Never Too Early For Spunk

It’s 5 am, you’ve woken up horny and hard. I am fast asleep next to you. You take out your phone and start to watch videos of us, your cock twitching you reach down and begin to wank the head, getting stiffer with every stroke...You put a cock ring on and dribble lube all over your cock. You are slow with your strokes, teasing yourself as you watch me deep-throat you. You lean towards me and put your arm over me and rub your cock against me, softly waking me up by saying ‘angel, wake up I need your help’. I stir and say ‘what's the time?’, You reply ‘5ish, turn over’. I turn to face you and… Leer más

Publicado por Filthy-Fuckers 2 años atrás 18

My fantasy (photoshoot part 3)

My mind is in a turmoil, knowing this is all so wrong, but wanting more so much more, the afternoon go by in a blur, when I get home it is like I am on automatic, the k**s come home, the same noise, the tv the radio, the shouting, but none of it stops my mind going over and over what happened lunchtime. I prepare dinner, my husband comes home, apart from a “how was your day” nothing. I go to bed, I lay there no chance of sleep, everything going around and around in my head. At one point I decide I can’t do it, I can’t go back to the Steve and what am I thinking about posing, at my age, I laugh… Leer más

Publicado por old_fashion_helen 2 años atrás 131

lunch and afters

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Publicado por sarahstoke69 7 años atrás

Doing My Homework

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Publicado por FoxyTheFux 6 años atrás

Paid Whore for the Night

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Publicado por FoxyTheFux 6 años atrás

The IT Man cometh.

Sigh .... why are 99% of the emails I get so boring and pointless? Lots of "Hi" or "good morning" or "how are you" ... I'm fine, you don't need to ask. Please don't send the one-liners because there's nothing to reply to and it takes ages to delete them all. Please read the profile ... please! Anyway, as no-one seems capable of sending me anything even remotely knicker-moistening I suppose I'll have to write something myself. Again! Here's a good old-fashioned scenario beloved of porn writers for the longest time. So, zip down? Let's go. You work in the IT department of the company we b… Leer más

Publicado por mariewilliams 7 años atrás 21

bosses new toy

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Publicado por sarahstoke69 7 años atrás

No Bull. The Mirror is Magic

Mirror mirror on the wall, Who's the fairest of them all? The answer comes from deep inside From the place where fears reside The place where all the tapes are kept Of every word o'er which SHe wept Each little Nick upon the skin, No harm alone but cutting in A tangled mass of combined woes All kept alive under the nose Of the frightened c***d locked up within SHe's adult body made of skin So off SHe went to find a way To tip the balance day by day A healing word for every scar A lubricant, the best by far. The s**ttered seed of men who just Could not contain the mount… Leer más

Publicado por Badd_Penny 7 años atrás 2

the canal

When we arrived it was a beautiful summer’s day with the sun shining brightly, the air was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter from the people sat around the tables outside overlooking the canal. We checked in and then dropped off our luggage in the room, I then suggested that we take a table overlooking the canal and ordered drink’s , we sat causally chatting watching the swans gracefully pass by on the canal. I excused myself and collected the picnic basket and blanket from the boot of the car when I returned to the table I took Vanessa by the hand and we began to take a stroll a… Leer más

Publicado por cuckynbull 8 años atrás 15

creamy little speech

ok so today i reveal one secret as to how you can make your pussy vibrate so well that you know upon know you are a witch: it might sound silly, like anything that might occur at the end of annoyingly cute tea party, but it isn't silly it is deadly serious, it is perfect and most called for pre cursor to me cumming all over the house, until my eyes cross and i squeal and nice spurts of cum are sprayed inside me. . . . the secret . . . well it is to order yourself a very big gateaux, you can make it if you like, or defrost one from the freezer section but obviously homemade is best, any… Leer más

Publicado por tightwitch 9 años atrás 29

My first time

I knew this guy who was a lot older than me, he used to flirt with me and pinch my bum a lot, I hadn't done anything with a guy before. One day I was in his garden and he asked to to look in his tool shed, it wasn't very big, just a bench at one end, racks along the walls. It smelled of fresh cut wood, and the small has turned me on ever since. Once in the shed he closed the door, there was a moment of quiet and I wasn't sure what was going on, then he told me I was a tease, he undid his shorts and showed me his cock, it looked huge, and was semi-erect. I didn't know what to do, so he t… Leer más

Publicado por Roxana36 9 años atrás 32

Blowjob in Tesco Carpark

I was out shopping in Tesco, I was in tight jeans, top and coat as it was quite cold and high heeled boots. I was in the pop isle looking for what my k**s needed in their packed lunch and a guy passing me noticed me and said 'Hi' as if he knew me. I dint know him and guessed I had forgot, he talked a bit, 'how are you' etc... then his face changed, he looked me up and down and the penny dropped, she went red and I realised he wasn't someone I had met before but he has seen me online. Realising that this man in front of me had seen me naked and had wanked over my photos made me very freake… Leer más

Publicado por Roxana36 9 años atrás 90

What a naughty girl ...

It's after home time but you've put me in detention and we're all alone. I'm still wearing my uniform - white blouse, stripy tie, short grey pleated skirt and knee-high white socks. You sit in your chair and tell me to read out my essay on "What I Did In The Holidays". I stand in front of you and open my schoolbook, adjust my nerdy glasses and start to read. It's all about when I went to a Pop Festival with four boys and how I spent most of my time sucking them off. As I read, I notice that you've unzipped your pants and are openly wanking as you watch me. I get engrossed in my story and… Leer más

Publicado por mariewilliams 9 años atrás 8

Under The Nurse

You're here for an examination and knock on my office door. Your eyes sparkle when you see me in my crisp white nurses uniform that fastens all the way down the front, and I tell you to come in and take a seat. I get up from my desk, walk past you with my hips swaying suggestively. I close the door and lock it. Then I turn and lean back and look at you through my designer glasses as if to say "I’m going to fuck you and blow your mind." I then walk over to where you're sitting and without saying a word I kneel down in front of you and unzip your jeans to reveal your semi-hard cock. I start to s… Leer más

Publicado por mariewilliams 9 años atrás 28