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Los Angeles, United States
  • 584 abonnés
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À propos de

I'm about 5'7 (without muh heels!) and around 125 lbs. (or less now) Fair skin, blue eyes, toned legs, and a great butt (or so im told!) and very dainty ;) I am very politically aware and am seriously into deep discussions on geopolitics. I am Pro-Russian! and very Anti-'business as usual'-establishment. I am very polite, open minded, and easily approached. I love being submissive. I'm not into being dominant. I've always considered myself female. I first thought this around 5 but had little concept of it, and just hoped i could 'grow' into it. By 10 I was a girl @ home / pretending to be a boy @ School. My official Transition (I.D., HRT, etc) begins this month (Oct-24th 2017) Past 'incidents' aside, I've had mostly Oral exp with men. Id like more with a Dominant man/men i can Trust someday, & to be dominated by a woman as well

Femme Trans
Dernière connexion:
il y a 5 ans
Situation amoureuse:
Gars et Filles
Ville de naissance:
Haven, Maine
Los Angeles
"United States"
Intérêts et passe-temps:
Makeup! makeup! shopping for clothes, trying on clothes, wearing sexy clothes, panties, thongs, lingerie etc! I also love computer gaming, guns, reading, and keeping up on political events -- Namely Russian politics and keeping up on the Syrian war. (Warning! Pro Assad / Anti-Moderate Beheaders!) I enjoy learning new things and meeting new and interesting people! I also love painting maniatures, learning anything new / or historical about Soviet / Russian military growth/tech/etc. Love arguing with people on YT about politics and anything else I think I can contribute to (Warning! I am anti-'Dachau' Femmynist, anti-SJW, anti-full libbytards who wanna police muh langauge and take away muh freedoms ;) I love movies and books and trying new foods and even trying military rations from wherever. I am adventurous and am not afraid to try something new, even if there is some risks involved. Afterall, what is life without risks?
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
I dislike television as I find commercials repellent and embarrassing to watch. I DO like some shows and I only watch them on Netflix... It's Always Sunny, Trailer Park Boys, The Office, Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black, etc. Too many to list. I also love to watch anything posted by Kraut and Tea , Naked Ape, and Paul Joseph Watson on YT. Other notables are Steve1989, Mattv2099, Sargon of Akaad, Southfront, and SO much more! I spend more time watching YT and either trolling or mixing it up with people in comments. I know, i know, it's just a way for me to unwind somtimes :D Blade Runner, The Thing (1982), .... I like A LOT of different movies! Way too many to list here! These 2 were just off the top of my head.
Musique favorite:
Again, too much to list. I'll try to generalize I like , Katy Perry, Aurora, Deadmau5, Lords of Acid, Fayrouz, Ministry, Philip Glass, Megadeth, Siouxie And The Banshee's, Megan Traynor, E.L.O, The Cars, L7, Babes In Toyland, Natalia , the entire soundtrack for 'Hotline Miami, Madonna, Gold Frap, Peachez, Joan Jett, Mozart (esp. Symphony no. 25 in G ), James Horner, NIN, Mr. Anisimov, music for NES games by the Folin Brothers, the list goes on and on and on and on....
Livres favoris:
The Tommyknockers, The Stand, Christine, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, 1984, various books on history about Vietnam, Russia, weapons, aerospace. On the other end I love reading Elle, Vogue, Allure, and Cosmo ;)
Ce que j'aime:
I am *submissive!* I cannot stress that enough. I am ONLY submissive. Being gagged. Being tied up Being spanked/whipped/flogged I find men, tgirls, and genetic women attractive. I especially like the idea of an older, stronger man to dominate me. :) Or even just a young handsome man who is still much bigger / stronger than me to Dominate and bring me to HEEL ;) I like the romance as much as the kinky stuffs! and... speaking of kinky grown-uppy stuffs.. I like' ' / bdsm and other kinky types of role play. I also love erotic literature and sending steamy messages back and forth. ;) any questions about the aforementioned please don't hesitate to message me :)
Ce que je déteste:
Needle play, pee , animals, , and the basic yucky stuff! I dislike huge, fake boobs. **Important!** People who *don't* take care of their bodies! and I mean proper hygiene and looking after ones self! I put lots of effort into my hygiene as to feel comfortable and to be courteous to others! :) Lastly: Rude or temperamental types. I seriously dislike when people have to be thuggish to feel respected or use it as a security blanket. Newsmedia / 'Journalism' as its defined currently in the West.
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