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I'm a 26 year old in California... I've never really thought of myself as a really outgoing individual, but when I tell people this, they say I'm full of ... So I guess on the opinions of others, I'm a crowd pleaser... I still think I'm a shy guy, but once I feel comfortable in a situation or anything really, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. I like the finer things in life, which normally is good thing. But I'm from the hood, and the rest of my people... Let's just say the whole "gangsta's" a fashion is the only style they'll ever know... If you wanna know something then ask...But I'm down for a lot but if I'm not, I'll let you know. I'm on here cuz I'm a Porn Enthusiast, not a horny creep... I'm just horny hahaha Anyway add me if you want, if not... move along... (oh yeah, I'm not gay... and I don't want to see your dick... have some class douche bags)
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