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Hello everyone. How are you doing? I hope you"re doing extremely well. Please review my profile thoroughly BEFORE responding to me (if you don"t have a well-detailed profile and profile face pic of you, I will NOT add you at all, and please don"t tell me "I"m on the downlow," because I"ve heard it all before and it"s tired and old. I understand that not a lot of people can be openly gay due to professional employment purposes or because friends and family will react differently and I will never out people like that at all or disclose their personal affairs in public, but at the same time, I will NOT add you at all). I'm openly gay (I don't act feminine or girly in public and private at all) and I love men, but I'm NOT looking for relationships, hookups or friends with benefits at all. I'm only here to watch the videos (all-male only, as I'm NOT into str8, trannies, bisexuals or women at all). I only love women, bi and transgendered individuals as just friends. I don't speak any foreign languages at all.
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