Exercising with Emily

I laid in my room for most of the evening thinking about Karen and Emi and got excited at the thought of exercise practice with them tomorrow and then reminisced about the afternoon with Mum and her friend, I couldn’t believe she went straight for the blow job and wondered what her daughter will do with Mum by her side.
Would Karen even allow things to go in that direction, maybe she will suggest me do exercises with no personal connections, damn that.

I heard the phone ring and hoped it wasn’t a job or something for me as I couldn’t be arsed to get up again and as I never heard mum calling up at me I guessed it was for her so I got back to my perverted thoughts laying there with just a thin sheet covering my naked body and that was from the waist downwards, my hand slipping inside while my eyes closed and my mind went to work, Mmm so many lovely thoughts of mum, Karen and the wonder of what her daughter looks like, if she was my age it made life easier.
There was a light tap on the door, “Frank, you busy?” Mum said in a soft whispered voice as to not wake me if I was sleeping, “No mum, what’s up?” I replied as she pushed open the door.

“Got some good news and bad news Frankie” she said with half a smile as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed forcing me to scoot over, “Well, that was Karen on the phone and the bad news is that we have both been called into work tomorrow” she said in a soft voice and there you go, my morning practice session was obliterated with even being built, “Damn mum” I said sternly, “And what’s the good news” I asked thinking that there has to be a silver lining her.. “The good news is that Karen spoke to Emi and is dropping her off here in the morning and pick her up after lunch, is that ok?” she said with a smile on her face.

I perked up, “OK?? Of course it’s ok mum” I said almost punching the air but didn’t want to show my mother the extent of my excitement although that damn thing between my legs was doing the job for me as it pulsed under the thin sheet covering it and in full view of my mother’s eye, “Good, I can see how excited you are” she said as she grabbed my cock giving it a gentle squeeze, “Get some sleep, they’ll be her before 8” she said bending down kissing my forehead. I watched as she gave me a playful wiggle as she walked toward the door which was probably a hint that I had some unfinished business there which was interrupted by Karen’s visit.

I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face thinking of the prospect of 4 hours of alone time with Emi, oh.. what if she is horrendous?? I had to leave that to chance but judging by her mother I doubted it and the thought left my head.
Mum woke me when she got up giving me time to get my shit together and I don’t know if I woke with a boner or it had been hard all night as I knew I had one when I drifted off. The problem I have is that my morning wood is not that easy to hide and with Emi coming so early I had to come up with something so I decided that a bigger style of shorts and a big baggy tee shirt that covered the offending article would go a long way to hiding the damn thing.

The only issue with the bigger style of shorts is the gap in the legs is that much bigger making it impossible to hide my nuts but hey there’s always a price to pay. By the time I got downstairs mum had made the coffee which she was trying to drink while watching the clock tick past 7am, surely there not coming this early??
I had to sit down as although my tee shirt was covering my boner I felt I stood a better chance of concealing it by sitting at the kitchen table.

It wasn’t long before Karen arrived with Emi in tow and my heart thumped as mum let them in, I stood up to welcome them as they walked into the kitchen and gave Karen a quick hug making sure I didn’t press myself against her, “This is Emi” she said smiling as I looked at her young daughter, “Hi Emi, how are you?” I said smiling and Emi smiled back, “OK Frank, nice to meet you” she said and my first impression was that she didn’t want to be here and as she was going to be here 4-5 hours I needed to change that.
Emi was dressed for the practice in a small baggy crop top and shorts that were short but baggy which didn’t show off her figure too much but would be comfortable practicing in so it was a good choice especially with her belly showing, she was probably a couple of pounds overweight but certainly not fat in any way so I was looking forward to our time together, “Now don’t forget guys, take it slow and steady, I don’t want to come back to any strained muscles” Karen said as she gave Emi a kiss on the forehead as they left for work leaving me and Emi to sort ourselves out.

We went into the lounge and Emi stood in front of me, “Mum says I need to trim down” she said softly patting her bare stomach which I thought was alright, “What do you think?” she added which allowed me to run my eyes over her frame, “I think you look good Emi but we’ll see what we can do together” I replied forcing a smile from my young practice partner. I was glad I chose the big tee shirt as I could feel my cock was still stiff and I noticed that Emi glanced down a few time which only enhanced the stiffness, “What I would like to do first Emi is a quick assessment of where you are now with muscle tone so if you could stand closer for me” I said sitting down on the edge of the sofa.

Emi stood in front of me with arms down her side and legs about a foot apart and I have to say she looked good, her little crop top just covering her little bee stings and her shorts were baggy and small and she smelt fresh.
“I am going to run my hands over various muscles Emi so don’t be worried, I need to find a starting point” I told her which was all bollocks but it sounded good and gave me an opportunity to run my hands over her cute body, “Oooh ok Frank, mum said you were good and I’m to do as you suggest” she said back at me as I prepared myself and with my tee shirt covering my lap she had no idea of my current aroused state.

I started on her calves and slowly ran my hand up towards her knee and then even slower up the inside of her thigh, “Oooh you have such a soft touch Frank” she said softly as my hand worked up her thigh and inched closer towards her shorts, her muscle mass wasn’t great and my fingers accidently worked inside the leg causing Emi to gasp and I soon realised that she wasn’t wearing any underwear as my finger brushed against her hanging labia lips, I lingered for a few seconds and then started working up the other leg, my cock was now solid and still well hidden.

As I got to the top of her thigh and my fingers again slipped inside her shorts she let out a soft moan as my finger brushed her lips and after lingering a few seconds I returned back down her leg, “Very good Emi, a bit of work needed there I think” I said softly, “Turn around for me” I asked and now she had her back to me I could see the shape of her rounded arse which did have a nice shape to it, “I am just going to check your glute Emi” I told her so she knew what I was doing and I very slowly ran both hands up inside the back of her shorts gently squeezing her bare arse cheeks, “Oooh Frank, sorry but mum suggested I don’t wear any knickers” she said with a giggle as my fingers explored the soft flesh, “Oh that’s fine Emi, I don’t wear anything under my shorts either, its much more comfortable that way” I replied to her in a reassuring voice.

I probably spent far to long with my hands up the back of her shorts and at one point I managed to get a couple of fingers into her crack and OMG it did feel nice, I wanted to give her an idea of what we were aiming for so as I pulled my hands out of her shorts I stood up in front of her, “What I’d like you to do Emi is check the muscle mass on me to give you an idea” I said smiling, “Oooh really, awesome.. are you going to take your tee shirt off too” she asked and I knew there was no way I could hide my arousal, “Yes Emi, it will enable you to have a closer look” I replied as I pulled my shirt up over my head, Emi immediately looked down at my very conspicuous bulge and I saw her eyes widen, “Oh wow Frank, I can see your muscles better now” she said with a giggle..

I stood with my legs slightly apart, “Now if you run your hands up my thighs you will be able to feel the difference” I instructed and she got on her knees in front of me and struggled to take her eyes of my bulge which even with looser shorts was pushing up against the waistband and as she ran her hands up the inside of my thighs and was getting ever closer to the top, “Oh yes Frank, I feel it, shall I keep going?” she asked hesitantly.
“Go as far as you want Emi” I said with a giggle as her fingers moved up and it was like she was scared to go to far but eventually her fingers did sneak inside and I definitely felt her touching my hanging balls which did make my cock pulse inside my shorts. “Now do the other leg Emi” I suggested and immediately she started to run her hand up the other leg but this time she didn’t hesitate and her fingers went right up inside my shorts which forced me a gasp as I wasn’t quite expecting it, “Oooh yes Frank, it feels really good” she said as she seemed to cup my balls and gave a gentle squeeze, “Take your time Emi, its ok” I said as I felt her fingers push further and there was definite contact with my veiny shaft.

She pulled out eventually and looked up at me briefly but I could see she was besotted by the bulge in front of her eyes, “Are you going to turn round Frank so I can check your glutes too?” she asked but I had a better idea, “Actually Emi, you might get a better idea from there if you put your hands around the back” I suggested, “Ok, I’ll try it” she replied as she reached out and slipped her hands around the back and up inside the back of my shorts, “Oooh it feels good” she said as she squeezed my arse cheeks however the down side was she seemed to be pulling me closer forcing my bulging shorts to push against her face and before long I could feel her lips pushing against my throbbing shaft.

Damn.. I could feel her fingers searching out my crack as her tongue started to lick my thin shorts and playfully nibble at my solid boner, “Oh yes.. Mmm that’s right Emi, have a good feel” I sighed softly and she seemed to be enjoying herself nuzzling away at the front of my shorts to the point that I thought that any minute I was going to cum in my shorts. I couldn’t believe this young minx was working her way up my shaft to the tip and with her fingers working into my crack I was seriously considering pulling my shorts down but decided to see how it plays out. My shorts were getting a little wet now and being white soon started to become transparent but Emi was showing no signs of letting up and I soon felt her nibbling at the waistband, surely she wasn’t trying to get inside them with her teeth.

Emily was in her own little world and as she gripped my shorts with her teeth she very soon freed my bellend which she waisted no time in getting into her mouth and OMG when she started to gently suck on it I knew this wasn’t the first cock she’d had in her mouth. I needed my first ejaculation and glad that Emi got straight into it and her warm mouth felt so good as she pushed her lips further down the shaft but with her hands up the back my shorts weren’t moving too far so I lent a helping hand by pushing them down my thighs so she now had full access to my throbbing lump of iron which she took full advantage of as it wasn’t her first cock but the way she was going at me I figured she probably hadn’t had one for a while.

With my cock now out in the open she was slopping and slurping up and down the shaft and even licking and sucking on my balls and it was like she was in her element as she started to bob her head back and forth pushing my cock further into her mouth and aided by some timely thrusts I got myself to the point of no return and just hoped that she was ready, “OMG YESSS!” I cried out as I felt my cock starting to violently pulsate and I don’t think she was quite ready for the velocity of my hot seed as it hit the back of her throat but she did well by clamping her lips around the shaft sucking every last drop from my balls.

As my cock softened she looked up at me with my cock still between her soft lips, “Well done Emi, that’s good for neck exercises” I said softly as my cock slipped out her mouth, “Mmm Frank, yes, I don’t mind doing that exercise” she said still looking up at me waiting on the next instruction, I pulled my shorts up much to the disappointment of my pupil while I figured out the next exercise, what was nice was we had plenty of time so we could take our time. “Ok Emi, lay down on your back please with legs out straight” I instructed telling her that we were going to do some thigh stretches, Emi got herself into position and looked up at me waiting..

I stood by her feet looking down at her little body laying there, her crop top barely covering her puffy little bee stings and I could see her stiff nipples pushing against the thin fabric, I could see up inside which was arousing in itself. “Ok, raise your legs up straight and then I want you to widen your legs as far as they will go and hold it” I said and could see she was taking it all in, “I will then check the tightness of your thigh muscles” I added and she easily raised her legs up vertically with toes together and her arms by her side, “That’s great Emi and now widen” I said and OMG as she widened her legs I stepped forward and looked down I could see right inside her shorts as the top of her thighs, her protruding labia lips surrounded by a few fair coloured pubic hairs and it was right in front of me on full display, she certainly DID wear the right shorts and without panties they were perfect.

I got on my knees and looked closely between her legs savouring the sight of her sweet pussy and reached out both arms and running my hands along the inside of her thighs, “Oh that’s good Emi, hold it like this” I said softly as my fingers ran up closer to her shorts, “Oh that feels good Frank” she sighed softly so I knew the position was comfortable and as my fingers reached the top I gently ran them inside the small gusset of her shorts and explored her folding lips until she gasped.. “OMG YESS!” as my fingers brushed her swollen little clitty which was totally accidental. I sat back on my feet so I could bend down and get a closer look and as I bent my head down I glanced up at Emi who’s eyes were rolled back in their sockets and she had a big grin on her face.

Oh I could smell the musky aroma and as my head got closer I could feel the warmth and as I pulled her shorts aside exposing her glistening pussy lips with a tuft of wispy pubic hair above my face got closer until I felt her pubic hairs tickling my nose forcing Emi to gasp out in anticipation. My tongue soon found its target and I quickly tasted her juices forcing her to moan softly and relax her legs bringing them down around my body, she didn’t want me going anywhere when she had my head pressed between her soft thighs.
Her breathing increased as my tongue explored the soft folds teasing her little nubbin and I could feel her grip tightening as I pushed my tongue between her soft lips tasting her sweet juices.

OMG she tasted so good and it wasn’t long before I had her shaking on the floor as she experienced a thundering orgasm and I had to grab her hips in order to keep my head between her legs, she had me clamped tight as my tongue pushed further into her wet cunt and she started bucking as her orgasms continued.
Emi was well into the zone and grabbing my head she just couldn’t keep still which was testament to my oral skills and with my cock throbbing back to full hardness I felt it time to take a break.

“Well done Emi” I said raising up from her grip and although she looked disappointed she also knew we were far from finished with the amount of time we had left. Emi smiled at me, “Oooh Frank, OMG I do like these exercises” she sighed softly as we she regained her breathing back to some kind of normality, “And your so good at them Emi” I replied and I helped her up on to the sofa and she immediately looked at my throbbing boner hidden under my shorts.

To Be Continued…..
Publié par britguy
il y a 3 ans
ou pour publier des commentaires
awesome story....she is the perfect workout partner
love this, well written and so "casual" 
Love it, With Frank there is always more to cum! ! ! 
Emi, another new friend for Frank to educate. Lucky young man 
Damn, I was finished before Emi was.
Dammm finished it to quickly 