Banter: Session Two

Banter: Session Two "Bikini Bake" Carly and Sam are in the kitchen baking in preparation for an iCarly segment. "Sam! I said one-half a cup of chocolate chips! How many did you put in there?" They both looked down at the bowl, where a mountain-sized pile of chocolate chips covered the other ingredients, and got higher than the rim of the bowl. "Hey, you just said you wanted me to help. I don't remember anything about improvising being against the rules," Sam replied smugly. "With that much chocolate in the recipe we may as well just go buy a candy bar," Carly explained while taking… Leer más

Publicado por crystalwaters69 6 años atrás

Banter: Session One

Banter: Session One "Jealous Girlfriend" Carly and Sam are in the middle of a discussion that's about to get heated after Sam told Carly she's leaving right after the show. "I don't get it. Why are you breaking our plans all the time to hang out with Wendy now?" "It's not all the time. I'm still over here almost every day," Sam defended herself. "Yeah, because we're rehearsing for iCarly! When's the last time we had any fun together?" "iCarly is fun." Carly was getting gradually more frustrated at Sam's monotonous responses. "There's something wrong and you're going to tell me wh… Leer más

Publicado por crystalwaters69 6 años atrás 1


Dawn/Faith "Happy 18th D," Faith says, pressing a kiss to the teenager's temple. A red lipstick mark is printed there and Faith grins. Dawn’s face lights up. “Where’s my present?” "In the basement," Faith drawls, curling a hand around Dawn’s hip. "Why is it in the basement?" Dawn frowns and Faith flicks her tongue obscenely. "Oh.” "If you’re good, you might have more than one present," Faith whispers, giving her little ass a squeeze. Dawn squeaks. “More than one?” "Uh-huh," she breathes. "You might have multiple.” "Oh my God." Dawn then race… Leer más

Publicado por crystalwaters69 6 años atrás 5

Please also be reading this

Please also be reading this - especially if you're a Christian: más

Publicado por crystalwaters69 8 años atrás 1

Who do you love?

There was a girl called Me. And everybody loved everyone called Me. Now, it needs to be said to be fair That I do have blonde hair And that’s why everybody loves ME.… Leer más

Publicado por crystalwaters69 10 años atrás