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Mrs Mischief
Mrs Mischief

Mrs Mischief

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Letzter Monat
Jährlicher Rang
Über Mrs Mischief
(aka Dana Kane) Sex and , not necessarily in that order. I don't use Pornhub message feature, sorry.
Beziehungsstatus: Single
Interessiert an: Männer und Frauen
Stadt und Land: Pacific Northwest, United States
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Geburtsort: United States of America
Maße: 36-26-36
Größe: 5' 8" (172cm)
Gewicht: 136lbs. (62kg)
Ethnie: White
Haarfarbe: Auburn
Falsche Brüste: Nein
Tattoos: Yes
Piercings: Yes
Interessen und Hobbies: 'Great art is bullshit. Buy tacos.' - Charles Bukowski
Abturner: DMs. Speed and shiny eyes. People who don't love cats. White chocolate. Cancer.
Video-Ansichten: 70.999.748
Profilansichten: 9.098.178
Angesehene Videos: 476
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  • 11
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Missing all of you..

Hi boys and girls,
I wanted tto take a minute to tell you all how very much I appreciate all the love you've shared with me over the years. I'm still around, just not producing. Maybe one day I'll come back and tell you all about my adventures. 
  • 117
Vor 2 Monaten
Missing you too, Dana. Wishing you lots of love xxx
  • 0
Vor 5 Monaten
I never get tired of watching and listening to your sexy videos. You make me feel like I'm right there with you.
  • 3
Vor 5 Monaten
thank you. we would love to see more of you
  • 1
Vor 7 Monaten
Thanks! Miss you
  • 0
Vor 8 Monaten
Thank you for all the wonderful vids you've shared with us! Hope you're having a great time!
  • 0
Vor 8 Monaten
I cant wait! :*
  • 0
Vor 8 Monaten
We'll be waiting love!!!
  • 2
Vor 8 Monaten
I’m certain your adventures are titillating!! I hope you choose to share them one day. Thank you for continuing to upload from your archive over on spankingtube. You’ve loved, and missed 🩷
  • 1
Vor 8 Monaten
Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for creating Mrs. Mischief! You are the best, and no one will ever come close. Always look forward to hearing from you, and we love you too❤
  • 1
Vor 8 Monaten
I still cum to your videos so much.
  • 3
Vor 8 Monaten
We'll be here if you decide to come back 🙂
  • 1
Vor 8 Monaten
You are missed Dana!
  • 3
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It's been real, and it's been fun

But it's not real fun anymore.  I won't be logging in or posting often anymore, if at all, boys and girls. Pornhub's website is effectively dead for my older content . If you love my work, keep watching...I'm not taking it down. Free to view, for always.
All my love,
  • 83
Vor 8 Monaten
I love most of your content on here. I'm just not that into the spanking thing. Miss you!
  • 0
Vor 9 Monaten
Happy Birthday, Dana! May you enjoy your special day. Sending Birthday hugs🫂.You are missed, and you are loved ❤.
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
you wil always be my favorite mommy on here
  • 4
Vor 1 Jahr
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
I love all your stuff Dana and I don't want to see you go. You're the best. Let us know where you are when you get there. We love you!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I’m really sorry to hear this, Dana. Please let us know if you find a different online “home” for your content. I, for one, will follow wherever you go. Sending you love and light, always and forever.
  • 10
Vor 1 Jahr
What a wonderful journey it's been, Dana. I've truly loved it all. I knew this day would arrive, but I am still sad. I hope you can occasionally let us know that you are OK. We care about you, and we love you❤ Good luck to you, I wish you all the best. You deserve it!
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
You've still my favorite ever ever.
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Oh Dana, don't go. You made me cum so many times.
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
Missing you already, Dana. Thanks for everything. Love always 😘😘😘
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
That's sad, we'll miss you queen
  • 3
hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "6 year old account"
  • 19
Vor 1 Jahr
i love watching you, your attitude and fantasizing me giving you 10 orgasms then we both share 1 orgasm as we cum in unison making a new covalent bond bondage bonding with the lords covanent when we cum in unison at holy communion service i love you soulmommy my mom didnt teach me much i lerned more from smoking joints
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy belated PH Birthday, Dana! Thanks for being here. Love always 😘😘😘
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
So many years of talented, inspired and creative porn, how lucky we've all been! You deserve an honorary Master's Degree in Erotica. Thank you, Dana, and congratulations!🌹
  • 1
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My spanking fetish content!

If you're into spanking, or just want to see me beat living hell out of a bunch of different guys and gals, head on over to my profile - I'm uploading DOZENS of free full length videos for your viewing pleasure. xoxo, Dana.
  • 13
Vor 1 Jahr
If I imagine your content as a Venn diagram, with badass spankings on one side and dirtydirty porno on the other, that overlapping middle space should be called “Butt Stuff with Bobby”. It’s your crossover genre! Lol, love you.
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Thanks for letting me know how to find you. You're hands down my favorite performer. I'm completely smitten
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Will you be making any new dirty porno for here anytime soon?? ❤
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
I was wondering, could I get spanked by you mistress?
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Thank you for the link, very interesting videos... are you planing on uploading non-spanking videos?
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
@naughtyreese@naughtyreese Aww, I'm happy you've found and enjoyed my badass spankings as well as my dirtydirty porno! And thank you for your kind words..I do give a pretty damn good spanking if I do say so m'self. ~. xoxo, Dana
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I first learned about your content a couple of months ago when you started uploading a lot over on SpankingTube. Your spanking scenes are so, so good and quite honestly they’ve been helping me find some pleasure and escape during a rough patch. Hands down the best disciplinarian in the game.
  • 1
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Do you want it ALL??

If you're looking for my best, filthiest, most satisfying taboo milf scenes, you won't find them here. They're BANNED. Naughty, naughty Dana! Instead, head on over to ManyVids, or Sale4Clips(you know what I mean, they have the actual website title banned also, just switch around the words and you'll get there), and you can find all my Dana Kane spanking videos at   I love you boys and girls and bois and gurls and y'alls and you's'guys n stuff.  xoxo, Dana
  • 29
Vor 1 Jahr
Got some of these videos during the last years. Well spent money :-)
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
So naughty you deserve a good spanking, Dana! 😘 Love always xxx
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
I love the Zia/Sunny videos on sale4clips. Primo content over there, fellow perverts.
  • 1
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For those of you who are ONLY HERE TO WANK

get the fuck out of here. Really. I'm not even playing.  I have opinions.   I have thoughts.   I have value beyond your ability (or lack thereof) to get off to anything I choose to do, or from which I refrain.  Right now, Ima lay a random fact about me that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with your dick. I mean, it's so specifically and intentionally unsexy that I hope your hard-on melts in the face of its mundanity.  Ready?   Here goes....     I collect stamps. It's called philately. You're welcome.  xo, Dana
  • 58
Vor 1 Jahr
I’ve been thinking about this post for the past couple days. One of my favorite things about the kink community is the passionate people, both sexually and with everyday stuff. Do we get off to weird and specific things? Absolutely. But we also tend to be stamp collectors, mode plane enthusiasts, cosplayers or vintage cookbook aficionados. We love what we love hard. Life’s too short for anything less.
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
That is a pretty cool hobby. Is it more about finding new or unique Stamos or completing sets for you?
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Stamps are cool, and so are you, Dana! For my part I have a small collection of limited edition signed volumes of poetry 😊 Love always xox
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Hi Dana: Stamp collecting is such a cool hobby. It must be both exciting and suspenseful waiting to see what the Post Office offers next. I've read that the first postage stamp was used on a letter sent from London to Scotland in 1840. And, that there are more than 60 million philatelists worldwide today. I'm sure your collection is beautiful. I was a stamp collector myself, and you've reminded me that I still have my album of stamps. Had fun last night looking through it!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Now that's an interesting fact about yourself, and thank you for sharing. 😊
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
You do whatever makes u happy. Keep on being you. Xo
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
I think you’re pretty cool. I like both things
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I’m a philatelist too. One more reason to like you Dana 🥰
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
You totally made my night by answering back. Thank you! (and fermentation lids, who knew?!)
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
@naughtyreese@naughtyreese aaaaand this is how you engage! I use fermentation lids specifically because I had a very interesting game of Glass and Seek after an unvented kimchi attempt.
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Also, re: fermentation. Headspace is not just a kinky mindset. Make sure to leave enough room for the gases to escape! Take it from someone who had shards of glass and kombucha eeeeeverywhere from a home brew.
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
@naughtyreese@naughtyreese Thanks so much for asking and engaging! I collect modern stamps, mostly in sheets, so unless there's an undiscovered miracle misprint in the past thirty years or so, none of them are really of monetary value. I buy the ones that I think are cool or pretty, and when I send stuff via snail mail things get real creative. Otherwise, they're for talking about and looking at, like most collections. xo
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I love the random facts and authenticity. What’s the best stamp in your collection?
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
@miketesss5@miketesss5 I'm returning your (totally secret) adoration in spades! xo, Dana
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Thanks for sharing; its great to have some "human communction" from those we (secretly) adore
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
@Unknown What a lovely and engaging person you are, and what an excellent example of how one who finds oneself on a pornsite and surrounded by porn content and pornfolk can still yank ones hands off ones cock long enough to leave a kind and thoughtful comment, in support of ones kindred kinksters! (I'm also particularly tickled by kratky hydroponics and fermentation. xo)
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
@edd321@edd321 I am here for other humans dude. I am a sex worker. This is my social media. Connection is important, and relationships are different to everyone. Maybe this post kept me from jumping today. Be kind, please.
  • 3
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Remember you this..

NO matter who you are, or what you're experiencing in your life right now...YOU HAVE VALUE.  That's it. No fancy revelations. We are all valuable. And I love you.    -Dana
  • 56
Vor 1 Jahr
@ literally everyone except that one asshole.....thanks fellas and gallas(?). I love each and every one of you in a nonspecific and undefinable way. xo, Dana
  • 7
Vor 1 Jahr
The same can be said for you dear Dana. Do not forget that.
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
@Ryuoma Please feel free to fuck right off then. And have a GREAT time doing it! xo
  • 4
Vor 1 Jahr
Thanks Mrs mischief
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
please miss come back i cant wait anymore
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Im on this page to wank not for this stuff.
  • 1
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I love you guys

It's true. Thank you for being you.   
  • 55
Vor 1 Jahr
miss i cant wait you to come back , i would love to see some new teacher/mom/aunt material but expecially the mom stuff , love you ma'am !
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I absolutely love the role play scenarios that you come up with and act out, well most of them... i'm not a diaper boy, but definitely the teacher stuff and the mom/aunt material is right up my alley. My smoking fetish, centered around women smoking cigarettes, is what brought me to discover you fucking amazing mind and the hot sexy way it works. i would die (not literally) if i ever had the opportunity to be included in one or a few of your videos featuring a cigarette smoking milf who is a
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Hi Dana: Thank you so much for your very kind words. They are truly appreciated as always! With Love. 💞
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Love you too, Dana. Always *kisses*
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Dana I love you.
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Love you too Mrs. Mischief ❤
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
I'm just getting caught up reading through your past comments, and just need to say that I hope you get back into the space where you feel comfortable sharing yourself with us again. It is clear that I am not alone in saying you are dearly missed. In a sea of content, you stand out as an island of hotness worth crossing an ocean for just a glimpse.Patiently waiting,B
  • 1
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Aww hellno

Y'all, I'm not tryna lie. I shot video a couple of weeks ago, and while I'm rusty, it went mostly well. It'll take a bit for the really depraved stuff to start rolling trippingly off my tongue again after being way out of practice.  The editing process was a fucking NIGHTMARE tho, boys and girls. I'm not at all pleased with my current video reflection and there is no way in hell I'm releasing something that I don't feel hot as fuck in. All this to say...I'm working on it. Or I'm working on me, that's probably more accurate. I'm still going to shoot a bunch of 'practice' stuff to get back into the groove, but I'm also gonna have to lift shift and spiff before I'm willing to release new filth for your wanking pleasure. Until then, I'm here, in text and spirit. I love you, and I'm working on it.   xoxo, Dana
  • 88
Vor 1 Jahr
miss you are absolutely my favorite ! could you please make a video where you would find your stepson masturbating and help him? i used to love the old videos with blowjobs and sex
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
I bet you look hot as fuck in it already, Dana ❤️ But I can wait until you feel that too *kisses*
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Hi Dana: Thank you for trying so hard to make this work. Seems like it's been quite challenging to say the least. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. We'll hope for the best for all of us. You are so young, talented, and creative Dana. And you will always be beautiful to us! We all know that 50 is the new 30 - Yes! We are very happy to have you here with us in spirit. We love you too 💖.
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I bet it’s hot as fuck. Can’t wait!
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
We waited this long, we can wait a bit longer. It's nice to know you're coming back. Now if GRRM would finish the winds of winter, that'd make 2023 an amazing year for long awaited returns. Love youuu
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
You do you! Work at your own speed, for you own smiles, and keep being rad as fuck xx
  • 0
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Have a happy bizarre christian commercial holiday season, y'all!

I'm gonna make a chocolate pecan pie and get politely polluted on cheap prosecco.   Gut yontif and stuff.  xoxo, Dana
  • 36
Vor 1 Jahr
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Hope you had a perfectly merrybizarre christian commercial holiday season, Dana 😉 *love and kisses*
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Definitely missing your videos!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Hi Dana: Your chocolate pecan pie sounded so delicious, especially when paired with prosecco. Hope you enjoyed it! Gut yontif to you as well. With love.
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Merry Christmas m'am !I can't wait to see you again in some new videos , could you make one where you would catch your step son masturbating and then help him do it?
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy Christmas and congrats on your amazing content!! Can't wait to see some more cuckhold videos
  • 0
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My birthday is the 18th!

Two days til my birthday and I would love nothing more than a bunch of happy birthday wishes from my favorite group of strangers on the internet....YOU!
Gimme gimme gimme
  • 53
Vor 1 Jahr
@mrsmischief Wherever you go I'll be there if u want to :-) Some time ago they deleted my (few) videos aswell, even my profile pic was deleted. Kind thanks four your reply
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
@furgencio@furgencio No, I did. But I did so because immediately after I posted it more of my videos started getting pulled down. Seven in three days. I hit a nerve, so I'm keeping my thoughts to myself until I've made the choice of where to go from here. xo, Dana
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
Hi! Did they d3leted your latest publication??
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy Birthday!! looking forward to your new stuff
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Well Happy belated birthday... and you are missed. XOXO!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy belated birthday to the smartest and sexiest woman on PH! I want to be your cuckhold husband! Love you!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Belated Happy Birthday wishes, Dana! Love always 😘😘😘
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Love you. You'll be fine.
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy birthday
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Thanks so much for all the sweet birthday wishes, you guys. I love you!
  • 6
Vor 1 Jahr
All the best, good health and what you wish for yourself. The older the bigger. Let's Party hard!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy birthday!!! After what we've shared together, we can hardly be considered strangers!Kidding, of course :-)With all sincerity, I hope it's a good day.
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy birthday Dana! Miss you more with every passing day. Hope you have a great evening ❤
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy Birthday, Dana! Hope you have fun on your special day. I will enjoy singing Happy Birthday, and having a slice of cake in your honor. And will send Love, Love, Love all day!💗 💐🎂
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy cum filled birthday sweetheart
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Happy birthday from a Libra to other :-)
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Have a great bday!!
  • 1
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So anyway I love you

For real though.
  • 20
Vor 1 Jahr
Love you too :-*
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Love you too, Dana *kisses*
  • 1
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I mean you. 
I'm always so grateful for your words of encouragement. 
Thank you for spending any moment of your precious life with me here. 
You are appreciated.
  • 52
Vor 1 Jahr
Hi Dana: Being here with you is the best place we can be. Your words are always so kind, and so appreciated! And we all know how much you enjoy hearing from us, so, you rock Dana! Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us. Hope you are enjoying a great summer "Under the PNW Sun". 💞
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Will you produce new videos? Love to see more more more of you!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I hope you start making new videos soon. Even if only for sale.
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Grateful that you are here, Dana! Love always 😘😘😘
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
We miss you x
  • 1
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Can you talk to me?

Hi boys and girls, do me a favor? Let me know whether you're able to comment on my stream (here, below this post) commenting on my, below this post. Seems some folk are unable to comment - the "comment" button completely missing from the page but I don't want to have to screw around with site support unless absolutely necessary. Or don't. Whatever. Either way, I still love you.
  • 22
Vor 1 Jahr
Finally got my checkmark back and can repost my work! Great to see ya again
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
You guys fucking rock! Thanks for all the confirmations (and all the love), y'all are AMAZING.All love,Dana
  • 2
Vor 1 Jahr
I can comment. Always have been able to. It is just that my hands are always kind of shaking when the time for comment cums (pun intended) around, LOL. Thanks for keeping me horny. Love your content!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
I can comment, love your work.
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
works for me
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Hello dear heart!
  • 1
Vor 1 Jahr
Love you! sooooo sexy!
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
I can comment here without problems. Love, Dana :-)
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
I'm late to the study again, Miss Dana 🙂 *It could be a temporary server issue, or some folk may be on a PH naughty step*
  • 0
Vor 2 Jahren
hey hey mama gonna make you groove
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
Hey mom ♥
  • 0
Vor 2 Jahren
Yup, button's working for me.
  • 0
Vor 2 Jahren
Cumment on you 😁
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
Thank you all for participating in my very scientific study. You're a bunch of awesome fuckers. xoxo, Dana
  • 2
Vor 2 Jahren
  • 0
Vor 2 Jahren
Hi beautiful. I seem to be able to comment.
  • 1
hat einen neuen Erfolg freigeschaltet: "5 year old account"
  • 27
Vor 2 Jahren
Daaaaamn, you guys are getting old.Heh.xoxo,DanaPS. Thanks a million everyone. You all rock. There is literally no other reason for me to be here.
  • 7
Vor 2 Jahren
Congratulations. Love your content
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
Happy PH anniversary, Dana! 😊😘😘 *kisses and spanks* I miss the good old days... 😎
  • 1
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As much as I love each and every one of you...

(I love my cats more.)
  • 37
Vor 1 Jahr
As much as I love having you as my fantasy mom, and as a cat owner myself, I would have thought there was something wrong with you if you had said you loved us more than your own feline family members.
  • 0
Vor 2 Jahren
We've always shared our home with one or two cats. Cats give us unconditional love, and they understand us completely. They are happy to see us when we walk through the front door. Many times they're our best friend when we're feeling lonely. Interacting with them improves our mood and reduces our stress. So, I can't compete with these critters.You make perfect sense, Dana!😸
  • 2
Vor 2 Jahren
We know, and we love you anyway, Dana 🙂 *kisses*
  • 1
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My turnip seedlings are leggy..

What's your problem?
  • 12
Vor 2 Jahren
SnowDay : It's nearly impossible to grow most things in the crazy coastal microclimate in which I live, but every year I somehow manage to eke out several pounds of tomatoes. Thank goodness for the indomitable nightshade! xoxo
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
High quality advice, Dana 🙂 *kisses*
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
Hi Dana : I always loved planting my small garden behind my prior South Jersey home. I remember watching the tomatoes turn from green to red with the anticipation of a Heinz ketchup commercial! My problem was sandy soil. So much so that the soil would be depleted after each season. So I planted winter wheat each Fall, and tilled it in each Spring. Then I was good to go, and my veggies were good to grow!🍅 Good luck with your seedlings, hope you can rescue them.🍀
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
@tcharon69 (high quality problem xo). Eliminate Your Lawn! Let moss run wild, plant native species grasses and flowers; donate your lawnmower to the salvation army! More flowers, more bees, more beauty and LESS work!! xoxo, Dana
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
Moss. All over my lawn 🙂
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
@Midnightstar62@Midnightstar62 Ha! Thanks darlin'. It's a hard knock life! @curtjones33 You're totally right. I also should've had them closer to the grow light.@2055567890 Are you new? I'm a gardener/farmer and am commenting on current state of affairs while tongue--in-cheek offering others the opportunity to sound off on their irritation of the day. Clear now?xoxo,Dana
  • 1
Vor 2 Jahren
You are just so adorable
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Vor 2 Jahren
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