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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnen4/20/16 First...Happy 420 people! Ok, update...Still have not had a threesome. Due to certain circumstances, i will not be doing one anytime soon. I don't think ours is a relationship that could survive it. I'm content with watching a few videos now and then. I am not bi in any way, it does not float my boat. Tried a little something and I got no tingles! I like dick, sorry Muffinmuncher, it's a no go! 8/18/15 Well a lot has changed for me, for us. I've grown tremendously since the last time I was on. Opened my mind to new possibilities and adventures. We have been to FA Resort and Club FA. It was a blast, a lot of fun, if you've never been, you're missing out. Had sex with Muffinmuncher562 on an open bed at the club, had some people join us for a short minute. Going back! ;-) To our SLS and Quiver friends, welcome, I hope you enjoy! 4/29/15 I don't think I can call myself a virgin anymore. We were both looking to explore and try new things, albeit in two different directions. We have learned a few things.
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