Mental health issues (Saturday morn meth-ing it?)



A vicious retort from the bowels of West Virginia, where mastery of the English language is an exercise in futility.

One Would Think That By Now - Since We're All Adults Here - Even The Dimmest Of Educationally-Challenged Nimrods Would Know That It Is Not Necessary To Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence.

This, from a newbie who claims to know: English, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Nederlands, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian. 17 languages. And after listing English, off the top of his head he managed to list the other sixteen in alphabetic order... almost like he merely copied them (which we know couldn't possibly be plausible).

Guess I found one who's not only a literary dropout, he's also a tough and threatening paranoid fucktard.

Here's my initial response after ignoring his other two requests for friendship, thinking he'd get the message that I wasn't interested. But I guess that was a leap too high for a simpleton to figure out.

"[His name], I like to wait for new members to have at least a month on xhamster before I consider them to be added."

That was it. That's all I replied his demand that I add him to my Friends.

Next thing I see is "Do Not Ever Insult Me Like This Again Asshole."

                                                                                                       ? ? ?

This chump needs to tweak his diplomacy skills because if he thought I'd add him a Friend after he hurled his threat and called me an asshole, that boy needs to let the meth pipe cool off a bit before he *really" confirms he's an All-American Asswipe.

"Gay hater"?? Where the fuck did *that* come from??

Being highly argumentative by nature and genetics, I started to unload but decided that it was pointless to engage the troll in a flame war.

If he's angry at total strangers, it might not be safe to nudge him over the edge by challenging his mental state of mind. Americans are already making mass killing their national pasttime - no point in making another unhinged defect go postal.

"I Have Over 57 Friends In Just 8 Days That Is Doing Very Great In My Eyes."

Lemme guess: This mental midget voted for Trump and copied his habit of praising his own efforts. Yes... yes... he got 57 anonymous members of a GLBTQ website to be His Friend. 'Very Great'. That might be 57 more than he had Just 10 Days ago.... in Real Life.

Better stop here. Sad, pathetic little creatures shouldn't be mocked or scorned.

Instead, I'll try to muster up a few grams of pity and show a scintilla of compassion. It's the Canadian thing to do.

Screen cap (below) follows the antics of a troll who's a psychological trainwreck in addition to being challenged by his own Native language.

But since our resident Rhodes Scholar knows 16 other languages, perhaps he confused by the 'rules n' stuff' of English.


Publié par alode
il y a 5 ans
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PBJames il y a 2 ans
à novmbrRain : 57 that was just about what Cheeto did get on his new personal site after getting bounced by Twitter
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alode Éditeur il y a 3 ans
à novmbrRain : Thanks very much for your thoughtful comments.. it's a breath of fresh air to actually interact with xhamster members who are interested in the person and not merely their crotch.  That might sound hypocritical coming from a guy who draws 'em in with an avatar of his dick but nudity doesn't necessarily preclude intelligent conversation.any more than assuming a man with a 9-incher can't be capable of critical thinking.  I'll play along - for a while - with the rude and demanding ones whose sophomoric stupidity puts them on par with zit-encrusted teen boys who just discovered sex.  But after sexiness turns into just being a plain asshole, this 'big dick' goes quiet.  I'm especially  pleased you took the time to check out the music. Stop back anytime... the welcome mat is always out!
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novmbrRain il y a 4 ans
"I have over 57 friends in just 8 days..." - that sentence sounds like the Cheeto himself! 
novmbrRain il y a 4 ans
I love that you actually wrote a delicious little blog post on this. As a woman, even without any personal images, I get bombarded with dm dick pics and guys are offended if I voice my preference for a little conversation before we get sweet and juicy. Whether it's mental illness, a personality disorder, or plain rudeness... online adult portals like xhamster seem to draw a crowd that reflect all three of those. -- Since I'm here, I have to comment on your excellent profile. If I had more hopes to connect with interesting men, I'd probably invest more myself, but yours is one in hundreds I've seen that is fascinating, sexy, well written, and fun. I am intrigued by the composition including music/poetry, and what you point out about the hot clips you share....:heart:
alode Éditeur il y a 5 ans
à Menatplay_04 : Thanks for your comment. After receiving his first request to be added as a Friend, I noted his profile was filled with inane screed of what he'd written (All In Capital Letters For Each And Every Word)  I knew there was no chance in hell that I wanted anything to do with him.  Rather than send a "Thanks, but no thanks" reply, I simply deleted the request and moved on.  He sent *another* request a few days later... and again, I deleted it without any comment or explanation.  As far as I'm concerned, I'll accept or delete whoever I want without being obligated to give a reason or explanation.  Nobody else is required to provide a explanation, therefore, why should I?  Yet *another* request came in, this time with the message sent as screen-capped above.  His irrationality combined with his complete lack of civility or manners tipped me off that this guy was either wigging out on some chem or had some sort of psychological issue (Asperger's Syndrome?) Who knows what might cause an outburst like that?  In any event, blocking that turkey PDQ didn't require much thought.  I think in a matter of a few days, this newbie's reputation is going to become well known.
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Menatplay_04 il y a 5 ans
Hi and thank´s for your posting. There are some who needs help on this site. I made such experience too, because of my sexual orientation and preferences. My profile is "for Friends only". Nevertheless, I get a lot of friend requests from so-called "heterosexuals", who then have absolutely nothing to offer in profile. These are rejected by me and usually then come outrageous comments.