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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenWell, I *USED* to have some photos and a profile pic up, but all that is now gone thanks to PH's new TBD verification process. I guess I'll keep the profile for video curation... Ok, being shrunk or grown is a major turn-on for me and that's my primary reason for hanging out here (that and other porn too). SERIOUSLY, GUYS, if you add me and you don't talk shrinking to me, not accepting you! My wife and I are very happy together; SHE is my soulmate. Together we do everything and she has expanded my sexual palate. We just got into watersports and we have a very open relationship. So I just moved to Atlanta with my partner after graduating from Georgia Southern, but I still love meeting folks from back in the Boro! But if you're from either, hit me up!! Feel free to hit me up (and put it in your request message). Love meeting folks from my area.
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