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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenSome women that talk to me often think for themselves, even if they say the opposite, that they have a mouth to talk about their feelings and complain about some stupid nonsense that pisses them off. That is a complete lie. Women have a mouth to worship males, their bodies and their waste. If you're a woman, you are worthless and nobody loves you. And nobody should love you. You exist to make men cum and enjoy. You are less than an animal. I'm into degradation and humiliation. I hate women and that's why I use them. I like to break them down. I like to hear them crying. Now, what's the best use of an idiot woman? Well, of course she can be used as fuck meat as desired by any man. But she can also swallow cum, drink piss, worship any man's shithole, smell farts... A good woman can be used to save some money on toilet paper. Women don't deserve to enjoy sex. Women don't deserve to be happy. Women't don't even need to consent to be used. You can find me on Sn44pch4 or T313 gram (MeMrDom).
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