Because of my job, I go around the houses doing repairs. There is a lot of myth with the subject of the plumber who fucks the housewife when he comes to make a repair, either because she is horny or to pay for the services. In one of the cases many years ago, a beautiful mature woman, alone and divorced, who was extremely nice, would jump on me and she was also my type. mature, blonde, and with huge breasts under the sweater. the truth is that a colleague was with me at home I think that if not, she would have jumped on me. I trembled and noticed that the huge erection that I had under my pants was going to burst even the buttons. I had to give her some instructions and I didn't even know what I was doing. I was very young and I left that house with a terrible pain in my testicles and my partner who had noticed told me that he could have left us alone. Damn bastard, you should have made an excuse, left and that beautiful female would have jumped on me, unbuttoned my fly and put my cock in her mouth.
I would have held on to that pair of weapons that were driving me crazy.
In the end what had to happen happened, as soon as I could relieve myself with a good handjob remembering the vision of the breasts of that mature blonde under the sweater. Anyway, that wouldn't have happened to me today, but I'm not the same age anymore and I doubt that a woman like that would offer herself to me like she did then.
Closer to today I had a similar experience. In one house the woman was much older, this one was brunette, but like the mature blonde, she had huge boobs under her sweater. I gave her explanations with a manual in my hand and she was going to get closer. The proximity of those huge tits began to make me nervous, the experience of years ago came to my mind but this woman did not throw smiles at me, she only seemed interested in my explanations, but even so I played brave and approached my elbow towards the side of her left breast. I touched her and felt no reaction against it, instead of moving away she stayed that way. My already predisposed cock began to get hard and my heart raced. I didn't know what I was saying anymore but as she spoke I started to slide my arm brushing her chest in the direction of my hand. little by little it was the area of ​​my knuckles that brushed her chest. This time the touch was closer to her nipple and she still didn't pull away. My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour and my cock was going to burst. With the instructions in hand I kept moving my hand gently over that huge breast and she didn't move. She remained still and impassive, I'm sure she noticed what was happening and didn't reject it, but I didn't feel like I could wish for anything more. I only had one step left to take, and that was to throw my left hand towards her tit and caress it and see what happened from then on.... but I didn't,

Por mi trabajo me desplazo por las casas haciendo reparaciones. Hay mucho mito con el tema del fontanero que se folla al ama de casa cuando llega a hacerle una reparacion, o bien porque ella esta caliente o para pagarle los servicios. En uno de los casos hace bastantes años, una bella madura, solita y divorciada si que estaba extremadamente simpatica, se me echaba encima y ademas era de mi tipo. madura, rubia, y con unos pechos enormes bajo el jersey. lo cierto que estaba un compañero conmigo en el domicilio creo que si no, ella se me hubiera echado encima. yo temblaba y note que la enorme ereccion que tenia bajo mis pantalones iba a reventar incluso los botones. Tenia que darla unas instrucciones y no sabia ni lo que hacia. Era muy joven y sali de aquella casa con un terrible dolor de testiculos y mi compañero que se habia dado cuenta me dijo que nos podria haber dejado solos. Maldito cabron, tenias que haber puesto una excusa, haberte marchado y aquella preciosa hembra habria saltado sobre mi, habria desabrochado mi bragueta y se habria metido mi polla en la boca.Yo me hubiera agarrado a aquel par de armas que me estaban enfervoreciendo.
Al final paso lo que tenia que pasar, en cuanto pude me alivie con una buena paja recordando la vision de los pechos de aquella rubia madura bajo el jersey. En fin, hoy no me hubiera pasado eso, pero ya no tengo la misma edad y dudo que una mujer asi se me ofreciera como entonces ocurrio.Ya más cerca de la actualidad tuve una experiencia semejante. En una casa la mujer era bastante mas mayor, esta era morena, pero al igual que la rubia madura, tenia unas tetas enormes bajo el jersey. Yo le daba explicaciones con un manual en la mano y ella se iva a acercando. La cercania de aquellos enormes pecho empezo a ponerme nervioso, vino a mi mente la experiencia de aquellos años atras pero esta mujer no lanzaba sonrisas hacia mi, solo parecia interesada en mis explicaciones, pero aun asi me hice el valiente y aproxime mi codo hacia el lateral de su pecho izquierdo. Lo toque y no senti reaccion en contra, en lugar de apartarse se quedo asi. Mi polla ya predispuesta empezo a ponerse dura y se me acelero el corazon. yo no sabia ya lo que decia pero mientras hablaba empeze a deslizar mi brazo rozando su pecho en direccion a mi mano. poco a poco su era la zona de mis nudillos la que rozaba su pecho. Esta vez el roce era mas cerca de su pezon y ella siguio sin apartarse. Mi corazon latia a mil por hora y mi polla iva a reventar. con las instrucciones en la mano no deje de mover mi mano suavemente sobre aquel enorme pecho y ella no se movio. ella Permanecio quieta e impasible, estoy seguro que notaba lo que estaba pasando y no lo rechazo, pero no senti que pudiera desear algo mas. Solo me quedaba un paso que dar, y era lanzar mi mano izquierda hacia su teta y acariciarla y ver que sucedia a partir de entonces.... pero no lo hice,
Veröffentlicht von CHESSIE_LOVER
vor 2 Jahren
Zum Kommentieren bitte oder
Great Story Keep Me Cumming !!!!!
buenisimo, me a puesto muy caliente
That will be a nice memory, and it may be best you did not go further!
Nice story, could have worked out different, but its still a great story to share on here and with your friends. I have one one day i'll write about it ...