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      26 Vidéos 7.5K Abonnés
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      • Femme fontaine
      • Masturbation
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        Voter pour les mots-clefs
        • Squirting
        • Squirt tutorial
        • Multiple orgasm
        • Female orgasm
        • Female ejaculation
        • Foreplay
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        • Fingering
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        • Couple
        • Shaved pussy

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            Tous les commentaires (19)

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            il y a 8 ans
            This is great you guys!! We just uploaded one yesterday, but without commentary. Definitely is an added bonus with this vid! Thanks @Unknown for commenting (showed up in our feed!).
            il y a 8 ans
            @HardcorePleasures@HardcorePleasures It's perfect the way it is :-) Instead of a do-over, think of it as a new & improved. I want a front row seat! 
            il y a 8 ans
            Thanks alot! After watching it back and learning more about it, I feel it should be done over. Explanation could be more thorough! Regardless, thanks to both of you!
            il y a 8 ans
            Just got back from a sex club where I did this to a really horny woman. She gushed all over my hand twice. And then her husband asked me to show him what I did. So, thanks, man. Not just for me, but from them, too!
            il y a 8 ans
            My pleasure! And HERS! ;-). Got an email from them a couple of weeks ago, thanking me again for showing him how to do this to her. Apparently she's insatiable! The sex club is out of town; I visit it when I travel for work. Heading back there tomorrow night, and hope to get freaky again!
            il y a 8 ans
            We just love reading this comment! Thank you again so much for sharing your wonderful experience with us! 🙂
            il y a 9 ans
            il y a 8 ans
            Thx for this comment. We are sorry we didn't say so sooner. 🙂
            il y a 8 ans
            That was really hot
            il y a 8 ans
            A great video from the two of you.  Love that you keep it real and enjoy each other.  I have one lady friend who squirts, usually from oral with some fingering.  It's quite a turn on.  Thank for continuing to play, pleasure and post.  🙂
            il y a 7 ans
            Thanks so much for this instructional. Always been very skeptical. Wife & I both thought this was just a party trick and pee. But after this happened at a party with the wifey and a friend, she is now a believer. I vow to do the same. Watched this video 3 times and hoping to be able to produce the same satisfaction for the wife! Can't wait to try it. I'll be checking back in. Thanks again! 
            il y a 7 ans
            You are more than welcome friend. Thank you for sharing your experience. That is what the vid is for. We love hearing that kind of feedback. As they say. Practice makes perfect. It just gets easier
            il y a 8 ans
            Wish I had someone to do this with
            il y a 8 ans
            i should save this and show it to any guy i with! great vid
            il y a 8 ans
            You should most certainly make sex machines out of the men you choose to be your slaves, boy toys, fuck buddies, etc.!! Lol 🙂
            il y a 5 ans
            Hopefully somebody will respond back to me before tonight is over they can because I want to try this tonight to my girl all the videos that I've seen are saying to do that come here motion but there's video telling me to go up and down I'm going to try those two methods and see which one works best with me like guys and girls
            il y a 7 ans
            WOW! Definitely going to try that, TONIGHT!

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