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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumDo you need instant justification as to why some piece of media is of discernible quality? Well look no further, because JAR Media offers many strong opinions on things you can take wildly out of context to make yourself look like a fool on the internet. The JAR Gang: Alex - Does everything and is basically the best human in existence. He may or may not have . Ruben - Hosts things, been a devout Christian all his life, definitely has . Not a Christian. James - Is quirky? And usually has on Wednesdays. Jamie - Is a huge fan of Guardians of the Galaxy (especially tiny groot!), has the least of the group, but he definitely still gets it sometimes. Randy - Alex's mutant identical sibling who Jamie (by accident because he doesn't know when to stop) Remember to leave comments and questions for JAR Blabs! GAME ON (Wow, cringe)
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