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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenHello I am an Amateur model for guys who want to photo a live model. Shoots take place Mon - Fri only and usually start by 10.30. The shoots are always very sexy and great fun. My hubby Mike loves every second and lets me just get on with whatever I want to do, he loves it all so there's no need to worry about him being there. We'll make you very welcome here at our home in Durham and you'll have a lovely sexy time. So, if you are interested, please write back saying; how long you want the shoot to be, what levels you want me to pose for you, and what extras on the list you'd like to part take in (if any) it's entirely your shoot. All pictures taken are for your own viewing pleasure only and not for publication or reposting on the web. I will now be available from WC 07.01.2019. Love Alice xx
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