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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumAs a fag I enjoy rugged sex one-on-one, in small groups, or organized sex parties. I love my butt, he’s never satisfied, and neither are its occupiers. The voyage to discover full-fill-ment, is an ongoing campaign. Seeking connection to men for a union of hole, pole, and pleasure. If I had a station on the rainbow of gay sex and identity, I’d be a sub. Formidable experiences throughout my sex life are inexplicably bound to my slutty sub role, where pleasure is service and sin. I am, however, a lifetime learner so maybe “sub-station” is only a stop along my evolutionary path. Service is a constant dynamic in the homosexual sphere, its performed onto us all irrespective of position. Perspective is everything. I enjoy men of every color, I prefer to get down with men who identify as gay, but all men are welcome to indulge and enjoy some good dirty gay playtime. I’ve had the most enriching and thrilling contact with men of color this year. Black? Latino? Bay Area? Get at me.
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