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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenFRIEND REQUESTS. Please DO NOT request friendship hoping for role-play. ROLE-PLAY IS NOT MY THING. Thank you. Horny, bicurious male who enjoys mostly watching videos of fit young bodies with hard, pulsating cocks shooting lots of cum. Prefer slim guys, twinks, emos, trannies and femboys with smooth cocks...mostly. Don't mind a female being in the picture, but for me it's all about the hard cock and its "cum-ability". At the end of the day a young guy losing control of his loins and pumping semen all over the place from his horny, twitching, pulsating cock helps me enjoy my own cock for longer and promotes stronger ejaculations. Currently I have a strong fetish for a close-up of a plump, shiny glans with semen spurting in slow-mo from its gaping, wet orifice.
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