A Past Experience

Was going through some old files the other day and came across this gem. I wrote it back in 2010, it was a combination of a few different encounters. I haven't changed anything, let me know what y'all think. Thanks Hot Grop Action....... [2010-03-11 05:09:56 pm] A few weeks ago a regular buddy of mine invited me to a group session he was helping set up with another friend of his who was in town on business for a few days. What started out as a few men getting together ended up being a mini-orgy of 11 horny men. It was the hottest thing I"ve ever been a part of. Cock as far as I could s… Lire la suite

Publié par ftbendbbb il y a 8 ans 13

The Married Guy

Hello all, I know it's been a very long time since I've posted anything. A lot has been going on and haven't really had a chance to write anything. Over the last year the married guy, who's cock is in my pictures, has moved and left me without a regular playmate. I will certainly miss the hot, sweaty intimacy that he and I shared, but all good things must come to an end right? I've had a few encounters with other guys just not on the same level as with my married guy. He was very passionate, he had an amazing cock and he loved sex! So, as I search for a new regular, these are the things… Lire la suite

Publié par ftbendbbb il y a 8 ans 12

A Very Long Time

I know it's been a very long time since I've been around. Lots has happened and lots to tell. Still seeing the married guy, and this is another of our encounters. Hope you enjoy! Slept late today, I heard a text message come through, not sure of the time, too tired. Woke up in one of those "OMG I'm late," moments, it was 8:28 am. I reached for the phone and saw it was a text from him, the message from earlier had come through at 7:56 am. I was instantly awake! I couldn't believe it, just yesterday he'd sent a tween-like code in text, it took me a minute to realize he was saying he… Lire la suite

Publié par ftbendbbb il y a 11 ans 2

Another Hot Session

The married guy came over again. Instead of the usual, I decided to change things up a bit. I decided to make it all about him and his pleasure. I wasn’t sure if anyone had ever given him the “royal treatment” but I was going to rock his world! He walked in, looking good, as always. As he began to undress, I stopped him. I took him by the hand and led him upstairs. I stood in front of him, my face just inches from his. He made an attempt to kiss me but I moved aside. I told him to just stand there and let me undress him. The biggest grin spread across his face. Slowly, I undid e… Lire la suite

Publié par ftbendbbb il y a 12 ans 2

It's Been a While......Bad Things

A few years back I got hooked on the HBO show, True blood. What can I say; the guys on the show are hot. Anyway, the song in the opening credits is catchy little tune. It’s “Bad Things,” by Jace Everett, if you haven’t heard it, you should. I heard from my married buddy yesterday. His text asked if I would be free in the morning. To which I replied that I was free. On his reply, he said he was glad, because he wanted me to do “bad things” to him. This of course, made me think of True blood! He showed up earlier than his usual time, but that was ok, more time to be nasty! I was in… Lire la suite

Publié par ftbendbbb il y a 12 ans 5

The Married Man's Last Visit

It had been several weeks since his last visit. I was beginning to think maybe I had done something to upset him. I was really starting to miss him. The way he touched me, the way he kissed me, deelpy, passionately, I needed him, bad! In the timey we had been seeing each other, this was by far the longest we had gone without seeing each other. I was getting antsy. In the middle of mad, passionate thoughts of him, I was snapped out of my daydream by the phone. IT WAS HIM!! The voice was the same, the tone the same, he needed me as much as I needed him, if not more. When he got here… Lire la suite

Publié par ftbendbbb il y a 12 ans 5