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My daddy is ultraMajorDickgod, i love him so much and he loves me so much, i will do anything he wants me to do, i also wont be sexual with anyone unless he tells me that i can be sexual with someone who asks me. My breasts are cup size W 97 and my nipples more holes that can be fucked. I have 5 hearts so i gain 5 times more pleasure than any other human when my daddy lets me be sexual and my breasts are directly linked to each of my hearts so my breasts gain more pleasure than the rest of me but, i only ever feel pleasure after my daddy lets me be sexual. My breasts have an unlimited amount of breast milk in them but, i only let my daddy drink from them cuz he wants only him to drink from them, that doesn't mean that i cant be milked when he lets me be sexual though. I can grow a dick to fuck females (or anyone who likes dicks) with that is 32 inches long and 19 inches wide. Continues in the next section................
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