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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenMy name is Pup Dante, or Dante for short. I'm a rubber and leather Alpha puppy. My primary enjoyment is being a pup, although rubber seems to be my favorite type gear. I am currently an Alpha and owner to my puppy but I like to meet other pups, socialize with pups and Handlers, and talk with new pups and help them find their own inner pup. I am currently not collared but may be open to that special Handler or Owner who might just make me complete. Second to that, I enjoy leather and have leather puppy gear as well as rubber gear. But remember, its not the gear but the person wearing it! I am also always looking to find that special pup who compliments my pack. I don't set prerequisites so that I may not include or exclude anyone. If you think you are a good match, bark at me. I am still working on updating my profile with more info. By all means, if you have questions, do ask!
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