Taking A Break

I'm taking a to be determined amount of time off from film production. I love all my friends and fans and even my enemies but I must do this to focus my time money and energies into something more productive and conducive towards better mental and physical health. I have a few goals... I plan to put about 15lbs of muscle on. My focus will be core strength training, ass and legs, chest, shoulders and arms. If I do come back to film I may have more muscle tone and therfore not sure how pretty or not I might be then. I don't plan on getting hulking looking or anything crazy... I'm also going to get back into martial art traing. I've been out of practice for too long. I will be focusing on two or three arts. Also going to do more to focus on my education and those I love around me. In some weird way practicing porn production has driven me to become more secluded and more and more online. I need to find a way to cut back and limit my time online but it's quit an addiction. I will still be on to check on notifications and messages when I feel like it. I don't want to just cut off completely and I hate ignoring people. I will be most active at my X/Twitter account. @ButtGirl1177 but be warned it's a very politics and culture war centric account. I'm not always nice on there but niceness does not equal goodness. Again I love you guys and wish everyone goodness and blessings ? ?
Publié par publicjoe1177
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We love you Tiffany!
Good luck stay in touch always your friend.
We love you
Hugs u