"That's it, I am kicking him out on his ear." my husband said as he walked into the kitchen, about to join me for breakfast before going to work. I could only guess he was referring to our son Malcolm, who had dropped out of college about a year ago and had been unemployed ever since. The fact that he was neither getting some other form of education nor trying very hard to land a job, was bothering my husband Jason boundlessly.

"What did he do now?" I asked, frustrated that he was picking on our boy again.

"You know what I found in the shower just now?" he asked furious.

"What?" I asked, only half interested.

"Sperm." he replied. "A big blob of it running down the shower glass."

Considering how he himself hadn't produced any in, on or around me in many months, I was somewhat surprised that he could identify the substance when he saw it.

"He's 23 years old Jason, and he doesn't have a girlfriend, what do you expect?"

"I expect him to do that in the privacy of his room, or at least clean up behind himself; I don't need to see that in my shower! Apparently it is not enough that we continue to feed, support and cloth him at his age, now he expects us to clean up his... his... cum behind him; I've had enough, I am giving him his two weeks notice!"

"Jason, please; calm yourself." I said, trying to defuse the situation.

"You're defending him?"

"I am not defending anyone; I agree with you, we can't have him going around the house and blowing his cum wherever he wants... without cleaning up after himself." I felt very strongly about adding those last few words. Before Jason could criticize my choice of words, I continued:"Look, I'll have a talk with him as soon as he comes back from jogging, okay?"

"Fine, but make sure he knows that this is his last chance!" he said adamantly. "If I find anymore cum anywhere in this house, he's out!"

After Jason left for work, I kept replaying our conversation in my mind, trying to visualize what he had seen in the shower; I am not afraid to admit that it made me a little horny. About an hour later, Malcolm came home, all sweaty and out of breath from his run. He immediately went upstairs to take another shower; he usually took about two or three of those a day, especially when it was hot like today.

After allowing him sufficient time to shower and get dressed, I went looking for him, figuring he'd probably be playing video games in his room, like most days; my husband was right about one thing: he wasn't trying very hard to find a job. That being said, I found it difficult to be strict with him and I sure as hell wasn't going to let Jason kick him out. Malcolm doesn't have any siblings, so the day he actually does move out, I'll have no one to look after... I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth. So, I lie and cover for him with his dad, telling him he's been out looking for jobs when actually he's been hanging around the house all day... it's a mother's love and tolerance I guess!

I knocked and entered his room, finding him laying on the bed with his wireless game controller in both hands, playing some kind of shoot-'m-up game. He acknowledged my presence briefly and then returned his full attention to his game. I strolled around the room, waiting for a pause in his game to talk to him; meanwhile my eyes scanned every inch of the room for more cum stains, but except for some suspicious smears on his dark blue d****s, I couldn't find anything.

"Can I help you with something mom?" he asked about a minute later, after being brutally ambushed and killed in the game.

I sat down on the bed and said:"Dad had another fit this morning, and it was a bad one!"

"What did I do now?" he asked exasperated.

"He found your... cum... running down the shower glass." I said, remembering the exact phrasing Jason had used. Malcolm's look changed immediately as he apparently realized what I was talking about. "I am sorry mom, I must have forgotten to wash it away."

"Don't worry about it." I smiled. "It's no big deal... at least not to me, but your father, well, you know what he's like... he got really angry this time, and he said that he'd better not find any more cum around the house or there'd be hell to pay!"

"Thanks for the warning." he said, staring idly in front of him, apparently giving the whole matter some serious thought. I couldn't help my eyes from glancing over his body; as usual when it was this hot out, his muscular chest was bare and he only had some shorts on. I also caught myself peeking at his crotch, which was bulging, but not too much.

"Did you cum anywhere else that I should know off?" I asked, surprising both myself and him with that question. "What?" he asked perplexed and confused.

"I assume the shower isn't the only place you shoot your cum?"

He turned beet red and whispered, as he looked away:"No."

"Okay then, last time I thoroughly cleaned the house was last Thursday; try to remember where you've dumped a load since then." I said, deliberately using some fouler language than before.

"But moooom..." he whined, embarrassed and visibly uncomfortable.

"Look, I am trying to help you here; do you want your father to stumble upon some more of your gooey cum?" I asked, again deliberately adding the word 'gooey'.

"No." he replied.

"Well then, try to remember where you've whacked out a load since Thursday and I'll go and have a look... you can't be too careful, I think a second set of eyes would be useful, don't you think?" I said. Apparently Malcolm had caught on to my foul language as well as I could see his crotch beginning to expand.

"You might wanna write this down." he stated, indicating that it would be too much to remember.

"Ok." I said, as I reached out for his desk, taking a pad and a pencil – ignoring the fact that my pussy was getting moist.

"Well, let's see..." he said, still hesitant as he looked at me with a pad and paper in hand, my legs crossed. I pretended not to notice the large bulge in his shorts.

"The shower, obviously." he started off.

"My desk." he added.

Although Jason never went into Malcolm's room, I wrote it down anyway.

"My bed."

"The spread or the sheets?" I asked offhand, trying to be as cool about this as I could.

"Both..." he replied. "... and the pillow too."

My cunt contracted as I wrote that down – his own pillow for crying out loud!

"My sock drawer."

"My trash bin."

"That's it for my room, I think."

Good god, I thought to myself – my cunt starting to leak.

"How about the rest of the house?" I asked. "Don't worry, I won't get angry or upset... I just wanna help, okay?" I added, realizing that he was extremely concerned with telling me more.

"Uh... the laundry hamper."

"Okay good." I said, soothing him, as I wrote it down.

"The... the loofah." he stuttered.

"The green one?" I asked, referring to his personal loofah.

"No... uhm, the uhm... pink one." he replied, referring to my loofah.

Although I kept a straight face while writing that down, my lust exploded deep within me, as I realized that he had been using my loofah to cum on, the one I used to scrub myself down with; my legs, my tits, even my face on occasions. Realizing that this probably wasn't a one time thing, I asked myself how much of his gooey cum I had rubbed into my skin!

After writing down 'loofah' on the pad, I slid my free – left – hand down to my jeans, unbuttoned and unzipped them and slid my hand into my white panties, as I asked:"Okay, where else?" tapping the pen on the pad.

Malcolm gawked and stared at me – with big eyes and open mouth – as I started masturbating right in front of him. Before he had a chance to raise objections, I tapped the pen on the pad again and asked:"So, the pink loofah... where else?"

"Your underwear drawer." he stated, a lot less anxious than before; his cock now at full attention and noticeably tenting his shorts.

"Any particular pair?" I asked, my fingers going berserk on my clit.

"I usually take a pair off the top, jerk off in them and put 'm back at the bottom of the pile." he said, putting his hand on his crotch, squeezing his thick shaft through the fabric.

"So that your cum has a chance to dry in by the time I actually use that pair..." I said, stating the obvious, as I looked straight at his crotch.

"That way I can't feel your crusty cum against my stupid cunt when I put them on, got it." I said, scribbling down a few words. "Where else?"

The 'stupid cunt' remark seemed to do the trick; he grabbed the hem of his shorts and pushed them down, along with his black briefs, to his knees. His huge erection sprang to view; his big mushroom head pulsating as he wrapped his right hand around his thick shaft and started pumping away boldly and without the slightest reservation.

"Your black knee-high boots... inside of them." he grunted, pumping away.

I had worn them just two days ago, I thought as I continued to masturbate in front of my son, blatantly looking at his massive cock getting stroked.

As he seemed to be thinking for a few seconds, I asked:"That's it?"

"That's it for the second floor." he replied.

I drew a line under the list so far with my right hand, while my left was still furiously attacking my clit, and grunted:"So, first floor then!"

"Hm, let's see..." he began.

"The rug under the dining room table, the table itself, the seat of your chair, the seat of dad's chair, the living room coffee table, the couch, the living room d****s..."

I could hardly keep up with scribbling down all the places he was proudly listing; the combination of him whacking off right in front of me and his flagrant disrespect for just about anything around the house was fueling my lust beyond the point where stimulating just my clit was enough.

"The rest of the list will have to wait!" I interrupted him. I put my pen down, redrew my hand and used both hands to pull down my skirt – briefly shifting from one butt cheek onto the other to accommodate myself. Once my skirt was around my ankles, I did the same for my white cotton panties, exposing my most intimate parts to my perverted son. He started whacking off even faster, grunting and moaning.

Then, I got on my knees on the bed, my legs wide apart so Malcolm could stare between them unhindered, and I could shove a couple of fingers up my twat to give myself the stimulation I craved.

Malcolm stared at me in disbelief, his gaze transfixed on my twat and my fingers; for about thirty seconds we just stared at one another masturbating and fueling each other's lust.

"Better add my head board to the list!" he grunted as he violently flung his legs around and rolled onto his left side, pumping his throbbing cock with his right hand and catapulting a massive load of fresh, syrupy sperm against his head board. About five or six fat ropes splattered against the dark wooden panel, before his climax subsided and the last few drops trickled onto his pillow. When I saw his cum starting to slide down the head board, I quickly jammed a third finger up my soaking wet twat and moaned:"Jesus Christ!" as I felt a first convulsion ripping through my body.

Using the spring force of Malcolm's mattress, I started bouncing up and down on it – not more than a little bit, but it was enough to slam myself onto my fingers with every bounce – amplifying the effect of my fingers at work in my cunt.

Malcolm quickly turned to watch his mother orgasm and scream like a slut.

"Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah!" I screamed, clawing at my insides with my fingertips.

I bucked and rocked for what seemed like an eternity; when I was done, I carefully opened my eyes and saw Malcolm staring at me, a wide grin on his face.

"Did you really cum in all those places?" I asked, catching my breath, shifting around to sit back on my ass.

"I might have added a few for entertainment value, but most of it is pretty accurate."

"Good god Malcolm, that's a months worth of whacking off for a normal person, even an adolescent one!" I panted as I glanced at the list again.

"I am sorry, I usually do clean after myself... the shower this morning must have slipped my mind." he said. "Go and have a look in all those other places, you won't find a single drop of cum anywhere."

"Except for my panties." I smirked.

"Well, yeah." he grinned, slightly embarrassed.

"And the insides of my boots." I added.

"Well, at least nowhere important." he joked.

A shiver ran up my spine and I tweaked my left nipple through my top when he said that; I quickly snapped myself out of it – or my fingers would be in my twat again in no time at all.

"All joking aside." I said. "You can't take anymore risks; from now on, when you need to whack off, you call me, okay?"

"Are you serious? You want me to call you each time I jack off?" he asked surprised.

"Neither of us wants dad to find any more of your cum, now do we?"

"No, but..."

"But what? And don't tell me you're shy!"

"No, it's not that..."

"Then what?"

"What if... want to uh... do it in one of those places?" he asked, pointing at the list.

"Don't worry, I won't cramp your style! You can still blow it anywhere you like, just like before." I said, overplaying the understanding mom card maybe just a little bit.

"Just come and find me, and we'll work it out, okay?" I said.

"Sure." he replied, not totally convinced about our new arrangement.

I took the pad and my skirt and walked out of the room – worried of what else I might say or do if I didn't.

In the privacy of my own bedroom, it took me a few minutes to process what had just happened. Eventually I got dressed and went downstairs in an attempt to focus on some household chores.

I was reading a magazine in the kitchen several hours later, when Malcolm walked in and took a beverage from the fridge, nervously hanging around the kitchen table where I was sitting. I pretended not to notice and forced him to take the initiative.

"Mom?" he whispered. "I'd like to... you know."

"Jack off?" I asked, without looking up from my magazine.


"And where would you like to shoot your load?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Can I do it anywhere I like?"

"Off course, it's like I told you before; I am not here to cramp your style, I am here to avoid your dad from finding your cum." I said, thinking to myself that if I repeated it often enough, maybe I would start believing it myself.

"Just pretend I am not here if that helps." I added.

"But I... I kinda like the fact that you're watching." he said, taking his cock out of his pants.

"Ok." I said, flipping through a few more pages, alternating my gaze between my magazine and Malcolm, getting on his knees and jacking off right in front of his mother, remarkably shameless.

After several minutes of beating his cock off mercilessly, he whispered:"I am gonna cum... oh fuck, I am cumming."

I quickly turned my head, just in time to see the first cum ropes exploding from his massive cock; for the next fifteen seconds he kept pumping more sperm onto the kitchen floor, until his balls were finally empty. Satisfied, he got up, stuffed his dick back in his pants and started walking towards the paper towels.

"I'll do it." I said, jumping off my chair and walking towards him.

"You sure?" he asked, confused about why I was so anxious to clean up his cum; I figured he'd catch on sooner or later...

"Yeah, that's what I am here for." I said as I squatted down next to his load and started wiping it off the kitchen floor. "Okay cool, thanks mom." he said and headed back upstairs.

In the late afternoon I was sitting on the couch, watching one of my soaps on tv, when Malcolm came back in.

"Dad will be home in about half an hour, so I figured I'd blast one off before he gets here." he said, whipping his half-hard cock out and positioning himself in front of the seat next to me. "Is it okay if I cum right here?" he asked.

"Sure." I said, my eyes glued to the tv-screen.

Well, he'd picked up some extra nerve since noon, I thought to myself. Aside from the occasional, brief glance at his crotch, I kept my eyes on the tv. It took him considerably longer than before, I thought halfway through my soap; almost ten minutes had passed and he was still jacking off, not even a meter away from me. I waited and waited, squeezing my legs together, trying not to give away how horny I was. Finally, after f******n minutes of stroking his shaft, he shouted:"Here it comes!"

Not two seconds later – I had barely turned my head – his cum started raining down on the brown leather, creating dripping sounds which were driving me crazy. There were no ropes or globs of juice this time, just a seemingly endless torrent of cum drops. When he was done, the whole seat next to me – including the backside – was speckled with his cum; a few drops had even made it onto my jeans. He zipped up and said, as he was already walking out of the room:"You'll clean it up, right?"

"That's what I am here for." I smiled and looked at the tv until he was halfway up the stairs again. Then, I immediately unbuttoned my jeans and slid a hand down my panties. As I started drawing circles on my clit with my middle finger, I reflected on the fact that Malcolm was starting to take more liberties with me: even less talking than before, jerking off and cumming well within my personal space and bluntly assuming I'd clean up his sperm... yes, things were definitely progressing in the right direction. He was catching on quickly :-)

I kept playing with myself for a little bit longer – only managing to get myself even more worked up – before using some more paper towels to clean off every drop of cum off the couch.

That same evening, after dinner – barely three hours after his last performance – as I was clearing the table, Malcolm walked up to me in the kitchen. Jason had already gotten comfortable in front of the tv.

"I need to empty my balls." he stated.

"Okay." I replied. "Where?"

"Upstairs somewhere." he whispered, looking at dad sitting on the couch.

"You don't need me there for the whole thing, do you?" I asked.

"I guess not."

"Head on up and start without me; I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"

"Sure thing mom." he smiled and moved off.

I finished up as soon as possible and told my husband I was going to freshen up a little bit, hurrying up the stairs. First, I looked in his room, then checked the bathroom, but eventually found him in the master bedroom, on his knees in the middle of the bed, jacking off furiously.

"They're new, aren't they?" he said, referring to the chocolate brown sheets he was sitting on.

"Fresh from this morning." I replied truthfully.

"Good." he grunted, switching to a higher gear of jacking off.

God, this was so nasty: Malcolm was now deliberately disrespecting me, testing me. I got soaking wet, thinking of how quickly this little game of mine was evolving, and how it could only get worse from here on out. Before I could consider masturbating along with him, he arched his back and sprayed out his load, deliberately aiming it all over the bed. It wasn't a monster load – not surprising considering the fact that this was his fourth one of the day – but still enough to leave stains and smudges all over the sheets. After wiping his cock off on a clean spot, he got up, pulled up his pants and said:"Have fun cleaning this one up."

He laughed, openly mocking me, as he left the room.

I couldn't control myself after that; I just took off all my clothes, took my favorite vibrator and kneeled down on the bed, amidst my son's cum. I jammed the plastic phallus up my soaking wet twat and started ramming like there was no tomorrow. I needed to get off, nothing else mattered now; not the sheets I was soiling with my juices, not the fact that I was borderline committing i****t with Malcolm and certainly not Jason! For the second time that day I climaxed; it wasn't an Earth-shattering orgasm, but it got the job down. After changing the sheets for the second time that day, I took a quick shower and headed off to bed.

The following day promised to be an interesting one, considering how far I had gotten Malcolm to go along in my perverted little game in just one day. I thought Jason would never leave for work! After he did, I impatiently waited for Malcolm to get back from his morning run.

He walked in – all sweaty and panting – and took out his iPod, quickly gulping down half a bottle of water. "Morning mom." he said as he passed me by, heading towards the stairs. I was disappointed, but only for a moment...

"By the way, there's some cum for you to clean up; bottom shelf of my wardrobe." he said, briefly turning his head towards me, just before walking out. As he continued up the stairs, I smiled, delighted by the fact that the way he was treating me was deteriorating; his respect for me was clearly diminishing!

This realization made me wet beyond anything I could have imagined. I finished my coffee and got up, leaving the breakfast table as it was... I had a more important job to do. After taking several paper towels with me, I headed for his room, opened up his wardrobe and squatted down, bringing my head down to the bottom shelf to see what damage he had done. It was a healthy load; thick, juicy cum: several large ropes and a few dozen drops, which had gone just about everywhere; the side panel, his wardrobe door, the shelf above and quite a few of his clothes.

It took me six full minutes to diligently wipe all his cum off. As I was walking through the hallway, heading for the stairs – and holding the soiled paper towels – Malcolm came out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel.

"More cum for you to clean in the shower." he said as he walked into his room.

He probably didn't see me freezing in place, lust ravaging my body as I relished his words, practically ordering me to clean up his cock juice, again. Although I was horny as fuck, I really didn't feel like going downstairs for some more paper towels, so I decided to make the best of an already perfect situation: I turned and walked into Malcolm's room, surprising him as he was naked. As he looked at me, I threw the paper towels in his trash bin and said:"I don't have any more clean ones." as I reached under my skirt with both hands and pulled down my black panties. I smiled and walked out, heading for the bathroom. I had a slight feeling he would be following me, as he could probably guess what I was about to do.

With Malcolm – butt naked – directly behind me, I walked into the bathroom, stepped into the shower and started looking for his nut juice. I quickly located a healthy, thick, glob sliding down the glass screen. I squatted down and used the crotch section of my panties to scoop up as much of his cream as I could, then used other parts of my panties to dab up the last smudges.

When I was done, I got up and out of the shower as I noticed Malcolm staring at me, thinking it was over. He was just about to turn away, when I straightened out my panties and started putting them back on. Malcolm's eyes grew wider than I had ever seen them and for a moment I thought he was going to jump me, but instead he just slowly whispered:"What the fuck?"

I ignored his exclaim of surprise and continued putting my soiled panties on, feeling his second-hand sperm against my bush and my inner thighs, slowly seeping down.

"There you go." I said, briefly looking back at the shower glass.

"Anywhere else?" I added as I turned towards him.

"Uh, not right now." he replied.

I smiled and walked out of the bathroom, heading down the stairs, feeling my cunt water as I felt his sticky cum clinging to my pubic hair and thighs. I realized his surprise would soon wear off and my little performance would only entice him to treat me with even less respect than before. We both knew that this had no longer anything to do with hiding cum from his father – if it ever did to begin with.

I continued walking around the house, letting his cum dry up right where it was.

As I suspected, Malcolm adapted pretty quickly, realizing that he could get away with even more than he had been doing so far... and off course he was going to use those newly discovered privileges the first chance he got. He stayed in his room for the rest of the morning until it was time for lunch, which we usually shared in the kitchen. I was still setting the table when he came in, wearing only a t-shirt. His right hand was firmly gripping his rock, hard cock and he was pumping it fiercely as he came in; from the looks of it, he had been pumping it for quite some time. He walked up to me and brought his cock to within an inch of my skirt, deliberately aiming for it. I froze – standing next to the kitchen table – and simply looked down as he stroked his massive cock. Just a few seconds later, he started spewing a colossal load onto my skirt, creating small streams of gooey cum running down. When he had emptied his balls, he wiped himself off on my skirt and sat down, as if this situation was perfectly normal. I did the same, which put an arrogant smile on his face. We had lunch and even talked a little bit like two normal family members.

About twenty minutes later, he started stroking his cock under the table again; I tried to keep the conversation going, but he didn't utter a single word after he'd started stroking. He just looked me straight in the eye, jacking off unabashed; the boundaries between us were sure fading quickly. After about a minute, I gave up on the conversation and focused on the wetness between my legs instead. God, how I needed to get off! I managed to restrain myself, figuring I'd get off as soon as he was done with whatever he had in mind. I was however unprepared for the boldness and nastiness of his next move: he got up, crawled onto the table and shifted on his knees – carefully avoiding all the condiments and food on the table – over to my side of the table, aiming his cock straight at my red blouse. I couldn't take it anymore and slid a hand down my skirt, finding my moist twat and playing with it, feeling what was left of Malcolm's cum dried up cum against my fingertips.

He just couldn't care less; he just stroked and stroked, clearly only interested in dumping yet another load... and he did, about three minutes later, all over my blouse.

By my count this was his fourth load of the day, and it was as fat and juicy as the first one I had cleaned up in his wardrobe; the quantity was equally impressive as he ruined every square inch of my blouse, paying special attention to my nipple areas. After reaching down and using the hem of my blouse to wipe himself off on, he got off the table and headed back upstairs. So, there I was... playing with myself, dried up cum in my panties and my bush and two big, fresh loads all over my skirt and blouse. I was turning into a regular cumslut, and I loved it... as a matter of fact, I wanted more... a lot more!

I denied myself a climax and went about my household chores, waiting for Malcolm to have any more use for me; hoping that his four orgasms so far today wouldn't have drained him completely. Luckily, that wasn't the case.

About three hours later, I was watching one of my soaps again, wearing a new skirt and blouse, but the same panties, his cum still in them. Suddenly he called out to me from upstairs:"Mom, can you come and help me jack off?"

"Sure thing hon." I replied, as I got up and realized that the balance of power was shifting a little more to his side; up until now, he had always sought me out, but now he was making me come to him. I saw the master bedroom door open, so I checked in there first. It was a good guess: he was on his knees, pumping his cock, one of my sweaters laid out in front of him. I squatted down on the other side of my sweater, my back against the bed and my knees far enough apart, so that he had a prime view. He stared down between my legs, at my panties, and continued to whack off. I watched him pump his beautiful cock for several minutes; the whole situation, as well the memories of everything we'd done today made me nasty...very nasty!

"Can I make a suggestion." I blurted out.

"What?" he asked, curious.

"This sweater is synthetic..." I said as I grabbed it off the floor and threw it on the bed. "... and machine washable; cheap and easy to replace should stains become a problem."

"Now, these sweaters..." I continued as I walked towards my wardrobe and grabbed the top one off a pile. "... are cashmere, dry-clean only and very expensive!" I said as I laid it down in front of him.

"Fuck yeah!" he screamed, arching his back and spraying his rich cream all over the delicate fabric; the very idea of his mother offering an expensive sweater for him to blast his cum on was too much for his horny, adolescent mind to grasp.

"Did that help?" I asked, with a smile.

"Yeah mom, you were amazing, I can't believe you did that!"

"If you're going to continue cumming on my clothes, you might as well use the expensive ones, and you might as well ruin them; it makes the whole act of emptying your balls so much more nasty, don't you think?"

"You actually want me to ruin some of your clothes?" he asked perplexed.

"Only if you feel like it." I replied. "I am just saying you can, if you want to!"

"O...okay." he stammered.

"Can you tell which clothes are expensive or dry-clean only?" I asked.

"I... I think so." he whispered as he got up, naked from the waist down, his half-hard cock dangling between his legs as he walked over to my wardrobe.

"This?" he asked, turning towards me.

"Spot on, that's my cocktail dress; dry-clean only and not very cheap... besides, because it's black, it will make your white cum stand out quite nicely." I replied.

After browsing a little more, he pointed another dress out, shorter this time, but laced with fake diamonds and turned to me for confirmation.

"Excellent choice." I said. "Slutty dress, rather expensive and because of the adornments nearly impossible to wash or to have cleaned."

After flawlessly pointing out a few more of my most vulnerable clothes, I noticed his cock jumping briefly up and down. Seeing how he had just cum, I disregarded it as a fiction of my overactive imagination and got up, saying:"One more thing..."

I walked over to the dresser and said:"I believe you're familiar with my underwear drawer."

"Vaguely." he replied as we shared a smile.

"You're off course welcome to use any bra or pair of panties you want, but might I recommend these..." I said, reaching in the back of the drawer, taking out a small pile of flimsy, bras and panties.

"... these are lace, they're very fragile and can only be washed by hand, in cold water: so, any cum stains on any of these will almost certainly be permanent." I said as if I was giving him normal information, exchanged between mom and son.

As he was looking at pile of lace undergarments in my hand, I saw his cock twitch and come to attention. I wasn't imagining anything; he was getting hard again!

He browsed through the pile and asked:"So, if I were to cum on any of these, they'd be ruined?"

"Well, technically they could still be saved if I washed the cum out of them right away." I replied. "So what I'd have to do is let them dry somewhere, so that your cock juice has a chance to really soak into the fabric and form a crust."

After hearing me say that, his hand instinctively gripped his hardening shaft and as he gawked at me with open mouth – not believing what he'd just heard – he started stroking on automatic pilot.

"Would you like to try it?" I asked, adding to his boiling lust.

"Fuck yeah." he grunted.

I selected a black, lace bra and put the rest of the pile away. Then I stepped back towards the bed and turned away from him as I took off my blouse and bra, before putting on the selected, expensive bra. After fixing the clasp, I turned back towards him, having deliberately denied him a view of my tits. He probably figured that I was a little shy about showing him my rack for the first time, as he didn't say anything. But when I started undoing my skirt, I could see the confusion in his eyes. After stepping out of my skirt and lowering my panties to expose my cunt to him once again, I could tell that his young brain was having difficulty with the contradiction displayed here: here I was, encouraging him to ruin an expensive bra and purposely not showing him my tits, while apparently not having any problem with showing him my moist cunt. As I got on my back on the floor, providing him with a clear view and shot to the bra in question, his stare was directed between my legs and it lingered there until he eventually felt ready to cum. Still clearly overwhelmed by the casual sluttiness displayed here, Malcolm stumbled over and dropped to his knees, right next to my almost naked body. After verifying his aim for just a second, he howled and arched his back, ejaculating fat ropes of cum all over the cups of my lace bra. As the last of his cum was drizzling out, soiling the last few clean areas on the fabric, I suddenly noticed something falling out of his pants pocket; a bottle of pills. I picked it up and read the label:"For bigger erections. For more and thicker sperm!"

So that's why his fifth load of the day was as juicy and as impressive as his first. I waited until he was done squeezing the last drops out of his tube onto my bra, then held up the bottle and asked:"When did you start taking these?"

"I've been taking them for months, about one a day." he replied, visibly annoyed.

"I see..." I whispered, just lying there, naked except for my cum drenched bra, looking up at him. It all suddenly made a lot more sense: why he wasn't in a hurry to find a job, why he was blowing wad after wad of thick cream all over the house!

"You don't mind, do you?" he asked carefully.

"Not one little bit." I replied, realizing that I was setting all kinds of bad examples.

"So now what?" he asked.

"Now..." I said as I rose to my feet and unclasped the bra.

"... we let it dry." I continued as I took it off – setting my titties free and showing them to him for the first time – and placed it on top of the nearby radiator.

"My god, your tits are huge!" he said as he stared at them blatantly.

Standing butt naked in front of my son, I whispered:"Thanks."

"I mean, really, really, big." realizing he wasn't paying me a compliment anymore.

"Thanks." I whispered, getting more than a little wet between my legs.

"They're so... fat and saggy!" Malcolm continued, turning a half-compliment into yet another degenerate little game.

"Yes, they are." I said, playing along.

"They look like cow udders." he said, still staring at them.

"Do you wanna wobble them up and down?" I asked lewdly, feeling my cunt tingle at his latest insult.

"Sure." he said as he took a step forward, placed his left hand under my massive right breast and started jerking and shuddering it around. A few seconds later, he placed his other hand under my left tit and did the same to that one. He played with them for several minutes, making them bounce and judder all over the place, occasionally even pulling one of my nipples; I just stood there, dripping, but not doing anything about it. I wanted to reach out and grab his massive cock so badly! I wanted to get on my back and have him pump his big dick into me as hard as he could, but I did nothing...

Eventually, he got bored and gave both my tits a good solid, demeaning slap before walking out of the room and heading downstairs, just like that! I thought about taking one of my dildo's out and jamming it up my twat, but I decided to practice restraint instead. I sat down on the bed and gathered my thoughts for about ten minutes, before getting dressed again – no bra this time – and heading down as well.

Jason came home from work later than usual, so dinner was a bit late as well. Considering the number of loads Malcolm had already squirted today, I figured he was pretty much spent. However, as I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, I suddenly noticed him standing behind me, pumping his hard cock and ogling me.

"At it again?" I asked nonchalantly, without interrupting my work.

"Hang 'm out." he said.

"Sorry?" I asked, not realizing what he meant.

"Your tits; hang 'm out." he clarified.

I put down whatever I was holding and turned around, pulled the straps of my top down and hung both my big jugs over it. Without showing any other emotion than pure lust he kept tugging his big dick for several minutes, just drooling over my tits, hanging lewdly out in the open. Without much ado, he subsequently flung his cum onto the kitchen floor; nothing spectacular, just a few ribbons and some drops spread out over two or three tiles.

"You'll clean this up, right?" he said as he turned to walk away, about to stuff his cock into his boxers.

"Wait!" I said, a little louder than a whisper.

He froze and looked at me.

I signaled at his cock and said:"You need to wipe that off." referring to the residual glob of cum hanging from his cock head. "We don't want your father to find cum in your underwear, now do we?"

We both knew that Jason never touched his underwear, but Malcolm played along. "Mmm, you're right!" he said as he walked up to me, avoiding the tiles with cum on them.

"Skirt?" he asked as he raised his limp cock.

"Are you crazy? Your dad will notice... no, here." I said as I sank to my knees.

"Use my cheek."

Malcolm's eyes grew big and for a second I thought his cock was going to spring to attention again, but it didn't. He looked down at me, still not sure whether he had heard me correctly. But when I tilted my head the other way, presenting my cheek to him plain and clear, there was no longer any doubt in his mind. He pressed his cock head against my cheek and smeared the glob of cum open, drawing a watery line of cum across my cheek and nose. When there was no more cum to spread around, he let go of his cock and stepped back, looking at my still tilted face for a few seconds, before starting to leave.

"Don't forget to take your pills." I whispered right before he stepped out into the hallway. He stopped, turned and gave me a little arrogant smile as he looked me up and down in the most demeaning way!

I wiped his cum off my cheek and joined Jason in the living room, only to excuse myself as quickly as humanly possible. I spent the rest of the evening – until I heard Jason come up the stairs – on my back, with my legs in the air, jamming either a dildo or a couple of fingers up my twat. Although I had turned off the lights and pretended to be asleep by the time hubby came in, the whole room must have smelled like pussy. But except for opening up a window and getting into bed himself, he said or did nothing!

Hubby also didn't say anything – about the pussy smell – during breakfast the next morning, so I just waited for him to leave for work and for Malcolm to return from his daily jogging routine. I figured that after yesterday he'd have very little inhibitions about using me as his cumrag and I was really looking forward to more of his abuse.

He came in through the garage, about ten minutes after his father left. He stayed in the garage for several minutes; just when I was getting worried and wanted to go check on him, he walked into the hallway and then into the kitchen. He was naked from the waist down, having taken off his trousers and boxers in the garage; his cock however was flaccid. As he walked up to me and put his hand down my sleeping gown, cupping my right tit with his cum-filled hand palm, I realized why.

"Morning." he said as he smeared his cum all over my tit, then moved his hand out of my gown and wiped whatever gooey sperm was left in his hand on the front of it. When his hand was as clean as it was going to get, he took his flaccid cock and tapped it against my neck, squeezing out the last of his morning cum. "I'll be in the shower." he said as he turned and walked out of the kitchen, heading up the stairs.

I couldn't believe what had just happened; it was everything I had hoped for, and more: he was actually using me as a cumrag; no emotions, no small talk, just an object to wipe his cum off on!

I left his cum exactly where it was and just went about my day, figuring it wouldn't be long before he had use for me again; however, after taking another shower, he retreated to his room and I didn't see him the rest of the morning. When I called him down for lunch, I was surprised and delighted to see his hard cock hanging out of his pants; unfortunately he did nothing about it and just sat down. He continued to jerk it all through lunch – all the while keeping a normal conversation going; from the few looks I got at it, I'd say he had been jerking it for quite a while; it was even bigger and darker than usual, from all the blood pumping through it. Although every cell in my body ached, I figured he knew what he was doing: hopefully he was saving himself – and – for something special.

As it turned out, I was right: an hour and a half later, he called out to me. I was sitting on the couch, about to start watching my soaps, when he yelled:"Mom, can you come out into the hallway for a minute?"

When I did and looked up, I saw him standing there on the first floor balcony, butt naked, his fat cock shoved through the banister; his big mushroom head looked almost purple , no doubt from the incessant pounding it had been receiving over the last four to five hours.

"Yes?" I asked, pretending as if nothing was wrong with this picture. He moved about a foot to the right, sticking his cock between two other balusters and started jerking it at a remarkably gentle pace; his giant cock was now directly above me and I had a pretty good idea of what was about to happen.

"Hang on." he said as he started breathing a little heavier.

"Just a few more seconds." he added, shafting his throbbing cock serenely.

"There you go." he said, keeping his cock steady as not to ruin his aim. A big rope of cum shot out and fell down a little over two meters, splattering against my face. In a remarkable display of self-control, Malcolm used his fist to clench his shaft shut and not let out more than a few drops at a time after his first salvo, creating an endless cum shower that rained down on my hair, face and clothes for more than twenty seconds. Finally he let out a deep roar of relief and released his grip on the base of his cock, causing another small glob of cum to fall down and hit me right in the eye.

Before I realized that that was the last of his cum, he had already turned and was heading back to his room; as he slammed the door shut, I felt utterly used and humiliated! I sank to my knees, lifted my skirt and – deliriously horny – tore my cotton panties to shreds, stuffing three fingers up my soaking twat right there in the hallway. As Malcolm's cum was drying on my face and clothes, I fingered myself to a quick, nasty and surprisingly unfulfilling orgasm.

Afterwards, I took a quick shower and put my soiled clothes in the laundry bin, then went back downstairs and continued watching tv. I know: I am a lazy cunt; I don't do much around the house – aside from being a whore for my son – except watch tv and read magazines. About two hours later, Malcolm came into the living room, naked, his flaccid cock dangling between his legs; he showed me his right hand, shaped like a cup, filled with freshly squeezed nut juice. As he stepped closer and moved his hand in the direction of my face, he asked:"May I?"

"Off course." was all I said, trying not give away how anxious I was. Malcolm gently placed his hand against my cheek and smeared his juice all over my face in a circular motion, rubbing and massaging his cum into my skin. By the time he removed his hand, there was cum in both my nostrils, both eyes, every hair of both my eyebrows and pretty much every pore of my face. Barely able to keep my eyes open, I looked up at him; after admiring my face for several seconds, he wrapped his hand around his dong and started tugging it gently, staring at my cum saturated face. Apparently he wasn't done yet...

He stroked and pumped his dick for almost ten minutes, all the while just staring down at me, as I just sat there, his cum burning in my eyes and drying on my skin. Then came the ultimate humiliation as he placed the fat tip of his cock against my chin and just waited; not a second later his cock started convulsing, shooting a fat, thick but short rope of cum across my face and into my left eye. He then flexed his cock, guiding it into a different angle and shot a second, similar rope across the right side of my face. After flexing his cock a second time, his head was on my lips and a third and fourth rope splattered against my nose, seeping back down onto my lips and chin. He grabbed his cock and used it to spread and smear his cum all over my face.

Once he was done degrading me to my very bone, he turned and walked away, as I had come to expect from him. Aside from perfecting his humiliation skills, this little thing we had going on was evolving in another way: with all of his cum on my face, I had barely paid attention to it, but this had been the first time his cock had touched my skin!

Later that night after dinner, Malcolm sneaked off to the bathroom while I cleaned up the kitchen and Jason was watching tv; shortly afterwards he walked back into the kitchen; again with his hand palm filled to the brim with cum. Yes, there was definitely a theme to this day, I thought to myself as he walked up to me, not saying a word. He reached under my skirt with his clean hand, yanked my panties down to my knees and then stuck his cum-filled hand under my skirt, pressing it firmly against my bush, spreading his warm, fresh load all over it. I just stood there, my hands behind me on the counter, just letting him use my cunt as a tissue. It was a big load so he coated not only my bush, but also my inner thighs and even pushed some of it up between my ass cheeks. Finally, he redrew his hand from between my legs and rubbed his still moist hand all over the side of my face, driving me absolutely crazy with lust as I could not only smell his cum, but my own cunt as well. As soon as his hand stopped soiling my face, I squatted down and jammed two fingers up my wet hole, fingering myself furiously. Malcolm stepped up to the sink, washed his hands and dried them off, all the while simply looking down at me.

I expected him to leave as soon as he possibly could, as he'd done so many times before, but instead he just kept watching me. I felt extremely nasty, but I simply couldn't help myself.

After a few minutes of staring at me, he suddenly stepped closer and hung his cock in front of my face, inches away from my mouth. My body, and especially my mouth cried out to him; the proximity of his spent cock, radiating pheromones, was wreaking havoc on my hormones; I wanted to devour him and suck his balls out through his shaft. I opened my mouth and leaned forward, only to see him back away. I scooted a little closer on my knees and leaned in again. Again he backed away and we did this dance over and over again; I kept following him around like a drooling puppy until he had had his fun and simply left. With some difficulty, I got up and rearranged my clothes. Then, faking another migraine, I spent another evening alone in the master bedroom, wearing out the batteries on my biggest dildo, filling the room once again with my scent. Once again, Jason said nothing when he eventually came up to sleep.

The next morning Jason was clearly in the mood; he pushed his morning erection against me and tried to squeeze my boobs. Pretending I needed to pee, I excused myself and instead of returning to the bedroom, I went downstairs and started breakfast. After sending my husband off to work with a massive bulge in his pants, I waited for Malcolm with a watering cunt. I was anxious to find out what he had in mind for me today, which boundaries he was going to push back and eventually obliterate today.

When he came in, all sweaty and just a little out of breath, he took off his jogging pants and hopped onto the breakfast table right in front of me; as he was going commando, his massive morning boner was lewdly bouncing up and down in front of me.

"Wank it." he said as he drank from my OJ.

Faking a little hesitation, I waited a few seconds before wrapping my hand around his stiff cock for the first time. As soon as I gently squeezed his fat tube, he moaned:"Oh yeah you fucking cunt!"

Ignoring his lustful insult and keeping my eyes on his crotch, I lovingly stroked his large shaft until he started spurting, all over my hand, arm and nightgown. After accepting his gooey morning load with a smile, I walked over to the sink to wash his cum off my hand and arm.

By the time I got back to the breakfast table, he had already sat down, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary and we had breakfast together. Although Malcolm had explicitly assured his father over the past few days that he was going to go out and actively search for a job, he simply went up to his room after breakfast to play videogames. I, for my part, had promised my husband to keep an eye on Malcolm to make sure he didn't hang around the house all day... it was a promise I was going to break. As a matter of fact, I did nothing but encourage Malcolm to stay in his room. I brought him snacks and beverages on regular intervals, and left him to his videogame for the rest of the time. I figured he would call me or come and find me if he had any use for me!

He was so wrapped up in the game that he didn't even break for lunch; instead I brought up a sandwich and a can of coke so he could continue his game. When I entered his room, he was right in the middle of a fierce battle, so I put down the food and turned to leave, but he surprised me by bluntly asking:"Mom, could you give me another wank?"

I looked at him as he stood up, manipulating his video controller with both hands.

"Off course." I said, as I kneeled down and pulled his jogging pants down. He sat back down and kept playing as I wrapped my hand around his massively big cock. So, there I was: on my knees in a nearly dark room – no light except for the computer screen – wanking my son's cock just because he asked me to. Although his cock pulsated and reacted normally, the rest of his body, including his face and speech only seemed to react to the game. Furiously waging war with all sorts of nightmarish creatures, he gave me nor the handjob itself any consideration. For nearly ten minutes, I just sat there stroking his cock, without any kind of feedback. Suddenly – his body had shown no warning signs whatsoever – his cock started spewing fat ribbons of cum, which splattered against the floor and the wall under his desk. Malcolm however didn't even flinch and just kept playing, apparently unaffected by the orgasm he was experiencing. After scooping up the last of his cum onto my index finger and getting up, ready to leave the room, he said:"Thanks mom." as she was still battling a seemingly endless supply of hideous enemies.

How casual could a guy dump his load? I asked myself as I smilingly left the room. As I headed back down the stairs, I smelled my hand, savoring the scent of his cock; happy that our perverse relationship had evolved to include actual handjobs and wondering what else he had in mind for me today. I figured the novelty of me jerking him off would soon wear off...

My suspicions were confirmed just a few hours later, when he finally came down to take a break, still in his jogging pants. My lazy ass was on the couch watching tv for a change – yes, we were definitely a bad influence on each other, but neither of us gave a flying fuck!

"Mind if I give your mouth a try?" he asked, largely rhetorically as he dropped his jogging pants and stepped onto the couch, placing one of his legs on either side of me, bending his knees a bit, just enough so that his massive cock was bouncing up and down in front of my face. As I opened up my mouth, he locked his hands behind my head and pulled it towards him, sliding his dick – with some minor trail and error – into my willing suck hole. His cock had barely passed my lips or my cunt was already moist. I had my boy's cock in my mouth, at last! Not one for the gentle or romantic approach – as I had learned by recent events – Malcolm started fucking my mouth rather roughly, gradually stuffing more and more of his fuck stick in, which eventually started to make me gag. After each gag reflex, he let up for a few seconds, only to jam it back a bit further and deeper afterwards; it was outrageous the way he was fucking my mouth: holding my head between his hands and sliding it up and down his fat pole. Most men couldn't even pull this off with their wives; but here I was, taking his i****tuous, offensive abuse, eagerly. And this was the first time I had his cock in my mouth!

Feeling his cock throb as my lips polished his shaft, made me so fucking wet that I started playing with my tits and started rubbing my clit through my skirt as I sucked off my boy. He moaned and groaned and seemed to enjoy every second of it. Eventually he moaned and whispered:"Here it comes." as he ejaculated in my mouth for the very first time. He coated my whole mouth and throat with his juicy slime, forcing me to swallow several times. When he had nothing left to give, he released his hold on my head but kept his cock in my mouth. He knew he didn't have to force me to suck his cock: the hold had simply been for his benefit: no matter how accommodating a woman is, every man wants to force himself on her once in a while, just to assert his dominance. I was only too happy to let Malcolm have his way with me!

I sucked the last few drops from his cock, savoring the salty taste. When his cock eventually slipped out, he zipped back up and said:"I'll have more for you to swallow in a few hours!"

I smiled and whispered:"You know where to find me."

During the next two hours and forty minutes of watching mind-numbing soaps and completely ignoring my household duties, I regularly checked the clock wondering when Malcolm was going to make another appearance, but he never did. When his father came home, he walked into the living room and talked to the both of us for about ten minutes. First chance he got, he signaled me – behind Jason's back – and gave me the universal wanking gesture, followed by the equally universal gesture for a blowjob. He excused himself straight away, saying that he had to prepare for some upcoming job interviews – yeah, right. A few minutes after he'd left, I also left the living room and headed up the stairs to his room, where he had already started taking off his clothes. As I walked in, he got on his hands and knees – butt naked – and whispered:"Milk me."

I kneeled beside him and grabbed his big cock, which was pointing straight at the floor; like I was milking a cow, I started jerking him off. Feeling particularly raunchy with everything that had happened today, I got in behind him and quickly peeled off my own clothes. Then I got on my back and positioned my head under his crotch; after jerking his cock at my face for about half a minute, I raised my head and started sucking his fat tip. Our unusual relative positions and the fact that I was jerking and sucking his cock at the same time, sent him over the edge pretty quickly; I eagerly swallowed it all and kept licking and stroking him till he went completely soft. Pleasuring my son, with his father in the house, was a new experience for me; one that had made me soaking wet and that I wouldn't mind repeating over and over, and over again :-)

As Malcolm got up and put on his boxers, I was still casually playing with my wet pussy – not sure what to do about its need for attention – and he took me completely off guard by kneeling next to me, whispering:"Need some help?" and wriggling two fingers into my wet cunt. Overwhelmed by an uncontrollable lust, I hiked up my knees and opened my legs as wide as I could, offering my son unhindered access; which he zealously used to finger the stuffings out of my sloppy cunt. Even if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to object; as soon as he started pumping his fingers in and out of me, I was gone. The only thing I could think of was getting his fingers deeper inside of me; to that end, I grabbed both thighs and pulled my knees against my chest to open myself up to the maximum extent humanly possible. In that wide-open, vulnerable position it only took about ten to fifteen more pumps to get me to climax; I clenched my eyes shut and opened my mouth slightly – making sure not to utter a sound – and just came, and came... and came. His strong, long fingers drilled me from one orgasm to another, pleasuring me like no vibrator had ever been able to!

After what seemed like an eternity – but which was actually fifteen minutes – I finally had to beg Malcolm to stop as I was genuinely afraid of losing my mind: I simply couldn't take anymore! Immediately after pulling his fingers out gently, Malcolm got up and headed for the bathroom, probably to freshen up and wash his fingers. After laying on the ground for a few minutes, composing myself, I heard him going down and followed him another ten minutes later.

Malcolm laid low for the rest of the evening, which made me all the more curious about the next day; which was Friday, our last day alone together before the weekend. Jason was going to be home, so I didn't quite know how we were going to get through it.

The next morning, following the pattern we had established over the past few days, I waited impatiently at the breakfast table. As usual, Jason left for work long before Malcolm returned from his morning run which gave me some time to reflect on recent events. I could honestly say that I didn't regret a single thing, as a matter of fact; it made me soaking wet thinking about what a slut and downright whore I had become for my son. My cunt contracted when I thought about his fingers wiggling around inside of me last night. Now that he had stuck his fingers into me, it was only a matter of time before he'd want to stick something else up there, I figured, and truth be told; I could hardly wait! But as I had reminded Malcolm more than once – and myself constantly – I wasn't the one in the driver's seat; I was just a willing slut, a mindless cunt, a whore for free, with just one purpose: to give into – and encourage – every sexual urge and impulse my son could think of!

Needless to say, I was more than ready when Malcolm eventually came in through the back door; unlike the previous days he didn't seem to be transpiring... as if he hadn't been running at all. Before I could ask him anything, he handed me a black blindfold and said:"Take off your clothes and put this on, I am going to cum on your face."

Excited by his arrogance and the prospect of getting another one of his facials, I took off my night gown, tied the blindfold in front of my eyes and got down on my knees on the kitchen floor. Barely a few seconds later, I could hear his fist stroking his cock. From the air displacement, I could sense that his cock – and his fist – was just a few inches away. After a few minutes, he stepped back and I heard him fumbling with his clothes – probably taking some of them off. When he moved closer again, he started jacking off faster and more passionate than before, bumping his fist against my face several times over the next couple of minutes. Then, suddenly, a grunt... followed by volley of cum splattering against my face; it wasn't as much as I had grown accustomed to, but it was still a fair quantity. I figured he had already pumped out a load this morning and hadn't taken his pill yet. When he was done, I reached for the blindfold and took it off, catching Malcolm off guard as he said:"No, not yet..."

But it was too late, the blindfold was off and my eyes were open.

My mouth fell open in shock and disbelief: standing before me was not my son, but his best friend Jonathan; his spent cock dangling between his big balls, a tiny residue of sperm hanging from his cock head. Malcolm was standing right next to him, wanking his hard cock; no doubt getting off on the fact that his slut of a mother had just taken a facial from his pal.

Horrified, I grabbed my night gown – out of reflex, not that it mattered, Jonathan had probably seen all there was to see by now – turning and walking into the living room, shouting:"Oh my god Malcolm, I can't believe you!!!" as I scooped up some of the young man's cum from my face and wiping it off on my gown, repeatedly. From the living room I walked into the hallway and up the stairs, heading for the bathroom to splash some water in my face. After about a minute, I heard someone coming up the stairs. Still angry, I slammed the door shut and used a towel to dry off my face.

"Mom?" Malcolm said as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Whatever lame apology you've got ready: I don't wanna hear it!" I shouted.

"I am not here to apologize." he said, as he opened the door and walked in, his huge dong bouncing up and down between his legs. "You know damn well it wouldn't be sincere!"

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked, appreciating his honesty.

"What does it look like? I am going to cum in your face!" he stated bluntly, as he approached me, stepping over my night gown, stroking his massive cock.

"Are you freaking k**ding me? After that stunt you just pulled" I asked, still backing away from him.

It was a very temporary maneuver on my part as our bathroom wasn't all that big and Malcolm was blocking my only way out; pretty soon, I had backed myself up into a corner. Unwavering, he walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He didn't even have to apply any pressure: the weight of his hand was enough to make me squat down, my face now just a few inches away from his throbbing cock.

My god, I was a slut!

I looked up at him, shooting him an angry look – pretending that I didn't have a choice – and whispered:"I can't believe you're making me do this." as my mouth engulfed his enormously fat cock.

Even after what he had done, I still craved his nut juice on my face... so I started sucking him off greedily, gagging myself several times in the process. After a few minutes, he pulled out and started stroking his dick, lewdly and disrespectfully bumping his fist against my chin with every tug. For the second time today – it wasn't even 9am – I was waiting for a load of cum to hit me in the face.

And there it was – barely five seconds later – a colossal squirt, right between my eyes, followed by several minor – but still thick and gooey – ribbons, covering my nose, both eyes, mouth, left cheek and forehead. Malcolm wiped himself off on my clean cheek and left – as usual – without saying another word. I sat down on my ass, briefly contemplating what a fucking whore I had become.

As I felt his cum sliding down my face, my right hand instinctively slithered down between my legs. It wasn't until I felt two fingers pumping my wet cunt that I snapped out of my semi-dream state and closed my eyes to enjoy that warm, familiar feeling. While I continued masturbating, I replayed the last ten minutes over and over in my mind; whereas the idea of getting a facial from a perfect stranger –even though it was Malcolm's best friend – had offended and appalled me several minutes ago, that same idea now began to fuel my lust. Granted, it had been an extremely disgusting and insulting ploy on my son's behalf; a testament of the total lack of respect he had for me, but it was too late to whine about that now. I had indulged and even encouraged his growing disrespect and rudeness towards me at every turn, I told myself, as my fingers kept pumping frantically, slowly pushing my body towards the abyss of sexual depravity. I orgasmed quite powerfully and trashed around, eventually ending up on my back on the bathroom floor, legs spread wide, one foot against the wall so that I could pound my – now lewdly exposed – cunt even more. After my orgasm had passed, I just lay there, tracing circles with my index finger on my clit, my other hand caressing other parts of my body. Completely pleasured and relaxed, I drifted off to sleep.

I was awakened by a draft, caused by the bathroom door opening. When I open my eyes, I saw Malcolm and Jonathan walking in; both of them completely naked and sporting massive boners. From the looks of their engorged, purple mushroom heads they had been jerking their cocks for quite some time before they came in. Figuring they had already seen all there was to see, I made no attempt to cover up or even close my legs. To my – ever diminishing – surprise, Jonathan kneeled next to my face and started stroking his big, throbbing cock. Not a single muscle in my body reacted, not so much as a twitch: apparently I was perfectly at ease with serving as a cumrag for this boy as well. Malcolm leaned against the sink and started leisurely tugging his own dick, with a cocky, self-assured smile on his face. Not a single word was spoken, and eventually Jonathan arched his back and flung his nut juice onto my face, my third load of the day!

Although his cum went pretty much everywhere, a lot of it ended up in my left eye, rendering it pretty much useless. As soon as he was done convulsing, he got up and changed places with my son, who eagerly dropped to his knees next to my head as he continued jerking off. With my left eye squeezed shut, I looked up at him and immediately realized that he wasn't going to last very long; within a few seconds of switching places, his body started shuddering and his breathing started getting more and more erratic. All in all, it didn't even take him ten seconds to start blasting his cum in my face as well; and off course – boys will be boys – he made sure to cream my right eye shut, completely blinding me!

After squeezing out every last sperm cell and wiping himself off on my hairline, Malcolm – in an atypical act of kindness – took my hand and helped me to my feet as he whispered:"Here, follow me."

He guided me to the shower, turned on the water and maneuvered me under the shower stream. As I started washing all the cum from my face, I suddenly felt the boys getting in the shower as well. Using soap, shampoo, loofahs and sponges the boys lathered me up from top to bottom over and over again, paying excessive attention to my tits, cunt and ass. Diligent as they were, they even used their fingers to clean the most intimate parts of my body; inside and out. My 'cleansing' lasted for nearly twenty minutes; I had never been this clean in my life!

Then, Malcolm got on his knees and lifted my right leg up so far that I had to lean against the wall; after hanging my leg over his shoulder, he put his head in between my legs and started licking my wet snatch. Meanwhile Jonathan lathered himself up and rinsed off. After two or three minutes, they changed places: my son now had a quick wash, while his friend stuck his tongue up my cunt.

With everyone squeaky clean, Malcolm turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He took two large towels, handing one to Jonathan, and the two of them started drying me off very gently; again lingering around some parts of my body more than others, but still...

After drying themselves off quickly, Jonathan led me into the master bedroom, while Malcolm disappeared for a few moments; apparently to go get some condoms from his room, as he was tearing the wrapping off one when he walked back in. I just sat there on the bed looking at them as they whispered amongst themselves for few seconds, then played a game of rock-scissors-paper, evidently to determine who was going to fuck me first!

"Oh my god, they can't be serious!" I thought to myself, knowing better than to doubt Malcolm's resolve when it came to sex and degrading his mother. Malcolm played scissors, Jonathan rock.

So, Jonathan took the condom, wrapped it around his hard pole and walked up to me, pushing me on my back. I didn't resist, not even a tiny little bit. As a matter of fact, as soon as I felt the rubber around Jonathan's cock touching my bush, I spread my legs as high and as wide as I could.

"My god, she IS a slut." Jonathan moaned, glancing at my son, as he started pumping me. I closed my eyes and a big smile appeared on my face, as my body welcomed every one of Jonathan's thrusts; my smile grew even bigger when – after barely thirty seconds – the young stud howled, shuddered and shot his cum into the rubber.

"My turn." Malcolm said as tore the wrapping off another condom, stuck his erection into it and walked up to the bed, impatiently taking his friend's place. He nudged his hard cock against my entrance and asked – largely rhetorically:"Ready?"

Without waiting for an answer, he shoved it in and started fucking me energetically; equally new to the experience of having a wet, sloppy cunt clamped around his throbbing cock, he too orgasmed in less than thirty seconds. I beamed with pride as a second condom got filled up inside of me, in less than two minutes.

Jonathan, spent for the moment, had flipped on the tv and had started watching some sort of action movie; when Malcolm was done, he dismounted me and took a seat next to his friend at the foot of the bed. Cunt juice oozing from my freshly fucked cunt, I just laid there and waited.

After watching tv and talking and laughing amongst themselves for a little over half an hour, Jonathan casually climbed back in between my legs, which were still wide open. When I noticed him fumbling with another condom, I said:"Why don't we forget about the rubbers?"

"Are you serious?" Malcolm gawked at me.

"Rubbers are for banging whores... I am not a whore, I am a slut!"

This comment brought a wide grin on both their faces as Jonathan pressed his hard cock into my pussy; no further warning, no foreplay, no sweet talking; he just shoved it in and started fucking me again.

Although he screwed me excruciatingly slow, trying to last as long as he could, it was no use: the absence of a rubber made for an overwhelming experience which made him explode in less than a minute. I felt so wicked, taking his cum in my unprotected cunt.

Malcolm, after taking another minute or so to jack his cock into a fully erect state, took his place and entered me as dispassionately as his friend had. This was what I had been reduced to – I smiled to myself as Malcolm was pounding away into me – just a set of holes to fuck and shoot their loads into whenever and as often as they wanted to. Malcolm started off slow too, waiting several seconds between thrusts; it took a lot of concentration, but he managed to fuck me for several minutes without cumming. Off course, in the end, my wet, warm cunt proved too much for him as well; my boy spasmed on top of me and deposited his rich, gooey wad close to my uterus.

They each fucked me four more times before we had to call it a day – as my husband was going to be home soon. We got dressed, cleaned up the house and just as Jonathan was about to leave, Jason came home. He greeted the boys on his way in, wonderfully clueless to the fact they'd been banging his useless slut of a wife for the past six hours!

Needless to say, I had a big grin on my face all through dinner. Afterwards Jason had started watching some soccer, but fell asleep about halfway through, positively exhausted from working hard all day. I almost felt sorry for him... almost. I sat down in the other couch and changed the channels; I knew that once he was sounds asleep, he was very hard to wake up. I flipped the channels a bit, but to be honest, my mind was preoccupied with the next two days: Saturday and Sunday, as Jason was going to be home, it would be a lot more difficult for me to be at my son's beck and call. We'd have to be a lot more sneaky, which was a bit dangerous but the prospect also excited me, very much so. After glancing over to Jason who was snoring, I unbuttoned my jeans, lowered the zipper and slipped my right hand into my panties. While I kept half an eye on Jason, I played with my clit for a little bit, then wriggled two fingers up my wet cunt and started pushing them in and out. God, how I wished Malcolm was here to give me another proper fucking. After dinner he had retired to his room to play a new video game and I hadn't seen him since... no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't go up to his room and asking for a fucking. That wasn't how our new relationship worked: as my husband was completely dependent on me for sex, so was I at the mercy of my son. The only difference was that there wasn't going to be any sex in Jason's immediate future, I smiled wickedly to myself as I wriggled my fingers a little deeper into my cunt.

The more I played with myself, the hornier I got and the more I threw caution to the wind; I slid off my jeans and panties and took off my top and bra; completely naked I reclined back into my previous position and started fingering myself again. Without the hindrance of clothes, I could now bend my knees and reach for the skies with my feet, spreading myself completely open to my fingers. I finger fucked myself for about two minutes, before a wave of ecstasy overwhelmed me and caused my cunt to start contracting violently. I quickly pulled my fingers out and watched as my cunt squirted onto the rug; when the squirting subsides, I plunged my fingers back in and clawed at my pussy walls till I felt another set of contractions coming. I took out my fingers and started squirting onto the rug again, wildly. I repeated this fingering and squirting trick over and over again, wondering what hubby would have to say about this; if he didn't like a bit of cum, how would he feel about my pussy soaking the living room rug. I continued fingering and squirting for as long as I could take it.

After calming down and composing myself, I grabbed my drenched clothes and tiptoed out of the room, leaving my cunt juices to soak into the rug and couch. As I walked up the stairs, my cunt still dripping down my inner legs, I couldn't help but still be horny... I needed another fuck. I knew I couldn't ask for one, the initiative was Malcolm's, but maybe I could help him take the initiative, so when I walked by his room, I fake-sneezed a couple of times, making sure he knew I was upstairs. I just hoped he wasn't under his headphones. Luckily, he wasn't... because he poked his head out about ten seconds later, as I was still lingering around the hallway.

When he saw me naked, holding my clothes, reeking of cunt, he looked me up and down and said:"Mom? What the fuck?"

"Don't worry, you're dad is asleep: he didn't see me." I reacted without thinking; I don't know why that was the first thing that popped in my mind, but apparently it was important information to my subconscious. Malcolm didn't need any more information, or he simply didn't care; he just reached into his baggy trousers, whipped out his cock and signaled me to come closer.

"On your knees." he whispered. I did and was about to open my mouth, figuring he wanted me to suck his cock, when he suddenly stepped back. "Stay like that." he whispered as he closed the door. Bewildered, I looked at the door and waited, wondering what he had in store for me now... for several minutes, I didn't know whether he was playing his videogames, wanking or doing something else entirely... it just felt so pointless sitting there, just because Malcolm had ordered me to, but I wasn't going disobey him. Suddenly the door flung open, Malcolm rushed up to my face and wanked off furiously, splattering his huge load in my face. Taken completely by surprise, I closed my eyes and opened my mouth in shock, only to close it quickly when I felt a glob of his cum splashing against my tongue. After emptying his balls on my face, he turned away and slammed the door shut behind him. I stumbled into the bathroom, cum stinging in my eyes, to clean myself up.

"Cumrag" I called myself as I went to bed -- a wide grin on my face. "How much lower can I sink?" I asked myself as I turned off the bedroom lights. Quite a bit actually as it turned out...

The following morning I was awakened by the squeaking of the bedroom door; as I slept on the far side of the door, I poked my head up to look at the door -- with a still snoring Jason next to me. It was Malcolm who had opened the door as gently as possible and was now tiptoeing towards me -- completely naked but with a flaccid cock - sneaking around the bed.

I looked at him and whispered ever so softly:"What are you doing?" worried how Jason would react seeing his grown son naked in his bedroom. Malcolm signaled me to be quiet as he walked up to me and squatted down next to the bed. I looked at him inquisitively, not having a clue what he was up to. When he suddenly produced a used condom, filled with his cum, my cunt tingled -- that's why he was flaccid. I looked at the condom, amazed by the amount of cum it contained. Even for his morning load -- which usually already was the biggest and most disgusting load of the day -- it seemed a lot; god, those pills he was taking were quality stuff! He held the condom over my face and slowly starting pouring the contents of it onto my face; I closed my eyes and kept my head perfectly still, letting him paint my whole face white. It took him more than a minute to pour and squeeze out all of his warm, chunky sperm: my nose, my lips, my cheek, my eyes, chin, eyebrows: everything was covered in a warm haze. The watery parts of his sperm began to seep down my face into my hair, ears and down to my neck. Suddenly I felt a finger against my bottom lip, gently pulling it down; I realized what he was up to and opened my mouth. Two seconds later I felt the empty condom slipping into my mouth. When I felt his finger on my lips again, I closed my mouth and started swirling the condom around in my mouth with my tongue.

"You're such a good girl." he whispered in my ear as he caressed the top of my head. Then, he got up and left.

I used the sheets to clean up the sperm from my face, but continued to play around with the condom in my mouth for quite a while... eventually, I got up, not wanting to give hubby a chance to grope me when he woke up. I took a shower, snuck back into the master bedroom to put on some clothes and went downstairs, finding Malcolm at the breakfast table, browsing through the paper. I grabbed myself a cup of coffee and sat down across from him, waited for him to look at me and then finally took out the used condom he had put into mouth more than twenty minutes ago!

"All clean." I said as I put it on the table with a smile. He smiled back at me for a few seconds; then his eyes began to wonder, lingering around my chest, obviously liking the way how I had crammed my tits into a tight white top. After staring at them blatantly for over twenty seconds, he put down the paper and walked over to me, standing behind me. He took my top and pulled it over my tits, exposing them, as I had deliberately forgotten a bra. Then he went back to his seat and sipped from his coffee as he continued to stare at them.

"I've got an extra shift at Movieworld." he said, referring to one of his temp jobs at the local video store. "10 am to 4 pm" he added.

Realizing he'd be gone a big part of the day, I got a little bit blue.

"If you want, you can come along!"

"To the video store? What do I tell your father?"

"Not my problem."

And he was right; if I wanted to get away from my husband to get fucked and abused all day, that was my problem.

Malcolm meanwhile had something else to focus on: he had gotten up and was tugging his already hard cock. He walked over to me and gently pushed my head down towards the table, until my left cheek was pressed up against it, my face close to the edge of the table. Next he put his foot on the table behind my head and maneuvered his cock towards my mouth. As soon as I opened up, he stuffed his cock down my throat and started fucking my mouth roughly, holding my head in place with both hands, applying gentle pressure to keep me in place, but not hurting me. After a couple of shoves, he started really fucking my pie hole and made me gag. "Gah... gah... gah." resounded through the room as he made me gag with every push of his massive cock. He must have liked the way I looked and sounded very much, because he came very quickly and squirted his load directly into my throat. I choked and impulsively pulled out from under his grip, coughing and wheezing as I was trying to clear the cum from my throat. Meanwhile Malcolm continued tugging his dick, flinging the remainder of his cum all over the floor. I'll be coughing and clearing my throat for another few minutes, but I sure love being that k**'s personal fucktoy, I thought to myself as I watched him leave the room, zipping up his pants.

By the time Jason had gotten up, Malcolm had already left for the video store; under the guise of visiting my mother -- who Jason didn't see eye to eye to -- I managed to get out of the house about an hour later; Jason didn't have a clue yet of what he was going to do, but that didn't matter: I knew for a fact he wasn't going to be in video store, nor at my mother's place, so I had free reign. I parked my car in the alley behind the video store and walked in; as usual, there was not a customer in sight. Malcolm smiled when he saw me come in and lead me to a small room behind the register, which was barely larger than the inside of my car. No windows, barely any lighting, movie posters on the wall and no furniture, except for a chair and a media center -- for watching movies in between customers. The red carpet tiles -- same as in the rest of the store -- clearly hadn't been cleaned in quite some time; aside from dust and dirt, there were also food and cum stains clearly distinguishable. It was a seedy, disgusting place and no self-respecting woman would be caught dead in a room like this.

"Take off your clothes, I'll hang 'm up here so they won't get dirty." Malcolm said as he pointed towards two crooked nails in the wall behind the door. So clearly, I was not only expected to stay in this seedy room all day long; apparently I was also expected to do so completely naked. As I stepped out of my shoes and started unzipping my skirt, Malcolm walked out for a minute and came back in, carrying a sleeping bag.

"There's only one chair, but we've got this lying around for... uh emergencies" he said, as he opened the bag and rolled it open on the ground. I undid my blouse and thought to myself that the sleeping bag only made the whole situation even more demeaning. After unclasping my bra and taking off my panties, I squatted down and sat down on the sleeping bag, a little uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Malcolm -- true to his word -- took all of my clothes and hung them on the nails as carefully as he knew how. As I was looking around the seedy room, trying to get used to the idea of being cooped up in here for the better part of the day, Malcolm walked up to me and kneeled down, pushing my legs open; when he reached for his zipper, I reclined on the sleeping bag and hiked up my legs, spreading them: my god, I was such a fucking slut!!!

He wriggled his hard cock into me and started screwing me slow and deep, ogling my tits as they swayed in rhythm to his thrusts; as there were no customers yet in the store, he really took his time and pounded into me for the longest time: six to seven minutes into the fucking I came a first time, another four minutes later I climaxed a second time. My whole body was tingling, my face was flushed and I was completely out of breath. Seconds after I came down my second orgasm, Malcolm pulled out and leaned back, simply staring down at his giant, throbbing cock, obscenely glistening with my cunt juices. In an impressive demonstration of virility, he kept both his hands on my knees -- refraining from exerting any extra stimulation to his cock -- and stared at it; when I saw his face contorting in pain and pleasure, I glanced down at his monster, realizing he was about to cum. Without any further stimulation, I expected him to cum no more than a few drops, maybe a small trickle, but boy was I wrong! Softly bouncing up and down, his cock spewed a first moderate glob onto my pussy, then a second glob onto my inner left thigh, then a third bigger glob onto my stomach; after each spurt, his cock began veering harder and turning more purple; after the fourth and fifth spurt also onto my stomach and bush, strangely enough it paused for about two seconds. Just when I thought it was over, a massive rope of cum burst out of his purple cock head, splattering all across my stomach, even hitting the bottom of my right tit.

"Wow." I exclaimed, genuinely surprised. Immediately after this feat of strength, his cock started going soft, although it didn't stop yet... resting against my bush, it trickled out more watery cum for about five seconds, completely soaking me down there. When he was empty, he got up, dragged his cock over the wall -- leaving behind a thin line of cum -- and then put on his clothes again. After that, he selected a sleazy porn flic from the pile of dvds on the floor and inserted it into the dvd-player. With little else to do, I sat up and started watching the movie along with him. He on a chair and me on the sleeping bag in the corner. During a gangbang scene about an forty-five minutes later, Malcolm got horny and took off his pants and boxers again, jacking his big cock for a little while as he watched the scene unfold. Suddenly he got up and sat down on his knees in front of me, prying my legs apart and pushing me on my back, shoving his big cock in me. He groped my tits and started kneading them roughly as he banged the shit out of me. A few minutes later, he pulled out and shot his load on my pussy; adding to the mess already there. He got back up, put his clothes back on and continued watching. I sat back up and just as I was thinking how degrading all of this was, Malcolm moved his chair closer and without taking his eyes off the screen, started groping my tits and tugging at my nipples. Pretty soon they were hard as pencil erasers and his tugging became quite uncomfortable, but I couldn't say anything about it: after all, that what they were there for... that's why I was here in the first place.

About fifteen minutes later, the porn flic was over. With still no customer in sight, Malcolm exchanged the porn flic with a comedy featuring the talents of Anna Faris. As the movie started playing, he took out a bag of potato chips and a couple of cans of soda from his back pack, putting them in between us on the floor. I knew Malcolm had a bit of a crush on Anna Faris and as she was half naked during most of the film, it should come as no surprise that Malcolm quickly started sporting another boner. After whipping it out, he started pumping it a little bit each time Anna did something remotely erotically. This went on for quite some time, until he suddenly paused the movie and got up. He looked like he was trying to remember something as he slowly sauntered out of the room and into the shop. He was gone for about three minutes, after which he walked back in with a movie poster and a tape dispenser. He opened the poster, which showed Anna in a very sexy outfit, not to mention a very suggestive position and using tape from the dispenser, hung it on the wall behind me, about thirty centimeters from the floor. Then he threw the dispenser on the floor behind him and started taking his pants and boxers off once again; then, having only eyes for the poster, he pushed me on my back, again and penetrated my moist cunt without no trouble.

While staring and drooling over Anna and lusting after her body on the poster, Malcolm fucked my slutty cunt, but didn't pay any attention to me whatsoever... I was just something wrapped around his cock, something that was given him the friction he needed to reach an orgasm. Holding my legs open wide by my ankles, he pounded his dick into my wide spread open cunt and really slammed into me as he lusted after his precious Anna. If his big cock hadn't felt so fucking good up my twat, I probably would have been disgusted with myself. Instead I came, shuddering quietly under him as he grunted and fucked himself to a finish. Just before he came, he pulled out and rushed over to my head, hovering his throbbing cock above my face as his cum spewed out. The sperm pills were definitely doing their job: it wasn't the biggest load he had given me this week, but it was still pretty impressive, not to mention disgusting as he soaked nearly my entire face with his goo. With his face just two inches away from Anna's face on the poster, he groaned loudly as he milked his balls dry on my face! Just as he was finishing up, the little bell on the front door rang indicating that a customer had entered the store. Malcolm grabbed a handful of my hair to clean his cock off on and then quickly put his boxers and pants back on as he walked into the store, closing the door behind him.

With no tissues at my disposal, I scooped up the biggest globs from my face and wiped them on the wall, the carpet and the edge of the sleeping bag; I didn't bother with the residual drops and just left them on my whore face to dry. I just sat there, with my back against the wall, legs slightly apart, one knee hiked up, my left hand casually playing with my bush and my clit, mainly because there was nothing else to do, but also because -- would you believe it -- all of his abuse had left me more than a tad horny, despite the moderate orgasm I had just been given. By the time Malcolm came back in, about twenty minutes later, I had two fingers up my wet twat and was relatively close to making myself cum. He glanced at me, saw what I was doing but simply sat back down on his chair and pressed the play button on the remote, resuming the movie. It was this sincere indifference and total lack of consideration for me -- which I had nurtured and rewarded from the very beginning -- that pushed me over the edge and caused me to climax violently. I trashed and rolled around on my sordid sleeping bag as I frantically fingered myself through another climax. As expected, Malcolm continued watching the movie and didn't even look at me anymore until long after my orgasm had passed. On top of Malcolm's cum -- which I had wiped on it -- and god knows how many other body fluids from god knows how many other people, the sleeping bag was now also drenched in my cunt juices. Although it felt a little moist against my skin, I just laid there, staring at the ceiling, waiting for whatever was going to happen next.

Gratified and drunk on sexual pleasure, I decided to close my eyes for a few seconds. However, I dozed off and those few seconds quickly became two hours. When Malcolm woke me up with a gentle nudge, I looked at the clock on the wall and was surprised that he had managed to go that long without abusing me in some depraved way. As I would soon find out, he was saving up for something special!

"Get up." he ordered. "The guy that works the afternoon shift will be here in an hour and I want to be done with you by the time he gets here." I got up and followed him -- like a good little slut -- into the empty store.

"Wait here." he said as he walked to the front door, turned the 'OPEN/CLOSED' sign and bolted the door in two places. For a second I thought he was going to fuck me right in the middle of the store, but no such luck! Instead, he led me to the back of the store, where we entered a narrow, dark hallway; at the end of which we took a left.

The thick, wooden door was all but hanging off its hinges and the whole locking mechanism had disappeared completely. When we walked in, I couldn't believe my eyes: I had never in my life seen such a dirty, grungy, broken-down restroom. There were two urinals and one stall; one of the urinals was out-of-order -- as indicated by the cardboard sign tied to it -- and the other was running, and leaking water. The wooden door of the stall was in even worse shape than the main door; it had been vandalized so badly that I wondered what magical force was keeping it from falling apart right there on the spot. There was graffiti -- and other writing -- on nearly all of the walls, including profanities, names and phone numbers. The cracked mirror above the small sink was missing more pieces than I could count and the neon ceiling lighting was flickering to such a degree that it could provoke epileptic seizures. Leaky faucets and pipes, and overflowing urinals -- not to mention careless restroom visitors -- had created a sort of permanent wetness over the entire floor, culminating in a few puddles where the floor wasn't perfectly even. Countless cigarette butts and pieces of paper napkins all over the soaking wet floor just gave the whole room that extra grungy-look.

Who in their right mind would come in here to use the bathroom? Not to mention what I was about to do, or let Malcolm do to me; after all, he hadn't brought me there to wash my hands or fix my make-up! While I had a good look around, Malcolm took off his pants and shirt, throwing them on the wet floor; after disposing off his boxers in the same casual way, he grabbed his half-hard cock and pointed it at me. I knew what he wanted and so I sunk to my knees right there on the soggy, disgusting floor. I opened my mouth and started bobbing my head up and down his hardening shaft. Several minutes later, Malcolm pulled out of my mouth, walked around me and gave me a nudge forward. I placed my hands on the slippery floor and repositioned my knees slightly apart. He kneeled down behind me and without even a hint of foreplay -- or even a slap on the ass as a warning -- penetrated my cunt in one fluid motion. I just stared at the wall in front of me as he fucked me, rocking my body and causing my tits to sway back and forth. I was a depraved, cheating, i****tuous whore and I couldn't have cared less; the only thing on my mind was getting Malcolm's cock shoved into me as often as possible and taking as much of his cum as he could spew out. I was his to use and to abuse, even if that meant getting fucked like a dog on the filthy floor of what was probably one of the grimiest restrooms in the country.

After another few minutes, Malcolm pulled out, got up and grunted: "On your back." I turned around, sat down on my ass and slowly reclined, feeling the cold, dirty water squirting from between my backside and the floor. As soon as my head touched the ground, I literally felt my hair starting to soak up all the grimy fluids around me!

Malcolm smiled down at me -- visibly pleased with the effortlessness with which I was willing to disgrace myself upon his simple request -- and kneeled down again; he folded my knees back onto my stomach and rammed his hard cock up my stupid twat yet again. His hard thrusts, combined with the slippery floor, caused me to slide away from him; instead of using his grip on my knees to keep us in place, he simply repositioned his knees over and over again, moving us closer and closer to the wall. Pretty soon, I had to use my hands to prevent my head from hitting the wall with every push. The scandalous, demeaning position I had been maneuvered into was clearly turning Malcolm on as he started fucking me even harder and deeper, which in turned caused me to moan like the downright whore that I was. After banging the shit out of me for another minute -- and almost making me cum in the process -- he jumped up, grabbed his cock with his right hand and started pumping it. As he looked down at me, his cock spewed out five thick strands of cum, which he wastefully splattered on a random spot on the floor. After disposing of his impressive load -- without getting as much as a single drop on me -- he grabbed his clothes and looked at his watch.

"Harold will be here in thirty-five minutes... don't be here when he gets here!" he said.

And with that, he left the restroom, leaving me there to wallow in humiliation and self-loathing. After ten seconds or so, I got up and started looking for some paper towels or basically anything to dry myself off with. Unfortunately, there wasn't a dry paper towel to be found. So I staggered out of the restroom and carefully made my way back to the employees room, dripping all over the red carpet in the store. Despite the fact that Malcolm's knees, hands and parts of his thighs and chest had gotten soaked as well, he had simply gotten dressed. Due to the lack of a shower, a towel or even some paper napkins, I was pretty much forced to do the same.

After putting my clothes on, over my soaking wet skin, I tied up my drenched hair in a knot, grabbed my car keys and asked:"See you at home?"

"Yeah, I'll be there as soon as Harold arrives." he said as he squeezed my tits for a second. He reopened the store and let me out through the front exit, which meant I had to walk around the entire block to get to my car. I was disgusted with myself as I felt my clothes clinging to my skin and my soaked hair still dripping down my back. By the time I got to the car, I could actually smell the restroom water on me; after opening a window, I drove home as quickly as traffic would allow it. I parked in the garage and headed straight up to the bathroom to take a long, hot shower. When he heard me coming up the stairs, Jason called out to me, informing me that he was putting together our new Ikea wardrobe -- we had bought the thing over a month ago, but had never gotten around to putting it together.

After shouting out that I was going to take a shower, I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door from the inside -- just in case he was planning on getting romantic or something. I stripped and disposed of my soiled clothes in the laundry hamper, then stepped into the shower. For about five minutes, I just stood there, letting the warm water run down my body, taking most of the sweat, cum and smut with it. Afterwards I lathered and rinsed, and shampooed my hair about half a dozen times before I finally felt clean and presentable again. Then, I blow dried my hair and rubbed some scented oils all over my body. When I eventually left the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, Malcolm was waiting for me in the hallway, wearing nothing but his boxers. After briefly glancing over to the master bedroom where Jason was still assembling the new wardrobe, he yanked my towel away and roughly grabbed my breasts, pinning me against the wall. Then he got on his knees, pushing his unshaved face against my pussy. With his left hand he lifted my right leg, opening me up so that his tongue could find my freshly washed clit and started going down on me right there in the hallway!

I grunted and writhed against the wall, enjoying the oral pleasuring my boy was giving me... and apparently it wasn't just for my benefit, because after a minute or two I noticed him wriggling out of his boxers and starting to jerk his big dick, yet again. Although he was slowly driving me insane with his incessant licking and nibbling on my clit, Malcolm was unable to make me cum, as my heart skipped a beat each time Jason stopped making noises in the master bedroom. After several more minutes, Malcolm rose to his feet and maneuvered me onto my knees and hands, parallel along the wall separating the bathroom from the master bedroom. Although there was no direct line of sight between Jason and us, the risk of getting caught was now very high; and yet I didn't resist, I just sat there on my hands and knees, waiting for Malcolm to stick his cock into me again.

After ramming it up my cunt and thumping me hard for a little while, he unexpectedly pulled back; I assumed that he was either going to spray his load onto me or shove his cock in my mouth. To my surprise however, he nudged his cock against my asshole! Startled, I turned my head and looked at him over my shoulder. I couldn't believe he would pick these circumstances to fuck me up the ass for the first time. There were dozens of things I wanted to say to him as I felt his cock forcing its way into my backdoor, but as usual, I ended up saying absolutely nothing and just letting him do whatever he wanted. Malcolm went really slow: it took him almost two minutes to push all of it inside of me -- stretching me to the limit -- and nearly six minutes to deliver his first thrust, actually fucking my ass for the first time. But after that first one, he soon picked up the pace and began screwing my ass harder and faster. The ratio pain/pleasure was much more agreeable than I had feared; as a matter of fact, it was the occasional jolt of mild pain that was making me hornier and crazier than I had ever been before. That, off course and the realization that my son was sodomizing me! His fucking dick was so far inside of me that even the slightest movement caused me to shudder with pleasure.

To say that I climaxed would be an understatement of monumental proportions; the orgasms -- three! -- Malcolm pounded me through were more intense and more gratifying than anything I had so far experienced, with any of my previous sexual partners. I kept my lips pursed together to prevent me from squealing like a pig, while breathing shallow and fast through my nose. When Malcolm ultimately, after shooting his load deep in my bowels, pulled out of me, I collapsed on the ground, breathing extremely fast and feeling my heart pound in my chest. I knew I would be sore for the next couple of days, but I simply didn't care! I rolled onto my back and covered my face with both hands as I started sobbing, trying to come to terms with the astounding amount of pleasure that had ravaged my body...

Realizing I wouldn't be able to get up or think straight any time soon, Malcolm picked me up in his strong arms and carried me back to the bathroom, where he gently put me down in the tub and turned on the water. After locking the door, he got in the tub behind me and wrapped his arms around me. As the tub slowly filled with warm water and I felt his heaving chest against my back, I smiled and closed my eyes, thinking how much fun it was being a complete slut for my son!

My sister called me late Saturday night: one of her best friends' husband had been in a car accident and she wanted to drive over, to provide some moral support. As she didn't want to leave her husband Jason and her son alone for too long, she asked if I could 'babysit' Malcolm. I thought it was odd for a 19-year old boy to have a sleepover at his aunt's house, but I knew Malcolm and his father didn't see eye to eye, to say the least. Besides, it was none of my business. I was single, so I didn't have anything that I couldn't get out of; I agreed to pick up Malcolm Sunday morning and promised that he could stay as long as necessary. When I got there around 9am, Malcolm was all set to go; my sister had already left, so it was just him and his dad. Out of courtesy, Jason invited me in for a minute, but since I could feel the tension between them, I decided against it. After quick goodbye, Malcolm put his luggage in the trunk and we drove off. Although there was room next to me in the passenger seat, he apparently preferred to sit in the back seat, so I let him. He looked like your typical teenager: baggy clothes, iPod in his ears and silent as the dead. It was a long drive back to my house, so I welcomed the initial peace and quiet.

There was very little traffic and the car stereo wasn't on, so except for the humming of the engine, the car was pretty quiet. Suddenly I heard a familiar whooshing sound, like skin rubbing against skin. I looked back in the mirror, but all I could see was Malcolm staring out of his window, at first. Upon closer examination I noticed that his whole body was gently rocking back and forth. At the same moment, I heard his breathing getting louder and more erratic. Surely he wasn't... I thought to myself as I quickly glanced at the back seat – after making sure the road was clear. What I saw left no room for interpretation: Malcolm had taken his huge, swollen cock out and was wanking it in a steady pace.

Oh my god, I thought, as I faced forward again, fighting a smile. His iPod prevented me from making a calm, gentle remark, and I sure wasn't going to make a scene over this. I simply put on some music to zone out his rubbing noises, figuring the less awkwardness the better. A few minutes later, I heard him panting and wheezing – loud enough to surpass the car stereo; I knew very well what was happening, but looked back anyway. With his head tilted back and his eyes closed, Malcolm furiously jacked his massively swollen cock until it exploded. To my surprise he did nothing to contain his sperm, quite the contrary actually: he purposely wobbled his ejaculating cock around loosely in his fist, sending drops of cum flying in all directions. He just didn't care: his clothes, the back of the seat in front of him, the door, the window, the floor... virtually everything got plastered in his thick cum. When he was done, I quickly faced forward again, pretending I hadn't seen a thing. In retrospect, that might not have been the smartest thing to do, but what else could I do: make a scene? Kick him out of the car for rubbing one off? I figured it was best to ignore the whole thing. About half an hour later we stopped for gas; Malcolm had stepped out of the car and was stretching his legs by walking around.

As I got back in the car, he opened the passenger door and asked. "Is it okay if I sit here?" briefly taking out his iPod to wait for my reply.

"Sure." I replied. That way you can't get any more cum on the backseat, I thought to myself.

We fastened our seatbelts and I drove off.

Nearly an hour later, I quickly glanced over at him – as I did every couple of minutes; I couldn't believe it: he was at it again! His right hand was pumping up and down his hard shaft as he was gazing out of his window. Surely, he had to realize that I would notice; I guess he simply didn't care. Annoyed, I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't find the right words to express my indignity; besides his iPod would require me to either shout or touch him, neither of which seemed like the right thing to do. As I was weighing my options, he suddenly turned his head, briefly looked at me and then turned back. Now he knew I had been watching. God, how did this become so complicated so fast. By not speaking up as soon as I had the chance and now getting caught watching him, it was as if I was complicit. So, once again, I just focused on the road and tried not to look at the masturbating that was going on right next to me, which I noticed from the corner of my eye anyway. For minutes on end, I kept staring in front of me as Malcolm kept pumping that big dick of his relentlessly, probably working up another big load. Although I was a bit curious to see him cum again, I was also hoping he wouldn't blast all over my car again. Unfortunately, I got my wish: when we were about ten minutes from the house, Malcolm suddenly undid his seat belt and got on his knees on his seat, facing me. Surely, he wasn't going to... I thought as he leaned forward, putting his free hand against my head rest for support and furiously pumping his dick with the other. Just over a second later, his cock juice started squirting out: all over my right arm, the steering wheel, my blouse, my skirt... some of it even splattered against the right side of my face! I hit the brakes and swerved off the road, but by the time I had pulled over safely, his balls were empty and he was getting back in his seat.

Nevertheless, I yanked at his iPod, pulling the earplugs from his ears and shouted:"What the fuck Malcolm? I may have been willing to overlook the fact that you came all over the backseat but this is inexcusable... look at me, I am a mess; there's cum everywhere: the steering wheel, my clothes, there is cum ON MY FACE for Christ sake, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I am sorry." he said. "I thought you'd be cool with it."

As I took some tissues from my purse and started cleaning his cum off my face, I said:"What on Earth could make you think that I would be okay with something like that, for fuck's sake!"

"Sorry aunt Erin, it won't happen again." he said, as if he was apologizing for leaving the water running. Although I was still very angry, I decided not to pursue the matter any further; I had said my peace and he had apologized; as far as I was concerned that was the end of it!

When we got to the house, he took his suitcase and went up to the guestroom to unpack. I had calmed down in the meantime and decided to order some pizza. About an hour later, we were at the dinner table, eating pizza and talking, catching up on what he'd been up too lately – which wasn't much. Towards the end of dinner, my boss called, enquiring about some big project I had been working on. I had barely been talking on the phone for half a minute, when I noticed Malcolm's right hand disappearing under the table. After a few seconds I noticed his arm starting to make familiar movements; I couldn't believe: he was whacking off again! I gave him a stern look – it was all I could do without interrupting my conversation with my boss – but he simply stared back, unimpressed. After about five seconds, his gaze lowered to my cleavage and my breasts. Disgusted with his behavior, I got up and walked into the living room, while I continued listening and talking to my boss. After sitting on the couch for about three more minutes, I was baffled to see Malcolm suddenly walk up to me with his cock in his hand, still jacking it. He stopped right in front of the couch, aiming his big dick at me and started ejaculating thick, fat cum ropes onto my clothes: my skirt and blouse, which already had some dried up cum on them, now received a full cum shower. I tried to get up and move out of his line of fire, but he was standing so close to the couch that I couldn't; at least not without a fight, and that would surely have alerted my boss. After spewing some additional cum on my arms, my skirt and my bare legs, he shook his cock around a bit and then walked back into the kitchen.

He did not just do that! I said to myself as I jumped up and looked down at my clothes and skin. I paced around the living room, staying clear of Malcolm till the phone call was over: he was going to get one hell of an earful as soon as I got off the phone!

By the time I did – nearly fifteen minutes later – his cum had all but dried up and his blatant transgression already seemed less critical, but still, I wasn't going to stand for this! I stormed up to the guestroom, barging in and found him playing with his phone.

"Look, you pervert." I shouted. "I don't know what disgusting little game you're playing here, but it ends here and now... if you feel the need to pump your cock and empty your balls, you do it in private! You don't do in front of me, and certainly not on me. Is that understood?"

"Yes aunt Erin." he replied. Although he sounded sincere, nothing about his body language or behavior indicated that he was the least bit sorry. "I just got so horny when..."

"I don't wanna hear it Malcolm." I interrupted him. "Stay in your room for the rest of the day!"

And with that, I walked out of the guest room, slamming the door shut. As I walked into the bathroom and took off my cum stained skirt and blouse, I realized that I wouldn't be able to enforce his imprisonment if he challenged it. Luckily, he didn't. After using a wash cloth to clean his dried up cum off my skin and throwing my soiled clothes in the hamper, I put on some sweat pants and a loose t-shirt and went downstairs to watch some tv. Malcolm wisely hid in his room as requested, and except for hearing him fix himself a sandwich around dinner time, I couldn't even tell he was there.

Around 10pm, I woke up – I must have dozed off during the film – as I felt something on my face; I opened my eyes and noticed Malcolm stepping away from me, holding his big cock. When I noticed a bead of cum hanging from his purple mushroom head, I feared the worst. Out of the reflex, not really thinking things through, I put my hand on my face and felt his thick, warm cum clinging to my face: needless to say, it was a lot! Except for my eyes, which he had apparently skillfully avoided, nearly all of it was drenched. Baffled by his audacity, I looked at him, then at my hand briefly – part of me still not believing what I knew had happened – and jumped up, running towards the kitchen, screaming:"You fucking brat!"

After rinsing off my face and washing away his cum, I used the kitchen towel to dry off my face and stormed back into the living room. He was just standing there, holding his shrinking – but still impressive cock – just looking at me. It was clear that he wasn't the least bit worried about my reaction!

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed. "I told you this morning that your behavior was not acceptable, and that was just for you cumming on my clothes. Now you're cumming in my fucking face?! What the hell is wrong with you, you little shit?"

"I am sorry aunt Erin." he said.

"Don't give me that crap! This is the fourth time you've cum in my vicinity and the third time you've cum ON me... IN LESS THAN A DAY... I don't know what you are, but you're definitely not sorry! Get out of my sight." I shouted.

As he started walking out of the living room, I added:"And I assure you, there will be hell to pay when your mother gets back, you perverted little fuck!"

As I looked at him, I could swear he was smiling just as he stepped out and closed the door behind him. My god, he had gotten me so angry.

As I pondered my predicament and thought back to everything he had done to me so far, I suddenly felt a familiar feeling between my legs. I jumped up, suppressed everything I was thinking and feeling and went to bed. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop myself from replaying everything that had happened over and over again in my mind. Part of me, actually started rationalizing Malcolm's actions: he was a 19-year old boy, his sex drive was probably driving him crazy, no girlfriend to take his frustrations out on and as far as his cum was concerned: it washes off. And it wasn't as if I had never taken a facial before!

Then, my rational side kicked in again: he was not my boyfriend, he was my nephew; there are some boundaries which shouldn't be crossed. Eventually I spent more than an hour thinking and arguing with myself. I twisted and turned for hours, desperately trying to get to sleep, but I was too horny. Eventually, close to morning – from pure exhaustion – I finally fell asleep; only to be awakened by my cell phone barely two hours later.

It was my sister, calling to check in and inform me of the situation: her friend's husband was still in the ICU; all of the surgery had gone well and the doctors were mainly hopeful, provided he would wake up on his own in the next few hours. When she asked to talk to Malcolm, I hesitated for a second, questioning whether I should inform her of her son's behavior or not, but decided against it: this was hardly the time nor the way to have this kind of talk. I got up and walked into the hallway, trying to find Malcolm. After checking the bathroom, I figured he was still sleeping, so I walked into the guestroom. To my modest surprise, he was sitting on his knees in the middle of the bed, masturbating, with my black panties – the ones I had worn yesterday – d****d over his face, the crotch of it positioned under his nose. Not only did he not stop masturbating; he exploded as soon as he saw me, proudly blasting his rich cum all over the bed and onto the floor next to it. What was I going to do now? Rat the k** out, ruin everyone's day? Or play it cool?

"Um, he's in the shower at the moment. I'll have him call you back okay?" I said as I took a step back and closed the door, glancing at his spewing cock again. As I finished the phone call, I walked into the bathroom and gently closed the door, leaving it a little ajar. I put the phone on the sink and leaned forward towards the mirror, looking at myself, wondering what I was going to do about Malcolm. Just then, he walked in, butt naked and threw my used panties back in the hamper, looked at me and asked:"What's up?"

"Call your mother." I replied, as I watched him step into the shower and turn the water on. "I wanna talk to you about something else!"

"Like what?" he asked, looking back at me in the mirror.

"Like what? Like your behavior Malcolm, this is not a healthy situation!" I blurted out. "You can't just use my underwear for your personal pleasure, I am your aunt!"

"So? You're also a woman, and I like the way your pussy smells!" he replied brazenly.

I was speechless... I didn't know what to say or do anymore. When I glanced at him for a second, in the mirror, I noticed him staring at my ass. My extremely short night gown – which barely covered anything as it was – had ridden up because my leaning forward on the sink and had thus exposed most of my ass crack. It dawned on me that I had also walked into his room like that; no wonder he had ejaculated as soon as I walked in, I thought. I had to keep up appearances, so I grabbed a towel, covered myself up as much as possible and said:"We'll continue this conversation when we're both dressed."

I walked out of the bathroom and headed for my room, kicking myself for wearing such revealing sleeping attire in front of a 19-year old boy, who had already been pumping out more cum than your average male porn star. I put on a blouse and a skirt and headed downstairs, where I started breakfast.

"Good morning." he said when he came down about ten minutes later.


We didn't speak for several minutes as we both knew the topic I wanted to discuss and neither of us felt the need to ruin breakfast over it. However, as I was skimming over the newspaper and sipping from my coffee, I noticed his right hand slipping under the table.

After a few seconds of highly recognizable movements, I sighed and said:"Malcolm, could you please stop pumping that thing for five minutes?"

"I am sorry aunt Erin, I can't help it... my cock gets so fucking hard all the time!" he replied.

"Watch your language, young man." I replied sternly, yet I didn't order him to stop jerking, and with every second that passed, it became harder to tell him off. After about fifteen seconds, I just gave up and continued reading my newspaper. I could also simply have walked out of the room, but I didn't. The sounds of him pumping his dick filled the room and made it virtually impossible to focus on anything else. Suddenly, after a matter of minutes, I felt cum splattering against my bare skin: the little bastard had jerked himself to a finish and was simply dumping his cum under the table, onto my legs. After quickly moving my legs out of the way and checking whether my skirt was still clean – it was – I decided to let this one go and sipped from my coffee. I really didn't want to start screaming again; besides I had had the chance to stop him a few minutes earlier.

After breakfast, I used a kitchen towel to clean the cum off my legs and went for a walk, figuring both Malcolm and I could use some alone time. When I came back, nearly three hours later, I found him lying on the couch in the living room, watching a movie and pumping his cock for a change.

Trying indifference as a new approach, I walked right past him, towards the kitchen and asked:"At it again?" Even at a glance, I could tell he had been beating off for quite a while; his cock was huge, throbbing and dark red from all the blood pumping through it. I felt my pussy tingling as I walked into the kitchen, trying to get the image of his giant erection out of my head. As I sipped from a bottle of water, Malcolm walked in, still pumping it.

Worried what he might do – and what I would allow him to do – if I didn't react, I forced myself to look at him strictly and said:"Malcolm, could you please go do that somewhere else?"

"Can't I just do it in front of you? I mean, you've seen me cum before, right?" he replied.

"Malcolm, I don't..."

"I want you to watch me empty my balls, right here!" he interrupted me.

"But I..."

"Please, please aunt Erin! I want to look at you as I cum... you're so beautiful!" he cut me off again.

I knew it was a line – a cheesy one at that – but still he got me to doubt myself for a second. At least, this time he had the decency to ask for permission first, I told myself. I was rationalizing his inappropriate behavior, because a big part of me wanted this to happen too. After taking another glance at his big, fat cock, I heard myself say:"Fine, but not on me; not on my clothes and not on my body, okay?"

"You got it!" he said as he – quick as a cat – climbed on the kitchen counter and started jacking off furiously, fast and hard. Barely twenty seconds later, the first, thick jet of cum shot of his cock and effortlessly covered the whole distance clear across our small kitchen, splattering against the lower cupboard on the other side of the kitchen. Immediately several more jets blasted out, as he moaned loudly and waved his cock all around, making sure there was cum flying in all directions. After five or six large jets, he started catapulting small droplets all over the place: on the counter, the floor, the cupboards on each side of him, the kitchen sink, the kitchen table and chairs two meters away from him. There literally wasn't a thing left in the kitchen which didn't at least have a speck of cum on it; including me... although I had moved as far away back as I could as soon as Malcolm began ejaculating, he had managed to hit my shoes with several drops.

"Are you empty now?" I asked rhetorically, highly impressed by the sheer amount of sperm he'd shot around. Malcolm hopped off the kitchen counter and squeezed out the last string of cum as he passed me by, deliberately drawing a gooey, white line across my red skirt. As soon as I felt him brushing up against me, I turned and looked down, but the damage was already done.

"God damned Malcolm." I said as I grabbed a paper towel nearby and wiped his juicy cum rope off my skirt; the little bastard had blatantly violated the only restriction I had imposed. On top of that, he vanished as soon as he had gathered his clothes; so it was up to me to clean up all of his cum, which took me nearly ten minutes and about as many paper towels.

At least he had the common sense to stay in his room for another couple of hours. In fact, I didn't see him again until I called him down for dinner. He took his sweet time coming down and as a result I was already sitting down, eating, when he walked into the kitchen. When he eventually walked in, I was hardly surprised to see his large, swollen cock hanging obscenely over the waistband of his boxers. Just like before, the poor thing looked like he had been beating it for quite some time. I sipped from my red wine as I glanced at it. God, just the sight of it made me horny as hell. He walked up to me, jacking off furiously, aiming his swollen cock at my bare left arm.

I had ignored him, screamed at him, threatened to tell on him, reasoned with him... nothing so far had had any effect. Everything I had said and done, had only emboldened him.

In a desperate attempt to end this madness, I proposed a compromise:"Look Malcolm, I can relate to your teenage desire to cum 24/7 so I am willing to turn a blind eye to you walking around naked, stroking your dick and even to spurting your fuck sauce anywhere in my house." Okay, that sounded less disgusting in my head, I thought, genuinely shocked after hearing myself use the words 'fuck sauce'. I don't know out of what depraved part of my brain that term came from, but it made me even wetter and hornier than I already was. It hadn't missed its effect on Malcolm either as he began pumping his cock harder and faster. Get a grip Erin, I told myself, realizing I needed to focus on the rest of my speech.

"The one thing I will not tolerate anymore is getting sperm on my person; not on my clothes and definitely not on my skin: it's not only very inappropriate and disgusting, but also plainly disrespectful. Do you understand, Malcolm?"

"I understand, aunt Erin." he grunted as he used his non-wanking hand to push my face down firmly into my plate, pressing my right cheek into my food while he jacked himself to a finish and spurted his gooey cum all over my left one. I was appalled, disgusted and humiliated, and yet I didn't fight him. I didn't try to get up or push him away. I'd like to tell myself that he was too strong, that it wouldn't have made any difference, but I know better. It took him nearly twenty seconds to unload and cover the entire left side of my face with his spunk. As soon as he was done and released his hold on my head, I suddenly felt the need to protest.

As he quickly turned and started walking away, heading towards the hallway, I followed him and shouted:"Goddamned Malcolm, you fucking asshole."

With one half of my face covered in food and the other in warm, thick sperm – and my cunt as wet as it had been in a long time – I yelled:"I just told you not to do that and you big fat did it anyway, didn't you... you pig!"

Right in front of the stairs, he stopped to face me. He looked at me condescendingly but didn't say a word; anyone else might have been afraid to get slapped in the face or kicked in the balls, but not Malcolm. Taken aback by his indifference and his arrogance, I stopped right in front of him, not really sure what to say or do next. After three of four seconds of complete silence, Malcolm took a step back, moving one step up and then another one. Although I kept looking him straight in the eye, I could see his cock coming into view. Unbelievable! He had just unloaded a monstrous load onto my face and was still as hard as a rock.

In a desperate attempt to regain control over the situation, I said the first thing that popped into my mind:"There's only possible explanation: you really don't have the least bit of respect for me, do you?" I don't know what I was thinking...

Malcolm smiled as he simply put his hand on my head and gently pushed down. Reacting purely on instinct, I sank to my knees, opened my mouth and allowed him to put his erection in my mouth. Pretty soon, his hands were both guiding my head and I was letting him fuck my mouth; in the lewdest, most disrespectful, way possible.

What was I doing? Why was I letting him get away with this abuse?

Sure, my cunt was soaking wet, but surely that alone wasn't enough? Or was it? While my brain entertained these and many other considerations, I just sat there, letting Malcolm use my mouth like a dirty sock to jack himself off with. No wonder he didn't have any respect for me, I didn't deserve any! Stupid cumslut I thought to myself as I felt his cum splatter against the back of my throat. Without moving any other muscle, I just swallowed twice to remove all of his juice from my mouth and waited patiently until he was done with me. After wiping his cock on my lips, he turned and walked up the stairs, leaving me sitting there: soiled, confused, abused and degraded.

After five or six seconds, all the boiled up lust and humiliation exploded deep within me and the primitive part of my brain took control. I got up, unzipped my skirt and pulled it down along with my black panties; then I got back on my knees and crammed three fingers up my twat and just started finger fucking the shit out of myself. Like a sex-crazed teenager I masturbated frantically for several minutes before squirting all over the runner rug; it wasn't enough. I quickly leaned forward on my left hand and continued diddling myself with my right hand. On my hand(s) and knees – like a dog – I came a second time... and still it wasn't enough. I got on my back on the runner rug with my legs high and wide, spreading myself completely open and once again I shoved my fingers deep into my cunt. Explicit images of Malcolm jerking off and ejaculating flashed through my head. I relived every one of his indiscretions over and over again until I exploded in a third and extremely powerful orgasm. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was breathing so fast that it made my mouth dry: I was positively exhausted. I knew that if I relaxed too much, I would surely fall asleep right there, so I crawled back to my feet and stumbled up the stairs. After cleaning the food and cum off me and freshening up a little bit, I went straight to bed.

When I woke up the following morning I had to pee, so I stumbled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet – still half asleep, yawning, barely able to keep my eyes open – when suddenly Malcolm flung the door open and stormed in, rushing towards me. Before I realized what was going on, he was standing over me – his feet on either side of the toilet – and was whacking off furiously. Almost immediately his cum starting shooting out, flying all over me: on my nighty, my legs, my arms, but it was my face that took most of it and got absolutely soaked.

"Oh for heaven's sake, Malcolm." I said as I leaned back and tried to move my face out of his line of fire, keeping my eyes clenched shut. Although he continued to cum on my face for at least five seconds after that, I just kept that pose and did nothing further to discourage him. I could have pushed him away, slapped him, ran out of the room, but I just sat there, timidly moving my head back as if that was going to change anything. By simply leaning forward a few inches, he had no trouble whatsoever soaking the rest of my face! When his balls were empty, he pushed the tip of his still big cock against my nose and wiped off a small residual glob of spunk. I knew that by not objecting, I was encouraging him, but it seemed like I had given up the fight. Ever since last night, when he made it perfectly clear that he didn't have any respect for me, something inside of me had snapped; although I still didn't appreciate getting his cum flung in my face, I no longer felt the need to object. After using my nose as a tissue, he started rubbing his half-hard cock on my lips. He ignored my halfhearted attempts to stop him and forced it into my mouth. I don't know why, but I started rolling my tongue around his small prick and sucking on it. Even when he pushed my head down towards his balls, I started licking them. No resistance, no objections, no whining; I just lapped away at his warm, hard balls as long as he wanted me to. I was a slut! I thought to myself. I had allowed a 19-year old boy to take advantage of me, and not just once, but systematically ever since I picked him up two days ago. I had objected, but not loud or convincing enough. I had reprimanded and punished him, but without any credibility. In retrospect, it had all led to this! Bit by bit, the boy had... had... domesticated me, I thought to myself. God, that word sounded nasty. I got so fucking horny thinking about that word: domesticated!

Malcolm had domesticated me!

Meanwhile I kept licking his balls and flaccid cock, realizing I needed a cold shower soon or I was going to do something – even more – stupid. I managed to refrain from playing with myself until he turned and walked out of the room several minutes later. I quickly hopped into the shower and started rinsing off his cum. It seemed that all I was doing lately, was cleaning Malcolm's cum off one surface or another; usually my clothes or my skin. Even after a fifteen-minute shower, even though the water was pretty chilly, I was still horny as fuck! After I had finished toweling off and blow-drying my hair, I wrapped the towel around myself and walked into my bedroom. As I was standing in front of my wardrobe deciding on what to wear, I suddenly noticed Malcolm standing in the doorway, wearing absolutely nothing. His cock was flaccid, but that didn't stop him from eyeing me lustfully. Our gaze met and we just stared into each other's eyes, lusting after one another; after about a minute, I undid the knot that was holding my towel up and let it fall to the ground, exposing myself to him just like that. Although the little brat had already flung more cum onto me than my last three boyfriends put together, he still hadn't seen any intimate part of my body. By dropping that towel, I had just changed all that! While I was watching him, his cock started getting up, in one fluid motion, from a flaccid average wiener to the giant erection I had come to expect of him. God, that transformation was so fucking hot! My heart was beating in my throat, my skin was glowing with lust and my mouth – not to mention my cunt – was watering.

He smiled and just ogled my body; his cock standing fully erect now, pointing straight at me, nearly perfectly perpendicular with the floor. We hadn't spoken much all weekend, and Malcolm wasn't going to start now: he simply looked down at his cock, then at me. It was enough to communicate his wish: without any hesitation, I walked over to him, looking him in the eye and sank to my knees right in front of him. I wrapped my mouth around his dong and started bobbing my head up and down it, slobbering over his pole like a bitch in heat, which was pretty much exactly what I was. Aside from fisting his shaft with my right hand every now and then, that's basically all that happened for the next seven or eight minutes: I just sucked his cock. Without any sort of warning, he suddenly emptied his balls in my mouth – getting his cum into me for the second time. I swallowed and coughed a little, swallowed some more and then finished sucking him off like a true slut. When he pulled his half-hard cock out about two minutes later, he simply turned around and walked away. I rose to my feet, licked my lips and glanced at my wardrobe for a second; the decision as what to wear had suddenly become very easy! I smiled as I walked out of the room stark naked, wearing nothing but a pair of slippers and headed downstairs.

Breakfast was pretty normal, aside for the fact that we were both naked and I was so horny that my pussy was perpetually moist. I writhed and shifted around constantly on my chair, not knowing what to do with my pent up sexual energy. The thought of jumping his bones had crossed my mind – several times in fact – but I decided against it; I couldn't quite explain it, but for some reason I felt like the initiative had to come from him, as it had been for the past two days. Thankfully, Malcolm, as soon as he had finished his breakfast, slid off his chair and disappeared under the table. A few seconds later, I felt him prying my legs apart and roughly stuffing two of his long fingers up my cunt. I gasped and before I could exhale, he started pumping his fingers in and out of me, fast and deep. I slammed my hands on the table and started moaning promptly as he started finger fucking me like a jackhammer. I closed my eyes, reclined in my chair and clawed at the table, all in preparation of that wonderful moment that was approaching very quickly now. About forty seconds later, I started bucking and trashing in the chair, squealing extremely loud. It was so nasty, so... wonderfully vulgar! Just when I thought the best had passed, Malcolm pulled me off my chair and onto my knees and quickly reinserted his fingers. I started moaning almost instantly as my pelvis instinctively started grinding back against his hand. He didn't even need sixty seconds to make me cum again. When I had had about three of these mind-numbing orgasms, Malcolm finally pulled his fingers out, softly, but as sudden as he had stuffed them in and crawled out from under the table. I reclined and just laid flat on my back on the floor, my eyes closed, just enjoying the aftermath of the longest series of orgasms of my life!

When I opened my eyes again, Malcolm was standing right next to me – his huge erection bouncing obscenely up and down – looking down at me and my naked body. A few seconds later, he pushed the dining room table back about a meter and got on his knees next to me. As he kept looking into my eyes, he reached out to gently touch my left foot. Instinctively, I lifted my left leg up so he could get in between my legs. There wasn't a doubt in my mind as to what he was going to do next. When he was in position, he took my left leg and put it on his right shoulder, then pushed the tip of his giant cock against my battered entrance and wriggled it in. Carefully, he shoved his cock into me all the way. My god, this k** was hung like a fucking mule! He gently lifted my right leg and put it on his left shoulder, then put his hands on the back of my knees and bent my legs towards my chest, spreading me completely open. Then he started fucking me, slowly and shallow at first. But over the course of the next few minutes, he gradually started pounding into me harder and faster. With the precision of a Swiss watch, Malcolm kept shoving his dick into me, fucking me through yet another orgasm. No matter how much I screamed, bucked and shook, Malcolm kept my knees tightly pressed up against my chest and kept slamming into me relentlessly. He was like a machine: one orgasm faded into another and before long it was all a blur. I couldn't take much more without passing out; Malcolm, however, didn't seem to be getting tired and showed no signs of getting close to any kind of climax. I was more than impressed with my nephew's stamina. I tried to hang in there a little while longer, but at a certain point my body simply couldn't take any more pleasure!

"Please Malcolm, no more... please... I... no... please stop." I panted as I felt the room spinning.

He slowed down and pulled his erection out of my drenched cunt, finally offering me some relief.

"Will you jack me off, aunt Erin?" he asked innocently, like a c***d asking for a cookie.

"Off course honey." I said as I was trying to normalize my breathing.

Having anticipated a positive response on my part, he was already crawling towards my right hand as it reached out to grab hold of his cock. A few seconds later, he was on his knees, perpendicular to my body, getting jerked off by his slutty aunt Erin. After barely twenty strokes or so, he arched his back and started splattering his cum across my stomach. As I looked down curiously, I realized he probably could have cum at any time during our marathon fuck; apparently the little brat had an impressive level of self-control. The amount of cum that shot out of his dick was nothing short of astounding: I had never seen so much sperm in my life; it took me nearly half a minute to tug and squeeze every drop of cum out of his balls. My stomach and my tits were completely covered in gooey ropes, my belly button had been covered up by a little pool of cum and there were specks of nut juice all over my arm, my legs, my hands and the floor! Just like before, he got up and left the room as soon as he was done. Maybe that was a good thing, I mean, it's not like we were going to cuddle or anything. Still, it felt slightly disrespectful... which was probably the objective. I got up, walked up the stairs and stumbled towards the bathroom where I took another shower. Sexually satisfied now, I no longer felt the need to walk around naked anymore, so I put on some clothes and headed back down. After making myself a hot cup of tea, I got comfy in on the couch with a good book, trying to think back to what had just transpired. Roughly three and half hours later, I heard Malcolm coming down the stairs and walking into the kitchen. After having a snack and something to drink, he walked into the living room, wearing nothing but his black boxers.

"Hey aunt Erin, wanna fuck?" he blurted out, not the least bit uncomfortable about asking me that. I was flabbergasted; I simply couldn't understand how a boy – granted, a big, well hung boy – could be so powerful, so self-assured, borderline arrogant.

After I hesitated for a few seconds, he reached in his boxers, hung his half-hard cock out and asked:"Well?"

Although I wasn't the least bit horny, I put down my book and said:"Sure."

I was housebroken, there was no doubt about that; I got up and unbuttoned my jeans, as he took off his boxers and gave his cock a few tugs.

Then I stepped out of my jeans and took off my t-shirt; while I reached for the clasp of my bra, he said:"Get on your hands and knees." pointing at living room floor. After taking off my bra and panties, I turned my back towards him, sank to my knees and leaned forward on both hands. He got on his knees behind me and stuffed his nearly fully erect cock up my pussy. After the first shove, which wasn't particularly slow or careful, there was another one, and another one; each one harder and deeper than the one before. So, there I was: getting fucked like a dog in my own living room by my sister's son, and I was loving every second of it! I don't know why - probably because it felt so much nastier – but I did my very best not to move a single muscle: I kept my hands and knees firmly pressed against the floor and kept looking at the same random point at the wall in front of me. No matter how hard Malcolm pounded into me, I didn't moan and I didn't move; even when he made me orgasm around his fat cock, I kept my lips pursed together and convulsed as discretely as I could. I doubt that he even knew that I was cumming. Not that he necessarily would have given a fuck; he didn't seem the least bit interested in the rest of my body: he hadn't reached out for my tits, hadn't caressed my ass, hadn't pulled my hair, he hadn't even moved his hands since he had grabbed my hips. He just kept fucking me, impersonally driving his massive cock into me over and over again, until he suddenly started moaning and wheezing. I knew he was about to cum – and was probably going to shoot it up my cunt – and yet I didn't move. I just sat there, feeling him stretch me as he dumped his seed into me. As soon as his balls were empty – he was still hard as an iron bar – he pulled out, got up and nearly tripped as he stepped over me: he couldn't get out of the room quickly enough! Not bothering with putting his boxers back on, nor giving me the time of day, he just hurried out and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Erin, you're such a whore!" I thought to myself as I looked down at my naked body, still in the same lewd position he had fucked me in and had emptied his balls into. After about twenty seconds, I finally snapped out of it and sat up, using his boxers to clean myself up down there. I got dressed again, grabbed a soda and a snack and sat back down on the couch, trying to pick up where I had left off in my book. Needless to say, I didn't have my full attention on the story anymore and my mind wandered off more than once. Being distracted as I was, I barely managed to read two chapters in the next hour. Having lost all interest in the story, I nodded off to sleep. When I woke up about an hour and a half later, I needed to take a leak. After passing by the kitchen to put my dirty glass and plate in the sink, I headed for the toilet. When I was done, I walked back into the living room, as the interest in my book had returned and I was planning on reading another couple of chapters before having to start dinner. But there was Malcolm, stark naked again, standing in the living room browsing through the book I had been reading.

When he noticed me walking in, he looked up and asked:"Is this your favorite genre?"

"Yes, although I also enjoy a good mystery novel too." I replied, hardly shaken up anymore from seeing his giant erection bouncing up and down.

He closed the book and put it down, then moved towards me as he said casually:"I was thinking I could cram my cock up your ass and butt fuck you for a while!"

I was outraged: no man had ever been that rude to me; it was the most explicit and disrespectful thing I had ever heard. Although my brain was screaming: Get a grip, say something... don't just let him fuck you in the ass, you slut! my mouth remained silent as Malcolm – who was now right in front of me – started fidgeting with my jeans, undoing the button and zipper, before pushing it down to my ankles.

Next thing I knew, I stepped out of my jeans and raised my arms to help Malcolm take off my t-shirt. Although the prospect of getting his big cock crammed up my backdoor scared me considerably – especially since he didn't have any lube – I still didn't object and just looked at him as he unhooked my bra and took it off. When he took my hand and led me into the dining room, I noticed a small bottle of lube on the table: the little bastard had planned this well, I thought to myself as he pulled down my panties and guided me to the edge of the dining room table.

"You've taken a cock up your ass before, haven't you aunt Erin?" the insolent boy asked as he poured some lube on his hands and applied some on his hard cock as well.

"Uh... yes... a couple of... times." I stammered as I reclined and opened my legs to feel his well-lubed index finger wriggling into my backdoor. Once I was sufficiently lubricated to his liking, he pulled his finger out, nudged his cock against my asshole and looked me straight in the eye as he pushed forward. I gasped as I felt him slip in. For support and comfort, I leaned back on one hand and put the other around his neck, gently lifting myself up to ease the penetration. Gently, he started shoving it deeper and deeper. Pretty soon, I felt like a stuffed turkey, although his cock was only halfway in. I gasped and moaned like a little schoolgirl as he pushed a little further still and then stopped, holding his cock perfectly still. I held my breath as I felt his cock throb in my butt. Then he started up again, delightfully stretching and filling me up, conquering a few millimeters with every new thrust. Gradually, he picked up the pace and the lingering discomfort faded to the background... god, this was so fucking nasty!

Just as I was thinking that, I saw my sister Casey – Malcolm's mother – standing in the doorway, gawking at the scene. "What the fuck is going on here?" she asked redundantly...

My life flashed before my eyes. What had I done? How was I going to explain this? I wouldn't be able to; I mean, my nephew had his cock balls deep lodged in my slut ass and I was moaning like a bitch in heat. Not with twenty of the best lawyers would I be able to talk myself out of this one. In the blink of an eye I could see this incident ruining my entire life; being branded a pervert and an i****tual slut, my family and friends would turn away, if word got out I could lose my job. I tried to get up, causing Malcolm's cock to slip out of my ass briefly. He seemed to be unaware of her presence or he just didn't give a fuck, because he put his hand on my torso, pushed me back down and reinserted his dick back into my ass and started fucking me with renewed vigor. I wasn't planning on just letting him fuck me with my sister watching us - and probably about to kill me - but once he started slamming his hard cock into my ass again, there was little else I could do but lay there, moan and brace for the next impact.

"Malcolm, what the fuck?" Casey shouted. Malcolm, who had his back to her, now turned his head in surprise, confirming my suspicion that he simply hadn't heard her the first time. Once he laid eyes on her, I could actually feel his dick getting even harder in my ass, stretching me, even though he wasn't moving anymore. Casey, who was wearing a very short, red skirt and a black top - revealing several inches of her tummy - kept looking for a few seconds, glancing at her son and me alternately before turning away in disgust and storming out of the room. Malcolm turned to follow her and pulled his dick out of my slut ass in the process; with his fat, throbbing cock leading the way, he headed for the living room, leaving me there, with my ass spread lewdly open. I quickly closed my legs and hopped off the table as I watched Malcolm disappear; once he was out of sight, I heard some minor struggling and some angry whispering coming from my sister, followed by some whispering coming from Malcolm. I looked around for my clothes, remembering that Malcolm had taken them off into the living room. Realizing I was as much to blame as Malcolm, I wanted to go after him. I didn't want him taking the fall for this alone.

So, with nothing to cover myself up with, I tiptoed towards the living, finding it somewhat odd that I couldn't hear any more struggling or whispering. Imagine my surprise, as I peeked around the corner, when I saw Casey leaning with her back against a wall, her skirt pushed up and her panties down and Malcolm's index and middle finger lodged knuckle deep into her sopping cunt. They had been out of sight for less than twenty seconds, she couldn't have put up much of a fight!

"Oh my god!" I uttered out of shock and surprise, immediately feeling uncomfortable for having caught them in the act. But to my even greater astonishment, they didn't seem to be impressed, worried and distracted in any way by my presence. I could actually hear the sopping sounds of my sister's cunt being worked over by her son's fingers. Neither of them seemed to have any reservations about what they were doing.

I just stood there, butt naked, watching Malcolm finger fuck the shit out of my sister - his mom! - in my own living room. Apparently I wasn't the only i****tual slut in the family. Realizing I was in less trouble than I had imagined, I relaxed a little bit, taking a small step closer to the spectacle. If they had no trouble doing that in front of me, then I figured I shouldn't be ashamed for taking a closer look either. I watched as Casey moaned and slithered against the wall, holding onto her son's shoulders with both hands. Her screams were getting louder and sluttier with every passing moment; she wasn't going to last much longer.

"Oh Malcolm... oh, yes... oh fuck... oh... OOOOOOOHHH!" she screamed as she clenched her eyes shut and her body convulsed several times. After fingering her through her orgasm, he pulled his fingers out of her, rather rough, causing Casey to gasp.

Without missing a beat - while Casey was sinking to her knees - Malcolm asked her, "Mind if I finish her?" referring to me with a hand gesture. Casey didn't reply - it was clear to all that it had been a rhetorical question.

As Malcolm turned to face me and started walking up to me, I backed away and whispered, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Finishing what I started," he replied insolently, grabbing his cock and wanking it, getting it fully erect again in just a few strokes.

"Wait a minute..." I whispered, still backing away into the dining room.

" ... you can't just pick up where you left off, after doing... her."

"Sure I can," Malcolm said, still following me.

"We should probably talk about this," I said as I bumped into the table with my ass, finding myself right where back where we started.

"Yeah, we probably should," Malcolm said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, as he lifted me up and sat me down on the table, pushing me onto my back as he placed the tip of his cock against my cunt. Somewhat relieved that he wasn't going after my ass again, I suddenly didn't feel the need any more to complain or whine, so I reclined a little bit and looked down as he pushed his dick into me. Very quickly my raging lust crushed whatever misgivings I had and allowed me to start enjoying the shafting I was receiving, again. After about thirty seconds of fucking me up my slutty cunt, he pulled out and positioned the tip of his cock against my asshole.

Startled I looked down and whispered, "You're not seriously thinking off putting it back up my aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... oh my god."

It was too late, he had already shoved it in; I closed my eyes and grunted.

After fucking my ass for about half a minute, he pulled out again and rammed it back up my cunt; he alternated at least six or seven more times, before I had had enough. Not that I didn't enjoy getting fucked in either hole, but his constant switching prevented me from getting off, or even coming anywhere near an orgasm.

With my eyes closed, I made a desperate gesture with both hands and grunted, "Malcolm, will you please make up your mind and pick a hole already!"

"Yes Malcolm," I heard my sister whisper, "Pick a hole and fuck your aunt Erin like the whore she so desperately wants to be."

Startled, I opened my eyes and looked at my sister - fully dressed again - who walked up next to Malcolm, smiling down at me. Although I knew she was around, I hadn't expected her to come in into the room to watch me get fucked. Then again, I did see her get fingered in the hallway too.

"Hey sis," she whispered, smiling down at me.

"Hey [grunt]," I replied.

"Enjoying yourself, you little slut?" she asked as she walked up to the table, standing next to me.

"You're one to [grunt] talk, he's your son [grunt]!"

"You're right, It would be a tad hypocritical to hold that against you, now wouldn't it," she whispered as she began caressing my arm with her fingers. I smiled at her and as Malcolm kept pounding into me, I realized he had apparently made up his mind as he had been fucking my cunt for more than a minute now. As I finally began to feel an orgasm brewing deep inside of me, Casey's fingers wandered off to my chest and began playing with my nipples, gently caressing and tweaking them. As time passed she became bolder and started rolling them between her fingers, even tugging them a little bit. By the time I actually orgasmed, she was really yanking them, wonderfully hurting me and thus providing me with some extra pleasure.

When Malcolm came about half a minute later, he took a step back and pumped the goo out of his big dick as he groaned loudly and remarkably calm. I looked up and joined Casey in staring at the young stud who was shooting fat ribbons of cum onto the carpet underneath the table. When it was empty, he wiped his cock disrespectfully on my inner thigh and left. Now that everyone had had a chance to get his/her rocks off and with Malcolm gone from the room, I expected things to get awkward real fast again between my sister and me. But, while I hopped off the table and gathered my thoughts for a moment, Casey walked into the living room and came back with my clothes. As she handed them to me, she smiled and whispered, "I think we need to have a little talk, don't you agree?"

"Thank you," I said as I took my clothes, "That's probably a good idea."

As I got dressed, Casey sat down at the dining room table; apparently she had no problem sitting and talking where her son had pounded my cunt and asshole only minutes before... coincidently, neither did I. After getting us both a soda from the kitchen, I sat down across from her.

We were both completely open and frank with each other; she told me how things between her and Malcolm had started, how she became a cumslut and how he had humiliated her to her very core on multiple occasions, how he had given her all sorts of disgusting facials, how he had fucked her in every hole and finally, how he had destroyed her in the video store. The revelation about his sperm and erection pills cleared up a lot of questions as well; that's why he was always hard and cumming like a fucking horse. Then it was my turn; I told her how Malcolm had lured me into his trap, how he had ignored my futile attempts at resistance and how I had finally given into his arrogance and how he had used me as his fuck toy ever since. Our stories were pretty similar and I could only imagine how Malcolm would have degraded and abused me further if Casey hadn't intervened. After we were both done talking, a silence ensued, which quickly became more awkward than the whole past conversation put together.

"Do you still put out for Jason?" I asked, desperate to break the silence.

"Are you k**ding me? Even if I wanted to, I don't think I 'd have the time, with Malcolm sticking his thing in me several times a day and cumming on me every chance he gets," she replied.

"You're bad," I smiled, "Ignoring your husband like that."

"I know," she smiled as she sipped from her soda.

"So, what now? Where do we go from here?" I asked, addressing the elephant in the room.

"Hey, don't look at me, I am just a fucktoy," she replied with an evil grin.

"... just a dumb, willing cunt..." she added as she took another sip.

"... something to cum on and..." she continued.

"Ok, I got it!" I interrupted her as her nasty talk was starting to make me wet again.

"Sorry," she smiled, realizing her words were probably having the same effect on me as they were having on her. "I guess I'll go and talk to Malcolm, see what he has in mind for us," Casey said as she finished her soda and got up, walking out and heading upstairs.

While I waited for her to return, I flipped through a few nearby magazines and finished my soda. About seven minutes later - a lot sooner than I expected - Casey came back down.

"He wasn't in a very talkative mood," she whispered as I noticed her left cheek was covered in slimy goo and her skirt was ripped to pieces; whatever was left of it, she was holding in her right hand. In her black top and white panties, she walked straight into the kitchen to wash her son's cum off her face. I was startled, but not more than that. After everything Malcolm had done to me in the last few days and from everything I had learned he had done to my sister, his mother, this could hardly be described as a shock. After drying off her face, she walked back into the dining room and we started talking some more. There we were, just two dumb cunts waiting around for an arrogant, young boy to tell us what to do; it was like we had no will of our own. We both tried to be more okay with the situation than the other person, it was like a contest of who was the biggest slut.

Eventually we ran out of things to say to and turned to reading magazines to pass the time.

About an hour later, Malcolm walked into the living room, wearing nothing but his black boxers and called out, "Erin, could you come and suck my cock please."

"No more aunt or aunty Erin," I thought to myself as I got up, "Just Erin apparently."

As I walked into the living room, he slouched down in the couch and flipped on the TV, spreading his legs fully so I could kneel in between them. I caressed his crotch through his boxers for a few seconds as I got comfortable - I figured I was going to be there a while - and then carefully took out his cock, wrapping my mouth around his big tip. He inhaled sharply, but never took his gaze off the TV. Slowly I started sliding my mouth up and down his pole, blowing the little bastard. After several minutes, he suddenly whispered, "Take out your fat tits."

Without taking my mouth off his cock, I took off my t-shirt, then reached back and unhooked my bra. After throwing it on the ground beside me, I cupped them in my hands, pushing them up as far as I could and as close to my face - and his cock - as possible. He reached out and absentmindedly played with them, squeezing the soft tit flesh, pulling at the nipples and circling my aureolas with his fingers, all without taking his eye of the TV.

After making me suck his cock for another couple of minutes, he said, "Take off the rest of your clothes, turn around and get on all fours."

I did as I was told, taking off my jeans and panties, no doubt in my mind what he was going to do next. Once I was in position, he said, "Face on the floor, use both hands to spread your ass cheeks."

"The little fuck is going after my ass again," I thought to myself as I obeyed his command. I felt him positioning himself behind me, but instead of feeling his cock enter me or even touch me, I simply heard him jacking off. God, this was a demeaning position! Which was probably what was fueling his lust; that, and the thought of what he was going to do next.

Suddenly he stopped jacking off and pushed the tip of his cock into my ass, stretching me. As I was already bracing myself for a serious ass fucking, I suddenly heard him groan and felt him convulse behind me. He was spurting his cum into my ass without having given me one decent shove! Feeling even more like a filthy whore than before, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I waited for Malcolm to pull his cock out of me; as he did, he dragged his flaccid cock across my left ass cheek, leaving behind a gooey line of cum.

As he slapped my right ass cheek, he said, "Thanks Erin," and sat back down on the couch.

Degraded and abused, I crawled to my feet, gathered my clothes and scampered out of the room; in the kitchen, I used a paper towel to clean his cum off my ass and then put my clothes back on, all while Casey was watching me from the dining room. While Malcolm continued watching TV, I went back into the dining room, talked to Casey for a few more minutes and then went back to reading magazines.

After another hour or so, Casey said, "How about we start dinner?"

"Sure," I replied. After browsing through the cook book for almost twenty minutes deciding on what we're going to make, I made a pitcher of ice tea and went into the living room to hand Malcolm a glass. Still in his boxers, he was watching a loud action movie.

He took the glass, smiled warmly and said, "Thank you aunt Erin." I returned to the kitchen and while I started preparations, Casey ran to the grocery store for some additional supplies. When she got back, we opened a bottle of wine and got to work.

About an hour and a half later, Malcolm's movie was over and he walked into the kitchen, his empty glass in his hand. Casey was stirring gently in the pot, while I was leaning onto my elbows on the other side of the kitchen island - talking to her - my back (and ass) towards the door. Malcolm came up behind me, put his glass down on the kitchen island and pressed his crotch against me. Our conversation stopped as Casey smiled at me; I put down my own glass and got up. After riding up against my ass for a few more seconds, he put his hands around me, holding his hands open an inch from my rack, ready to cup my tits. I looked down and took a sharp breath as he actually grabbed them. Malcolm mauled and squeezed my big tits, pulling my nipples through my clothes at the same time. After playing with me like that for a minute or two, getting me all wet and fired up, he let go of my tits and unbuttoned my jeans in the front, pulling them down along with my panties.

I glanced over my shoulder at him, breathing heavily. Although I knew my sister was right there, less than two meters away from me and probably gawking at us, I didn't have the nerve to look at her right now, so when I had my eyes open, I just stared at the kitchen island. Malcolm pushed me down, forcing me to lean on my elbows again and nudged his hard cock in between my legs. Using his fingers to feel around down below, he guided his erection into my wet twat. As he began fucking me, he grabbed the neckline of my t-shirt and ripped it down the front so his hands could push my bra up to free my tits. Not that he felt the need to actually touch my naked breasts; he simply wanted them to sway back and forth as he continued pumping me.

Several minutes later, he pulled out and whispered, "Stay like that," as he walked around the island to where the kitchen stove was and where Casey was still stirring.

Realizing he was coming for her, she turned the stove down all the way and put down her spoon she was using. Malcolm walked up behind her, put his hands in her sides and guided her into the same position as I was in, right across from me. Our faces were now only about 10 to 12 inches apart. As we looked at each other, Malcolm pulled down his mother's panties - she hadn't bothered with putting on another skirt - and inserted his big dong into her willing, wet cunt. She closed her eyes and I noticed her fingers of both hands opening up and attempting to claw at the stone surface. With her mouth wide open and her eyes closed, she took the next thirty seconds of hard pounding her son was giving her. As he fucked her, he also freed her tits from her bra, but did so without ripping any clothes - apparently one ripped piece of clothing per slut was his quota.

"Stay like that," he said, now to Casey, as he pulled out of her and walked over to me, positioning himself behind me. As he entered me again, it seemed like he had grown another inch or so. My god, he was fucking huge! I could feel him bumping against my cervix as I moaned and groaned unabashed, once in a while opening my eyes and looking at my sister. She looked flushed and clearly horny as she was constantly playing with one of her tits. A few minutes later it was her turn to get fucked again. Malcolm kept switching between our cunts, each time walking around the kitchen island with his rock hard cock veering up and down. I knew it was probably the result of his erection pills, but it was still an impressive sight nonetheless. After ramming it into each of our cunts at least ten times and fucking us hard for several minutes every time, he decided he had had enough.

"You sluts ready for the big finale?" he asked as he climbed onto the kitchen island, having just pulled his cock out of my battered cunt. Neither of us replied as we knew it was a rhetorical question; besides we were both panting like a couple of asthmatic grannies, so we probably couldn't have formed a coherent answer anyway. He got on his knees in between us, his throbbing erection right in the middle of the gap between our faces, and used both hands to nudge our heads closer together. Casey and I licked our lips and each started slobbering over half of his cock, running our lips and tongues over his fat shaft. The skin of his cock was so stretched that it seemed like it was going to burst open, his tip was dark purple and his balls felt extremely warm. Everything about his genitals indicated that he was going to cum soon, and big! With two slutty mouths stimulating him, it was soon indeed! Barely ten seconds later, he arched his back, howled and pushed our heads apart, away from his crotch. As we hadn't been ordered to take it in our faces, we tactfully stayed out of his line of fire and watched as six fat, disgusting strings of cum splattered onto the kitchen island's stone surface.

Malcolm groaned as he deliberately refrained from grabbing his cock and jacking the shit of it; Casey and I glanced at each other and shared a wicked smile as we realized that he was denying himself a proper climax. His cock helplessly veered up and down, as if it was reaching out to be touched, but Casey and I simply looked at it, unsympathetically, and - not so - secretly enjoyed its suffering.

It wasn't until every drop of sperm had left his cock that Casey suddenly wrapped her mouth around it and started cleaning her son's pipe thoroughly. As Malcolm moaned, clearly enjoying his mom's tongue bath, I couldn't help but be amazed at how sexy she looked. When she had had her fun, we all put our clothes back on, which resulted in quite an unusual sight: Casey was missing a skirt, I was missing a top and Malcolm, well... Malcolm was wearing nothing but boxers. During dinner, we all talked and shared some more secrets and Malcolm provided me with some more explicit details of what he had done to his mom since their affair had started. Off course, he returned the favor, providing Casey with some intimate and nasty details about me. Luckily, since he'd only been boinking me for three days, there was less material to go through. On the question of where this little ménage a trois was going, he had no clear answer.

All he said was, "I am expecting a phone call... a lot will depend on that; give me another day."

After dinner, we talked and played some board games while enjoying multiple glasses of wine. During the course of the evening, I had wondered several times about the sleeping arrangements, asking myself what would be less weird; Malcolm sharing the guest room with his mom or sharing my bed while his mom was alone in the guest room. When it was time to turn in, Malcolm simply asked,

"You girls can share a bed, can't you?" thereby rendering the issue moot.

Casey and I looked at each other for a moment and, figuring we'd come this far, nodded and whispered, "Sure," almost in unison.

"Good," Malcolm smiled contently and gave us each a peck on the cheek before heading upstairs and jumping in the shower. After finishing our wine, Casey and I headed upstairs as well, into the master bedroom.

A bit uncomfortable, but encouraged by the memory of recent events, we started undressing. It was remarkable, to say the least, that I was going to share a bed with my sister, just because her son, my nephew had proposed it. Off course, the fact that we were both his willing bitches had everything to do with it. When we were both in our underwear, Malcolm poked his head in and said, "Shower's free."

"Go ahead," Casey said.

"Nonsense," I replied, "My house, you're my guest. You go ahead."

Dressed in just her panties and bra, she walked out of the master bedroom and into the bathroom to take a quick shower, washing everything but her hair. When she came back out, about ten minutes later, she was completely naked, holding her panties in her hand and said, a bit uneasy, "I guess there's not much point in putting these on again, is there?"

"No," I smiled as I took off my bra and panties as well and walked past her, butt naked and went to take a quick shower myself. After cleaning up the bathroom and turning off all the lights, except for the master bedroom, I walked back in and also felt a brief moment of embarrassment as Casey stared at me from under the covers. Instead of simply walking around, I jumped on the bed and hopped over Casey, causing both of us to giggle nervously.

As I crawled under the covers as well and felt the heat of my sister's body, I gently reached out to touch her body, saying, "I feel like a naughty teenager all over again."

Again a nervous giggle, then she asked, "What are we supposed to do now?"

"I don't know... anything we want, I guess," I replied.

After a few moments of silence, Casey asked, "So, what would you..."

Her question was interrupted by a gentle knock on the door, followed by Malcolm coming in, stark naked and whispering, "Good, you're still up." When I peeked over the covers, I could see his hard cock sticking out like a third leg.

He walked up to the bed and straddled Casey's chest as he wrapped his right hand around his shaft and began beating his prick barely two inches from her face. As I looked at Casey's face, I could see her wide smile slowly vanishing until there was nothing left but submission and simple, uncomplicated lust as she stared up at her son, jacking off in her face. The situation became even lewder as Malcolm folded back the covers with his left hand, exposing my tits and began kneading the closest one, while staring into his mother's face, jacking off like a wildman. I remained perfectly still and just let him do whatever he wanted to. As he got closer to his orgasm, he tweaked and pulled at my nipple, up to the point where I squirmed in discomfort.

When he reached his climax, he used the hand that was abusing my tit to lean against the wall in front of him and brought his cock all to way down to Casey's face, almost touching her skin. He grunted as he applied the necessary pressure on his cock to make his cum ooze out instead of spurting out with force. With his throbbing tip pressed against the bridge of Casey's nose, his syrupy cum gently and slowly flowed down both sides of her nose, onto her cheeks and down her face, onto her shoulder and finally onto the bed. The fact that she kept her eyes open, looking up at her son the whole time he was dribbling cum onto her face, was very intoxicating. When he was almost empty, he raised himself up a little bit and squeezed out the very last drop of cum onto her lips.

"Night mom," he said as he got off the bed and walked towards the door.

"Night aunt Erin," he added as he closed the door.

I looked at Casey who licked her lips, tasting some of his cum and then taking a deep breath.

"That was..." she whispered, as she extremely carefully touched the cum on her right cheek with her fingertips.

"Disgusting," I whispered, doing my best to contain a smile.

"So disgusting!" Casey said, as the two of us burst out in a loud giggle. I reached out to my nightstand and handed my sister a box of tissues.

As she took one and started wiping the cum off her face, she whispered, "God, I am such a fucking whore!"

She smiled at me as she continued with a second, third and fourth tissue.

As she handed me back to the box when she was done with it, she said, "I think we'd better call it a night, don't you?"

"I guess so," I replied disappointed. After what had just happened, I was really horny and I would have licked her twat, had she asked me to, but she didn't. I guess she wasn't quite in the mood. So I pulled up the covers, covering my tits up again and turned off the light.

"Night Casey," I whispered.

"Night Erin," she replied.

It took me quite a while to actually get to sleep and a considerable amount of self-restraint not to finger myself under the covers, but I figured I wouldn't be able to get off properly anyway.

In the morning I was awakened by Malcolm pushing me onto my back, straddling my chest and crudely cramming his fat cock into my partially opened mouth. His giant tip had barely passed my lips when he moaned loudly and began pumping rich, thick cream into my mouth. God only knows how long he'd been jacking off next to our bed. In the heat of the moment, Malcolm pushed his cock a little too deep down my throat, causing me to gag and cough. As his fat, throbbing cock was blocking most of my mouth, his cum burst out through my nose and around the sides of his dick. This only seemed to edge him on - big surprise there. Roaring even louder than before, he pulled out of my mouth - giving me a chance to breathe again - and grabbed his dick enthusiastically, flinging whatever cum remained in his balls onto my face. By the time I had inhaled deeply a few times, clearing my throat after every breath, Malcolm was empty and dismounted me. He sat down next to Casey, who was wide awake and had been watching the whole thing - judging from the wide grin on her face.

"Time to start packing ladies, today is the first day of our new lives!" Malcolm said as he got up and turned towards us, his half-hard cock still oozing some cum.

"What are you talking about?" Casey asked, clearly as confused as I was.

"We're taking a trip," Malcolm replied.

"A trip? Where? For how long?" Casey and I kept bombarding him with questions.

"Remember Jonathan?" Malcolm said as he looked at his mom, "My friend from a few weeks back, who fucked and facialized you, multiple times?"

"Yes yes, what about him?" Casey said, eager to forget that particularly slutty moment in her recent history.

"Well, after letting him dump his cum in and on you all day long, I was able to convince him to talk to his father who's in politics. It took some convincing, but... we're in, we're going to Heaven!"

"Heaven?" Casey and I looked at each other, even more confused than before.
Publicado por canadianbbw
1 año atrás
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Love the story
That's is the hottest fucking story I have ever read! ! ! ! !  And I definitely want some /a lot of the pills that Malcolm is taking! ! ! ! 
Amazing story. bring on more!
Great story! Hope there's more!
Another Great story!