Dinner With Ashley

Ashley and I were celebrating an anniversary of living together. A lot of things had changed in that year; we fell totally in love with each other for one. We were going out for a simple dinner at a very nice and expensive restaurant, maybe some dancing later and then in bed early, because it was a week night and Ashley needed to get up early the next day. Ashley is my lover, she is 32, with long dark hair, green eyes, 5’ 8” and breasts at 34B, athletically built, toned and sexy as hell. Whereas I'm 33, long blonde hair, green eyes, 5’ 10” breasts at 34 A/B, and run and swim just about every d… Přečíst více

Autor bianca44 před 2 roky/let 11

Ultrasound desperation

Another that I didn't write, but that I do absolutely love! My alarm went off at 7.30am, but I pressed the snooze button and enjoyed dozing until my bladder declared I truly had to get up. I made a quick trip to the bathroom and relieved myself of the eight hours’ collected content of my bladder. It was 8am when I trudged into the lounge and saw the sunlight illuminating my letter from the hospital. I’d read it a dozen times but scanned it again to confirm the instructions.   I was meant to have a pelvic ultrasound, which required a full bladder. The scan was scheduled for 10am. I was su… Přečíst více

Autor pguy691 před 4 roky/let 7

Small Penis Men (SPM) ... LINK-Collection

Free for All ... SPM-Links concerning the disclosure of ... ... Video- and Picture-Content of TinyDicks on the web Please feel free to send me a short message, maybe containing YOUR favorite webpages. I will check them if they are valid, accessible and (very important) if this Links are FREE of charge. After that maybe I will add your suggestions into this little SPM-Collection. Thank you All in advance for your greetings and friendly comments ... ... Enyo Your Live and HAVE FUN ... what ever the evolution gave you !!! ... N&S alies user: (m… Přečíst více

Autor miniweener před 7 roky/let 60