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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenname: brie (existing on the fringe of what remains of the underground) shoe size: 8 1/2 (USA measurement) dress size: 14 (can't really fit into a size 12 anymore) favorite TV shows: "Laverne and Shirley" , and "patty duke" favorite movies: "whatever happened to Peggy sue", and " who lived down the lane" favorite literature: "" by validmir nabokov, and "valley of the dolls" by Jacqueline Susan likes: simple things really dislikes: people who are easily bored by me birthplace: Los Angeles, California * knitting * traveling: ususually take one trip to northen californai, and one to southern california each year. never been to some of those continents, where i have admirers! * watching television * helping with the dishes * listening to music, while traveling on the road in my mercury tracer, with coffee in the drink holder, auto-reverse, overdrive, munching on a zone bar, and a supply of penguin's caffina
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