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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenMy name is Vicky. (i don't give out my last name) and i live in Belgium in the city of Antwerp. i only had 1 boyfriend in my life. at the age of 13. and in the beginning it didnt mean so much. but when we get older. things became more serious. and we fell more in love and did more stuff together. and at the age of 16 he died. because he got hit by a truck driver. it made me depressed. and i started smoking. use a lot of drugs. but these days i quit the drugs. i still smoke. but i try to quit. i am also into girls. so i am actualy bisexual. but no one of my friends/family knows that. i am also shy and introvert. but not behind my computer. and i actualy enjoy alone time. just listening to music. doing my thing. making drawings on paint. or playing guitar. my profile picture is made by my brothers proffesional . (he is into photography and art) the tape on my mouth is art. it stands for my shy emotional personality. and that i rather listen to people instead of talking about myself.
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