331 – A Quiet Sunday

It was about 10am when I woke up with the sun beating through my window and I could hear footsteps and what sounded like a vacuum cleaner coming from upstairs, I wondered what the hell was going on?..
I was awake now and got myself out of bed to make myself a coffee and wake up, I slipped on a pair of shorts and got my paper from the doormat and giving myself time to come to my senses I decided to investigate, after all, I had promised the landlord I would keep an eye on the empty flat above..

I walked around to the front door and rang the bell, it wasn’t long before this rather attractive Indian lady came down dressed in a button front cleaning tunic with a duster in her hand.. “Can I help you?” she said looking rather annoyed at being disturbed.. “Hi, I’m Mikie and I live downstairs, I was just wondering what was going on?” I said softly as I looked at her olive skin, she took a deep breath and told me she’d been sent by the agent to clean the flat, “Oh I see, no problem” I said calmly as she gave me a little smile.. “Why don’t you give me a knock when you’re done and have a drink, I can see you’re sweating a bit” I suggested with a smile and I noticed her wedding ring on her finger as she contemplated my idea, “I’ll see what time I have, I’m nearly finished anyway.. that’s very nice of you Mikie” she said in a much calmer tone, “My pleasure Miss, I know how hot it gets doing cleaning” I said leaving her to get on..

I went back into my flat and made up a big jug of squash for my impending guest and took a quick shower thinking about the Indian cleaner, she must’ve been in her 30’s and I doubted that being married nothing would come of it but out of courtesy I felt I had to offer, to be honest I didn’t even think that she’d knock..

I made another coffee and sat down in my robe reading my paper as the minutes ticked away and after about an hour I’d come to the conclusion that she wasn’t coming, that was fine although I knew she was still up there so all was not lost just yet..
There was a moments silence and then I heard the footsteps coming down the stairs and I waited patiently with some excitement for the knock..

It soon came as the lady came to the back door and I jumped up making sure my robe was adequately fastened and opened it.. “Hi, it that drink still on?” she asked softly and then noticed my short robe.. “Oh sorry.. I didn’t realise you weren’t dressed, maybe I should go” she said as I opened the door wider.. “Oh no, it’s alright.. I just had a shower, I can slip something else on if you wish, please come in” I said almost apologetically which I had no reason for and she looked me up and down again.. “Oh it’s alright I suppose, I really need that drink” she said looking quite parched, I couldn’t see sweat on her olive coloured brow and she certainly needed something..
“I got some cool orange squash in the fridge, is that alright for you?” I asked as she closed the door behind her, “Yeah Mikie, that’s perfect” she said as I got the colourful jug out the fridge and a big pint glass for her..

I poured her a glass and handed it to her and I was just going to invite her to the lounge to sit down when to my amazement she drank it down in one go, fucking hell.. she was thirsty!!
She handed me back the glass and I was fully expecting her to say thank you and go.. “Oooh I needed that sir, do you mind if I have another” she said catching her breath as her big brown eyes sparkled.. “Sure, no problem Miss but I think you’d better come and sit down for a bit and have a rest” I said filling up her glass again.. “You need a break” I added as I ushered her into the lounge, I could see she was hot and sweaty and you couldn’t fault her work ethic..

“Thank you sir, that’s very kind of you” she said relieved to be getting a break and as she sat herself down on the sofa I saw her looking up at the clock.. “Are you finished for the day now?” I asked as she looked at her watch to confirm it was the right time.. “Oh god no, I haven’t another clean this afternoon” she said sipping her drink as I sat down in my chair opposite her being careful not to expose anything.. “What? On a Sunday?” I said astonished that she was doing all this work..

“I need the money sir.. my good for nothing lazy husband doesn’t work and I have a daughter to think of.. and not only that he drinks and I have to pay a babysitter.. it’s tough” she said softly and I could sense a bit of anger in her voice, I was appalled at what she’d just disclosed.. “Oh I’m Helen by the way” she added as I digested her predicament.. “OMG Helen, that’s a terrible situation to be in” I said as I watched her sipping her drink and finally she relaxed a little and sat back on the sofa, her olive coloured legs slightly parted but her free hand pushed down between them.. “I know right, but I’ve been brought up to obey and I just get on with it” she said as she looked across at me and I could see her dark eyes starting to glaze up..

“This is a nice drink sir, I like it” she said taking another bigger sip almost coming to the end.. I knew I had to do something to make her stay longer and I got the impression that getting her troubles off her chest was making her feel better.. “How about another drink to build up your energy levels Helen?” I asked as she finished off her glass, she looked up at the clock and then back at me.. “Hell, why not, I feel good talking to you sir, you’re such a nice, understanding lad” she said softly as I stood up and walked across to her, I noticed my cock flapping under my robe and the way she looked at me as she reached out to hand me her glass I think she saw it too, her eyes focused just below my waistline.. “Thank you Mikie” she said as I lingered a few seconds in front of her, “You’re so very welcome” I replied finally taking her glass and as I headed out to the kitchen I stopped at the door behind her and saw her flapping out her tunic to get some air flow, my angle was perfect as I could see right down the front at her flimsy little white bra, white underwear against olive skin is such a turn on and she had no idea I was standing behind her catching her moment of indiscretion.. it was time to play…

I was interested in her culture especially the bit about having to obey and I wanted to know more so when I returned with her top up I decided to question her on that very subject and I was even getting a bit of a chubby thinking about it..
I stood in front of her again as I handed her the drink and I could see her eyes dropping to my now visible bulge which was starting to grow under my short robe, “Thank you Mikie, that’s very nice” she said softly and I wasn’t sure exactly what she was referring to and as I stepped backwards to my seat I could see her eyes were fixated on me and it was difficult to sit down without giving her a flash, “So tell me more about your culture Helen, you say you have to obey” I asked as she sat back again sipping her drink before reaching across and putting her glass on the table..

“Yes sir, I was brought up to respect the wishes of men, I had to do anything my father, uncles and brother demanded.. it wasn’t always pleasant but that’s how it is, I got married young and had Cindy and now I have to obey my useless husband” she said a little tearfully.. “But it’s my culture sir, I can’t argue with it” she added as she looked across at me.. “So when you say have another drink I feel obligated to obey your command” she said softly and I was intrigued by it all.. she then continued.. “I have to bring Cindy up the same way and although we were born in this country we have to follow our culture” she said and as my mind raced trying to digest her revelation I could feel the front of my robe starting to rise..

“Oh wow, that’s very admirable Helen, I think it’s important to follow your culture, I fully understand that, it must make you a very proud woman” I said enthusiastically even though I felt it was a bit outdated but I wanted to play on it a bit, I subtly widened my legs a little and was surprised that in her subconscious she mirrored my action and widened hers, I couldn’t see her trying to get a glimpse up my robe just as I was trying to look up her tunic, I couldn’t see her olive thighs leading up to the white of her panties, maybe if I widened further she would follow suit, I have it a try and offered her a better view and as I saw her dark glazed eyes focusing between my legs my cock rose more and she followed me by widening hers more, I now had the perfect view of her bulging white gusset with her dark pubic hairs poking out the sides.. wow!! and it was all instinctive and I doubted she realised what she was doing..

“Thank you for sharing Helen, I’m always interested in different cultures and you must’ve had some fun growing up” I said with a hint of excitement in my voice as she reached to her side to get her drink which widened her legs even further, she was in no hurry either as I made no secret that I was looking and when she straightened up with glass in her hand I widened my legs a bit more knowing that almost everything was on show, she looked straight at my exposure as she sipped her drink.. “I do like this sir, thank you for being so hospitable” she said as she put her glass back down and to my surprise she reached up to her top button of her tunic, “Maybe I should repay you in some way” she said as the undid the top button exposing her flimsy white bra which was probably a size too big.. I looked across at her as she moved down to the next button..

“Hmm.. I think you should Helen, what did you have in mind” I said excitedly as I pulled the cord on my robe opening it right up.. she looked over at me smiling as the remaining buttons opened up her tunic displaying her matching underwear set, my eyes nearly popped out their sockets as I focused on her sweet olive body clad in white underwear.. “I was always taught to read the signs Mikie, that’s very nice” she said as she stood up focusing her eyes on my boner, her tunic slipped to the floor as she stepped closer to me and I could see her bulging gusset with hair poking out from all sides.. “Wow Miss, that’s wonderful” I said as she got down on her knees pushing my legs further apart..

If I’d read the situation right she’d grown up doing sexual favours for her family and it’d become part of her life so I was keen to see just how good she was and she took a good few minutes just looking at my cock and swollen balls, “This is nice Mikie, I do like a big white penis.. you like being sucked?” she asked as she glanced up at me and I could see the glazed look in her eyes.. “Oh yeah Helen, I’m sure you’re good at it too” I replied as I sat back in my chair with my robe fully open.. “Only the best sir, in my culture we satisfy in every way” she said softly as she reached out grabbing my cock and gently pulling the foreskin back to expose my horny purple head leaking a bit of precum..

She slowly leant forward and flicked my balls with her tongue which immediately sent shivers through my body and as she moved her hand away she started to gently kiss up my shaft until she got to the top and then licked the oozing precum off the tip before running her tongue back down the shaft towards my tight nuts, my god she was attentive and teasingly sucked on my nuts leaving me a squirming mess.. she knew exactly what she was doing and then as she ran her tongue teasingly back up my shaft she glanced up to see the pleasure in my face.. “You like sir?” she said softly as she again licked around my bellend.. I nodded in appreciation as the tingles ran through my body, she was good..

She then slowly wrapped her lips around my helmet and slowly lowered her head and I could feel her tongue on my veiny shaft and as her saliva ran down I soon felt the tightness of her throat, she didn’t gag at all as she took me deep, I was impressed..
I would say that Helen was early to mid 30’s so my guess was she’d been sucking cock since the day I was born and she had got it off to a fine art, I was trembling in my chair and as I reached out and unhooked her bra before running up holding her dark hair she soon had me on the brink of what promised to be one of my best climaxes yet..

I didn’t hold back, I couldn’t hold back and as my cock exploded in her mouth my audible cries rang out around the room..
She didn’t seem too surprised and swallowed everything as my body tensed up letting nature take its cause and being my first orgasm of the day there was a lot of spunk which came out hard and fast, she handled it very well and as she finally pulled up with a beaming smile on her face her bra slipped down displaying her perky olive breasts with big dark areola and stiff nipples.. “Wow sir, I think you needed that” she sighed softly as my cock started to lose its strength, she licked her lips savouring the taste as she sat back on her heels..

“That was amazing Helen” I said catching my breath, “Stand up for me” I added and she did as she was asked and as I focused my eyes on her bulging panties I sat myself up watching her bra slip down her arms to the floor, I could see a damp patch forming on her tight white gusset and the outline of her squashed labia lips between her legs, my cock was in a semi hard state as I reached out grabbing her hips and pulling her closer, I could smell the muskiness of her as I slid my hands around her fleshy arse cheeks inside her panties pushing my face into her crotch, “Oooh that’s nice sir.. Mmm” she sighed softly as my tongue pushed out feeling the damp cotton of her undies, my fingers searching out her sweaty crack as I savoured the taste, she reached down putting her hands on my shoulders keeping me in place..

With my nose pressed against her spongy pubic bone and my tongue flicking between her legs I could feel her little boy cock starting to stiffen under the soft cotton fabric and as much as I love licking and sniffing panties they had to come off, I knew she had more work to do and I wasn’t sure how much time I had so I eased my hands out from her arse cheeks and grabbed her thin elastic waistband easing them slowly down exposing her rather unkempt bush, I loved her bush..

As her panties slipped down her legs she stepped out of them and widened her stance displaying her darkened hanging lips and through the mass of hair I could see her growing little bubbling coming out to play, she moaned softly as I made a beeline for that succulent bad boy and heard her gasp and grip my shoulders as my tongue flicked around and with my hands returning to her bulbous arse cheeks my fingers soon pushed into her crack feeling out her sweaty ring.. “Oooh yes, that’s so good” she murmured breathlessly as my tongue continued flicking her growing nubbin and my fingers searched out her back door..

My cock was rigid and as I glanced up I noticed her head turning to look at the clock, time was running out and I didn’t want her to leave without a bellyful of my seed so I pulled back and spun her around.. “Sit down on me” I said excitedly as I grabbed my cock and as she lowered herself down I gently guided my throbbing weapon into place and as it slipped in I heard her gasping out.. “Oh god yes, fuck me sir” she cried softly as she lowered herself down forcing my rampant cock deep inside of her, I felt her cunt muscles tighten and the position we were in made it a very nice tight fit…

She started to bounce gently gasping for breath the deeper I went and as I reached round her grabbing hold of her perky breasts I could feel the stiffness of her nipples pressing against my palms as I gently squeezed..

With her feet on the ground and her hands pressing down on my knees coupled with me holding her perky breasts she soon got into a nice rhythm bouncing on my lap and the feelings running through our bodies were turning into a sexual frenzy and I couldn’t feel her getting wetter as she gasped for air approaching her orgasm, I couldn’t feel her body shaking as her juices ran down my balls and whatever the time was there was no way we were stopping, I was getting so close now and could hear the squelching sounds from beneath her, I squeezed her titties a bit harder as I felt the pressure building inside of me and her cries of “YES, YES, YES “ rang out around the room, I started to thrust up on her downward motion causing her to cry out even louder but it was enough to finish the job, she knew I was about to blow and cried out again in anticipation of my spunk flying into her.. “God yes baby.. yes… YESSSS!” I cried out as I felt my load shooting deep inside of her which from her reaction I knew she felt straight away.. I could feel her cunt muscles taking control sucking me dry as we both gasped for air and it took a few minutes to finally regain control, “OMG Wow sir” she gasped as my spurting subsided and my cock started to slowly soften inside of her and even in a softening state I could still feel her grip on me..

Finally she slowly pulled up and I quickly leant forward giving her bulbous olive coloured arse cheek a quick kiss, Helen giggled as she looked up at the clock again.. “I’m so sorry Mikie but I really have to go now, I have a job to do and with it being a Sunday I have to take Cindy with me, can’t rely on my useless husband and my babysitter can’t do weekends.. I really hope we can meet again sometime” she said in a bit of a panic as she started to get dressed, I fully understood her predicament and empathised with her, “Oh no Helen, that’s perfectly alright, does Cindy like going to work with you?” I asked out of interest and as she pulled on her tunic she laughed.. “Oh god no, she hates it and gets in the way, she’s at that age now soon to become a teenager and gets very restless, even if she does her homework she keeps asking me questions which disrupts my flow, she’s not the brightest Mikie and with her there a two hour clean turns into three, but I have no choice unfortunately” she said doing up her buttons, I had an idea..

“Look Helen, I know we’ve only just met but would it help if you dropped her off here, I used to babysit my little sister all the time and who knows, I might be able to help her with her homework” I suggested as I fastened up my robe and I could see Helen’s brain ticking over.. “Oh no Mikie, it’s a wonderful offer and I really appreciate it but you’ve already been so kind in giving me drinks I couldn’t possibly ask you to look after the devil as well” she said with a little giggle..

“It really would be no problem Helen, I only laze about on a Sunday afternoon anyway so she’d be company for me and who knows, I might get her good marks on her homework” I said pleading my case and I could see she was torn to make a decision, “I dunno Mikie, you’re a nice lad and I don’t want to take advantage but it would be a great help, I know she’d be in safe hands.. are you really sure? I’ll make sure she’s on her best behaviour but at her age you never know” she said looking at the clock again.. “I’m used to it with my sister so you don’t have to worry” I said excitedly as Helen gave me a little smile.. “Ok then, I’ll go and get her.. oh and thanks again for the drinks” she said as she turned to walk out.. “Oh you’re very welcome, I’ll make sure that Cindy has plenty of refreshments” I said with a cheeky grin as I followed her out to the kitchen..

Just as she opened the door she stopped and looked back at me.. “Thinking about it Mikie, I think it’ll be good, because of her learning the culture she doesn’t have that many friends and you’re not that much older than her, give me half an hour and I’ll be back, and thanks again” she said as she then hurried out the door towards her car, she didn’t want to be late and now she had an extra stop in dropping her daughter off to me..

I was excited about my afternoon and made up another fresh batch of squash and even took some for myself just to give me an edge, Helen made no comment about my dress code so after a quick shower I decided to keep on my robe, it made perfect sense…

To Be Continued…
Publicado por britguy
7 meses atrás
o para publicar comentarios
Remember it's all about the Culture! ! 
Can't wait for adventures with Cindy
Oh, yeah, I can’t wait for the next chapter!
o i think this one is going to be great ( help with more home work mm)