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Vancouver, Canada
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In my 'About' paragraph I mention two co-workers with daughters who went BBC, one being so happy she did. Well, that one - the happy one - is the oldest of four daughters in that family. And my co-worker - their mother - has today let it be known that the second oldest daughter is taking after her older sister and has now officially gone BBC too! I'm sure the two other girls - both in university - will be following in their older sisters foot steps soon enough. What's a LWC virgin to do?
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Spent the weekend in a resort town a few hours away from here. Couldn't believe how many hotties were w/BBC's! Usually it was one white girl to one BBC, though did see a BBC about 18-19 w/two white girls, and one time - two sexy white girls walking around w/five BBC's!!! Couldn't take my eyes off of them and those two babes couldn't help but smile - and deviously so, when they noticed me looking. They knew what I was thinking. And you just know there was a lot of pounding in their suite!
As for me - failed to score any action except w/my girlfrHAND!
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I'm thinking of moving North. Like, wwwwaaaayyyyy North. Alaska North. Where it is cold most every day of the year. That way I've got the perfect excuse. "It's not small, it's just a case of cold induced shrinkage!"
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I'm starting a grassroots "matters" organization:
Little White Penises Matter!
Any joiners among my PHriends?
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Is it too much to ask that just one time only you BBC girls forego BBC and instead break-in a LWC virgin?
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When I see how many guys have big dicks - and I'm not just referring to porn stars - I mean just regular PH members - I can't help but develop a case of
penis envy!!! 😢
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il y a 3 ans
Dick size isn't always a factor i got 8 inches bruh and i get laid without workin for it
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I get this email from a 20 something woman who says she wants me to be at her orgy party and put me on display in a humbler.
I didn't know what she was talking about and had no idea what a humbler was. She sent me a link. Now I know.
Hmmm.... I might actually be into it!
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I'm betting come Monday I'll still be a virgin! Anyone care to prove me wrong?  😉
Update: no one did ):
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Uh, yeah - it's that time of the week..... again....   😥
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Another weekend coming up in which no matter how hard I try I won't be getting no action!
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 On this covidus quarantinus Sunday, I am doing what a virgin LWC does best: spending some quality time on PH with my girlfr-HAND!
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If my almost-30-year-old-virgin self, or my little 4 inch'er, were not reason enough, this COVID-19 is giving females the perfect justified excuse to say no to my LWC and keep it a virgin!
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Yup, it's that day.
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Wow. Where did the week go? You know (if you've been reading previous posts) what day this is; I don't need to say it.
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Like previous Friday's. it's time for another pussy free weekend!
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And so it begins - another P-Free Friday & weekend...
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Removing knackers of slaves was common in past eras. Some others had it done to them so they could sing soprano in the church.
I don't know if there's anything to 'past lives' or not, but if there is I figure that was me - a snipped slave or choirboy - a eunuch in all my past lives!
And with no more than a slight variation to the setting, time, and place, that same theme is essentially playing out again in my current life!!
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Why can't girls be content with wimps who have little, tiny, dicks?
Why do they always want muscular alpha hunks with big cocks?
In this day and age where we're all supposed to be equal shouldn't they be saying "Size Does NOT Matter! "?
Us little dicks want sex too! (and preferably not with just our hands, or each other!)
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I am seeing more and more videos and other social media posts of girls saying white boys do not deserve sex and they want them as pets.
A pet white boy cuck. Or, a pet white boy virgin cuck.
I've been thinking about pet virgins for a few years now, ever since this woman who used to work in the same place as me, talked one day in the lunch
room saying to those there on break how she was going to be taking in her pet to be spayed.
Then she turned to me and said she'd like to see me neutered!
She said she'd love it if I lost my balls, especially if I did not want to lose them! (and why would I?)
If I did lose them she said she'd laugh in my face every time she saw me and would point me out to all her gf's, and to her daughter and her gf's, so they all could laugh and point me out to their other girlfriends, and so on.
And, she added, that the only thing funnier than knowing I'd lost my balls would be to see it happen!
Can you believe it!? This woman actually wanted to witness a workplace accident in which I was castrated before her eyes and made a eunuch!
And she would have no sympathy. She would laugh!!!
I was stunned. What do you say to that?! But actually - I was kind of turned on by it too!
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It looks like the show 'The Bachelor' has announced their first black male bachelor for an upcoming season. Wonder if this will see a lot of white girls vying 
to win him.  
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À propos de

Virgin cuck. Tried to get laid in high school - didn't. Tried more so in college - didn't. Got a job after college and was hopeful with two co-workers who had good looking adult, white, and single daughters a bit younger than me. Both passed on me with zero interest. And both went BBC instead, and I know one of them is "so happy she did!" I'm just over 4" erect. Have been laughed at for it. One girl I once worked with who saw me in a public place where she was at with her girlfriends said loud enough for everyone around us to hear, "Can I ask you something? What's it like still being a virgin at your age?" Everyone was laughing. Another time I encountered her with her gf's and she said loud for all to hear "You must be jealous of all the other guys who get laid while you never get anything!" Then she leaned forward with her face near my crotch and burst out laughing. And so did her gf's.

Cucky V, nicknames Jerkoffski, Hand Solo
Dernière connexion:
il y a 1 an
Situation amoureuse:
Ville de naissance:
Nonutsville, SK
Ce que j'aime:
Females, white girls gone black, white girls recruiting other white girls for BBC, my own SPH. May be open to local meet.
Ce que je déteste:
Body/bowel discharge sex, bad breath, unclean
Affichages de profil:
Vidéos vues:
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