An adventure I had after college

After I graduated from college I moved to the SF Bay Area and got a job at a high tech company. A lot of my friends were there too and we had a blast. After a few years I moved into an apartment in Menlo Park and it was in a complex with a pool and a lot of older people people living in it. Anyway, I had a girlfriend and life was great. After I had been there a few months I met a couple that lived on the same floor a few doors down from me. I was 29 at the time and I think the husband was 60 something and the wife was in her late 50s. They were super nice and I frequently helped them bring st… Lire la suite

Publié par hornyolcock il y a 10 mois

My new links and website

HI all. Good morning all from US, California in Los Angeles. Just in case you don't know where I am . Just wanted to reach out and let you know to check out my new website layout and design at: https://mypleaserheels.bioLire la suite

Publié par liznalgona il y a 1 an 2