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I’m a well trained and broken girl who knows her place very well. Tons of experience. I know I am a slut, bitch, and whore, and am extremely proud to be. Gangbang baby; I have 2 confirmed moms and at least 10 confirmed dads dna positive (there may be many more men who fathered me however I only count those who have taken test and verified that I am their ) Registered slave (will update certificate once owner is found) Education; I speak many languages, honor roll since , class Victorian, currently student with several majors and many . Teachers pet (in more ways then one) Willing to drop ?: highly depends on the owner I find, for the right owner I may consider it but however would not feel great about it only due to the time and money that would’ve been wasted should I drop out. Work; Modeling (vanilla and sexual) Dancer (vanilla and sexual) Sold myself in the past for sex, pics and videos, sex chats/calls/messages. Maid (full and part t
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