The Road to Submission by Onyx Chapter 5

Saturday morning. The sun had already rose brightly by the time we woke up. Curtis lay on his side of the bed, snoring gently on his side with his back to me. I had a huge hard on which was practically dying for some more of his ass! I rolled over onto my side behind him, pressing my hairy chest up against his back. My rock hard cock slipped between his round bubbled butt cheeks. I knew he was still dripping back there from all the loads I dumped in him from last night. So (since I was paying for it anyway) I slipped my cock head into his wet hole.

Curtis was able to take me in much more easier now. His heavy breathing stopped as I slowly sank into him. My cock pushed through the fat butt cheeks, my hairy balls nestling gently against his butt. I reached around his thick body to hug him closer to me. I heard him starting to groan as
I churned my cock around in his hot depths. After a few minutes I began pulling back and pushing in. Curtis woke up completely, moaning softly as I started to fuck into him more aggressively.

"You don't waste any time, eh bossman?" he asked, looking back at me over his broad brown shoulder.

"Hard to hold off when you've got a hot handsome black man in your bed,his ass yours for the taking!" I smirked, whispering into his right ear.

"A deal's a deal..." he said, settling in as he arched his back so that his ass was pushed back towards me, giving me a better chance to reach deeper inside him. I licked at his ear, sucking onto his lobe as I grabbed his meaty chest to roughly finger his fat black nipples. Curtis
surprised me by responding positively. He spread his legs wide as I wedged myself between his cheeks and fucked him deep. He didn't protest or complain as my dick stroked in and out of him. When I reached down the front of his stomach to grab his cock, I found it rock hard and pulsing!

"You like this?" I asked, stroking his cock while I fucked him. Curtis didn't answer, he simply pushed his big black ass back for more of my white cock! I pulled out of him and rolled him over onto his stomach. Curtis parted his legs, giving me access. I pulled apart the fat cheeks, watching the tight brown hole come into view. Curtis had a pretty asshole, made me want to drive my tongue straight into it!

En revisión

I placed the pulsing head of my dick up against his hole, and pushed in again. Curtis groaned as I sank all the way up to my balls. I put my arms on either side of him (in push-up position) and pumped up and down, watching my ivory cock slip in and out from between the 2 brown globes!

"Fuck this is hot! And well worth the money!" I said, fucking into him. Curtis merely grunted and groaned as I moved in and out at my own pace. I loved watching his big beefy male body squirm under me and my raging cock. He was a big strong virile black man, but he was my paid whore as I fucked into his butt as hard and deep as I wanted.

"Give me that black ass, man!" I said, feeling powerful and superior on top of him. No matter how big and strong he was physically, he was beneath me, taking MY hot cock up his black boy ass!
I laid out on his back completely, feeling his muscles flex under me as I rode him like
a stallion. My pelvis bang into his fat cheeks over and over, driving my cock ever deeper as I plunged that hole with a hard and steady pace. All too quickly I felt myself about to cum as I hammered his hole non-stop.

"I'm going to cum!" I announced, fucking him so hard that I could hear him grunt after every pump. "You want this load, nigger? You want me to cum in your black nappy asshole?" I asked, consumed by the heat of the moment.

"Yeah man, cum! Shoot that shit in me, man!" he grunted, reaching under himself to play with his hardon. I felt my balls tighten, then shoved all the way in as I came a ton of cum up his tight sucking ass-cunt!

"Aahhhhh...!!" I groaned, firing load after thick heavy load into homeboy's straight anus.
When I pulled out, Curtis flipped over on his back and continued stroking his big cock. I watched his hand move back and forth as I pinched his fat nipples while he creamed all over himself, his tight puckered asshole throbbing in and out from between his spread legs as it dripped a single strand of my love juice.
Yeah, he liked it, -I thought.

We showered after that, then went downstairs (naked) where we ate a nice healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs benedict, rye toast, link sausage, and orange juice. Sitting across the breakfast table in broad day light,showed me just how handsome Curtis really was. I listened to him rattle on about his life, his girlfriend and the many girls he's fucked over the years. He talked about selling d**gs for a living, giving into the belief that it was the only real way to make a lot of money in "the hood".

I listened to him talk, but all I really was concerned about was getting my fat cock back between his sucking lips. I swear I never felt this way about fucking anyone ever before. I just couldn't get enough of looking at his big brown muscular body, his full sensuous lips, his beefy meaty man chest, his thick swinging cock, and that huge round fuckable ass.

I had a few errands to run that morning before it got too late, and I knew I had to talk to my girlfriend Tiffany, and insure her that I was out of town on business as I told her. I didn't want her getting suspicious and stopping by my house. I called her on my cell phone while I was out in my car, so she wouldn't know what hotel I was supposed to be in. If she got too nosy, I could hang up and pretend we had a bad connection.

I ran my errands; -post office, bank, grocery store, etc.., then returned home to find my friend Danny's car parked in the drive. I immediately got nervous when I didn't see him behind the wheel. When I pulled up into the drive, he came running from around the side of the house.

"Brandon! Brandon...!" he gasped breathlessly as he ran up to me. "Someone's in your house!"

"What?" I said, grabbing the bags from the car as Danny stopped beside me.

"I rang the doorbell but got no answer, so I walked around to the side of the house and peeked in the window..., and saw some naked BLACK GUY in your house!" said Danny, hysterically. "Call the police..., he's probably robbing you!"

"Relax, Danny..." I said, shutting my car door. "That's Curtis..., he's a friend of mine."

"A friend...?" asked Danny, amazed and skeptical.

"Yes, a friend. I DO know black people you know." I said, trying to sound insulted.

"Like WHO?" he asked, calling my bluff.

"uh.., there's Davis, in sales..." I said, thinking fast.

"Go on..." he said, crossing his arms. I drew a blank. "We'd you meet this guy? And why is he roaming around your house, -naked?"

"Okay..., okay!" I said, setting the bags down on the hood of the car. "Remember the other day when you thought I went out and had sex with another women that wasn't Tiffany?"

"Yes..., and I've been living vicariously through that fantasy ever since!" joked Danny.

"Well..., I did have sex..., but it wasn't with a woman." I said, taking the plunge. Danny stared at me silently, the wheels in his mind turning slowly as he crossed all his T's and dotted his i's.

"So what are you saying, Brandon..., you had sex with a MAN? A BLACK man?
THAT black man?" he questioned, three times. I nodded. Danny went into hysterics. "You're joking right? I mean..., you've GOT to be k**ding!" he laughed, looking at me as if I'd just shit my pants. "Here I thought you canceled your golf date with me because you had some hot Hispanic chick over here, and I came over to try to catch you in the act..., and here you are fucking a BLACK GUY?!"

"Shhh..., keep it down, Danny. I don't want my neighbors to hear." I warned.

"I BET!" he laughed again. I started to regret telling him. "So..., what's up Brandon? You have something you want to tell me?" he suddenly asked, after catching his breath. "You GAY?"

"No!" I said, sounding disturbed.

"So what are you 2 doing..., each other's hair?" asked Danny, sarcastically.

"No. He sucks my cock." I said, bluntly. Danny's eyes widened.

"HIM?" he asked, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder. "THAT big black guy in there is sucking YOUR cock?" he asked, as if astounded.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I asked, really insulted.

"Well, from what I see and hear of black men in prison..., they tend to do all the fucking, breaking in tiny little white men like us!" said Danny, believing the stereotypes.

"If you must know..., I paid him to." I said.

"A hustler? You hired a male prostitute?" he asked, in a low but disapproving voice.

"No, he's a d**g dealer!" I said, as if that were better. "I met him in the police station that day we got carjacked.." I said.

"And what, he offered to suck your cock for money?" asked Danny.

"No..., it's not that simple. Let's just say, we met again since then...,and the proposition happened."

"Unbelievable." said Danny, looking back at the house. "I guess some people will do anything for

"Especially when they don't have any." I said, grabbing my bags. "And soem people who HAVE money will do anything with it", I added.

"So is this why you canceled our golf game?" asked Danny.
"Yes. I hired him for the whole weekend." I said, eager to get back inside.

"Wow. That must have cost a bundle."

"It's well worth it, believe me." I smile.

"He a good cock sucker?" asked Danny, getting curious.

"He's learning. He'd never sucked cock until we met."

"You're lying...!" said Danny.

"That's what he says. And I'm inclined to believe him. He seems very nelly about sucking cock and getting fucked."

"You FUCK him too?" astonished Danny, unable to process it all.

"Took his virgin ass for 500 dollars." I said confidently. Danny whistled at the amount, I forgot he had a wife and 2 k**s that eat up most of his income.

"Are you going to fuck him or make him suck your cock right now?" he asked, enthused.

"I'm thinking about it." I admitted. "After all, I AM paying for it."

"Can I watch?" asked Danny, unexpectedly.


"Can I watch?" he repeated. "I want to see a black man suck cock! Please?
He wouldn't even have to know I'm looking! I'll be quiet! I promise!," begged Danny, sounding like a k** wanting to see his first porn magazine.

"I don't know, Danny..."

"I can keep a better secret, if I'm in on it..." he blackmailed with a grin.

"Okay..." I said, reluctantly. "But no hiding..., if you want to watch, you have to get your cock sucked too!" I insisted, that way he'd be SURE not to tell anyone.

"Okay, I'm alright with that." he said, growing a bulge in his pants.
Danny followed me through the side door into the kitchen, where I put the bags onto the counter. Curtis came downstairs after hearing me come in. He was still naked, as part of our initial agreement. I could see his reluctance to enter into the kitchen when he noticed I wasn't alone.

"Come here, Curtis..." I motioned for him, as he stood in the doorway.
"...This is a friend of mine, -Danny. Danny, this is Curtis..., my weekend slave!" I introduced. I could see Curtis wasn't too crazy about the introduction, but Danny was smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi,Curtis. Nice to meet you." he said, holding out his hand to shake.
Curtis shook it, reluctantly. "Brandon tells me you're a d**g dealer?" asked Danny, trying to make conversation. "Must be..., challenging!"

"Yeah." said Curtis. I cleared my throat, giving Curtis a stern look. He looked back, then sucked his teeth. "oh, uh..., yes, sir." he added, remembering the rules. Danny beamed.

"Curtis, Danny wants to watch you suck my cock." I said, enjoying the shocked look on his cute face.

"But sir..., that wasn't part of the deal!" he addressed.

"Correct." I said, putting up groceries we'd need later. "I'd pay you extra, of course. But you've have to treat him as my special guest."

"How special is he..., sir?" asked Curtis, wondering how much more money he could expect.

"$500." I said, upping his pay to $1500. "Deal?"

"Yes, sir." answered Curtis, without much thought.

"Then get over here and suck my cock, nigger!" I said, watching Danny's mouth drop.
I know he was expecting a big guy like Curtis to run over and pound my face with his fist, but was pleasantly surprised when instead he walked over and stood in front of me, then sank to his knees and started to unfasten my pants. Danny watched with a thrilled face as Curtis freed my thick 8 and 1/2 inch white cock. It sprung up and out of my pants like a jack in the box, bobbing and waving before Curtis's face like a wand.

En revisión

He captured the head between his thick lips, and began sucking. I saw Danny's hands grab his bulging crotch as he watched me get sucked.
If Curtis was embarrassed, he didn't show it. After taking my cock into his mouth, he closed his eyes and began eating as it at a feast for one! He bobbed his head back and forth, sliding those sweet sexy boy lips up and down my ivory thick shaft.

"This is fucking awesome!" said Danny, standing by the island while I leaned back against the counter. His eyes drank in all of Curtis's nakedness, especially that fat black man's ass he had behind him. To show how devoted to cock Curtis was, I bent forward, reaching down behind him to grab and caress his fat fine ass. Danny giggled like a school k** as I smacked the round cheeks, then dug my fingers down into the crack before standing back upright.
Curtis never stopped sucking my cock. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was really getting into it! He was taking more and more of me into his mouth, trying to get my entire length down into the tight space of his throat.

I started to concentrate on the hot blow job, knowing Curtis was putting his all into it. He was no average fag, ready and willing to suck cock at the drop of a hat. He was a straight man, working out a pay arrangement, and was eager to do a good job of it. I felt my cock started to throb as he sucked harder, taking me ever deeper. His lips slid further down my shaft with every intake. When my cock head hit the start of his throat, he tilted his head sideways, then suddenly swallowed me whole!

"WOW!" I said, feeling his lips kissing at my hairy pelvis. He held my cock in his throat for a complete second, before gagging and pulling back in defeat. He removed his mouth from my cock as he struggled to regain control of his breathing. My cock bobbed, dripping remnants of his spit.
He readied himself, then took me back inside. His lips were slick as they slid back and forth effortlessly. After a few minutes, he tried deep throating me again. My cock pressed down into his throat as his lips touched my balls. I heard him gag as he struggled to keep it down. This time he managed it pretty well as he slowly eased his mouth back up to the head.

"How was that, sir?" he asked, smiling up at me, -proud of himself.

"Wonderful!" I said, breathing heavy. "Do it again!"

Curtis took me back into his mouth, and started sucking. I gripped the edge of the counter, feeling my body start to stiffen as I neared a quick climax. Curtis sucked until he felt confident to try again. He took my cock all the way back into his mouth, swallowing it easily down to my hairy balls. Slowly he eased back up the glistening shaft to the head,before taking me all the way back down once more.

"Oh, man..." I groaned, feeling weak in the knees. I never expected him to learn to suck so well so soon. He was deep throating me again, this time pressing his round nose into my crotch hair. I felt my cock churn in his throat. He liked the new power he had over me. "Finish me, man...,I'm close..." I warned.

Curtis sucked harder, seemingly eager for my load. My cock was throbbing wildly now, unable to control its pulses as Curtis ran his mouth back and forth, taking me deeply like a pro! He seemed to be really enjoying his new abilities very much, as he had me on the verge of blowing my load.

"Shit man..., you getting me so fucking close...! Make me cum! Take my load!" I managed to to gasp. Curtis attacked my cock with vigor. I'd never had anyone suck me so deeply or so wantonly, -Tiffany would rather be fucked by a snake before devouring my cock so enthusiastically. She was like a prude compared to Curtis. Even thought he wasn't really gay, he gave everything he had into this hot blow job, giving me one of the best I'd ever had! No surprise that he had me cumming in minutes.

"Uuhhh...! uhhh...! uhhhhh!!!" I panted, cumming like a horse as Curtis braced himself for the onslaught. He grabbed my aching cock with his hand, encircling it in his fist as he sucked feverishly at the pulsating head. I held onto the counter for dear life, as my cock and balls emptied the entire contents of my testicles into Curtis's awaiting mouth.
Curtis sucked and swallowed, knowing that was what I wanted. He heard him gasp and groan as my cum slid slowly down his throat. He pumped my shaft expertly, while feeding on my seed. After several minutes, my balls were completely emptied. Curtis took the entire cock back into his mouth,sucking contently at the thick root with my cock head buried down his gently contracting throat.

"Great job, Curtis..., you've gotten so good at that!" I complimented, catching my breath. That's when I caught Danny standing over by the island, jacking his exposed cock as he continued to watch Curtis suckle my dick. "You've got another horny customer over there." I said.

Curtis released my dick, then turned towards Danny. Danny was jacking furiously, obviously excited by what he saw. Curtis motioned for Danny to come over. Danny stopped jerking his cock and walked over beside me. His cock was about 7 and 1/2 inches long, curved upward slightly like a banana. The shaft was white, but the top half and head were red with blood. Curtis licked the remaining sperm from his lips as he made room for my friend and colleague. Danny held his breath, looking down nervously as Curtis leaned forward and took his banana cock into his mouth.

"Awww shit, Brandon..., this is wild...!" sighed Danny, grabbing the counter to steady himself as Curtis swabbed his cock with his mouth and tongue.
I tucked my own cock back into my pants, while watching my friend and co-worker get his cock sucked for the first time by a black man! Curtis reached up and caressed Danny's hairy hanging balls while he bobbed his mouth back and forth. Danny moaned out loud as he settled back to enjoy the head job. He loved watching Curtis's thick lips swallow up his cock.

Curtis took his cock all the way into the back of his mouth, then paused to adjust the angle before sliding it down comfortably into his throat. Danny nearly came at that instant. He panted softly as Curtis nestled his nose in his hairy pubes, then slowly slide those thick fat lips back up the slick shaft to the head.

"Oh god, Brandon...., he's absolutely amazing!" moaned Danny, as Curtis took him down again completely.
I must say I was impressed with him. Curtis showed no "tough guy" signs as he did the job, and did it well. I looked down and noticed Curtis' cock was rock hard between his naked legs, a sure sign that he was really starting to like his new services.

Danny allowed Curtis to suck him for a few minutes, loving the feel of his velvety throat every time he took him all the way down deep. But after several minutes of that, he grabbed the sides of Curtis's head, and started fucking his face like a horny dog! Curtis grunted in surprise as Danny got aggressive, holding his head tight as he rammed his banana shaped cock down his throat repeatedly.

"Yeah! Yeah! Take my cock! Suck it! Take it deep!" growled Danny, hammering at Curtis's handsome face. "Take that white cock, man! Suck it with those fat black lips! Swallow it! Yeah! Yeah! Like that!"

Curtis did his best to keep up with the fury flowing down his throat. He choked and gagged as Danny face fucked him rapidly. Danny was humping so wildly, that his cock actually slipped from Curtis's lips a few times, but the big black man would always swoop it back into his mouth immediately, taking up where he'd left off. "I'm..., I'm going to CUM!" announced Danny, gasping for air as his body stiffened like a board.

Just when I thought Danny was going to climax and feed Curtis his load,he pulled his cock free from Curtis's sucking lips, and jacked off all over the kneeling man’s upturned face. Curtis stretched his mouth open wide, trying to get as much of Danny's load as possible while he stroked his own hard on from below. He licked his lips, tasting the shower of cum that splattered his face and mouth. A split second afterwards, Curtis started cumming all over my kitchen floor, -shooting streaks and streaks of thick white cum across the tiles. Danny allowed Curtis to clean the tip of his cock as he slapped it playfully against his face and lips. Curtis panted in heat as he came down from his orgasm.

"How was that?" I asked Danny, watching him smile broadly.

"You'd think I'd feel guilty for cheating on Terri (his wife), or disgusted for allowing a guy to blow me..., but I don't!" he said, surprised.

"I know! Want to try out that fat black ass next?" I asked, my cock pressing out the crotch of my pants again already.

"Fuck yeah!" beamed Danny.

"Okay, you heard your new Master, slave..., take your black ass upstairs and get on the bed on all four's until we ready to come fuck you!" I ordered.

"Yes, sir!" said Curtis, his face still dripping with Danny's cum.


"Wait..., first..., lick up all that cum you just shot on my floor." I ordered, getting more sadistic as Sunday drew near.
Curtis looked embarrassed by the last minute request, but bent forward without conflict and started lapping up his own cum. Danny looked down at the big 6 foot 1, 200 pound black man as he licked up sperm from the floor, -his eyes darting down to the fat round juicy brown ass which spread high in the air and beckoned for a good fucking. Then Danny looked over at me and smiled. Curtis's black ass pussy was in for a good work out tonight!
Publicado por saud31
10 años atrás
o para publicar comentarios
Great! Love the pictures!
ought to fuck Danny's ass or have him suck Curtis
para niggerputo : glad you are enjoying it puto... tell your friends!
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para miami17 : thanks Miami!
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amazing story!
I wish I was Curtis! Damn hot