A different kind of fake: The jilted ex

Update, 28 December 2014: User has canceled "her" xHamster account. ======================================================== Sent earlier today to an xHamster account I suspect is being used by the purported account holder's ex to post insulting and demeaning photos of her. I've tried to scrub this public version of all identifying marks. Should s/he respond, I'll update. ======================================================== Ok, here's my problem: 1. All of the nudes seemingly were taken either in August 2010 or February 2011. That in itself isn't damning -- lord knows… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 9 años atrás

Pro-Dommes/Faux Dommes: Who ARE These People?!

OK, WTF is up with all the wannabe dommes who've suddenly discovered xHamster? Has the site been publicized on some DarkNet BBS out there for lame sex workers? Can we please have a moratorium on additional faux dominatrices coming here to scam poor unsuspecting n00bs? First off, how many of these self-proclaimed dommes are verified xHamster users? Pretty much... none. Seeing how quite a few have been shown to be using stolen photos, it makes one wonder whether any of these VirtuaDommes are whom they claim to be. PLEASE! If you feel compelled to send your hard-earned cash to an… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 9 años atrás

Blown away

I had an unexpectedly intense response to a video posted this morning: If the video is later removed, it was titled Sexy Blonde Slut Squirt 15+ Times, Twitching While Cumming Here's what I said in the comments: I think this may quickly become one of my all-time favorite videos, simply because it is so unadulterated a celebration of human ecstasy. There is no pretense or posture; no introduced, non-sexual complexity (i.e., why is 'cuckold' nearly synonymou… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 10 años atrás

Hey, I Know *That* Guy!

Earlier today I was running some image+text searches on the web[1] when I noticed I was getting some unexpected responses from Google. Intrigued, I ran a few of the source images through Tineye, as well -- but, as usual, was disappointed by its repeated failure to return any hits. In order to test against a dataset a little better-known to me, I ran a few photos I'm in taken from sessions with erotic photographers Michael Rosen (with Nikita) and David Steinberg (with Dara); since I know where else these images are available online, I get a feel for how thorough each engine's spidering r… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 10 años atrás

What to Get Me for My Birthday

I first found this in fragments; monochrome, in this weird, high-contrast dark blue and white duotone; and overdubbed with the BeeGees' greatest disco-era hits... And, still, I loved it. After searching for a while, I managed to locate the full-length video -- albeit still desaturated and discofied. It wasn't for another couple of years that I finally found a copy with original sound and color; it took another year before I found a decent copy of the source tape. Why did I care so much? Because, unlike most porn -- even most 'reality' porn -- this actually seems real: It's… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 12 años atrás 1

Memories of Juliet

For me, this was a life-changing scene from a life-changing movie; it completely rewrote much of what I'd earlier thought to be the truth about sex. This scene in particular stayed with me so strongly that a dozen years later, without my having seen any other film of Juliet's in the interim, when I caught a couple-second glimpse, from 100 feet away, of her walking into a restaurant, I immediately knew who it was. Not long after, Juliet asked my wife and I over for dinner and a screening of a video/live performance we'd recently staged at a club downtown. René had turned to sex-work relative… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 12 años atrás

From What Is Fast Becoming My Desert Island Porn

Opening scene from what may very well be my all-time favorite porn -- despite the fact I have no idea what anyone is saying. (I can't even find a version in the original French -- not that it would help much.) After running out of gas, Nicole Segaud is attacked by bikers while her lover? sugar daddy? is forced to watch. To get them to finish faster, she pretends to be excited; unfortunately, her companion doesn't realize she's faking and abandons her -- thus setting into motion the remainder of the film. I'm amazed she can pull it off (no pun intended): In a porn film, where she would be expec… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 12 años atrás

My 14-and-a-Half Minutes of Fame

Oddly enough, the photographer's gf had NOT planned to participate -- but my gf and I were both quite intrigued when we first heard she was going to attend. In her 50s, she was intimidated by the other women being 25 to 30 years younger, and she only joined in because the hostess and my gf -- well, I don't want to say "forcibly," so let's try "emphatically" -- emphatically removed her clothes, spread her legs, and made her come. Me? I was fortunate enough to suffer collateral damage. She and the photographer separated (after 20+ years) soon after, and I haven't seen her since -- but I foun… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 12 años atrás

Opportunities: Some Missed, Some Realized

A while back, I got a call from Aly asking if I'd like to photograph her. (A mutual friend had given her my number.) Of course I said 'yes' -- but told her I'd have to get back to her about potential dates, as I was in the middle of a move. Now here's the tragic part: I fucked up; too much time had passed before I called, and I was never able to reach her. Moral of the story: When a hotty calls offering to get naked and more in front of your lens, the only correct response is, 'What time tomorrow would you like to come by -- or would later today work better?' >> Originally posted as a comme… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 12 años atrás

Color *me* surprised -- and delighted

Ah! memories... A while back, we asked one of our escort advertisers to be a booth babe at that year's Exotic Erotic Ball. She was a hottie -- and knew it; I'd always found her a little unapproachable, but my GF got along well wih her, so I deferred to her choice. Imagine my surprise when, once we had set up, she handed me 2 jars of makeup, one gold and one black, and asked if I'd help her with her costume. I'll be the first to admit mine was a, ahem, stripped-down version, as there was no way I could possibly have matched the original's black filigree before the end of the Ball, so we sett… Leer más

Publicado por mazoola 12 años atrás