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Gay Guys Only! I try to keep it as 'clean' as possible ;-)) As far as kinky/raunchy it can get for me! ~(:@)= I personally play safe. If you put in a friends request, do make sure you have something of yourself in your profile. Pics, personal video(s) or at least let us see what kind of sexual preferance(s) you have. I will not grant it if you don't at least share that with us. Don't forget, others are already connected that way. Posting other guys pics or vidz as your private own is just....sad! My play buddy (he top) and I are looking for a 3rd guy. There options: 1) we are looking for second bottom [ersa] (preferred: clean cut, between 35-57, small hands into FF). No role play slave. or 2) a second top [versa] (perferred clean cut, between 35-57, small hands into FF and if you have a big dick...then step to the front ~(:@)= Send me (us) a message if you're interested. Safe, sane, clean and concential is the motto. Nothing maditory and all can be talked about.
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