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I made a new friend

I’m working a lot lately, like 13 days on and one day off. A month ago I was relaxing at the pub in the hotel when a girl walked in that seemed like my kind of people. She orders 3 shots of fireball and a Budweiser then sits down at the VLTs.
I go over and sit at the machine beside her, strike up small talk. Not long after she says she has to go and gives me her number, I follow up by texting her my number. I didn’t even finish my beer and she was back and fuking pissed off over something. Right away she asks if I’m down for heading to the casino for drinks, I’m never one to turn down quality time with a 10 so off we go. On the way she pulls out a little bag of Columbias finest export and lines up a couple for each of us. Get to the casino and turns out that’s her hotel. She swindled me to giving her a ride to the next town. Up in her room there’s condoms and lube everywhere...
then it clicks, she’s an escort. Knowing well I’ve be 3/4 hard at best after the Hollywoods we just did I decided to not pursue anything past partying. Left her hotel at 7am and got ready to head back to work.
Now fast forward to this past weekend on my next days off she text me a couple days prior and said she’d be up in the area again and we had to hang out.
Not get into details about it I had an experience that would of cost the avg guy over a grand. Full jacuzzi bath and all the extras all night long. We still did a bit of tony but I wasn’t going to let it wreck the fuck show.
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4 hace años
Don’t criticize my grammar, I k ow it’s horrible 😂
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I want to fuck with bondage, any girls want to teach or learn with me ?
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Just a guy that likes to make and watch porn. Kind of a sex addict but not really. Looking to learn new things. So ladies if you think you could teach me some fun tricks, don’t be shy

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Glitch hop, breaks, house, d&b, hip-hop...
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Clean, trimmed, confidence, knows there way around the bed when it counts
Lo que no me pone caliente:
Bad hygiene
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