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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenHappily married with an almost unquenchable sex drive. I could literally fuck everyday with no problem. I LOVE to eat pussy, bondage, making love, anal, blowjobs espically with swallowing, my balls being sucked and licked, and hair pulling hard doggy fucking. This 7.15 upward curved dick can't get enough. My fantasies include adding a girl or guy to have a threesome with my wife and I (no gay ), wife swapping in the same room (especially with a hot black couple), wife cucking me, me cucking my wife, hardcore bondage...not just the light stuff, orgy party, finally getting to fuck a black chick, fucking a black girl in front if her black husband, watching my wife get hammered by a BBC, busting a nut in her, then have me come in after him and do the same to her(dick must be fairly bigger than mine), fucking a milf (if only my wife's 50 year old hot sister.......), and getting a happy ending massage. Id also love to fuck another man's wife while he watched and couldn't touch and maybe even have my wife join.
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