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please for the love of god make all porno and profit rather than cater to these simps and these worthless subhumans whores who gutted and destroyed online porn for petty amounts of money. That is instant oneway ticket to deeath camp bullshit coming from these worthless whores. Come in, ruin everything, then demand money. You may as well just shoot nukes into major cities then demand the citizens of those cities pay you damages. This is ridiculous
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "5 year old account"
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "4 year old account"
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hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "3 year old account"
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hat 1 Benutzer abonniert.
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All I want for Christmas is an end to the systematic discrimination against non-verified posters that resulted in the porno hohoholocaust. I would also like shemale porn to be considered gay and not straight, but end this fucking fascism bullshit. Being verified just means you're a fucking swindler rather than an artist.
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the fact that pornhub went and cucked itself this hard, yet isn't just jumping off of a fucking bridge is fucking ridiculous. The entire internet is just pure cuck nonsense all because some fucking ethhots complained. This is ridiculous. What happened to putting thhots in their fucking place? Go bend over for IS IS because they complained or tell those thhots to fuck off. Line the streets with thhots on crosses for thinking that ethics in economics somehow protects people who peddle entirely un ethical products. What is left of the internet after the hoolocaust is fucking disggusting.
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All this nonsense about verified profiles only is an undue burden on interstate commerce. The proponents of this problem don't understand that this rigamarole is the same as segregated bussing which was overturned back in the 60s.
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If shemale is straight, then every motherfucker in prison is innocent. Either end this nonsense or let each and every criminal out of prison. Pick one, but don't be a hypocrite.
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Pornhub so busy  protecting the e-thots and their copyright claims that they forgot to protect us from fascism.
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hat 1 Benutzer abonniert.
hat 1 Benutzer abonniert.
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 I may sound angry and incoherent sometimes, but if people can make things better, then people should make things better; people should not make things worse.
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Pornhub is being puuunished for things that the banks are guilllty of. It's not that PH did anything wrong, it's that the people were mad at the banks for supporting evil billionaires who ACTUALLY do the bullshiiitt that the banks claim PH was doing. The banks needed a whiiipppiing boy, so they go blame PH for these things, despite PH being 100% innocent, just to pretend that the banks aren't the ones doing all of the eeviilll bulllshhiiittt. They just wanted to look good. It's literally like a murrderer whiiippping a man in public because the man has a parking ticket, then the muurrderrer saying "Look, Im a good person." 
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i have to misspell everything due to the insane word filter. I can't say "punniisshh" despite the greedy ethots aggressively punnniishhing this website with their worthlesness and failure. 
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Thousands of hours hard work, thrown out the window. All because some ethots complained about "not getting enough money". The 32,000 profile views didn't come from nowhere. The playlists with 200-300 likes, the used to have 2000 videos, not 300. This is profile is represents the hoolocaaust that porno was subjected to due to the grreed of ethots and their baseless aallegaations against the website. Even if 1-2 videos were bbaad, you don't need to geenoccide 10,000,000 people because those 2 people did something wwroong. 
I'm sure 1-2 people working at company have committed a ccriime, so you may as well just deeestrroy the company and ruuiin the lives of millions of people. Punnnishhing 10,000,000 videos because of 1-2 bbadd videos is insannnity. This is like if 1 person in NYC commits a ccriime, then 10,000,000 residents of NYC all have to go to jail.
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Pornhub, if you're going to be treated like an enterprise, then you need to start operating like the Mafia. You need ways to avoid this bullshit. If you're "breaking the law", then remind these people trying to press charges that the law isn't the only thing that's going to be broken if they keep complaining. You dont get anywhere in life being somebody's bitch, so unless you want to be cannibalized by these pathetic subhumans, then remember it's a dog eat dog world, and start eating some of these people trying to eat you.
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hat einer Playlist 40 neue Video(s) hinzugefügt.
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This is just fucking frustrating to see my playlists getting deleted after they were guutted by the previous geenocide. If anything needs to be reeee-legal it needs to be for proofit amateur porn. You need to have a license, a very rare one like a bear hunting license. These woorthless sluuts start demanding mooney for things they used to do for free, and they come in and geenocide the entire online porn world? This is fuucking riidiculous. All of Unly Fins, and any other website that allows people to pay these werthless sluuts money needs to be a feelony. Giving these sluuts mooney is now and instant feelony, a feederal offensee. These simp websites need a fuucking geenocide way more than amateur porn did. This is riidiculous. Fucking subhuuman paarasites, all of them.
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This is just fucking frustrating to see my playlists getting deleted after they were guutted by the previous geenocide. If anything needs to be reeee-legal it needs to be for proofit amateur porn. You need to have a license, a very rare one like a bear hunting license. These woorthless sluuts start demanding mooney for things they used to do for free, and they come in and geenocide the entire online porn world? This is fuucking riidiculous. All of Unly Fins, and any other website that allows people to pay these werthless sluuts money needs to be a feelony. Giving these sluuts mooney is now and instant feelony, a feederal offensee. These simp websites need a fuucking geenocide way more than amateur porn did. This is riidiculous. Fucking subhuuman paarasites, all of them.
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I find menial , methodical, and repetitive tasks to be very relaxing and entertaining. I started making playlists, largely because I was frustrated with constantly having the same, very common, suggested and recommended videos in the two panels despite having watched them already. Also because I figured people might have similar tastes in women/cinematography. This is far less of a source of arousal than entertainment. Something like an art/film critic or a judge at a beauty contest. Please like/favorite my playlists if you like them. Some videos will be missorted (views) due to being reuploaded instances of more popular videos. Some are going to be missorted as they are clips of more popular video.

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