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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenHi Girls.... Im Jimi Johansen From Copenhagen, Denmark.... I am single and is 35 years old... I Admit I miss being with a woman, to call my girlfriend... Its been a few years now... I am 6 foot 6, ( 197 centmeters ). So im pretty tall guy.... :) I like being tall. And having big feet... That usually means that I have a good setup... lol. I really dont know if almost 7 inches is any good... As can be seen on my pictures, theres is a picture of my boy...:)lol... U tell me if it is good or and if you out there thinks about it... How it looks.. The size. And shape and such.... I like to treat women good... Women deserve to be treated good and with dignity.. I am the type that would get out of bed at 3 am, to go get you whatever you would like to have... My Woman, will be treated like a queen ..Text me girls:) Another thing is that I love lesbian sex. And to watch two women playing with eacother infront of me.. And to listen to a girls sex fantasies about other girls.! Big turn on !
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