Kelly Gets Bred

Kelly tossed in her bed not fully waking up. Her subconscious mind had heard something but then dismissed it. Moments (minutes? hours?) later she sat upright in bed with the knowledge that someone was in the room with her.

"Lay back down and I won't hurt you," a deep voice commanded.

Kelly did as she was told, after all she was expecting this.


Six months earlier Kelly started on a quest. She was unmarried and not in a relationship but as a successful business woman she was thinking about the next stage of her life. Just over 40, Kelly had consulted her doctor and was told she was perfectly healthy and could have a c***d as safely as any younger woman could with no danger to herself or the c***d. With that bit of good news in hand Kelly began her hunt for a suitable male to breed her. Easier said than done.

To find a man with all the right attributes, and willing to father a c***d for her but not wanting to lay claim to the c***d, soon proved exceedingly difficult. Good men weren't that hard to find but because they were good men they wanted to be part of the c***d's life and have a relationship with Kelly. Men who would readily fuck a woman and leave her and the c***d were typically lacking in most of the qualities Kelly sought. Sure Kelly knew men through work who would probably agree but the last thing she wanted to do was mix work with her personal life. Then she happened to speak with Gina.

About two months into her quest Kelly opened up to her friend Gina about her desire to have a c***d and the problem she was having finding a sire. Gina's eyes brightened, she couldn't believe Kelly's revelation, it was almost identical to her friend Amy's situation.

Gina explained how her friend Amy searched for a man to breed her for over a year with no luck, until she was referred to a man who specialized in just what she was looking for. The man was well educated, tall, good looking, athletic, in his mid 30's and currently ran his own fund management company. Kelly was intrigued and asked Gina how much this man had charged Amy. Gina paused for a second and explained that was the oddest thing about all of it. Amy said the man did not charge, but he did have certain requirements. Sexual requirements, and Amy either could not say what those were exactly because it was part of the agreement, or would not say because she felt too embarrassed. Either way, Gina said she did not push her for more info but end result Amy currently has a beautiful and healthy one year old boy.

From there Kelly got Amy's contact information and got in touch. Amy was reluctant to give Kelly much more info than Gina had relayed but still she felt this man might be her best shot and she asked Amy how to reach the man. Amy gave her the man's number and said his name was Steve. Amy told her good luck.

Feeling like she was part of some spy thriller and momentarily forgetting her ultimate desire to have a c***d Kelly immediately placed a call to the number. The call went to voicemail and Kelly left a message explaining Amy had referred her and she was interested in the same service. She left her call-back info and hung up.

Ten minutes later Steve called back and very matter of fact-ly told Kelly if she was interested in his services there were conditions and the first was to meet him for dinner to talk about the conditions. Kelly agreed and Steve told her the name of the restaurant, the time, how she should dress, and not to worry about paying as he would pick up all expenses. Kelly again agreed and Steve hung up.

The next week the appointed time for their "date" arrived and Kelly met Steve at the restaurant, a very upscale place in a trendy downtown neighborhood. Kelly had dined there before and knew that reservations often required a one month advance. Not only was Steve well off he was also well connected.

As instructed Kelly went to the maître d station and gave her party name and was immediately shown to private dining room in the rear of the restaurant. The room was empty and Kelly gave a drink order to the maître d then took a seat by the fireplace at the far end of the room. A few minutes later the door opened and Kelly at first expected it to be a waiter returning with her drink, it was Steve. He was every bit as handsome as Amy had described.

Steve had Kelly's drink and one of his own and took a seat next to her by the fire. They made their introductions and talked about work and made small talk in general. They talked a little about Kelly's reasons for wanting a c***d and what had led her to this point in time but nothing about the specifics of what would come next. Kelly was truly enjoying herself and sensed Steve was too when the door opened and a waiter entered with a cart.

Steve said he hoped Kelly didn't mind but he had ordered a dinner for two for them. Kelly said no she didn't mind at all, she was sure it would be excellent and they took their seats at the table.

For the next hour and a half they sat and ate their way through five courses while talking and getting to know each other but never talking specifically about the breeding or Steve's mysterious conditions. While finishing their coffee Steve told Kelly he would allow her to continue the interview process and he would call her within a week and let her know the details of the next meeting. As strange as it all sounded it still sounded good to Kelly and she knew that Steve was the best shot she had at having a baby so she agreed and they parted for the evening.

Five days later Kelly's phone rang and it was Steve instructing her when and where to meet just like the last time. Again the two met and had a wonderful evening talking and enjoying each other's company just like a normal couple on a date. Again at the conclusion of the evening Steve informed Kelly he would allow her to continue and told her to await his call.

Over the next several months the two continued their strange courtship until finally Steve told Kelly he would breed her but she had to abide by certain rules, unconditionally. He told her he would tell her the rules now and she could take the deal or leave it. Kelly agreed to listen.

Steve gave Kelly a piece of paper and told her write her home address on it. He also told her to put down the date of her last period, when it had started and how many days it had lasted. Once she was finished Steve took the paper and handed Kelly a business card. He told Kelly that no later than next Friday she was to mail a copy of her house key to the address on the card.

Putting the paper in his pocket Steve told Kelly he would come to her house sometime in the next month during the most fertile point in her cycle. He would come in the night when he was sure she was asleep. He would tie her up and breed her, she would be under his total control and must follow his every command. He told her to expect some pain but nothing he did would cause any lasting damage. Most important Kelly was not to use Steve's name during any of this, she was only to call him Sir. Did she agree?

Yes Kelly agreed and they shook hands on their strange business deal.


Looking up from the bed Kelly could see the shape of man standing on the other side of the room. As he moved toward her Kelly could see he was completely naked except for a dark ski mask covering his face. In one hand he carried a gym bag and a wooden rod about four feet long, in the other a large knife. He penis was fully erect.

Kelly gasped and she wasn't sure if it was due to the site of the knife scaring her, Steve had not mentioned using a knife, or the sight of this magnificent cock with its perfectly shaped head exciting her. Her heart was pounding, she definitely was scared, but she could also feel the first drops of her own wetness trickling from her pussy lips.

As the man reached the bed he set the bag and the rod down. He switched on the bedside light then leaned over placing the tip of his cock just inches from Kelly's face. He laid the flat of the knife along Kelly's right breast and pushed the point until it just touched her nipple. She shuddered at the feel of the cold blade on her skin and her nipple swelled slightly. She felt another trickle of her dew drip from her pussy joining with the first and now running down her ass.

"Suck my cock bitch and make it good," the voice behind the mask commanded.

"Yes Sir," Kelly replied leaning over and taking the bulbous head into her mouth, using her tongue as she did so to scoop up a large drop of precum she spied.

"Mmmm, you do that very well, you must be an experienced cocksucker. You're a real cock hungry whore aren't you?"

"Yes Sir," Kelly said pulling the cock from her mouth to reply, "I am such a slut and I love your cock." Kelly truly did love this cock and greedily put it back in her mouth.

Kelly sucked and licked and could feel each throb in her mouth. A steady flow of sweet precum covered her tongue and she wanted to taste Steve's load so bad. She didn't care about needing it in her pussy to breed her, she wanted to taste and swallow every last drop, but her new master had other plans.

"That's enough slut," he said as he pulled his cock from her mouth. "I don't want to waste this load in your mouth. I know your are a cum hungry slut so if you are good I will let you suck the residue off my cock after I fill your cunt. Do you want that slut?"

"Yes please Sir."

"If I put this knife down will you do what I say? If you try to run or scream or try to grab the knife you will make me use it."

"Yes Sir, I will be good. I will do whatever you want."

"Good girl, now lay on your back again and put your hands behind your head."

Kelly did as she was told and watched as her 'attacker' laid down the knife and picked up the bag containing, as Kelly expected, a variety of ropes. With skill and speed her ankles were wrapped in rope and then tied to the wooden rod so they were spread about three feet apart. The rod was then brought up over Kelly's head and tied to the headboard of the bed pulling her lower back up off the mattress and fully exposing her now drenched pussy. Her hands were then taken from behind her head and tied to the rod making her completely defenseless. He then took the pillow behind her head and positioned it so her head and neck were well supported and slightly elevated so she could get a good look at what was about to happen. Another pillow was wedged under the small of her back.

"There you should be nice and comfy. Now tell me what you want, and tell me like the whore you are."

"I want you to fuck me Sir. I want you to take that big cock and punish my filthy cunt with it. Fuck me hard and fill me with your cum and make me get pregnant. Fill me up like the cum dumpster I am."

Kelly couldn't believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. She had spoken dirty a few times over the years while having sex but mostly it was limited to things like 'fuck me" and 'oh shit.' Now she was full-on talking like dirty whore and it was making her even hornier.

Rubbing his hand between her legs Kelly's 'intruder' roughly rubbed her pussy, spreading her lips with his palm and spreading her fluids from her clit to her asshole. Pulling himself up on the bed he placed the tip of his swollen cock at her opening and plunged in in one swift stroke. Kelly was instantly filled and let out a low and guttural moan.

"Oh fuck yes, your cock feels so good inside me Sir," she yelled, "fuck me hard, use my cunt."

Placing his hands on the bed above her shoulders he began to jackhammer away at Kelly's pussy. Thrusting in and out hard, slamming his pubic mound against hers with each trust in, grinding against her clit.

Within 30 seconds Kelly was cumming. Her cunt was opening wide and contracting hard uncontrollably, fluid now flowed from her and ran down her back soaking the pillow. The sloppy sounds of her own wetness turned her on even more. She tried to speak but only wimpered and her breathing became rapid and shallow.

"You're cumming for me aren't you? I can feel your cunt grabbing my cock. Do you want my cum now?"

"Yes please Sir," Kelly weakly managed.

Kelly felt his already fast pace quicken and the thrusts go deeper if that was possible. Suddenly he gave one last hard push and stopped, he seemed to be even more inside her. She could feel his cockhead pressing on her cervix, her own orgasm was now completely out of control. She felt her cervix open slightly and take him into her deepest parts. Once his enormous and pulsing cockhead had slipped through her inner opening it closed around him, gripping his cock by the well defined ridge. As if on cue his cock began to spasm and spurt thick ropes of cum in Kelly's waiting womb.

Kelly's orgasm continued and she could feel her hungry pussy gobbling up the massive load. Finally she felt his contractions subside and he slowly pulled out, careful not to spill any of his precious seed.

"That's it slut swallow my cum deep down inside your cunt, but we need to make sure it stays inside."

Reaching into the bag he pulled out a short fat plug and a roll of bandage tape. He pushed the plug into Kelly's pussy and began wrapping the tape around her groin to keep the plug firmly in place.

"There, nothing should spill out. Now you get to work sucking your cunt cream and my jizz off my cock."

As the now softening but still swollen cock approached Kelly's face she hungrily leaned over and took it in her mouth, tasting here own sweet juices mixed with the remnants of his semen which did not remain inside her. Once clean he quickly pulled it out and walked toward the bedroom door.

"Stay right there slut," he laughed. "I will be back in about and hour. Try to get some sleep, we've got four more hours before you need to get up and go to work and I need to put at least three more loads in that sloppy cunt of yours."

To Be Continued...

Publié par 35whelen
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Great post.
Fantastic hot and horny 
Spot on, loved it 
à Pat2610 : Glad you liked 
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Fabulous story.How could she not get pregnant!
Your good, VERY GOOD ! Hot exciting story !!
I love everything you write, but this was especially exciting....can't wait for more!