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Calling all fellow GOONZOIDS!!! Bi Chronic Bator Supreme practising my arts in my Masturbatorium!!! Greased up , edged, primed, proud Brit Goontard!!! Total monkey bator love to get deep and primal, milking and edging My dong for as long as I can in my bate den, building the pressure up till I release a mighty spray of man juice! I love my cock and ball wear it really intensifies my bate. A bit of ball tugging and stretching , nipple play ,it's not about stretching my balls to my knees, I have natural low hangers so its totally about the sensation! Love the feeling as the swing about :) Love & totally love my Fleshlight pretty much my bestfriend, that and a vibrating gel cock ring that i like to stick on the end of my bellend just before i squirt just to get me ready for the big finale! If bating with buddies I love smelling a good musky armpit or crotch while we bate or just good old wank with some porn, and a few cans of beer! 4/20 Friendly too!
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