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Oklahoma City, United States
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Wow, well-I had one long, well thought out introduction but for some reason-it's gone. It's alright-doubt it actually got read anyway. 'm not on here as much as I used to be-I'm not ignoring anybody intentionally. I've just been spending more time involved in the world around me. I'll attempt to check here a little more often-that's the best I can promise. I'm not going to lie-I'm just a little apprehensive about meeting people, I do watch the news and I'm not trying to be one of their stories. Otherwise, we can chat and see where things go. Most of all, have fun and enjoy life-you never know what's around the corner, keep your options open.

Dernière connexion:
4 il y a des années
Statut de la relation:
Intéressé par:
Les gars et les filles
Ville d'origine:
Somewhere in Texas
Oklahoma City
"United States"
Adult Industry
Intérêts et hobbies:
I write erotic stories, it's not just my hobby-it's my bread and butter.
Musique préférée:
I've always claimed to be country but I've been exploring other genres lately so I guess I can say I enjoy music that I can actually understand-rap isn't for me and I don't like the screaming/angry heavy metal.
Les tournantes:
Passion-whatever you do be passionate about it. Confidence-this isn't being conceited, this is knowing that you are an amazing individual. We aren't perfect but if you've learned to love your own skin and know that you're perfectly imperfect, you're probably someone I would like to talk to. Intelligent conversation-this should not take pulling teeth, be able to put together more than two or three words. Kiss me like you'll never taste a woman's lips again, hold me like you'll never wrap your arms around another woman again and look into my eyes like you can see straight through me. Know this: normal is a setting on the dryer and labels are meant for your clothes-be you, real and genuine because that's who I want to know. I am attracted to girly girls, I don't want to offend anyone but we all have our preference and I really find a female that enjoys being a woman sexy, I like 3somes (f,f,m) but I'm not sure what to think about the other way around (m,m,f). Intelligence is very attractive to me.
Les arrêts de production:
Dishonesty. I am probably the most realistic, blunt and honest woman you will ever know-I'm also the most patient, accepting and understanding woman you'll ever know. Lie to me and you'll never speak to me again-it doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's the truth. There's no reason to lie about anything, I won't judge you about anything-it's not my job. Just be real and we'll be fine. Poor hygiene is a huge turn off, we're going to cause things to get steamy please know that I don't want to smell last week's sweat when things warm up and my bluntness won't allow it to be ignored so I'm not able to keep my mouth from saying something about soap and water while getting dressed and leaving the situation. I'm clean, please be the same.
Vues du profil:
Vidéos visionnées:
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