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MyManThugLover Chapter3 I heavily, awakening to a bright Saturday morning sun. D-Money was gone, no doubt abandoning me sometime during the night to in the1st bedroom with my boyfriend Jman. I yawned and stretched my muscles, feeling an instant sharp pain shoot through my and battered rectum. "Oh!" I yelled aloud, recalling the night before, and the events which got my insides to aching so much. I couldn't believe I'd been the centerpiece of a actual gangbang last night. That I took so many thug dicks in my ass and mouth at one time. D-Money certainly succeeded in turning me out if that was his intentions. I had to clench my already achingly sore asshole tighter just to keep the 2cum loads inside D-Money had shot into it last night. I was slow to sit up on the edge of the bed. I didn't want to risk another sharp pain from moving to fast. I figured my insides were shoved aside, poked and plundered enough from all the fucking they had gotten, and that they just needed a little time and opportunity to fall back into their proper places.I managed to make my way to the bathroom where I was able to relieve my blatter, then I made way down the back stairs to the kitchen. It was a mess. I opened the refrigerator. It was empty of course. D-Money's friends were sure to eat us out of house and home while they fucked the hosts silly."Ungrateful bastards" I thought to myself. At Least they left the uncooked food such as eggs, bacon, and vegetables. I closed the refrigerator door and made my way through to the living room where I found D-Money slumped down in my easy chair watching tv. He was wearing my favorite black silk pajamas and had his feet crossed on the glass coffee table. I had on some flannel bottoms I managed to find in the 2ñd bedroom closet. "Where's Jman?" I asked politely, looking around at the mess we made last night. Jman may have been a lot of things, but messy wasn't one of them. If he was up, this place would have been cleaned spotless by now."Gone." D-Money said without looking up. "Gone?" I repeated."When? Where?"Yup. Sumtime last night. Packed all his and split while we was '." D-Money said, more engrossed in the tube then our conversation. He was watching an episode of X-Men Revolution."Just like that?" I asked."No note? No nothing?" I said stunned, sitting down on my cum stained couch. The fabric looked ruined. It had a regal stench to it, that reminded me of Chicken Of The Sea. It would take days to scrub it clean. D-Money pointed back into the kitchen over his shoulder with his thumb."Check da trash." I walked back into the kitchen, and rumbled through the top of the trash can which was filled to the brim with 40 oz's and cans of my imported brewed beer, as well as all my liquor bottles. I found a crumbled piece of white paper which must have fallen down the sides into the can. I un-crumbled it, and read the short note written in Jman's handwriting which as soaked in stale beer."I'm OUT!" it stated quaintly."Fucked up ain't it?" D-Money said, kicking his way through the trash and bottles on the floor. "." I mumbled aloud."just like that, down the drain."Right? Bitch ain't even say g'bye n'. I wouldn't minded bangin dat ass one last time either." D-Money stated, peering into the empty refrigerator."Guess it's just me and you now B." he added, smacking me on my ass as he exited the room."We can make due without his tired old ass. Make me some breakfast babe." Life with D-Money was no bed of roses. Taking Jman's place as his "new boy" (as he called it) wasn't easy. I still had my 9 to 5 job to contend with, but on top of that, D-Money expected me to keep the house clean, food on the table, and him happy & satisfied in the bedroom all night long. He allowed me to move back into the 1st bedroom which I was to share with him (mostly because he didn't like to alone, and because he loved to with his dick either up against someone's ass, or in it). Every morning before work, I'd have to awaken D-Money with an early morning blowjob, sucking his oversized dick to completion. D-Money loved his morning blowjobs, and he loved watching me swallow and savor his thick loads as I choked them down my throat. Only then am I allowed to shower away all the sex from the night before, and ready myself for work. Usually, my asshole (which stayed sore the first few weeks after replacing Jman in our bed) twitched and screamed for release the morning after a night of D-Money feeding it his thick brown monster and hot cum. I would stand in the cold ring of the tub, and let the hot water splatter all over my body. The stinging waters would succeed in washing away the sticky substances which clung to my body like paste. My asshole would dilate briefly, and an entire evening's worth of discarded cum would excrete from my soft bowels, washing away down the drains. Most days after showering, I'd have to kiss D-Money good-bye on the lips like a loving wife, then rush out the door to work (provided he didn't spring another morning erection while I was getting dressed, and demanded to fuck). Usually my days at work would go by uneventfully, except with an occasional phone call from D-Money (whom the receptionist still believed was my cousin) reminding me who's bitch I was. But sometimes (around once or rarely twice a week) D-Money would stop by my office, and make me suck his dick, Just to show me who was boss in the relationship. I'd long ago told Sally (the receptionist) that I wasn't to be disturbed when my "cousin" was in. One day, I'd just come back into the office after having an early leisurely luncheon with some of the guys at work before a 1pm staff meeting, when I came across D-Money sitting behind my desk with his feet up smoking a blunt, and making a long distance phone call to his "peeps". Daniel (my closest associate at work) and I stopped in our tracks at the door. The smell of marijuana hit our noses the instant we opened it."D-Money!" I said somewhat startled, and embarrassed. Daniel (Dan), cleared his throat, and straightened his tie nervously."Uh, Brandon...I think I'll get back with you later about that file. I'll see you at the meeting." he said, before turning and exiting my office promptly. He didn't want to be anywhere near my office incase any of the bosses past by and smelled the marijuana, or have it sented in his clothes at the meeting. I also think he was a little scared of D-Money's demeanor. He did indeed look the part his thug life suggested. I closed the door behind him, pulled out a can of floral spray, and doused the room with the scent of spring flowers. Then I turned my attention to D-Money. After taking his time finishing his conversation, D-Money hung the phone up, and eyed me sternly."Where da fuk you been?" he asked indignantly."To lunch." I said, standing. "Wid dat muthafuka Dan again!" he said, sounding jealous."We're work buddies-" I defended."-sometimes we do lunch together."Dat all yall do?" he asked, now sounding suspicious. His hands folded across his belly like an inspector."Yes." I answered."What else we supposed to do? He doesn't know anything about what we...you and I...do."Kewl." D-Money said, looking more relaxed."If he did know, would you be down to kick it with 'them?" he suddenly asked after a brief thought."No." I answered immediately."I don't want or need any negative pressure going around the office about me."Whut, you scured these niggas'll want some more of that fine firm azz I been molding'?" he chuckled to himself. He then felt up the rising hardon in his pants, and commanded I come closer. "No-" I said in response to his question, even though I was sure he wasn't looking for one."-I'm afraid they'll think unwisely. I don't want to see my career held up for something that I am not." The smug look on D-Money's face told me he thought differently. I made my way around the desk to stand beside D-Money as he sat in my seat. My dick was already betraying me, causing my slacks to tent out slightly. D-Money reached up and started my butt."Not instead huh?" he moaned, ignoring my hardon and caressing both his dick and my ass at the same time."Faggots atta all you can eat glory hole at Mardi-gra don't like dick as much as your ass do!" D-Money griped."I know' niggas dat'll if they knew how good this here azz really was. Them white boiz out there in them offices all be lining' up to get up in this all natural grade-A black boy-pussy of yours. You think your boy Dan wouldn't be in line if he knew how sweet you really was? He'd probably dick your gay faggot ass down everyday at lunch time. Think you'd like dat?"D-Money, please" I begged, nervous that his comments may be cleverly disguised threats."Please what nigga?" He knew he had me over a barrel."Please don't tell anyone. I'll do whatever you want please" D-Money smiled contently."So you'll be my complete bitch? Do whatever I tell you, whenever I tell you?"Yes." I said without hesitation.D-Money sat back in my chair."Rather you know' it or not B, I already gets dat from you."He then looked across my desk."I own you, lock, stock and barrel, got it? You my bitch always and forever, feel me? I don't care if you got married with 14 k**s, your ass is mines first and foremost, understand? Even if I disappear, you're still mines! If I feel you fucked me over in anyway...."I understand." I said, before D-Money could finish his threat. I didn't want to know what heights his cruelty could sore. He just smiled that devilish grin I'd become accustomed to seeing."Good. Now get down here and take care of your man's dick." he ordered. I didn't hesitate. Didn't even bother to look at my watch, knowing I would be late for an important meeting. D-Money's needs came first. Before mine. Before work. I got down on my knees between my man's legs and pulled his stiff dick out of his pants. The large head was already leaking clear pre-cum. D-Money massaged the long snake, silently ordering me to suck it.There was no need for him to say it verbally. Secretly, I smiled to myself on the inside. I looked cross-eyed at the beautiful mean looking cobra before me. My stomach churned with butterflies in anticipation of feeling Money's thick crowbar between my lips. I knew D-Money would want me to suck on his swollen wood until my stomach filled with his delicious salty cum. He loved having his nutt swallowed. We had repeated that ritual many times over the past 3 months he'd been staying at my house. I really liked the fact that D-Money thought I was hot, and loved to fuck me every chance he got. I loved the way he looked at me, and demanded sexual servitude. The way his dick would just instantly rise up brick hard whenever I walked into a room. It made me feel like I held some invisible power over him. Like I had the power to control his sexual desire. To manipulate him like a puppet on a string. I'm the one that made his dick hard. I was the one that peaked his sexual arousal, or made him nutt. I controlled how long it would take him to cum, by deciding how good a job I would do on his dick. Not him. I was the one in control. I wasn't aware if D-Money continued fucking women when I wasn't around, but I sure was aware he'd been saving his loads for me when I got home at night. Wouldn't a night go by that my body wasn't housing 2 or 3 loads of his spunk. I took the sweet swollen head between my lips, and sucked the tasty cum beads from the tip. D-Money sat back into my swivel chair while letting my tongue slither along the long belly of his dick until my mouth was completely filled with the thick column of his shaft. The head bumped into the start of my throat, and I expertly opened the passage until his dick sank all the way down into it balls deep."Yeh boi, dats how you suk a dick." D-Money moaned, sitting back in my chair like he was the boss man of the company. I labored over D-Money's wood like a part-time job. The fat head and long shaft sawed in and out of my throat easier with every new experience. I could tell that my skills had gotten better over the past 12 weeks, and D-Money could certainly tell as well. I took his dick from tip to root, coating the chucky shaft with my slick saliva, and milking that huge bone for all it was worth."Damn babee, you want that cum don't you?" D-Money said, putting his hand on the back of my head, making me bob it up and down faster. I sucked harder on D-Money's dick. I could tell by the way I had his dick throbbing between my lips, that it wouldn't be long before I had my goal. D-Money was right, I did want that cum. I'd gotten so used to tasting it over the past 3 months, that it became my favorite beverage of choice. I loved feeling it slide down my throat, en-route to my stomach. I needed D-Money's nutt as much as he need to nutt. I had become an addict. I felt D-Money's dick get that familiar steely hard it usually gets just when he's about to shoot. I took his rod deep into my throat, and bobbed my head in short strokes, causing his dick to rub back and forth in the warm confines of my gullet. My lips smacked repeatedly against the base of his pubes. D-Money's head fell backward, his lower lip dropped. I felt the tension in his legs stiffen. His balls tightened. I attacked his prod relentlessly, injesting it into my body like the air I breathe. D-Money's hands balled into tightened fists. His head shook back and forth like he was trying to fight off his climax. I knew he liked having his dick sucked for hours on end, so it didn't surprise me that he was trying to hold off as long as possible."Fuck what are you trying to do nigga.?" he asked, looking down at me wondrously, as he felt the nutt in his balls rise. I felt it too. Felt his dick throb uncontrollably, then start to hose my mouth with his salty juice. I loved feeling the cum shoot out of his dick and into my mouth. Loved feeling the warm nutt-juice fill my oral cavity, before wolfing it down like gatorade."Damn! Fuck! dat was da bomb boi!" D-Money praised. His voice registering higher than I was comfortable with. I didn't want those in the office to hear. I finished sucking his joint clean, making sure I got every ounce of his rich cream before popping his meat out of my mouth and getting up off my knees. I straightened out my pants pleats, checked my cuffs, licked my lips for any residue from D-Money nectar, then checked my watch. 12:58pm. That meant it only took me 5 minutes to cop D-Money's nutt. A new worlds record. D-Money must have read my mind."So you think you hot now huh?" he asked, still sitting back in my chair. His wet satisfied dick lying limply on his left thigh. "Think you bad now that you dun made me nutt quick huh? You just remember who taught your ass all you know motherfucker." D-Money said, recognizing a slight shift in the balance of power as he stood up and angrily tucked his drained piece back into his pants. I made it to the meeting just a few minutes late, and savored the flavor of my man on my lips through the entire session. Later that night, I came home expecting the normal routine. I'd take my blazer off, hang it up on the rack, kiss D-Money "hello", give him his evening blowjob, go into the kitchen and cook dinner, shower, then wait for him to come to bed to fuck me a new asshole. But tonight was different. I came home from work, but D-Money's jeep wasn't parked in the drive as usual. I parked my car, and walked into the house. Everything seemed to be in order, except there was no D-Money there to greet me. That really wasn't all that unusual, as he sometimes ran errands, or whatever it was he did on the side while I was at work. Ignorance is bliss, I told myself. I took off my blazer, and proceeded to walk towards the kitchen, when I heard a strange noise upstairs. I called out D-Money's name, but got no answer. I decided to go investigate, figuring he may've gone to take a nap, and would be in need of my oral services before dinner. I stopped on the stairwell leading upstairs when that last thought came back, hitting me like a ton of bricks. D-Money had conditioned me so well, and I'd become such a devoted submissive to his demands, that I was actually going upstairs without being ordered, to willingly suck on this man's (my captor's) dick without being told. I could actually feel my own dick rise up hard in my pants at the thought of feeling his hard penis shoving its way down my throat. And although the thought of being a willing participate in my own degradation repulsed me to no end, I still found myself walking forward, hoping to find the man I'd grown to like and love all at the same time, soundly asleep in our bed so that I could perform his greatest preference. I reached the top of the stairs, and walked into the 1st bedroom, but found nothing. The bed was still unmade, as D-Money was the last one out of it this morning. I turned to walk back out the door to head toward the kitchen, when I suddenly came face to face with a stranger, standing right behind me, almost looking through me with his dead evil eyes. "Where the Fuck iz D-Money?!" he asked, his face a ball of tension."I don't know" I said, my heart instantly leaping into my throat. (WHAM) -a steel hard slap rang across my face like a baseball bat. I hit the floor like a block of cement. From behind the door, another figure emerged. Dragging me up to my feet by my collar."I'mma ask ya one mo' time Bitch. Where's D-Money?!" the man repeated. I was still seeing stars, and my mind was reeling with dizziness."I...I...Ooofffffh!!!" I gasped from another hit, this time in the stomach. I thought I would loose my lunch. There was another hit across the other facial cheek, bitch-slapping me backwards out of the second guy's grasp onto the bed. My attacker climbed on top of me, fist poised back to hit me again when I heard the voice of a third party enter the room."Yo, kewl out.-" the figure said, stepping into the room like he was the Godfather."-Don't you niggas see he don't know where dat pussy D-Money is an'?" The man on top of me looked over at the doorway, then back down at me. The look of anger on his face showed me how disappointed he was that he wasn't allowed to pound my face into mush. He backed down off of me . I uncovered my face, trying to see the face of my savior through tear stained swelling eyes. I blinked twice to be certain I saw the figure correctly. "You aiight?" he asked, moving into the room."Ye...yeah. Yes." I said nervously, my hands shaking from the ordeal. I recognized the man as one of the fellows D-Money had invited to the orgy party he had had a few months ago with me and Jman as the center of attractions. It was Pooh. D-Money's main-man. "This here ma'phucka don't know shyt about nothing'." Pooh said, taking my chin into his hand and turning my face sideways so that he could inspect the damage."He ain't nuthin' but D-Money's -bitch. His ass-pussy. His faggot-hoe. Ain't dat right Bitch?"I felt his grasp on my chin tighten. I shook my head "yeah". "Oh, iz dat so?" the mean one (I'll call him "thug1") that had been hitting me said, grabbing his crotch in the process and fumbling with his growing dick."Yeh. And' the' nigga good at it too." Pooh commented, bringing smiles from his boys. Then he put his large hand on top my head, guiding me down to my knees on the floor in front of him. He fished through his fly for his fat dick, and whipped it out like a giant log, slapping it across my face like a club."Remember this pussy-boi?" he asked, my face stinging wherever his dick hit it from the mean dudes punches. I sat there on the bedroom floor, letting Pooh fuck me at his will."Bitch ass motherfucker." the other guy said, watching me punk out for Pooh. Pooh stuck hi
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