a low growl as he shifted his feet a little bit to each side to steady himself. I slowly bathed his hot cockhead with my tongue while applying some gentle sucking action at the same time. My hands continued to slide back and forth teasingly and I could see that his gnarled shaft was covered in foamy lather all the way from my pursed lips to his matted pubic hair.

"OH JESUS, GET READY JOEY. YOU'RE GONNA GET A MOUTHFUL," he said as I could hear him breathing more raggedly as he approached his climax. His big hands reached forward and I felt one on either side of my head as he held it firmly in place. "OH YEAH....JUST KEEP PUMPING IT NICE AND SLOW......OH YEAH....NICE AND SLOW....JUST LIKE......JUST.....OH FUCK!" He let out a gasp and then I felt a little twitch in my mouth and then it quickly started to fill with cum. Four or five hard shots came one right after the other as he started to unload. I could tell he had a lot of medicine for me this time so I swallowed the first mouthful quickly. As the warm silky cream left a smooth coating in my throat, he continued to flood my mouth with more. I kept my stroking hands pumping smoothly along that beautiful throbbing rod as the hot tip kept ejaculating his delicious milky semen onto my waiting tongue. I swallowed again and still his cock kept spitting as my sliding hands coaxed as much of that luscious cream out of him as I could. I loved the feel of his big hands holding onto my head tightly as he unloaded wad after wad of his warm milky semen into my welcoming mouth. Finally I felt a big shudder go through his body and he released his firm grip on my head. I brought my hands to a standstill and finished drinking my medicine from his oozing cock.

"Mmmmm, that was nice, Joey. Did you like that?" he asked. I reluctantly let my mouth slip off the end of his slowly deflating cock and looked up at him adoringly.

"Yes sir. I loved it. Thank you."

"That's good," he said as he turned back around and let the pelting spray from the shower wash over him. "Now let's finish up in here. I'm getting hungry. When you're dressed, just wait for me until I get out." I got up from my knees and turned to face the shower head at my end of the stall and quickly washed myself. I left the shower stall and dried myself on one of the towels he'd set out for us. I pulled on my underwear, jeans and t-shirt and waited patiently for him. He finally shut off the running water and stepped out of the stall to stand before me, his big hulking body looming over my small frail form.

"Dry me off, son," he said as he nodded towards the other towel. I was thrilled that he would ask me to do such an intimate thing and eagerly picked up the fluffy piece of fabric and started drying his rugged body. I dried him from head to toe and took a little extra time as I held his dormant manhood in my hands and wrapped part of the thick towel around it. When I was done, he grabbed a plush white terrycloth robe from the back of the washroom door and wrapped it around himself.

"Grab me a beer from the fridge, Joey," he said as he ambled from the washroom back into the living room. "And grab yourself a pop if you want." He turned on the TV and sank into a big easy chair as I took a beer from the fridge and opened it for him. I grabbed myself a Pepsi and brought both into the living room. He was watching a sports highlight show as I passed him the beer.

"Thanks son. Why don't you see if you can make us up a couple of plates of that tuna casserole Mrs. Jarvis mentioned? I'll just stay here and get to work on this beer," he said as he settled into his chair and took a big slug of his drink.

"Yes sir," I said as I took my pop back with me to the kitchen. I found the casserole in the fridge, spotted the microwave, and within ten minutes or so, I brought two steaming plates of the food back into the living room. He took it from me and dug in as he barely took his eyes off the TV. I sat on a small footstool next to him and ate my food silently. He must have been hungry because he finished in no time flat and then set his plate down on the coffee table in front of him.

"Grab me another beer, Joey," he said as he sat further back in his chair. I opened him another beer and as I passed it to him, he reached up and kind of patted my head, "Thanks son."

"You're welcome, sir," I said as I sat back down on the footstool next to him. He quickly sat forward and looked at me intently.

"Do you feel okay, Joey?" he asked me with a worried look on his face.

"I...I feel fine, sir."

"You felt kind of hot. Let me check," he said as he reached forward and put the palm of his hand on my forehead. "Yeah, you do feel hot. I better check your temperature." He got up from his chair and started to make his way towards the bathroom.

"I'm sure I'm okay, sir," I said as he walked out of the room. "I feel fine."

"Well, let's just check," he said as he came back in with a little digital thermometer. He slipped it under my tongue and told me to keep still. When it beeped he pulled it from my mouth and I saw him look at it closely.

"Wow! 101.2! That's not good," he said as he looked at me closely.

"Can I...can I see that, sir?" I asked with a note of worry in my voice as I pointed towards the thermometer.

"Oh sorry, Joey. I already turned it off," he said as he slipped it into the pocket of his robe. He reached forward and put the palm of his hand on my forehead again. I was surprised the thermometer had read my temperature as that high; I was feeling totally normal. I was wondering if this was one of those strange viruses that comes up on you quickly.

"Hhhhm, I think I'd better call my doctor about this," he said as he picked up the phone and dialed the number. I was kind of surprised that he knew the number of his doctor without even having to look it up. I sat anxiously on the footstool, glad that Mr. Jarvis was there to take care of me if something was wrong.

"Yes, Dr. Miller," I heard him say. "I'm glad I caught you before you went home." There was a brief pause as the doctor must have been speaking. Mr. Jarvis had the phone close to his ear and I could only hear his side of the conversation.

"Yes, you know that boy I was telling you about?.....Yes, the one at Monroe that I've been feeding my semen to.....Well, he's visiting over at my house right now and I noticed he has a bit of a fever.....It's 101.2 degrees. I was wondering if you had any suggestions?.....Mmmmmhhmmm.....Yes.....So it's good for bringing down a fever too?.....Right......So either internally or on his skin?.....Right, I understand."

I could only hear Mr. Jarvis' part of the conversation but it sounded like the doctor was suggesting that he give me more of his medicine.

"So how often, Doctor?" Mr. Jarvis continued. "So at least every two hours? Is that what you said?.....Right, at least every two hours for the next f******n hours. Got it.....Well, I was gonna take him back to Monroe shortly but I guess if you think I should monitor him overnight, I could keep him here.....And when I'm applying it on his face, what then?.....Oh, so just rub it into the skin or leave it and let it soak in.....Right, got it.....And you say it works best if alternated between internal doses and external applications?.....Right.....Yes.....Yes, okay.....Well, if you think that's best for him doctor, I guess that's what I'll have to do.....Okay, thanks very much, bye." He hung up the phone and I looked at him anxiously, waiting for him to explain what the doctor had said.

"Wh.....what did he say?" I asked nervously.

"Well, you're lucky, Joey," he said to me with a comforting smile on his face. "Dr. Miller said there's a virus going around right now that brings on a high fever quickly. He figures that's likely what you've got."

" it dangerous?" I asked anxiously.

"It can be, but fortunately, Dr. Miller told me that the vitamins and nutrients that are in my semen are also good for treating this kind of virus."

"Really?" I said as I looked at him in awe.

"Yes, he said that to make sure you're okay, I'm gonna have to keep you here overnight and make sure you get some medicine at least every two hours." This didn't sound so bad to me. I'd already come to love the taste of his medicine and the idea of getting some every two hours sounded like a blessing more than a hardship.

"Oh, okay. So I won't have to go back to Monroe tonight?" I could barely keep the excitement out of my voice.

"Yeah, you're gonna have to stay here," he said solemnly. "I'd better call Carl right now and tell him what's happened." He picked up the phone and I heard him telling Carl that I'd been taken ill and would be staying overnight at his house. When he put the phone down he turned and looked at me with a serious expression on his face.

"When you get back to Monroe tomorrow, it's probably best that you don't mention the virus to any of the other boys or even the councilors. We don't want to alarm anyone now, do we?"

"No sir, I guess not," I said as I nodded my head in agreement. "And he said we need to do this every two hours?"

"At least every two hours if not more often. He said for me to give you as much medicine as possible over the next f******n hours."

"What was that the doctor was saying about "external application"? I....I've never heard that expression."

"Oh, he said that with the type of fever you had, it was good for me to alternate between giving you your medicine internally and applying it directly to your skin. He said the soothing qualities in it will help to bring down your temperature."

"So are we gonna do that, sir?" I asked with a totally perplexed look on my face.

"Well, I'm just gonna have to cum on your face, Joey," he said as he looked at me with a broad smile on his face. As his words registered in my brain, a warm feeling of happiness seemed to settle over me like a warm blanket. I looked up at him with an eager expression on my face.

"When do we start?" I asked, barely able to keep the excitement out of my voice.

"From the degree of that fever, I think we better start right now. Follow me," he said as he motioned towards the bedroom...

Like a puppy following its master, I was right on Mr. Jarvis' heels as he entered his bedroom. He stepped over to the bed and turned on a light sitting one of the bedside tables. The light cast a warm glow over the room. I looked around and the room was tastefully decorated without being overly ornate. You could see from the types of pictures on the walls and the colors of the bedspread that a woman had had a hand in decorating this room.

"I just have to make one more quick call," Mr. Jarvis said as he reached over and picked up the phone next to the lamp. "I need you to be real quiet for me, Joey. They usually have a bad connection at their house." He punched in some numbers and then put the phone to his ear.

"Hi honey, it's me.....How are things at your sister's?.....Good, good. Yeah, I had some of that tuna casserole.....No, no, everything's fine here." I was surprised to hear that he hadn't asked anything about his brother-in-law who'd had the heart attack. "Uh, yeah, so you'll be home tomorrow afternoon?.....Okay, okay. Well, say hi to Helen and Jack for me.....Okay, bye."

"So how's your brother-in-law?" I asked.

"Jack?" he said as he gave me a puzzled look.

"Yeah. He's the one that had the heart attack, right?"

"Oh yeah, right. Uh....she said it wasn't as serious as they thought and he's doing fine. Yeah, they'll probably just keep him in hospital for a day or two."

"That's good. I'm glad he's going to be okay." I kind of stood there awkwardly, not knowing what I should do. Mr. Jarvis seemed to sense my uncertainty and stepped up next to me. He took his hand and put it back on my forehead to check my temperature again.

"Hhhmm, still pretty warm. We better get that medicine on there as soon as we can." He stepped over to queen-sized bed and pushed a bunch of pillows up towards the top at the same time as he pulled down the comforter and top sheet. Once he had the covers pushed down near the bottom of the bed, he rearranged the pillows into a big stack up against the wood headboard. Once he was satisfied with the arrangement of the pillows, he slipped off his robe and tossed it onto an easy chair they had sitting a short distance away from the bed. He slid onto the bed and sat with his rear end far up in the middle, his back supported on the stack of pillows behind him.

"C'mon Joey," he said as he started to draw his knees up and let his legs fall to each side, "this is where you belong." He nodded to the empty spot between his thick spread thighs and I simply stood there and stared at his heavy thick cock. It was hanging invitingly between his spread legs with the broad flared head actually resting on the sheets. Still dressed in my t-shirt and jeans, I moved towards it as if hypnotized. I crawled onto the bed and moved forward on my hands and knees until I was poised right in front of his waiting cock.

"That's a good boy. Here you go," he said softly as he reached beneath his heavy dormant member and held it up towards me.

"Do you have some of that stuff here?" I asked uncertainly. Every time we had been together, we had always used the Baby Fresh Scent Vaseline. He understood what I was talking about.

"I'm not sure if I have any here," he said. "But I think I know what we can do instead."

"What's that?" I asked eagerly. I was glad that even if he didn't have any of the lubricant in the house that it wasn't going to put a stop to our evening.

"Well, I think if do what you usually do with your mouth, that feels just about perfect for my cock-head."

"But...but what about using my hands on the rest of it?" I asked curiously.

"I think once you get the head fully into your mouth, if you work up mouthfuls of saliva and let it ooze out of your mouth and down my cock, it should make things nice and slippery for your hands."

"Wow! I never thought of that," I said as I looked at his beautiful big cock. "That...that might work."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure it'll work, Joey. How about you get your mouth down on it and give it a try," he said firmly as he lifted the gorgeous fat cock-head up towards my face.

"Yes sir," I said obediently and leaned in closer to his magnificent piece of man-meat. I opened my mouth and brought my parted lips right up against the sensitive spongy membranes of the wide flared crown.

"Oh yeah, that's it. Slip those beautiful lips of yours right over the head." I was thrilled to hear him say I had beautiful lips and pursed them tightly against the smooth velvety surface as I moved further down. My lips spread open further as they approached the thick ridge and then I felt them grip down on his shaft as they slipped deftly over the widest part.

"Mmmmm," I let out a soft purr again as I closed my lips around that big mushroom head and held it lovingly in my mouth.

"That's good, Joey. Now just put both your hands around the shaft as usual.....that's it." As I reached forward, he withdrew his own hand as my two smaller ones wrapped around the exposed shaft. "Now just hold onto the shaft like that but let me feel that sweet tongue of yours." Under his words of praise, I let my tongue roll all over the warm surface of his cock-head trapped within my mouth.

"Oh God, you are so good at that," he said with a slight groan as I continued to bathe the entire surface of his flared crown with my tongue. I could feel his cock slowly start to swell in my hands. "Now, keep your lips tight to my cock, but slide them back until you're right at the very tip." I did as he asked and the feel of those soft spongy membranes felt exquisite as my hot wet lips slid back over them. I kept my lips adhered tightly to his cock-head as I moved them back until they were pursed together as if in a kiss. I stopped with just the tip of his cock still within my mouth. I couldn't resist and feathered the point of my tongue right into the split of the red eye at the end of his cock.

"That's good, Joey. Now slide your mouth back down until you've got the whole head again." With my lips making a nice smooth tunnel, I slid my mouth forwards until my lips slipped right over that thick purple ridge once more. "Now bring it back to the tip again." I tugged my lips slowly back over the pronounced ridge and then kept my lips tight to the smooth membranes as I followed the flared surface right back to the tip.

"Oh fuck, that is so good, son," he said with a deep growl and I was elated that he was enjoying what I was doing for him. I could feel his swelling cock getting thicker and thicker in my mouth and beneath my fingers.

"Now, just start going back and forth like that, only from now on, make sure you work up a lot of saliva and just bathe my cock with it. And don't worry if it runs out the corners of your mouth, that's what we want. It'll just run down the shaft and you can use that to lubricate your hands." Without taking my mouth off his cock, I nodded in agreement that I understood what he was telling me to do. I could feel the saliva welling up in the back of my mouth and pushed it to the front. As I did, I slid my lips back down over the swelling head. I used my tongue to swirl the warm saliva all over the big flared crown as my lips slipped right back down over the ridge. As soon as I felt them close around the smooth shaft, I drew back once more. I pulled back with my lips closing down until I was right at the very tip and then slid forwards again.

"Oh fuck, now you've got it," he said with low groan. I pushed more saliva to the front of my mouth and this time when I drew back towards the tip, I felt some leak out from the corners of my lips. His cock continued to grow and extend further into my mouth. As I continued to move my mouth back and forth over the big mushroom head, the stiffening shaft got thicker and thicker and my little hands were forced to open up even more. While his swelling cock-head filled more of my hot oral cavity, I felt my drooling saliva start to run onto the edges of my fingers. I loosened my grip slightly so the warm fluid could run beneath. As the amount of saliva running down his upright shaft grew, I started to move my hands slowly in a gentle twisting motion. I could feel my gooey saliva acting as a warm lubricant allowing my hands to move smoothly around the velvety surface of his cock.

"Oh Jesus, that's the way. That's beautiful, Joey," he moaned as my hands started to move more freely around his hardening cock. Within another minute or so, it was totally rock hard and standing up stiffly from his groin. My hands were now able to move up and down as his shaft had become entirely coated with my warm flowing saliva. I was now using that slow agonizing corkscrew motion as I slid my hot mouth back and forth over the huge flared head.

"Oh yeah, nice and slow.....that's it......take your time, Joey, we've got all night," he said as he reached out and stroked my head tenderly. I was almost overwhelmed with happiness under his gentle touch and to show him how much I appreciated what he was doing for me, I sucked in with my cheeks so they gave a nice gripping hold onto his cock as my mouth moved rhythmically back and forth.

I guess getting that load of medicine out in the shower had taken the edge off because he was totally content to just sit back against that stack of pillows and let me service him. For the next twenty minutes, I kept my mouth and hands moving all over that beautiful hard piece of man-meat as my saliva flowed freely down his turgid shaft. It felt incredible; so hard and powerful, I loved it. His big smooth cock-head fit beautifully inside my mouth; it was almost like they were made for each other. As my mouth slid back and forth, I could feel the building heat emanating right through the surface of his cock, onto my lips and then right through me into my very soul. I surrendered myself to the luscious wonderful feeling that was overwhelming me and I was purring and moaning constantly into the smooth hard surface of his virile manhood as I worshipped his powerful cock.

"Oh God, Joey," he said as I slobbered and sucked on his 9" of rigid muscle. "That feels amazing. But I think it's time for your next load of medicine. And the doctor says this one should go right on your face." I wasn't sure exactly how we were going to do that and I was reluctant to give up my oral grip on his cock, but he reached forward with his hands and stopped my moving head. He pulled back on my head until my mouth slipped right off the top. I wanted to put my mouth right back on it and must have looked like a fish out of water as I gasped with my full lips pursed towards it.

"Lay back against the pillows," he said as he scooted out from in front of me and got to his knees. He took me by the shoulders and turned me over until I was lying flat on my back with my head propped up at the base of the stack of pillows.

"That's it. Perfect," he said as he flipped his leg over my body until he was straddling me. I looked up at his huge upright cock thrusting towards the ceiling. He looked down at me with a lustful look of desire on his face as he took his hand and pushed that rigid monster down towards me.

"Open wide," he said as he pointed the oozing tip right at my face. With my eyes glued to that gorgeous hard cock, I opened my mouth into an inviting "O". He moved his hips forward and the wide crimson crown slid right into my welcoming mouth.

"Mmmmmm," I let out a soft mew as I felt the smooth membranes of the head filling my mouth. Once my lips had closed down against the velvety smooth shaft, he released his hand from his cock and leaned forwards and I flicked my eyes up to see him grip the back of the headboard with both hands.

"You look beautiful with my cock filling your mouth like that, Joey," he said as he held still but rotated his hips to stir his cock-head all around the inside of my mouth. "Now you just need to stay still and keep sucking on the head. I'm just gonna fuck your mouth for a few minutes before I cum on your face. Yeah, it's almost time to do a little face-painting." I looked up at his big rugged body looming over me and nodded my head slightly in agreement.

"Good. Here we go," he said as he started to draw his hips backwards. He withdrew his burgeoning cock until only the very tip remained between my lips and then he flexed forward.

"Mmmmmm," I let out a low groan of pleasure as the enflamed cock-head slid smoothly right back into my mouth. As soon as my lips slid over the blood-filled ridge, he started to withdraw again. I kept my lips tight to the taut membranes of the surface as he started to move the engorged head more rapidly in and out of my mouth. The bed started squeaking as he flexed his hips back and forth. I wondered if it made the same noise when he made love to Mrs. Jarvis. I didn't care, I was just glad that I was there beneath him right now with my mouth being plowed full of his big powerful cock.

With his cock moving in and out of my stretched lips, it was difficult but I did my best to keep up a constant sucking motion on his moving cock-head. I could tell that he liked what I was doing; he was letting out a series of low guttural growls as he gripped the headboard with both hands while he continued to flex his hips back and forth towards my face. His movements started to get a little jerkier and I felt his rigid erection get just a little bit stiffer.

"OH FUCK.....GET READY JOEY," he said with a husky groan as he pulled his engorged cock-head right out of my mouth and wrapped his hand around the thick shaft. I kept my eyes glued to the angry menacing crown as he quickly slid his pumping hand back and forth. He had it pointed right at my face and I watched as the gaping red eye at the very tip started to fill with pearly fluid.

"OH YEAH," he said loudly and then stopped his jerking hand and held his throbbing dick right in front of my face. I could almost see it pulsate and then the pearly drop at the tip seemed to swell slowly for a split second and then a long ropey strand shot forth.

"Aaaaaahhhh," I gasped in surprise as the long milky rope of semen hit my forehead and then fell downwards across my nose and onto my cheek. A second white ribbon jettisoned forth across my other cheek, over my nose and down the other cheek to my chin. He pumped a couple of more strokes and then further shots continued to rain down on my upturned face. It felt amazing as his warm thick cream landed everywhere. One big gob hit right into my right eye-socket and slid down my cheek. I watched with my other eye as he pumped out wad after thick creamy wad of his semen onto my face. I felt it on both cheeks, on my upper lip, on my forehead and some was even running down my chin onto my neck. His orgasm lasted a long time and I lay there gasping in awe as he proceeded to almost cover my entire face with his potent seed. He finally stopped and I watched as he took the tip of his cock and drew the final oozing drop right across my full pouting lips.

"Oh wow, Joey, your face is a mess!" he said as he sat back on my chest and looked down at me. For a second I was alarmed that I'd done something wrong. I think he saw the look of concern on my face immediately. "No, no, it looks fantastic," he added. "You actually look great with my cum all over your face like that. It looks like that was the way your face was meant to be." As I listened to his kind words, I felt the initial feeling of panic leave my body and was able to concentrate on the luscious feeling of his semen covering my face. It felt deliciously warm and comforting as I could feel the thick creamy weight of it on my skin. I could feel the thick heavier gobs clinging in big wads in certain areas while some of the thinner more liquidy ribbons were running slowly down the sides of my face onto my neck and into my hair.

"Yeah, I think that's just what the doctor ordered," he said as he reached towards my cum-covered face. "Here, let me get that gob out of your eye." I felt his fingers slide across my slippery skin and scoop into my eye-socket. As I felt the wad of gooey fluid leave my skin, I opened my eye. I could see him smiling down at me as he held the silvery gob of cum on the tips of his fingers.

"There, that's better," he said as I was able to watch him with both eyes now. "Let me just rub some of this in to make sure those vitamins get right into your skin. We want to make sure we bring down that fever now, don't we?" I simply nodded my agreement as he took his fingertips and spread the milky gob of his potent seed around my forehead. When he was done that he continued to slide his big manly hand all around my face as he smoothed that slick musky cream right into my skin. It felt wonderful to have this big rugged man tenderly applying the soothing medicine to my skin. I lay there blissfully serene as his thick fingers slid all over my face and even over the trailing rivulets that were running down my neck. Finally, he sat back and looked down at my cum-covered face.

"That's good, Joey. I think the doctor would agree that's the best thing for you. I've got it all over your face now. We'll just leave that on and let it soak in and do its work. Now just lick my fingers off so you can get the last of that medicine inside you." He brought his hand to my mouth and I eagerly licked his fingers, thumb and even the palm of his hand clean. I could taste the familiar manly flavor of his semen as I enthusiastically lapped up every last drop.

"That's good, son. Now how about going and getting me another beer." He swung his leg off me and as he stood next to the bed with his spent cock hanging heavily between his legs, I got up and made my way to the kitchen. As I walked, I could feel the air against the warm coating of semen on my face. It felt so different than normal; but I found myself smiling as I experienced the new sensation. It made me feel good to know that Mr. Jarvis's cum was now a part of me and yet it was so different to have it on my skin than its usual nice warm spot in the pit of my stomach.

I opened a beer for him and when I came back to the bedroom, he had turned on a TV that they had sitting on their dresser a short distance from the foot of the bed. Mr. Jarvis had thrown on his robe and was now sitting in the big easy chair next to the night table. He'd put on the sports channel again and already seemed to be involved in the game in progress as I handed him his beer.

"Thanks," he said as he never took his eyes off the game. He took a big slug and let out a loud burp as he continued to watch the TV. Not sure what to do, I eased myself back onto the bed and kind of leaned against the big pile of stacked up pillows. I tucked my blue-jean covered legs up beneath me and watched the game along with him. I was totally happy just to be near him and as I watched, I casually ran my own fingers over the slimy film of semen on my face. My craving got the better of me and I gathered up one bigger gob on my cheek and brought it to my mouth. I slipped my fingertips into my mouth and licked them clean. I felt like a cat with a bowl of warm cream as I let the manly flavor settle on my tongue. I looked over and watched as Mr. Jarvis took another long pull on his beer as he watched the game intently. When there was a break in the game and a commercial came on, I figured this was the best time to ask him what I'd been thinking about.

"Uh....Mr. Jarvis?" I asked tentatively.

"Yeah, Joey?" he said as he looked over at me.

"So, I guess I have to wait for two hours before I get my next dose of medicine?" I asked with a bit of a disappointed look on my face. My question made a warm smile spread across his face.

"Not necessarily. The doctor said you should have a dose AT LEAST every two hours. He said that more often than that would be even more beneficial." He paused as he looked at me. I'm sure he could see me looking at him with adoring eyes as he sat contentedly in his easy chair. "Are you ready for more, son?" he asked as he reached for the knotted belt of his robe. I couldn't even answer as I watched mesmerized as he undid the loose knot and tossed the ends of the belt to each side. I could feel his eyes watching me as I my own were locked on his moving hands. He took a side of his robe in each of his hands and drew it open. He let the two sides of the fabric fall to each side as he exposed his big rugged body to me. My eyes immediately were drawn down to that long heavy tube of manly flesh lying against his thigh.

"Is this what you want, Joey?" he asked as from the corner of my eye, I saw him nod towards his exposed cock.

"Ye.....yes please," I said as for some reason, I felt my mouth watering. It was like my body knew I needed his magnificent cock back in my mouth. I guess it was one of the symptoms of my fever.

"Okay, son. I think I've got an idea that will just help things along." He got up from his chair and took a couple of steps over to the closet. I watched as he reached up onto a shelf and took down a box that was hidden behind another one. He opened the box and pulled out a small plastic case before setting the whole box down on the end of the dresser.

"Just a little something Mrs. Jarvis doesn't need to know about," he said as he gave me a little wink. He opened the small case and I saw him take out a video disc. He slipped it into the player next to the TV and grabbed the remote before sitting back in his easy chair. He pressed the remote and it switched from the game he'd been watching to the disc he'd just put in.

I looked at the TV and saw a picture of a girl who was dressed up in a school uniform with a kilt, knee socks and crisp white shirt with a little school tie. She was standing in front of a teacher's desk and you could see chalkboards in the background. She was sucking her thumb innocently as she looked into the camera. All of a sudden the words, "SUCKING THE TEACHER" appeared on the screen as the name of the movie. It dawned on me that Mr. Jarvis was going to watch a porno movie while I serviced his cock. I'd heard the other boys in the group home talking about them but I'd never seen one myself. I shivered in anticipation as I thought about the naughtiness of the whole sordid situation.

"So Joey, are you ready for your next dose of medicine?" he asked as he flipped the sides of his robe back out to each side and let his thighs roll apart.

"Y....yes sir," I said as I spied his thick exposed cock lying there, just waiting for me. I quietly slipped to my knees and moved between his spread legs. He reached down and lifted that heavy cock and held it up towards my mouth for me.

"Here you go, son. Come and get it," he said as I slipped my mouth right back over the spongy membranes of the big mushroom head. I did just like I did last time and slowly let my saliva ooze out of my mouth and onto his stiffening shaft. It took me about ten minutes, but I finally had his cock back up to full erection.

"Jesus Christ," he said emphatically, "I can't remember the last time I had a third hard-on so quick." With my saliva working as a warm lubricant, my hands continued to glide back and forth smoothly over the velvety-hard shaft as my mouth licked and sucked on his enflamed cock-head. I was letting out a series of soft purrs and groans as I relished the exquisite sensation of having that beautiful hard cock filling my mouth and hands.

"Joey," he said as he reached out and took my head in his hands and stopped my back and forth movement. "Take a look at this." I flicked my eyes up and saw he was nodding towards the television. I had to slip his cock out of my mouth and turn my head to see. When I did, I saw the girl on her knees while the guy who was playing her teacher was sitting on the edge of his teacher's desk. The girl was still fully clothed while the guy had his pants right off. As she kneeled before him, I watched as she slid her mouth up and down the shaft of his hard erection. His cock was smaller than Mr. Jarvis' and the girl seemed to be really enjoying herself as she slid her mouth well down the glistening shaft. I had only taken Mr. Jarvis' cock-head into my mouth so far but this girl seemed to be taking a lot more. I watched almost in envy as about five or six inches of rock-hard cock disappeared deep into her mouth time and time again.

"Do you think you'd like to try that, Joey?" Mr. Jarvis said as my eyes had become glued to the TV.

"Could.....could I please, Mr. Jarvis?" I asked as I looked back at him anxiously.

"Sure you can, son. I think it's about time you learned to take more," he said as he reached forward and took my head between his two meaty hands. "I'll give you a hand so you can do it as good as she does." I felt his hands pulling my head back towards his upright cock. I don't know why, but I loved the feel of his big manly hands controlling me. It felt comforting, it made me feel wanted.

"Now just slip your lips right back over the head.....that's it," he said as he pulled my mouth right down on the engorged crown. He stopped once my mouth had gotten to its usual position with my lips locked just beyond the protruding ridge. "Now just make sure you've got lots of saliva in your mouth.....that's it," he said as he could feel me bathing the sensitive membranes within my mouth, "now let's try a little more." He pulled my mouth downwards and I kept my lips adhered firmly to the rigid shaft as more entered my mouth.

"Oh yeah, that's it," he said as he fed about three more inches into my welcoming mouth. He stopped pulling my head forwards when I had about five inches of his rock-hard cock within my mouth. I felt the tip further back on my tongue than it had ever been before. I kind of sucked in my cheeks so they pressed softly against the length of his penetrating shaft.

"Oh fuck, that's good," he groaned as I pressed my tongue in a slow probing swirl all around the underside of his buried cock. I loved the feel of that powerful organ almost totally filling my mouth. It felt like the more of it I had inside me, the closer I was to him emotionally.

"Mmmmm," I moaned into the beautiful hard shaft as I started to move my head backwards. He guided my head back with his hands as I kept the inside of my cheeks pressed teasingly against as much of his cock as I could.

"Oh Jesus, I knew you'd be a perfect cocksucker," he mumbled under his breath as he guided my mouth back to the very tip of his cock. I was elated by his words of praise. I had heard other boys call each other "cocksucker" before and it had been said maliciously and to be hurtful. But hearing Mr. Jarvis say it to me with his warm comforting voice made a world of difference. I could tell he was pleased with me and the efforts I was making to satisfy him. It inspired me to try and make him even happier. As he started to pull my head downwards again, I reached forward with my hands and slid my fingers into the thick nest of his pubic hair at the base of his cock. Although my fingernails were short, I scratched tentatively against his skin. I could feel my nails clawing lightly as I traced delicately in his pubic area and even slightly up the shaft at the very trunk of his thick cock.

"Oh fuck, that feels amazing," he gushed as his hands held tightly onto my head as he moved it up and down his cock. "Jesus Joey, keep doing that with your fingers." I was thrilled that he liked my little experiment and kept my fingernails gently scratching and teasing all around the base of his thrusting cock. As I did, he kept moving my head up and down over the top part of his cock. I kept pushing the saliva in my mouth forwards in order to make it warmer and slicker for his penetrating erection to move back and forth between my sucking lips. We were moving in a smooth rhythm as I kept sucking my cheeks in to make a nice hot velvety tunnel for his cock to press against. I could already feel him oozing a continuous supply of precum onto the back of my tongue. When I had a chance, I swallowed and could taste the warm manly flavor of his silky fluid.

"Mmmmm," I let out another loud moan as I continued to move my head up and down on that gorgeous hard cock. He didn't need to use his hands to direct my mouth; I wasn't going to go anywhere, but he seemed to like doing it just as much as I loved having him do it. For the next fifteen minutes, I slobbered, licked and sucked at that magnificent piece of manhood. After about five minutes, he had finally let go of my head and I could see him clutching the arms of his easy chair tightly as he seemed to be alternating watching me and the movie on his TV. I could hear the sensual sounds and groans coming from behind me as the movie played on. Finally, I felt Mr. Jarvis's cock get just a little bit stiffer and his breathing had become increasingly ragged as he approached his climax.

"Scratch around the base with your fingernails again, Joey," he said as his lower body was almost writhing about in his seat. I took the nails of both hands and started teasingly scratching all around the hard taut skin at the base of that thick rigid trunk. I could see his hands gripping the arms of the chair in a death grip as he neared his release.

"OH JESUS...THAT'S SO FUCKING GOOD.....OH YEAH....FUCK ME....OH MAN........OH....OOOOOOOOOOHHH!" he let out a long wail and then I felt a powerful blast that almost seemed to want to lift my head right off his cock! I felt rope after rope of hot thick semen burst forth to paste themselves against the roof of my mouth. A pool of his milky cream quickly gathered at the back of my tongue and I swallowed.

"Mmmmm," I purred into his ejaculating cock as I took the first big mouthful down my throat. I loved the silky feel of that smooth cream as it left a warm coating all the way down my throat. I kept bobbing my head up and down on his cock as it kept shooting. Wad after wad of his viscous pearly semen pulsed forth right onto my waiting tongue as the orgasmic tremors continued to rack his body.

"OH FUCK.....GET IT ALL," he groaned out loud as I kept my nails scratching relentlessly into the taut skin of his groin as I tried to coax as much of that milky medicine out of him as I could. I swallowed a second and then a third time before I felt a final big shudder go through him and he seemed to collapse back into the chair. Instinctively, I drew back my fingers and wrapped my hand around his cock and held it still as I gently nursed from the very tip.

"Mmmmm," I purred again as I softly licked all around the sensitive membranes of his cock-head as I lapped up the last few oozing drops of his potent seed.

"Joey, that was incredible!" Mr. Jarvis said with blissful smile on his face. "You're an amazing cocksucker." I slid my lips to end of his cock and gave it a little kiss before pulling my mouth totally off.

"Do you think I'm as good as her?" I asked as I looked towards the TV. The girl in the school uniform was now laid back on the teacher's desk with her shirt open and her little kilt up around her waist. The teacher was standing at the end of the desk fucking her vigorously as her ample tits jiggled with each of his penetrating thrusts.

"Oh Jesus, when it comes to cocksucking, I'd take you over any woman anytime," Mr. Jarvis said as he sat there totally drained with a smile of total satisfaction on his face. My heart soared under his words of praise. Man, he'd rather have me servicing his cock than a woman! I felt a shiver run down my spine as I thought about what he'd said.

"How are you doin', son? Do you want something to drink? Your mouth must be a little sore by now."

"No sir. I'm fine, really." I paused for a second as I looked up at him adoringly. "I....I really liked doing that for you, sir." I had to look away as I felt myself blushing in embarrassment. I could feel him watching at me intently and when I finally looked back, he was looking at me with a solemn look on his face.

"I'm gonna miss you, Joey," he said sadly.

"I'm gonna miss you too, sir," I said as I could feel my eyes welling up with tears.

"Well, we're just gonna have to take advantage of the time we have tonight, right?" he said as he reached forward and tousled my hair. I could tell he was trying to break the dismal mood and hoped to prevent me from bursting into tears.

"Yes sir, I guess we will," I answered despondently. I put on the best smile I could to try and make him not feel so bad.

"Well, I want you to make sure you have plenty of saliva flowing tonight. That mouth of yours is gonna be used a lot more before we're done. So you better go get yourself a bottle of water out of the fridge."

"Yes, sir. Do you want another beer or something?" I asked as I got to my feet.

"No, I want to stay sober for this," he said as got up and pressed STOP on the remote. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. When I came back there was a comedy on the TV and Mr. Jarvis was in the bathroom. He'd left the door to the en-suite open and I heard him start to take a piss. Jesus! It sounded like a thunderous roar as his powerful stream pounded into the water. I'd never heard anything like it before. Compared to my own sorry trickle, it was something else. He walked back into the room with his bathrobe hanging open. I openly stared at that huge heavy schlong hanging majestically between his legs. His balls hung loose and still looked swollen. I hoped they still had plenty of medicine waiting for me to coax out.

Not knowing exactly what to do, I sat curled up on the bed leaning against the pillows as I slowly nursed my bottle of water. He seemed content to sit quietly in his armchair next to the bed and watch TV. After the situation comedy ended, another came on. I kept looking over at him as he sat there with his long thick member on display. I found I was looking more at it than the TV. I felt myself u*********sly licking my lips as I thought about getting that beautiful thing back in my mouth again. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer.

"Sir," I paused until he looked over and his eyes met mine, "Sir, do you think I can suck on it for a little while. I promise I won't bother you," I said apologetically. "You can just sit and watch TV if you like. I....I'd just like to feel it in my mouth again." I could feel myself turning red in embarrassment again.

"Sure, son. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm happy you like to suck my cock. There's nothing I'd like more than having those sweet lips of yours wrapped around it. You can suck on it all night long if you want."

"I....I can?" I asked excitedly. Wow! I couldn't think of anything I'd rather do!

"Sure. The doctor said you need some medicine at least every two hours. So the more you keep sucking on it, the more you're gonna get," he said as he stood up from his chair. He walked over to the little box he'd set on the dresser and pulled out a different disc. He slipped it into the machine and then stepped back towards the bed.

"Let me just get comfortable," he said as he slipped off his robe and tossed it onto the chair. I moved to the side and he climbed onto the bed and lay against the headboard with his back propped up by the stack of pillows. It seemed kind of funny with him lying there completely naked while I was still dressed in my t-shirt and jeans. I didn't mind though and I guess he never gave it a second thought as he didn't say anything about it.

"Okay, son, it's all yours," he said as he drew his knees up and let his legs fall to each side. He reached over and pressed PLAY on the remote and as I moved forward between his spread thighs, I heard the movie starting to play behind me. I took a quick glance over my shoulder and saw two beautiful women kissing. One had tremendous breasts which she had amply displayed in a tight scoop-necked white dress. As they kissed, the other woman took her hand and slid it right down inside the front of the busty woman's dress until she was cupping one huge orb in her hand.

"Don't worry about them, just start sucking, Joey," Mr. Jarvis said as he reached out and took my head in his hands and pushed it down towards his dormant cock. I lay down flat on my stomach with my legs out behind me with my face inches above his midsection. Mr. Jarvis let go of my head and I was free to do as I pleased. I flicked my eyes up and saw him intently watching the TV as I reached forward and lifted his heavy flaccid cock to my mouth.

"Mmmmmm," I let out a gentle mew as my lips closed over that now familiar cock-head and I slowly bathed those spongy membranes with my warm saliva. I took my mouth off his cock and for the next ten minutes or so, I licked slowly up and down the entire shaft; from the inverted "V" on the underside to the spot on top where the base of cock met his pubic hair, I licked, nibbled and kissed every square inch of his beautiful cock. Mr. Jarvis just sat peacefully watching his movie as I worshipped that gorgeous manly piece of flesh.

"Sir," I asked as I looked up at him, "do you think you're gonna have enough medicine inside you to give me as much as the doctor thinks I should have?"

"Those balls will be able to churn out as much medicine as you need, Joey," he said as he looked down at me with a playful grin on his face. "It's just gonna be up to you to coax it out of me. I guess it all depends on how bad you want it. And you do want it, don't you, son?"

"I....I do. More than anything," I said with a pleading tone in my voice.

"Good. Now why don't you lick my balls to show them how much you appreciate what they give you?"

"Yes sir," I said obediently as I lifted that heavy tube of flesh out of the way and lowered my mouth to his relaxed sack. I reached forward with one hand and gently lifted those two massive orbs and cradled them in my hand. Oh man, compared to my own, they felt so big and heavy. I feathered my tongue out from between my lips and gently licked his silky smooth bag. The soft wrinkly surface felt so smooth against my lips and I let my tongue run freely all over the surface as I tenderly rolled those sperm-laden balls in the palm of my hand. Once I had the whole front surface of his soft warm sack coated in my saliva, I lifted it up and ran my tongue down along the underside of it.

"Oh yeah, that's good, Joey," Mr. Jarvis said as he slid a little further down in the bed and kind of rolled his hips up towards me. I took that as I sign that he wanted me to continue what I was doing so I leaned forwards and let my tongue lick downwards towards his asshole. I remembered how much he liked it when I had washed him there just a short time ago. I had spent a long time with my hands in there and I could smell the clean fresh fragrance from the soap. As he rolled his hips upwards, he also brought his legs up. As he did, this caused his warm deep crevice to open up more for me. Sensing he wanted me to continue, I slid the tip of my tongue right into the smooth warm crease and over his wrinkled pink rosebud.

"Oh fuck, that's it," he said with a low groan as he wriggled his backside against my probing tongue. It felt wickedly sinful to have my tongue pressing against that most private of openings but I was loving the additional bit of closeness it seemed to bring between Mr. Jarvis and me. He seemed to be enjoying it too as he rolled his hips in a slow circle all around the tip of my tongue.

"That's good, Joey," he said encouragingly from above me, "get your tongue in there and really let me feel what you can do." He slid a little further down in the bed and drew his legs up even more. He was totally splayed out now for my oral assault. Not wanting to disappoint him, I dove in and buried my face right into that warm moist crevice. My tongue slid between the warm walls of his smooth crease and I licked and slobbered over the entire length of his ass-crack. My cheeks and most of my face were coated with a fine sheen of my own saliva.

"Oh yeah, that's the spot," he said with a low groan as I started to concentrate on the delightful pink pucker of his anal opening. I took my thumbs and held his ass-cheeks to each side as I ran my tongue in slow tantalizing circles all around the tight wrinkled skin of his opening.

"Oh fuck," he moaned as I pressed my face right between those big round cheeks and let my tongue roll all around that sensitive opening. As I teased and probed at the little pink hole, he sat back and let me use my tongue to explore that tight little opening as much as I wanted.

"Look at those tits," I heard him say from above me and I started to pull my mouth from between his ass-cheeks to look at the TV. His hand reached out quickly and stopped my head in mid-movement.

"No you don't," he said firmly. "I was just talking to myself. You don't need to worry about the TV. Just get your tongue back on that hole." His big meaty hand pushed my face right back down between his spread legs. As I slid my tongue right back onto his welcoming hole, I saw him reach over and slide open the drawer of the night-table next to him. He reached into the drawer and pulled out a big jar of Vaseline. When we'd been looking for it earlier, I guess he'd forgotten about it. He scooped out a greasy wad with his fingers and then I saw him wrap his hand around his burgeoning cock.

"Oh man, I'd love to get my hands on a set of tits like that," he said as he started to slide his hand in a warm slick corridor up and down his filling cock. This time as I listened to him speak, I never even attempted to see what he was looking at but just kept my tongue slowly circling all around the hot puckered skin of his anus.

"Hold on for a second there, son," he said as he reached out and touched my head. I stopped with my tongue buried deep within that warm crevice and looked up at him with questioning eyes. He pushed my head away and slid out from beneath me. He got to his knees next to me and I could see his cock had swollen and was arcing out from his body enticingly at about a ninety degree angle. It was glistening with the slippery lubricant from his hand.

"Flip over on your back, Joey," he instructed. I obediently turned over onto my back right where I was in the middle of the bed. He swung his leg over me until his big rugged body was straddling my chest with his head facing the foot of the bed, towards the TV.

"Now get your tongue back in there," he said as he sat back and brought his big wide ass right down over my face. I automatically brought my hands up and let them rest on the round cheeks of his ass. I gently rubbed them as he settled down with a slight wriggle of his backside. As that warm crevice eased right down towards my mouth, I slipped my tongue between the sides as I feathered it right back up until I felt it nestle right into his hot pink hole.

"Mmmmm," I moaned in pleasure as my tongue probed and licked at the puckered opening. As I pressed and swirled my tongue, he rolled his hips back against me. It felt so good to be almost totally enveloped beneath this rugged man's body as he ground his ass down onto my face. Wanting to please him more than anything, I placed my hands on his hips and pulled him down tight against my face as I pressed the tip of my tongue firmly right on the centre of that tight little opening. As I continued to flex my tongue right up against that tight puckered rosebud, I felt the muscles surrounding it finally relax a bit. Sensing this, I feathered my tongue tip right onto the very center of the opening and as I pressed against it, I felt my tongue slip right inside.

"Oh fuck," he let out a low groan as my tongue slipped up inside him. I used my hands to pull him down against my face as I extended my tongue as far into him as I could. It felt amazing to have my tongue sliding over those incredibly hot membranes inside him. When I got my tongue as far into him as I could, I kept it there and slowly swirled it around in a slow tantalizing circle.

"Oh Jesus, that is so fucking good," he moaned as he rolled his hips against my face. I pulled my tongue back and felt the sensitive membranes closing around it as it retreated. When the tight opening closed back down, I pressed the tip against it once more and felt it yield.

"Mmmmmmm," I purred as I slithered my tongue way back up inside him again. I kept up this delightful anal worshipping for a good fifteen minutes or so. It was hot lying beneath him but I didn't mind, I was enjoying bringing him this intimate level of pleasure. He was moaning and groaning constantly now and I could hear the slippery slapping sound of his slick hand pumping back and forth along his tremendous cock. I kept my tongue working all around and inside that hot pink hole until all of a sudden, I felt his leg flip over my body as he pulled himself off me. I looked like a fish gasping out of water as my face was flushed and covered with saliva as I lay there with my mouth hanging open.

"GET READY," he warned as he quickly turned around and straddled my chest, only this time facing towards me. I could see from his own flushed face and rampant cock that he was on the verge of orgasm. I barely had time to catch my breath before he pointed his rigid cock right at my face and started shooting.

"OH FUCK," he groaned loudly as his cock spat out a long thick strand of semen that landed across my face. He kept pumping his hand and his cock kept shooting wad after thick milky wad of warm cream onto my face.

"Yes," I said with a hiss as I felt another big gob settle heavily onto my cheek. I surrendered myself to the luscious feeling of another big load of his cum raining down upon me. He fired and fired as his ejaculating cock continued to unload all over me. Finally, his cock oozed out its last gooey drops of seed and he drew the very tip across my lips. I boldly reached out with my tongue and licked the final drops from the very tip.

"Jesus, Joey, you really know how to eat ass," he said as he sat back and looked down at my cum-covered face. I was thrilled by his words of praise and looked up at him with adoring eyes. He reached forward and slowly spread the thick pearly wads of his cum all around my face. I loved the feel of his fingers on my skin as he slid them through the gooey ribbons of semen. Soon, my whole face was once again shining with a warm coating of his potent seed.

"Oh fuck, I've gotta lie down," he said as he eased himself off my prone form. I moved to the side so he could lie back against the pillows. He turned off the movie and settled in against the big stack of pillows. As he did, he breathed deeply and I looked down lovingly at his big long cock, now slowly deflating as it lay against his thigh.

"Do you think we should take my temperature again, sir?" I asked as I let my fingers run slowly over the smooth layer of cum covering my face.

"Uh...yeah, I guess we better. Pass me the thermometer from the pocket of my robe there." He seemed totally drained and I could see that he didn't want to move. I reached over to the robe and withdrew the thermometer from his pocket and handed it to him. I heard the beep as he turned it on and slipped it back under my tongue. When it was done, it beeped again and he quickly pulled it from my mouth.

"Hmmm, 100.3. So it's starting to come down," he said as he pressed the button to turn it off and set it on the night table. "We'll have to make sure you get the rest of that medicine through the night."

"Can I....can I suck it some more?" I asked eagerly.

"Like I said, Joey, you can suck on it all night long if you want." I quickly took my place between his legs again and looked at him lovingly as I slipped the warm head of his big dormant cock back into my mouth. "That's good, if I fall asleep, just keep sucking. I'll wake up in time to make sure you get all those loads you need." I simply hummed my agreement into his cock and continued softly sucking while letting my fingers trace tenderly along the smooth shaft.

And so we spent the rest of the night with my mouth and tongue worshipping either his beautiful cock or his hot luscious ass. He kept my mouth full and my face covered with his thick creamy cum all night long. We took my temperature periodically and by morning it was back to normal. We'd gotten a few hours of sleep along the way and either one of us would wake up in time to make sure we kept on schedule as per the doctor's orders.

We were both incredibly tired when we went back to Monroe that day. Mr. Jarvis fed me one load of cum late in the morning and then another one just before he went home at the end of the day. Thursday was better as he gave me two in a row both in the morning and in the afternoon. After the first one each time, he got me to lie right down on the floor while he sat on my face. I'd slide my tongue deep into his ass until he'd finally whip around and feed his engorged cock-head deep into my mouth just as it was about to shoot.

Friday was a bittersweet day as I had to leave. I was incredibly sad as Mr. Jarvis sat in his desk chair and let me suck him off one last time. I had to be at the bus stop at 9:30 and Mr. Jarvis took me himself.

"I hope everything works out for you, Joey," he said as he pulled the car over to the curb and passed me my bus ticket. I took the ticket and nodded silently as I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. The bus rolled in from down the street and the rest of the local passengers started loading.

"Here Joey, I've got a little something for you," he said as he passed me what looked like a card envelope but was a little thicker. "Just read it later on the bus."

"I'll....I'll miss you, Mr. Jarvis," I said tearfully.

"I already miss you, Joey," he said as he ruffled my hair. "You better go."

"Yes sir," I said as I got out of the car. I knew if I looked back that I'd likely burst into tears. I got on the bus and took a seat about halfway back. As the bus pulled away from the curb, I looked out and saw Mr. Jarvis wave and give me little wink. It brought a smile to my face and I waved back, wondering if I'd ever see him again.

And so this takes me back to the start of my story. I'd been thinking about Mr. Jarvis and all that had happened as the bus rolled on through mile after mile of rural towns and farmland. I had never been happier in my entire life than I had been in the last couple of weeks with Mr. Jarvis. It was funny, after all that had happened; I still didn't know his name.

I had stuffed the envelope he had given me into my knapsack. I started to wonder that if it was a card, did he sign his full name. Curiosity got the better of me and I slid open the sealed envelope. There was a simple card inside it and when I opened it, a sealed Ziploc bag dropped out onto my lap. I opened the card and started reading:

"Joey, first of all, here's a little snack in case you get hungry along the way." I looked down at the baggie and held it up in front of me. Inside, I could see a condom containing a full load of cum in the reservoir end. It brought a smile to my face as this seemed like the perfect going away present from Mr. Jarvis. I set the bag back onto my lap and continued reading.

"I want to let you know that I hope everything works out for you and I think we will have a special place in our memories for the little bit of time we had together. I hope you meet someone in the future who treats you as I do and who you'd like to share yourself with. You have a lot to offer and I hope you find the right person who will appreciate all you can do for them. I will be blunt: you are a tremendous cocksucker and it would be a shame if you let that talent go to waste. There are many men out there who would take advantage of you. I encourage you to be careful, but when you do find the person that you think is right, don't be afraid to give yourself to them like you have done with me. If it's the right person, you may be fortunate enough to have found someone who can continue feeding you what you need for the rest of your life.

Take care, wishing you all the happiness in the world.....Mr. Jarvis."

I had to smile, even right up to the end, he was always going to be "Mr. Jarvis". I slipped the card back into my knapsack and picked up the sealed baggie. Taking a quick look around to see that nobody was watching, I zipped open the bag and lifted out the condom. I gripped the open end in my fingers and let the heavy weight of his load pull it downwards. It was a good sized load and more than filled the reservoir tip. I could see the milky fluid that I loved so much distending the thin latex as it hung downwards. I moved my hand and it back and forth slowly like a pendulum. All of a sudden I wondered if he'd been making love to his wife while he was wearing it. I brought it to my nose and took a sniff; I couldn't smell anything other than the latex smell. I guess he had just jacked off into the condom specifically for me. It felt so special that he would do that just for me.

Taking one more quick look around, I slipped the open end into my mouth and closed my lips around it. I took the heavy tip between my fingers and tilted it up. The cool liquid flowed smoothly into my mouth. Although it was different than taking his warm creamy loads straight from the source, I still loved the distinctive flavor of his manly semen. I ran my tongue as far into the opening as I could in order to get every savory morsel. Finally, I dropped the condom back into the baggie and stuffed it into my backpack.

With the flavor of Mr. Jarvis's semen lingering on my taste-buds, I sat and looked out the window as the bus rolled on through mile after mile of farmland. I wondered how it would be for me with the aunt and uncle, the Alfredsons, that until a couple of days ago, I never knew existed. And how were their two sons going to treat me? Apparently, they were supposed to be a few years older than me. Being small and frail, older k**s had often picked on me; I hoped it wouldn't be that way with them.

The bus stopped at a truck stop and everybody on board took about a forty-five minute lunch break. I used some of the money that Mr. Jarvis had given me from the Social Services people and bought a sandwich and a carton of milk. I ate quietly by myself, used the washroom and then got back on the bus. The bus driver and a couple of other passengers stood outside the diner and had a smoke before finally getting back on the bus and getting underway. With the food inside me and the constant droning of the tires on the open road, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.....

"Wake up, son. This is your stop," I heard as a hand shaking my shoulder stirred me out of my sleep.

"Wh....what?" I asked as I looked up at the bus driver leaning over me.

"Yeah, this is your stop," he said as he handed my knapsack to me and made his way back up to the front of the bus. Still half asleep, I followed him and got off as he opened the luggage holder in the side of the bus. He handed me the old suitcase they'd given me at Monroe that contained all my worldly goods, as meager as they were.

"Good luck, son," he said as he stepped back on the bus, closed the door and started to pull away. I had been told that someone was supposed to be meeting me. I turned and looked at the row of shops behind me. It looked like a typical main street in a small town with various shops with what looked like apartments on the upper floors of what appeared to be mostly two storey buildings. We'd stopped in front of the d**g store and as I looked back and forth, there were a few people on the street but nobody seemed to look my way. Not sure what to do, I turned and faced back towards the street. The departing bus had stirred up a big cloud of dust but from beyond the hazy cloud, I made out the shape of a man leaning against the side of a beat up pick-up truck on the other side of the street. I stood there with my suitcase in one hand and my knapsack over my shoulder as I waited for the swirling dust to settle.

"Aaahh," I gasped under my breath as I was finally able to see the man opposite me. He was staring right at me and I knew immediately that this was the person who had been sent to meet me. He was a big man about 6'-3" tall and I would guess a solid 210-220 lbs. He had on a weathered ball cap, a worn plaid work shirt open at the neck, faded blue jeans and what appeared to be hiking boots. He had broad shoulders that tapered down to a trim waist and what looked like a firm muscular midsection. His long legs were in perfect proportion to the rest of his body and he had one leg crossed over the other at his ankles as he leaned casually against the truck. From my initial glance, I would have guessed his age to be around 30.

"Hey k** Joey?" he asked in a deep voice as he pushed himself to his feet and started to walk towards me.

"Y...yes sir," I muttered softly. I was surprised that I was able to even squeak out that response as I felt like I could barely breathe. I was frozen in my spot as I openly stared at his huge imposing form as he moved towards me with a slow confident stride. From beneath the brim of his cap, I could see a few dark curls sneaking out from the edge of the close fitting cap. He had an extremely good-looking masculine face with prominent cheekbones and a rugged chin. He had what looked like the stubble from a two or three day growth of beard. He had full thick lips that were now curved into a soft warm smile. The most pronounced feature of his masculine yet rugged looks were his piercing blue eyes. They had a comforting warmth to them and as he looked directly at me, it felt like he was looking right into my very soul. The brilliant blue of his eyes seemed even more pronounced as it jumped out from the tanned skin of a man who obviously spent a lot of time outdoors.

My eyes drifted down from his attractive face to his upper body. His faded plaid work shirt was open at the collar and his sleeves were rolled up over his elbows to reveal firm muscular forearms and large hands. His open collar invited your eyes into the open V that showed off the beginnings of firm pectoral muscles covered with a fine tracing of dark curly chest hair. My eyes traveled down his body where his shirt covered what appeared to be a flat toned stomach. His worn jeans were held up by a wide belt and my eyes drifted down over his solid thick midsection. I almost gulped out loud as my eyes came in contact with the protruding bulge beneath the faded denim. There was a pronounced bulge right at his crotch, but what really had me draw in a quick breath was the long thick tube of flesh I could see outlined along the inside of his left thigh. His jeans were snug but not overly tight but as he moved, I caught glimpses of what must have been a tremendously long cock lying hidden beneath that faded blue denim.

"So, you are Joey, right?" His voice snapped me out of my trance and I felt myself going beet red as I brought my eyes up to his. I was afraid he'd seen me staring blatantly at his crotch but he just gave me a warm smile and with the gentle twinkle in his eye, I knew he wasn't upset with me.

"Yes sir. I'm Joey. Are.....are you supposed to take me to my aunt and uncle's?"

"Yep. That's our ride over there," he said as he grabbed the suitcase out of my hand and nodded towards the truck.

"Who....who are you?" I asked curiously.

"I'm Sven. I guess you'd say I'm the ranch foreman," he said as he turned and started walking back across the street. For some reason, I stayed rooted on my spot as I watched him. He stopped and turned back to me with a wry smile on his face. "C'mon k**. We've got about a forty-five minute ride out to the ranch." I stepped off the curb and followed him over to the truck as he tossed my suitcase into the back. I threw my knapsack in the back as well and walked around and slid into the passenger seat. It was an old truck with a long single bench seat in the front.

As he started the truck and pulled away from the curb, I looked over at his big masculine form next to me and felt that same warm feeling I'd had with Mr. Jarvis over the last couple of weeks. Maybe things at my new aunt and uncle's weren't going to be so bad after all........
Veröffentlicht von canadianbbw
vor 2 Jahren
Zum Kommentieren bitte oder
snrcurious vor 1 Jahr
Great story, thanks for sharing!
mmmichaelmmm vor 1 Jahr
Beautiful the incredible sensation of innocence can't beat the sensation of the first time
maiky777 vor 2 Jahren
Pat2610 vor 2 Jahren
😋 mmmm
jack-cum vor 2 Jahren
Cum! It's what's for dinner and every other meal to :smile:
vaboater vor 2 Jahren
Love the way you write
maturehungmale vor 2 Jahren
Beautiful. Hope to hear about Joey, Uncle and Aunt.  Hope they feed him right.