
It is not often that I find myself in Bourton on the Water, though I live in a neighbouring town. That day however I had arranged to meet up with some colleagues from Cheltenham, and it was a convenient halfway point to for us to gather. The venue was to be Vernes, a café / bar right on the waterside. Our business done and dusted, they departed back to their office and I remained finishing my coffee at a table for four. The room was quite full and so it was no surprise when a group of young women, clearly day visitors, asked if the chairs were taken. Naturally I suggested that they join me.
I enquired about their itinerary for the day, and discovered that this was the first stop of a bus tour of the north Cotswolds and Stratford upon Avon; then back to Oxford for the night at the Eastgate Hotel. When I revealed that my career had been in the theatre, the conversation became quite lively, and one in particular, a tiny, and very sexy Chinese woman who called herself Alice, quizzed me most intelligently about Shakespeare and the RSC. I was flattered by her interest, and the conversation became mildly flirtatious with jokes about Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Very soon however it was time for them to get back to their bus, but as they were about to depart she asked if I might take pictures of them all on the bridge in front of the café. I said of course; there was a lot of handing over of phones as I snapped away. Then she asked if I might take one of her on her own on my phone. I did so and she asked me to send her a copy to her, right away, to check it worked. It did, and then I waved them on their way.
At this point I have to make a confession. I have always been strongly attracted to petite women, and to Asian women in particular. Also, being unmarried, I am by nature used to casual relationships, and enjoy the excitement of first encounter sex with cheerful and uninhibited women with whom I have chatted online. And I now realised that Alice had intentionally made it possible for us to communicate further if we so wished. So I sent her a text suggesting that we might perhaps meet after their supper at the Eastgate and continue our conversation. Her reply was immediate and positive.
I arrived at the hotel just after 7.15pm and found them waiting for me in the lobby. It turned out that a cinema visit was planned for the evening, but first they would like to be shown some of the University buildings in the town centre, So we set off up The High, past the Examination Schools, The Queen's College, then into Radcliffe Square. They loved it all, and since there was still time before the next cinema screening, I introduced them to the tiny White Horse pub in Broad Street where we sat and chatted over a bottle of wine. Alice was next to me on a bench seat and it was not long before I became aware of her right hand on my thigh. I covered it with my left and squeezed a gentle encouragement and let her explore. She soon discovered my erection!
Then it was time to move on, but I was surprised to find Alice waving the others off to the movie and saying that she would remain with me. They were off like a flash, and told me that it had been planned with them to split up, she suggested that we should return to the hotel for an hour or two of naughty fun. Then she explained some more. She wanted a baby. And this was her time of the month. Having no intention of marrying she was hoping to find a mature man whom, she found intelligent, to impregnate her and then to disappear. Was this OK with me? Well it certainly needed some discussion, but by the time we had reached the Eastgate agreement had been reached - if only perhaps because she must have been emitting a very strong pheromone and my a****l instinct to fuck with her was now overpoweringly strong.
We went straight up to her room; a twin she was sharing with one of the other girls, now at the cinema. Then once again she caught me by surprise, taking control in a quite business like manner. It was to be quite clinical, some tenderness, yes; but an urgent uncontrolled quicky was what she envisaged. " So please undress". I did as I was told, and stood with my penis standing up at her like a hat rack, and throbbing with anticipation. She giggled with delight and having removed her own blouse, tights, skirt and panties faced me with her black bra pulled down just below her little titties which now were graced with stunning erect nipples.
I had realised that she was slightly built, but even as a very well proportioned 5ft 1" she seemed really tiny. And clearly on heat, for her outer labia were parting to expose the tightest looking vagina that I had ever seen. She advanced a pace, took a hold of my erection and led me to the nearest bed. I quite suddenly lost my self control, and pushing her down on the mattress edge, then collapsed on top of her forcing her shoulders down onto the bed and her thighs apart and upwards with the weight of my body. My aim had been far from perfect and my knob was pressing against her tummy; so I eased myself downwards, and as she put her arms round my neck, guided my erection to her opening with my left hand, adjusted the position of my hips, and pushed my way into her.
She gasped. And so did I. The feeling I experienced as my glans parted her her vaginal walls was a sort of blissful rippling effect. I thrust in until I could get no deeper inside her, and felt her thighs tightening around me as my pelvis instinctively started to hump and both our bodies were convulsed in urgent a****l copulation, the like of which I had never previously experienced. The bursting sensation around my prostate built with every thrust as we pounded against each other, moving around the rather narrow bed, me grunting with effort, she panting for breath. Then I could hold back no longer; the contractions started and my ejaculation was fully half a dozen squirts; utter bliss!
It could only have lasted two minutes, but we were both fully spent. She lay there and asked me to put put a towel covered pillow under her bum so that a plenty of my semen remained around her cervix for as long as possible, allowing all her little visitors to enjoy an easy swim to find an egg. Then she made it clear that it was time for me to go. She said it would be a happy memory, and was very polite in her gratitude. So I got dressed and discreetly departed.
Did she conceive? I often wonder. So she is a sort of Alice in Wonderland.
Publié par frolicsum
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Beautiful memories. 🥰👍