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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumI have an abundance of friends (at least they all think so). People have always gravitated toward me, and tend to feel very close to me after very short periods of time. That "I feel like I've always known you." line. I've heard it. A lot. I believe honest is the single most important thing a human can and should be. I manage nearly all levels of dreadful experience with a grain of salt. My patience is seemingly endless. I don't see a point to causing pain to the world around me, so I often end up appearing than I am. I have a morbid humor and a dark soul, despite bringing so much joy and light into people's lives. I suffer nothing, because I see beauty in the truth of all things. I empathise well, even when I have no similarities. I have a poet's mind, and a romantic's heart. Or I did anyway. I've hurt in ways that make one numb to pain, and experienced things that make one never fear again. I accept the facets of life in the small moment and the big picture alike, as constants, that are needed to exi
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