My Black Diamond, pt I

Hello friends! And the rest of you, too!
Hope your 2016 has been splendid so far!
Sorry I haven't posted much so far this year, bu, right?
It happens...and I've been busy, but no excuses.

I know the last posts I made were more recent, but this one is going to be back to that fresh post-college era when I was just getting my feet wet (so to speak) with interracial sex and trying new and different things. And by "things" of course I really meant: new and different black dicks!

My first chance encounter with an older black man (Courtney!) on a business trip led to hooking up with a local black guy (Domino Hooter!) when I got back home for oral and footjob-only hook-ups, which led to more oral-only encounters with local black college boys and visiting football recruits with a local girl I knew (Katie!)...I did have full intercourse with a young black college boy on an out-of-state business trip (Simon!) as well as in the town where I went to college with a black truck driver passing thru...and there were a couple of other black dick encounters back home where my family lives, but I haven't told you about those, and may not ever, due to the close personal nature :(

So while I wasn't averse to fooling around with Negros here where I live, I was very very very careful about them. I knew I could trust Dom Hooter with our secret and the adventures with Katie were with guys I had very very little chance of ever running into again. And the fact I was only doing BJ and foot stuff with local guys, no intercourse, made it feel safer for some reason...

I bet you are thinking to yourself: "I bet this is all about to change"
My friend, you would indeed win that bet...

So this story starts in the summer time. I like to spend summer days off with some friends of mine going out on the lake and boating...and if that's not available, I'm happy for a day at the pool, just laying out and reading, listening to music. Yes, I love water and would spend all my summer days barefoot and in a bathing suit if I could! I tan easily and turn a nice light golden brown in the warm months, not enough to over-do it to the point where my skin gets yuckky and begins to look like dried out tobacco...but a nice golden honey color that I keep religiously moisturized.

This particular summer day I had no plans and my boating buddies were not available. I had a private (read: snobbish) pool I have access to due to my job, but just felt the need to try someplace new and have (dare I say it) an adventure? So I went to a local public pool across town. This was a weekday so I had hoped the pool wouldn't be absolutely swarming with people...but since school was out, it was certainly not deserted, either.

Did I mention this pool was on the more "urban" side of town? Well, it was...I guessing the median income of this zip code was quite a bit lower than the one in which I lived and worked. Yes, the crowd here was considerably darker than the pools I usually frequented and by "darker" I don't mean they just used less sunscreen! I would guess the mix felt about 75% black and the remaining 25% a mix of honkies like me and Mexicans. So yes, I definitely stood out as a fit and attractive young blonde WITHOUT tacky tattoos covering my legs, shoulders, and/or lower back!

Of course I'm checking everything out behind my dark sunglasses and looking for any "opportunities". I felt quite liberated being in a place and part of town I wasn't likely to run into anyone I knew. Still, I had to be careful. One thing about this pool I noticed was how young guys would cruise the parking lot checking out the girls, even pulling up to the fence and calling out to ones they knew...or hoped to know, I guess. Because of this ritual, I noticed that many of the teen girls tended to hang out in the area near the fence where the boys would stop.

I, of course, positioned myself away from that area so that I could observe it without being called over myself. That didn't stop a few guys from waving and calling out to me to come over, to which I politely just waved back a "no thanks". Oh, I was a bit intrigued with the fellas stopping by the fence, but it was too much of a crowded area and I certainly wasn't into a crowd scene. But I was better believe I was watching...just in case the right opportunity presented itself.

And at some point, it did. later in the afternoon the pool thinned out, or at least the portion of teen girls hanging out by the fence did, so did the traffic of teen boys driving by. I watched one dark SUV cruise the lot slowly, then a lanky black guy get out and approach the fence. He looked around a bit, and I saw his head come to an abrupt stop when his eyes landed on me. I could feel those eyes moving all over my body and I got a quick tingle. He didn't call out but instead casually motioned me over to the fence. I did a quick look around and nobody appeared to be paying attention. This was shaping up to maybe be that opportunity I was hoping for!

So...I did! Join him at the fence, that is. I casually strolled over there, not taking the time to put on my cover-up T-shirt (LOL) or even my flip-flops. Up close he was tall, at least 6' with lean skinny muscles...not particularly handsome, but that's OK.
Pulling his sunglasses up to get a better look at me.

"Hey" he said.
"Hey", I cleverly responded.
"Who you?" he asked.
"Nikki" I quickly lied.

And so it began. As we began some generic small talk, I suddenly became aware of exactly how NEARLY NAKED I was as I stood before him! My bathing suit covered, what, 25% of my body? LOL, 12%? Somebody help me with the math here, but it sure wasn't much! Basically the same as standing before him in my underwear, probably less than a foot away from him on the other side of that chain link fence. I felt like this meeting-at-the-fence thing was a throw-back to old mating rituals, maidens standing nearly naked before their potential suitors, to be inspected in the same way he would before buying a horse or a plow!

I could feel his eyes all over me and I was beginning to get tingly all over and found myself fidgeting. I looked down to see my nipples were betraying me by getting stiff and being very visible thru my bikini top. While this was embarrassing, it was OK because I also noticed he had what appeared to be a growing hard-on in the front of his polyester basketball shorts!

Finally he invited me to go for a ride in his new truck. I wasn' t sure about this and told him so, and he spent the next few minutes trying to convince me what a great idea this would be. Just a few laps around the parking lot, maybe down to the adjoining park and back, no biggie. I have to admit that I hadn't been offered to go "cruising" with a teen guy since my high school days and it was quite flattering and a little exciting...and his pleading made it even more exciting, and arousing. I began to do my mental checklists of what makes a safe and discreet encounter...and finally decided that yes, this offered a nice blend of discretion and safety!

I "allowed" him to finally wear me down, and agreed to get in his truck. I gathered my stuff quickly and headed for the pool exit. I slipped my cover-up T-shirt on over my bathing suit and stepped into my flip-flops for my trek across the parking lot. I was putting my pool supplies in my car when his truck pulled up beside me, announcing its arrival with low rumbling bass notes. I got in and we began "cruising" together! One thing I noticed about his truck for my internal safety/discretion argument was his dark tinted windows. I liked the thought that other people couldn't see me in the truck with him.

I finally got his name and it was: Marquis.
"Oh, like the diamond?" I asked in my squeakiest, most white-girl voice, to which he only shrugged his shoulders obviously having no idea what I was talking about.

So you may be wondering what I told him about myself? Well, obviously I gave him a fake name...and I sure wasn't about to tell him where I worked or anything like that! He asked if I attended a specific local high school, and I was flattered that he thought I still looked that young! I told him I was "out of school", which was 100% the truth! He seemed surprised at this, and asked about college. I once again tip-toed down the line of truth/lies and threw out the name of my college alma mater. He assumed that I was on summer break and NOT a graduate, and I did not correct him on that incorrect assumption!

He was pretty clearly excited about the idea of riding around with an older girl, and LOL if he only knew I was even already a couple years older than he thought! He finally stopped the truck in a lot at the adjoining park, in a somewhat secluded sight of the park and people, but away from them. I immediately wondered if this was part of the mating ritual I had observed at the pool: guys cruise the lot, get a girl to come up to the fence, try to get them in your vehicle, come to this spot to "park"...? I had a feeling it was...

I asked him what we were doing there and he said "just talking", and when he turned to "talk" to me, his face was inches away from mine. I caught my breath in surprise, my head spinning and my eyes crossing as I tried to focus on his unexpected presence. He said "you so pretty" and took advantage of my confusion to cover my smiling lips with a quick kiss.

I instantly recoiled a bit in surprise, and he followed me, re-engaging our kiss. Oh My! This was certainly happening much quicker than I expected! And while the kiss was definitely a nice surprise, the voice in my head was screaming about how this was too public of a place! But when I pulled away from him, he immediately begged for us to continue, telling me that I was the prettiest girl he'd ever been with or kissed, and could we PLEASE just kiss a little more, that it was "JUST A KISS"...!

"Hmmmm...." I said, my hand on his chest to hold him back. " Just a kiss, huh...?
He nodded vigorously.
"Well...I guess its OK as long as its just a kiss..."

So we resumed our "just a kiss", only our lips meeting at first, our hands and bodies kept to ourselves.
Of course you can imagine that didn't last too long, as felt not only my temperature begin to rise, but his his as well once our kissing began to get deeper. I'm not sure whether his hand appeared on my knee first or if it was my hand on his shoulder...but soon our bodies were pressing together and our hands were traveling over each other.

Still a little nervous, I would occasionally break kiss to look around to make sure no one was around...he would gently reassure me "its all cool" and tilt my chin back to his to resume our kissing. Or take advantage of my head turned to kiss my neck and/or ears. I caught myself moaning and beginning to dig my nails into his shoulders and back while our making out intensified. He had shifted himself over so that most of his torso was over in the passenger seat and on top of me, our chests mashing together and beginning to rise and fall in unison.

I was officially torn, part of me LOVING the way we were sucking on each other tongues and LOVING the feel of his lean sweaty black body pressing against mine. However the other part of me was SCREAMING inside that I absolutely HAD to put a stop to this before it escalated to the point of no return. And we were approaching it quickly!

I felt him go a little slack against me, and I took advantage of that to break our kiss and push him back a little, panting that we really needed to stop. To my surprise, he nodded his head and slid back over to the driver’s seat. At the time, I just assumed that he was respecting my authority and doing what I said…but, looking back as a little older and wiser, I realized he probably came prematurely in his shorts! Ha! Oh well, as long as it gets the desired results…

He drove me back to the pool, but wouldn’t “let” me out of his truck until I gave him my contact info. OK, so this is something I RARELY do…but didn’t feel threatened by him, so I actually gave it to him. I drove back home quite a horny mess, having let this strapping young black fellow get me all worked up. So yeah, I went right to my “toy box” and got out Mr T, and got myself off thinking about my new buddy Marquis…

But like I said before, I’m extremely cautious about what my associations here in town. I kept Marquis in my back pocket, but did not actively pursue him for awhile. I hadn’t decided if I would ever follow-up on him at all…but I’ll never forget that one Friday night a couple weeks after our pool encounter. I was at home after a long day of work, online chatting with some friends and in for the night (so I thought). I was chatting with my muse Bobby, just talking about the black dicks in my life and how I was sucking quite a few of them but not fucking any.

And about that time, a text came thru my phone. My tummy fluttered and I knew who it was before I saw it.
“what u doin?” was the message from Marquis’ number.

I remember telling Bobby “Oh crap, its him!”
And Bobby, being the ever-supportive muse (and potential cuck), quickly replied that I should do it! That I should do HIM, that the evening was still young and I should go meet Marquis.

And so I did. I replied right away and we decided on a meet-up in a neutral location in an hour. Just enough time for me to freshen up a bit. I was still made up from work, I just need a touch –up and to change out of my work skirt/blouse/pantyhose into some shorts, sandals, and sleeveless blouse. I pulled my “corporate” hair back into a more casual loose ponytail.

59 minutes later, I was stepping out of my car in a local supermarket parking lot and climbing into Marquis’ truck for the 2nd time. We exchanged awkward pleasantries and began “cruising”. He asked if there was any particular place I wanted to go, and I said that I assumed he’d find us a nice quiet place to “talk”, like he did that day at the pool.

Now this is where I tell you about how Marquis was actually a nice young guy who was TRYING to act all thug and tough, but I could tell by the nice new truck he was driving that he probably wasn’t as ghetto as he’d like me to think. He was indeed a high school student, and while I didn’t card him or ask his age, let’s just assume he was of legal age, OK? I mean, even if he wasn’t, I’m pretty sure the statute of limitations has run out by now… ;)

Pretty soon we were driving thru a new subdivision under construction. We drove down a dead-end street, and he backed his truck into the drive of an unfinished house, way back almost behind the house where the garage would be once it was actually constructed. At the time I was actually a little impressed that he found us a private place so quickly. But the reality was that his dad was in construction and was part of the crew building this neighborhood. It explained not only Marquis’ familiarity with this unfinished area but also his nice truck. But I didn’t find out about this until later…

Once he parked the truck, I wasted no time in turning to him to kiss him. Yes, like at the park by the pool, our “talking” turned passionate quickly. Nice, slow, making out, kissing deeply as we began sucking on each other’s lips and tongues. His hands quickly went to my blouse and up inside it, and instead of moving his hands away, I instead responded by running my hands up his shirt and down to the bulging lump in the front of his shorts.

Yeah, I was actually REALLY horny, and had his dick out of shorts pretty quickly. I gave it a few strokes as we kissed, but soon dipped my head down to put it in my mouth. AH, that flavor of a new strange black dick! Now, I LOVE to suck black dicks and would have normally spent more time with my head bobbing up and down in his lap…but like I said, I was REALLY horny, and found myself pulling back so that I could quickly rip my clothes off so that I was completely nude in the front passenger seat of his truck!

He was simultaneously pulling off his tank top and shorts while launching himself over the center console. His SUV had a nice big back area and I assumed that’s where we were headed…but to my surprise, he crawled on top of me right there in the passenger seat and was trying to put his dick in me! I reached down to gently redirect his javelin from stabbing me in the stomach, instead guiding towards my wet open pussy…he lunged forward and BAM! Just like that, his black dick was inside me!

I gasped in surprise and quickly responded by wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his shoulders, looking up at him as he began pumping in and out of me. And to think: just over an hour earlier I wasn’t planning on having sex tonight and certainly wasn’t planning on probably ever having intercourse with a young black guy here in my own town.

But by golly we sure were fucking! I yanked his head down to kiss him and…

Oops. He came.

I heard him gasp, then felt his body clench up, followed by sudden squirts of his hot black come deep inside me. WOW! While I was disappointed it was over so quickly, I *LOVED* the feel of him exploding inside me like that! It had all been so URGENT, and just what the doctor ordered.

We lay like that for a bit in the passenger seat, his black body on top of my white one, his dick still buried to the hilt and draining into my pussy. Kissing a little and cooing, enjoying the after-glow.

But I had other things in mind, and after a bit wiggled into the back of his SUV, totally nude and motioning him to join me back there. Once he did, we kissed a bit more before I stretched him out flat on his back and began running my tongue all over his body. Ah, the exotic taste of sweaty black skin…is there anything better? In case you didn’t notice, I didn’t come yet and was still SO VERY HORNY as I licked him all over.

Soon I had his black dick in my mouth again, this time savoring the flavors of his orgasm on his dick along with the taste of my own pussy juices. I directed his fingers back to my wet pussy and clit, and let him finger me while I sucked him. Pretty soon we were both 110% ready to go for round 2. I crawled on top and straddled him, gripping his dick so that I could sit down on it.

So the first round had been all him and in fairness, I didn’t do anything to stop him or reign him in. But for round 2, I decided it was time to take control and show this young black buck a thing or 2. So yeah, I was riding him and grinding down on his black dick…alternately kissing and just looking into each other’s eyes while we ground our hips together, him going DEEP inside me and making that connection…

And while I sure didn’t consider myself overly-experienced at that point, I knew that I WAS more experienced than him, and tried to take control. Every time I would feel him start to get excited and possibly lose control, I would slide my pussy off his dick and quickly shift down so that I could put his dick in my mouth or suck on his balls. LOL, a quick blow-job will always distract a guy from coming too quickly!

So I switched from riding him facing him to riding him facing away from him, looking back over my shoulder to watch him admire my ass…which led to some doggie-style, which actually turned more into spooning due to our cramped quarters. And yeah, it was in the spooning/doggie position, that I intertwined his fingers with mine on my clit and I got myself off in a BIG way. He just stared at me, bug-eyed, while I lay there in a puddle and convulsing and coming all over his dick and sucking my pussy juice off his fingers.

Once I was finished orgasming, I was jelly. I rolled over on my back and spread my legs, and he eagerly crawled on top of me. I flinched at the feel of his black dick once again roughly spearing my still-tender and quivering lady parts, and I pressed the soles of my feet flat against the roof of his SUV to brace myself. Sure enough he began pounding away at me, our bodies soaked with sweat and slapping together...he worked himself up into another frenzy that ended with him once again squirting what felt like quite a healthy-sized load inside me.

Once we done, we returned to the front seats and began pulling our clothes back on. When he dropped me back off at my vehicle, he asked if we were going to do this again…and I knew that as much as I enjoyed his young sexy body and he surely seemed to enjoy me, that YES we were more than likely going to do this again!

And I was right. Marquis became quite a “regular” for me. Lots and lots of adventures with him to tell, assuming you want to hear them…please let me know.

Publicado por mandilou0303
8 años atrás
o para publicar comentarios
mountaindawg01 1 año atrás
So Right Black in White.
Micki18 1 año atrás
Good story
RichardWanker 3 años atrás
A girl must be free to experience "things" indeed.
MarriedWhiteAss 4 años atrás
Great story, thanks for sharing. We'd love to hear more. 
black4porn 5 años atrás
You're a BlackMan's dream cum true. a pretty white woman that doesn't mind suckin his BlackDick and fuckin the shit out if him. How fortunate of them to have you. WISH it was me
pasadenaa 5 años atrás
tell me everythig. please!!!!
pasadenaa 5 años atrás
wow!!! I can reach your sex
daddyrabbit123 5 años atrás
Whewww! My every nerve ending is tingling. Thank you
runa63 6 años atrás
Would love to hear everything! Sarah.
11bravo138 6 años atrás
Great work!
todi15 6 años atrás
omg! you are describing it so well! i nearly felt everything with you! thanks a lot!
jvillebigwhitedick81 8 años atrás
Hopefully you were cock teasing and blue balling some hapless white boy while you were fucking this guy.
cockcrazy 8 años atrás
Great times. Would love to join in.
runblk23 8 años atrás
Yes for sure!
speedbird002 8 años atrás
Keep em cumming!!
italyman87 8 años atrás
Amazing as always! Would love to hear more, of course!
heisleo1 8 años atrás
great story u got therelove... too bad u far way:wink:
knightman77 8 años atrás
I'd love to hear the rest and be in a story with you.
Mrfreak3 8 años atrás
That was great I love you bed every minute of it. Thanks for sharing