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      184 Vidéos 64.3K Abonnés
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        Voter pour les mots-clefs
        • Public
        • Masturbate
        • Amateur
        • Real amatures
        • Mile high club
        • Blow job
        • Bj
        • Blowjob
        • Fingering
        • Guy fingering pussy
        • Fingering orgasm
        • Plane sex
        • Female masturbation
        • Sex on a plane
        • Airplane sex
        • Exhibitionist

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          il y a 9 ans
          @Unknown All systems a go! ;-)
          il y a 9 ans
          This is the first time I actually hit favorite for a  vid for it's straight up pure, let's try and not get caught, over the edge wowness. Very proud to have these two as friends. Really, on a fucking airplane. The mile high club, Faffef certainly belongs. This is way better than a quickie in the airplane shitter!!!!!!!
          il y a 9 ans
          @Unknown Thanks for the awesome post!!  If we can pull this off, certainly we can push it a little further the next time! I can assure you, it won't be in the shitter! ICK!!! I do have some standards (lol) ;-)
          il y a 9 ans
          We are SO impressed that you guys were able to pull this off! I got pretty excited when you were finishing him off. Wow. Bravo guys! xoxo 🙂
          il y a 9 ans
          @Miss Faffef@Miss Faffef I could NOT have said it better myself! You took the words right out of my heart and head. I have felt so free and normal being on PH! Finally! No shame in being just exactly what I am, sharing these things with like-minded couples and individuals. When will society move forward and realize sex is NOT dirty and it's a natural, beautiful thing to explore as we see fit as individuals and as couples?? This is a move in the right direction for sure 🙂 
          il y a 9 ans
          @Sweet as@Sweet as @EDungeon@EDungeon That's what I love about REAL Amateur porn. It's REAL people - individuals and couples - living out their fetishes, fantasies and passions right before our eyes. It's too bad that it's often associated with the negatives of professional porn. When did it become a crime to enhance your sex life and relationship with your significant other? To have a safe place to talk openly about all the things we often can't. Pornhub...A place where you can bare no shame! :-)
          il y a 9 ans
          You two are absolute legends, one of the best videos ever we loved it xxxx
          il y a 9 ans
          @dirrtycouple@dirrtycouple  oh wow! thank you. so glad you liked it! helps get me more excited than nervous about our next flight!
          il y a 9 ans
          il y a 9 ans
          @ARIA@ARIA Love YOU! Our flight since then wasn't quite the same. Damn it! ;-)
          il y a 9 ans
          Wow the thrill must have been tremendous! Planes are a sexual fantasy of mine, hope I get fullfil it one day like you two 🙂 kisses Kathy
          il y a 9 ans
          Well you found a great way to overcome those nerves hahaha ;-)
          il y a 9 ans
          @kathybabe69@kathybabe69 The thrill helped overshadow the turbulence and my nerves! I reallllly don't like flying!
          il y a 9 ans
          That would reply calm me on those plane rides
          il y a 9 ans
          @jkenn88@jkenn88 It definitely help me. next time I hope to be relaxed enough to squirt on the plane for you all. baby steps :-)
          il y a 9 ans
          Always love your stuff 🙂 and congrats on the win!! XOXO
          il y a 9 ans
          @Brittney Blaze@Brittney Blaze Awe thank you! I miss you guys as does all Pornhubbers, no doubt! hope to see more of you guys soon!! xoxo
          il y a 9 ans
          @Miss Faffef@Miss Faffef - Damn you guys are good, not only did you join the mile high club but you raised the bar and took it to a whole new level!! 😀 .. You guys must have got the biggest thrill by pulling that one off!! Well Done, we take our hats off to you..  And well done on creating another sexy video! xx
          il y a 9 ans
          @Miss Faffef@Miss Faffef  Oh my yes!! That there my friend, is a future hot video in the making, it's just waiting to happen!! One can only wonder as to what you two horny and audacious fiends would get up too with that flight time!! hehe 
          il y a 9 ans
          @Sweet as@Sweet as Hmmmmm. Imagine what we could do on a plane from here to you!! :-)
          il y a 9 ans
          I would love flying if I had this treatment.... Great video, very sexy!
          il y a 9 ans
          @2inpink1instink@2inpink1instink  our kind of 1st class! ;-) thanks for giving it an xxxtra thumbs up! we'd love for it to get featured, but need more up votes

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