Booger Aids

***TRIGGER WARNING:*** This is a very frank rant based on a number of observations made here. It is not directed at anyone personally.

I try to keep my posts to erotic stories, articles about sex, an extension of my profile and bio, nothing too heavy.

Unfortunately I need to vent a few things today, I’m sick of repeating myself so now instead of saying the same things over and over here’s everything (in no particular order) in one place. I will just direct certain people here rather than humour them from now on. Feel free to block me or comment I’d love to see other people’s opinions on these matters.

1) I don’t care if you block me
The block function is very serious and has an important purpose, it allows people who are being ******, bullied or harassed to continue to enjoy the site without being bothered by the culprit. I never post anything harmful and blocking me won't get any of my content taken down. Threatening to block someone or blocking them over something trivial isn’t a punishment, it's a reward, you are giving them some respite from all the drama you are causing. If you have different opinions to me that’s absolutely fine, you are entitled to have your own opinion. If there is a problem then you are welcome to approach me and discuss the issue like an adult. However blocking someone over something trivial or sending someone a message and then blocking them before they can respond is not only melodramatic, it’s also the online equivalent to sulking like a *****. If you want to sulk I encourage you to do so, I will enjoy the peace and quiet but you might want to take a good look at yourself. I will still be here when you have grown up a bit and there are literally millions of users on here, I probably won’t even notice you are gone.

I don’t care if you block me, if you do you are probably the kind of person that causes too much drama anyway.

2) I love to chat but don’t be needy
I do love to chat on here however, I’m here to enjoy myself and chat to my friends, I am not here to sit in front of a screen 24/7, watching my inbox and immediately reply to every single message. That’s not fun to me, that sounds like a really bad dead-end PR job. I’ll admit that if I send a message to an active member that warrants a reply like a question and I don’t get a reply after a while (like a month or so) I will be a little bit annoyed but it’s not the end of the world and I get that people have a life outside xhamster. If you message me and it doesn’t look like spam or a bot I will get back to you when I can.

People have lives outside of xhamster, don’t be needy and expect people to drop everything and reply to you immediately.

3) Hi, I’m a stranger, tell me your deepest, darkest secrets
How about no. Why would I tell someone I’ve never met my deepest darkest secrets? I don’t even tell people I see every day that sort of thing what makes you so special that I can trust you with that? Even if they told you something a bit personal first, how do you know they didn’t just make it up?

I advise against telling anyone you’ve only met online any information you consider very personal or sensitive.

4) I do not talk to users on other apps (at least not until I get to know you)
It is not easier or more convenient at all for me to download and install kik, skype, telegram google chat or whatever other app on my phone or computer just for you when there is already a messenger ready to go right here on the website.

5) Dear Scammers,
I understand that these are hard times and everyone needs to earn a living to pay the bills and support your family but you are a disgusting parasite. You are literally going out of your way to steal from innocent, lonely and vulnerable people who have families of their own they need to support. How would you feel if you or someone you care about got scammed?

Why not direct that energy into earning an honest living? Anything you say to justify your existence as a scammer is delusional.

6) Dear Bots and Spammers
There are better ways to market products and extract information than what is tantamount to begging and phishing, if I didn’t buy your product or humour you the first time I’m probably not going to change my mind. It’s getting to the point now where all the good users are sick of it and are leaving and at this rate there will only be people here trying to make money off a free porn site left.

Hi <> from <> I am from a very rich family but I need to pay my lawyer before I can receive inheritance. If you send me $997.00 I will give you a million and subscribe to your dodgy websites and watch all your pre-recorded webcam shows.

7) I am not a bully
I am not here to “bully” people, please don’t ask me to bully you it’s just a weird thing to say. Especially as I hate bullies, I think that people usually become bullies because they have something wrong with themselves and need to act out. If you get off on dirty talk, verbal humiliation and degradation that's different, that’s kind of kinky and I like that but don’t ask me to bully you that’s just weird and I’m not an ass hole like that.

8) I am not a trained therapist
I’m a friendly, non judgemental person and I care about my fellow human beings but if I don’t know you very well I’m in no place to help you with serious issues nor am I a qualified therapist. I can be your friend but an online friend is no substitute for a close friend, family member or a trained professional if you have any serious welfare issues.

If you have any serious issues then unfortunately I might not be in a position to help you.

9) Avoid starting a conversation with just “hi” and a blank message
Imagine you have lots of friends on here and get lots of messages, your profile states your gender and sexual orientation, (in my case strait male) you take the time to fill in your profile, add content and/ or make favourites list etc. Then someone with the complete opposite sexual preferences to you with a blank profile sends you a message and all it says is “hi”. As far as you know you have nothing in common and they clearly haven’t taken the time to read your profile. It’s quite difficult to respond to that. I get it, sometimes it takes me a while to come out my shell. I’ve come across some most interesting profiles and really wanted to know more about the content or person that made it and I struggle to think what to say to begin with. Saying something a bit more interesting than just “Hi” and then just a blank message really helps to spark up a conversation. Here are some suggestions for people struggling to start a conversation:

Tell they person why you are saying hi, “Hi, I like your content.”

Show them why they should be interested in you. “Hi, we have this in common, I think we might enjoy chatting.”

Engage them by asking them a relevant question. “Hi I was wondering what you think of this?..”

10) I am aware that there is a difference between squirting and pissing
Believe it or not relationships in professionally shot porn aren’t real, male porn stars tend to have larger than average penis’, a lot of women feel that there is such thing as having a dick that's too big and performers often fake orgasms. Drama in wrestling and Santa Clause aren’t real either! My point is that porn stars will often pee when faking an orgasm and pretend that they are squirting. If I’m looking at the comments section of a video, I am here to relax, enjoy porn and see other peoples opinions on it. I’m not there to debate the nuances of urinating and female ejaculation. It’s a very interesting subject but there is a time and a place for that discussion, you don’t need to clog the comments section up with your expert opinion on weather or not they were actually squirting or just peeing.

Don’t get all upset if you watch a video with squirting in the title and in your humble opinion the actress appears to be pissing, pornstars get **** to fake orgasms it just makes you look like a virgin if you make a big deal of it.

11) No I don’t want to see your cock
It’s not just women that get unsolicited cock pictures, I get people sending me dick pics all the time as well. It clearly says in my profile that I’m a heterosexual man and I have the male symbol icon next to my username (an icon of a blue circle with an arrow pointing towards the top right corner). Cock does nothing for me, I have my own it’s nothing special and there’s nothing special about yours or anyone else’s so please do not send anyone unsolicited dick picks, its a dick move. It’s quite sad if you have nothing else going for you. I don’t get why guys have pictures of their cocks as profile pictures either, you can’t demonstrate a knowledge of pop culture or intellect or taste with a dick pic and there are so many others to choose from what makes yours so special?

What makes you stand out from any other man? There are literally billions of men in the world who also have a penis.

12) Beggars can’t be choosers
Everyone has their own preferences, I really have a soft spot for thin redheads. However I’m not going to disregard any other human being just because they’re not a thin redhead. If you are only interested in interacting with men that are over six foot tall, muscular, rich, have a huge cock, strictly under the age of 40 and so on that’s fine but you are limiting yourself. Don’t be surprised if some people then lie about who they say they are to get your attention. If you find someone who meets your criteria don’t be surprised if they have no personality or you have nothing in common. Don’t be surprised if you don’t meet their criteria. Also if you are for example an overweight 50 year old menopausal grumpy woman who has no idea what kegels are and won’t share any content then don’t be surprised if you come across as a bitch and don’t get much interest from younger, tall, hung men who have taken good care of their bodies.

Beggars can’t be choosers and being stuck-up and judgemental doesn’t help.

Comments are enabled, I encourage you to share your opinions but try to be mature and constructive about it.
Publicado por _CheshireCat_
6 meses atrás
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para luckyguy6969 : Thanks for commenting I really appreciate it, especially on that paragraph as I've not seen it mentioned anywhere else but it clearly is an issue :grinning:
Responder Mostrar comentario original Ocultar
#12 is perfect prose, but this line is the winner:  " Also if you are for example an overweight 50 year old menopausal grumpy woman who has no idea what kegels are and won’t share any content then don’t be surprised if you come across as a bitch and don’t get much interest from younger, tall, hung men who have taken good care of their bodies."
Thanks! Feel so much better now! My exact views too..🤔🤔